
--- Day changed Sat Dec 06 2008
splicerhi Kanzure. Sorry for the latency00:00
genethaw the beetles?00:04
ybitkanzure, heh, i've scanned it and read interesting subjects00:05
ybiti've been meaning to do the same with open-virgle00:05
kanzure_-openvirgle and om are practically the same thing, although there might be more stuff about the beginnings of skdb in openvirgle 00:12
* kanzure_- leaves for home00:12
fennwhat's "hb"?00:14
kanzurefenn: ybit called heybryan.org "hb" a few weeks ago00:31
kanzureyay eric replied coherently to patrick .. let's see if patrick gets it yet00:32
kanzure_http://robinhanson.typepad.com/overcomingbias/ "To a first approximation, the future will either be a singleton, a single integrated power choosing the future of everything"00:35
kanzure_I know, I know, "super ai rawr"00:35
* fenn mumbles about USA vs Russia yielding USA vs nobody in particular00:38
kanzure_So we need to either to work on a friendly singleton if a singleton is feasible, work on imposing further selection effects to encourage friendliness (using evolution as a singleton) or somehow ensure that all the initial competitors will be friendly, so that there are no unfriendly lineages."00:39
kanzure_god this is all so stupid.00:39
kanzure_I spot 20 holes in all of those implementation details that would preclude those from being real possibilities00:40
kanzure_if James Andrix, who wrote that quote, really thinks that's the only set of options, then he's screwed00:40
kanzure_good luck James.00:40
kanzure_the reality distortion field is strong with this one ..00:42
kanzure_Let me see if I can't compose an argument against the "singleton that controls teh futures v. imposing a singleton-as-evolution-itself (rewriting the playing field)"00:44
kanzure_*against the dichotomy of00:44
kanzure_Actually the singleton scenarios rely on MNT usually.00:51
kanzure_That's a big enough hole as it is.00:51
fennand don't forget, there's always SOL DEACE00:57
kanzure_fenn: ?00:57
ybitfenn says hi00:58
ybitto ya00:58
fennyou must be psychic00:58
ybiti think leos are naturally psychic, just as in chronicles of narnia00:59
kanzure_SOL DEACE? "Sol-Feace is a shoot 'em up released by Wolf Team. It was first released for the Sharp X68000 in Japan in 1990. It was later ported in 1991 to the Sega Mega-CD, with rearranged Redbook music. This version was available as a pack-in with the Sega CD when it was first released in the US. In 1992, the Sega CD version of Sol-Feace was ported to cartridge and released for the Sega Genesis in the US by Renovation Products as Sol-Deace."00:59
fennwhat is all that video game crap00:59
kanzure_oh, is that the wrong reference?00:59
fennsol deace is humanity's last hope against the giant evil supercomputer00:59
fennthe GCS-WT01:00
kanzure_" GCS-WT's purpose was to ultimately unify every human society using the power of diplomacy, but GCS-WT has other plans: rather than unify mankind, GCS-WT turns societies into a dystopia after becoming an all-powerful dictator who controls all military action as it sees fit and oppressess mankind of various liberties; anyone who spoke against GCS-WT's will did not live very long."01:00
kanzure_I thought that's the singleton concept01:00
kanzure_the "rawr super ai is teh rulz over u"01:00
geneso what's with thawing the beetles?02:17
kanzuregene: On the berkeley website they were talking about using cyborg beetles in military environments.02:20
kanzurefenn was saying how they live only 20 days02:20
kanzureso I was joking that they should be cryopreserved until deployment :)02:21
kanzure"thaw the beetles!" you can imagine some commander yelling that type of command02:21
genethat's a good idea02:21
genebeetles are small so you could freeze them pretty well02:21
kanzureI wonder if flight is that simple in a beetle. I guess it might be a "vector" signal that is sent to the cerebellum-equivalent structure in the brain?02:22
kanzureor you could train them with stimulation training I guess02:22
kanzurenot as fun though02:22
genepretty much02:22
geneyou know what optic flow is right?02:22
kanzureIs it just photons being bounced around on a certain path?02:23
geneat least I believe it's vector like02:23
geneoptic flow is perceived motion02:23
geneit's used in optical mice to figure out how to move the mice02:24
geneoptic flow also changes with distance02:24
genewhich is why bugs use it02:24
geneto figure out if they're gonna crash into something02:25
kanzureThese beetles apparently detect 3 micrometer infrared wavelengths as a sign of nearby objects02:25
kanzurewait.. 3 micrometer is burnt mulched, 9 micrometer is a predator, 12 micrometer is long-distance -- stuff like a fire (it's part of its behaviorial subroutines to seek out fires apparently)02:26
genewhat really?02:27
kanzureso the berkeley lab has made artificial versions of their photoreceptors (the infrared receptors, I mean)02:28
