
--- Day changed Sun Dec 07 2008
fennnot particularly00:02
kanzurethe Afghanistan fablab has nobody running it00:03
fennwhat about the afghanis?00:04
kanzurewell, Amy's running it, but she's $29k in the hole00:05
kanzurenone of the afghanis have a clue00:05
kanzurehrm, I wonder if my aunt is going to afghanistan again soon00:06
fennmaybe you could hitch a ride :)00:06
kanzure"Dear Dad, and everyone, I've hitched a ride to Afghanistan to join the Talhejiban. Erm. I mean the fab lab. Good bye for good."00:07
fennso, why is there a fablab in afghanistan if a) there's no money, b) no interest?00:07
kanzurecommunication problems00:07
kanzureTodd Huffman thought that Amy Sun would run/pay for it00:08
kanzureand Amy thought Todd would run/pay for it00:08
fennpay with what? isnt she a grad student?00:08
kanzureis she?00:08
kanzureshe's paying from her pathetic savings now apparently00:08
fenner,, phd, whatever00:08
kanzureyou know her?00:09
fennshe is the fablab sub-celebrity i guess00:09
fennno i dont know her00:09
kanzure$1k/mo .. ouch. I was hoping she'd let some of us live there for free in exchange for superawesome tech labor00:10
fennrent? in afghanistan? what is the world coming to00:10
kanzurewell she claims that you could set up a tent on the roof easily enough00:10
kanzurebut that with translators, foods, etc., $1k/mo00:11
fennit doesnt really seem very sustainable00:12
kanzure_"Amy Sun: frankly, i get about 5-10 people a DAY email me that say "I am willing to work for free in a fab lab somewhere cool as long as you cover my travel and expenses".00:14
fennyep i believe it00:15
fennthis is part of why i still havent written my MIT grad school application00:16
kanzurehm, so grants will kick in in a few months00:25
kanzurebefore that though you'd have to float your own way. I see.00:25
kanzuregene, how would you like to have a fablab?00:25
geneI want 200:26
kanzurethere's one in Afghanistan that would love to have you run it for $1k/mo00:26
genethe more the merrier00:26
kanzureit's in need of help00:26
geneI don't live in afghanistan00:26
kanzureyou'd have to move.00:26
geneI don't know00:27
genefablabs always seem to run into problems like this00:28
geneI don't think I could move to afghanistan00:28
genebtw I've been designing a stirling engine00:30
genethe size of a business card00:30
geneas my business card00:31
kanzureit would be awesome if you could diagnose the STL problems with my STL file for the cross section00:31
kanzureI had enough triangles but for some reason only 2 display :(00:32
geneummm... you're using STL00:32
kanzurebecause it