kanzureit's not in their eyes apparently.02:28
kanzureI'm guessing it's in their shell as a form of heat sensitivity02:28
kanzureJewl beetle, jule beetle or something.02:28
geneoh yeah the chitosan paper02:29
kanzure_there is no chitosan paper as far as I can tell :(02:29
kanzure_"Low temperature, low pressure nanoimprinting of chitosan as a biomaterial for bionanotechnology applications"02:30
kanzure_"Micro- and nanoscale structures of chitosan were fabricated by nanoimprinting lithography and biochemically functionalized for bionanodevice applications. Chitosan solutions were prepared and a nanoimprinting process was developed for it, where chitosan solution is used as a functional resist for nanoimprinting lithography. A low temperature (90  ?C) and low pressure (5-25  psi) nanoimprinting with polydimethylsiloxane mold could achieve not only 02:31
geneoptic flow is cool becuase it's easy to do and effective02:31
kanzure_"microscale structures but also nanoscale features such as nanowire and nanodots down to 150  nm dimensions. The nanoimprinted structures were chemically modified and used for the immobilization of protein molecules."02:31
genehere's a better explanation02:31
geneof optic flow02:32
kanzure_There we go, the paper.02:33
genePAPER FUCK YEAh!02:34
kanzure_Pisano was the guy who was speaking yesterday. Now I remember. They called him Al.02:34
genehow hard is it is it to do?02:34
genedoes it need vacuum?02:36
kanzureit needs 5 to 25 psi02:37
geneof vaccuum or pressure?02:37
kanzureAlso, it requires photolithography at some point, to make the pattern that you want.02:37
kanzureuh, pressure02:37
kanzurethe photolithography would have to be done by e-beam litho, or ion beams or something02:38
kanzureI'm hoping that large-scale methods (draw with a very sharp pencil tip or staple tip-edge) will work for micrometer features02:38
kanzurehm, this could make nanopores for dna sorting I think 02:43
genewell all you really need is metal contacts02:43
kanzurethere's a few guys (like, 10? overall) doing dna nanopores 02:43
genethey don't have to be micro02:43
kanzurewith electrodes within the pore to detect a voltage difference across the current nucleotide or something02:43
geneif you want to make transistors02:43
kanzureand then slowly push the dna through02:43
kanzureerm, slowly pull I mean02:44
kanzurepushing, not so much :)02:44
kanzurepulling via electrophoresis for instance.02:44
geneyou don't need tiny transistors for building a repper02:45
genetiny transistors are bad for certain apps02:46
genewait nanopores for sequencing or synthesizer02:47
genecan you do synthesizing with nanopores?02:48
genehow thick do the chitosan layers have to be02:49
geneis there a limit?02:49
kanzureNot easily. You'd have to come up with a mechanical way to grab the DNA and then release the oligonucleotide synthesis chemicals, and really at this scale I suspect this is impractical.02:49
genecheap water soluble semiconducting material02:59
geneyou might be able to extrude chitosan02:59
geneyou can electro deposit chitosan(!)03:01
genewe might want to tell the reprap guys about this03:06
kanzure#reprap, be my guest03:07
genewell I am still reading up on it to see if it would even work 03:07
* kanzure waves to fenn in #reprap03:08
genebut holy shit man, it's an organic semiconductor that's cheap03:09
kanzureit's lossy and very noisey03:09
kanzureit's not good for computation03:09
kanzurewell, I guess slow computation03:09
geneit isn't? why?03:09
kanzurewell that's what was in the presentation03:10
kanzureI don't remember the real reasons03:10
kanzureI'm guessing it's because there's just too many places for the electrons to go03:10
kanzuretoo messy or something03:10
kanzurebut it's not like it doesn't work03:11
genecan it switch on and off reliably ?03:11
kanzurehe explicitly said so03:12
genewell then03:12
geneit can be used in a computer03:12
genemaybe just a simple one, but a computer none the less03:13
kanzureI'm still not sure how to make the pattern03:13
kanzureis my needle idea a good one? It's not exactly a substitute for lithography one-for-one03:13
kanzureplus that's not a film mask03:14
genewhy not print it out03:14
kanzurewhat's the dimensional resolution of printers?03:14
kanzureisn't it a few mm?03:14
kanzurenot microns?03:14
genea micron or so03:14
geneon some of the best ones I believe03:15
genethough I'm talking about doing something like fdm03:15
kanzureI was thinking that this could be done in a water bottle if you only need 5 to 25 psi of pressure and only 90 degrees celsius03:15
genehahahaha a water bottle03:15
geneyou might be able to use a balloon03:15
gene5 psi isn't much03:16
kanzureso once you print out the pattern with your printer, what's the protocol? is it something like the pcb printing chemical washes?03:17
genestill reading the paper03:18
kanzure_fenn: I just got the "Afghanistan fablab needs your donations!" email03:18
kanzure_and went over to http://scripts.mit.edu/~emu/fab/03:19
kanzure_"Woah, I just (re)stumbled on Todd Huffman's photos from Afghanistan, and they are awesome! He really got out and around, have a look!"03:19
kanzure_Todd runs BIL conference, the free version of TED during TED.03:19
kanzure_Todd also does destructive neural uploading and offered me a job last August03:19
kanzure_(he's the guy that did some magnetic implants in his finger tips)03:19
kanzure_why didn't I take that job?03:19
genedon't you have enough work as is?03:23
kanzurewell he was offering me something that could support me without going to school03:26
kanzurefenn, why don't I have a fablab yet?03:29
genewhy? becuase you can't afford one03:30
kanzureActually ..03:30
geneor are too lazy to make your own03:31
kanzureToo hesitant to sign the checks.03:31
genedid I tell you about solar pumped lasers?03:31
genewell you can make solar powered laser03:32
kanzureWhat's the pump for?03:33
genepump as in pump with laser03:34
genekanzure wax circuits in the reprap thread03:40
genekanzure got any info on producing YAG?03:58
geneyttrium aluminium garnet04:00
geneI want to make some04:00
genefor a laser04:00
kanzureNo, sorry. I do have a linkdump on diy laser stuff though. One sec.04:00
genenever mind04:02
genethey might be sufficiently cheap on ebay04:02
geneyou can stop now04:02
kanzure14,000 bookmarks not for nothing.04:02
genebut I don't know if I  can get a chromium doped Yag04:05
geneI can04:06
kanzureis this with respect to the chitosan nanoimprinting?04:07
kanzurefor broad-field laser illumination of the sample?04:07
kanzureI would think a heat lamp might be more useful here04:07
geneI want a solar pumped laser04:07
genean 80 watt solar pumped laser04:09
genethink about it04:09
genea laser power by the sun04:09
genea laser that can run all day long as long as there is sun04:10
geneand strong enough to laser cut metal04:10
kanzurebtw, the dinner is still on the 7th04:11
kanzureI need to know if you're game or not04:11
kanzurewith the cryonicists/transhumans in the local area04:11
kanzuretransportation might be provided04:11
genedefinately not04:11
geneI'm going into finals mode04:11
genewell maybe04:24
genetime info plz04:24
kanzure2 to 7 as a maximum sort of04:28
kanzurefrom 2 pm to 7 pm04:30
genemight be able to go04:46
kanzurekinda need to know so that I can arrange transportation04:46
kanzurenatasha might be willing to come pick me up04:46
kanzureshe's done so before, it's like a 10 minute drive for her.04:47
kanzureand I have to acquire some food to bring if so. hrm.04:48
genewill umm ramen be ok05:00
fennIf someone in the lab says that he is more important, or is doing something more important, how should it be decided that what he is doing is actually more necessary?05:37
geneif he is the one with the reactor scram device05:41
geneor the one with the the black hole evaporator05:42
genewow, I'm running on 18 tabs and firefox still hasn't crashed06:44
-!- UtopiahG1ML is now known as UtopiahGHML16:41
kanzure_http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/792/keypadbk2.jpg pull-down keypad16:46
kanzureNASA seeking out moon colonization "synergistic" ideas17:09
kanzurefwd'd to om17:09
kanzureCharles F. Radley might be willing to get us a proposal to the right people at NASA if om writes something good 17:14
kanzureI imagine Paul and Eric will be willing to put in some good text17:14
kanzure_also, FREDNET is an excellent example of the rise of open source in space tech I guess17:15
kanzure_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Lunar_X_Prize " Team FREDNET is an International Open Source and Open Participation Competitor"17:15
kanzure_"Team FREDNET is an international Open Source and Open Participation competitor in the Google Lunar X PRIZE competition. Team FREDNET is led by Fred J. Bourgeois and has formed a strategic partnership with the Stuyvesant Robot Club. Uniquely, the team also allows organizations and individuals to participate freely in its mission through the team's website."17:16
kanzure_Find this guy:17:19
kanzure_"Mr. Cooke is a graduate of Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering."17:20
kanzure_SEDS was hosted at A&M last month .. hrm.17:20
fennthe tether experiment?17:51
fennoh. students. bah17:52
kanzureyeah, damn students what have they ever doned18:22
kanzure_"The German Federal Archive has agreed to donate 100,000 images to Wikipedia under the German version of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License. These pictures cover a period from 1860 to present. This is the largest picture donation ever to Wikipedia, and possibly the largest in the history of the free culture movement.""19:04
fenngrants.gov... i should spend more time there19:20
kanzure_http://www.tsgc.utexas.edu/ 19:21
kanzure_my sarcasm detector is broken19:21
kanzure_full grant description pdf19:25
kanzure_"The information provided in this notice will be used to assess research interests for the Steckler/Space Grant Opportunity and to determine the expertise required of reviewers."19:31
kanzure_so I wonder if we can get Freitas as an acceptable individual on the review team heh'19:31
kanzure_"Successful proposals will not be directed solely toward systems studies, routine engineering development of existing systems or19:34
kanzure_proven concepts, or modifications of existing systems. A competitive proposal will clearly and concisely describe the innovative approach relative to the existing state of the art; address scientific and/or technical feasibility and its relevance and significance to NASA needs for space colonization; and provide a preliminary strategy for incorporation/integration into NASA programs or projects."19:34
kanzureHm. Just being a PI alone makes one much more likely to get a grant it turns out19:38
kanzureI've seen various grant proposals before and they tend to suck19:38
kanzureerm, proposals to get a grant awarded I mean19:38
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Space_colonization <-- kay, made a huge document.20:11
bkerokanzure_: You going to publish your wiki some day?20:15
kanzure_bkero: Huh?20:16
kanzure_hrm, Boonserm Kulvatunyou has done B2B manufacturing stuff with NIST and ORNL.20:16
kanzure_'Production' by Boonserm Kulvatunyou and his research work helped us to integrate the web. based software with the feature based parametric model generating'20:16
kanzure_bkero: What do you mean by publish?20:17
bkerokanzure_: I'm not sure20:18
kanzure_I mean, there's links pointing to it.20:20
kanzure_"If supplies can be sent to the Moon in bulk20:29
kanzure_quantities more cheaply than for single-20:29
kanzure_mission applications, having warehouses on20:29
kanzure_the Moon is essential to store these items for20:29
kanzure_the duration until they are needed.20:29
kanzure_Inexpensive storage of goods between their20:29
kanzure_points of origin and destination will be very20:29
kanzure_important to the development of a20:29
kanzure_sustainable and self-sufficient lunar20:29
kanzure_woah these people are stupid.20:29
fenndon't forget to install security robots to protect against moononites20:39
kanzurehow is it 'self-sustaining' if it requires a cache of material brought up by human involvement on Earth20:41
kanzureI wonder what I should steer the proposal towards. They are seeking more in terms of robotics and rovers, but I of course want to focus on architecture/infrastructure development toolchains and simulation of designed systems20:42
kanzure_http://www.fabfolk.com/ fab lab user group21:56
kanzureyay Todd recognized me22:17
kanzurefenn, I kinda need recommendations on issue tracking systems22:58
kanzureis bugzilla still ok to use?22:59
kanzureor is it Not Cool or something?22:59
fennas a user, i never had a good experience with bugzilla23:01
kanzurewe just need a way for people to order designs to be fabricated from a fablab network23:02
kanzureso I was thinking of an issue tracker23:03
kanzurewhere people would 'take over' an issue ticket number23:03
kanzurewhich would be really cool since people would say "hey, I can relate to a ticket tracker! gasp"23:03
fennoh like mfg.com sorta23:04
kanzureand ponoko I guess23:05
kanzurethey just want to have users upload PNG, BMP, JPG, STL, DXF or Corel Draw files and then pay via paypal immediately23:06
fennPNG BMP JPG is going to be a huge PITA23:06
kanzureI asked them what formats they accept and they gave me those image formats23:06
kanzureI wonder if they are massochists23:06
fenntell them they're stupid23:06
kanzurek, right after I smite Smari McCarthy ..23:07
fennponoko is a single manufacturer, but this is going to be distributed? or did i misunderstand that23:07
fennseem to recall something about using the closest lasercutter23:08
kanzureno misunderstandings so far23:08
kanzurethe point is to dump the design files into a common repository or something, then let different fablabs take on the workload, yes23:09
fennheh i'm surprised you didnt mention #hplusroadmap23:10
fennor some irc channel23:10
fennthough i guess passwords n stuff isnt the best place23:10
fennso, my advice, add SVG and remove all non-vector image formats23:11
fennexcept for raster scan stuff like halftone etching photos23:11
fennthough why you'd want to do that is beyond me :)23:12
kanzureyes, they also want SVG.23:20
kanzureSmari suggests thinglink23:23
fenndoes thinglink rely on some specific webserver?23:41
fennguh.. it's all weird finnish art23:43
-!- UtopiahGHML is now known as UtoTest23:55
kanzurefenn, how would you like to live in Afghanistan23:59

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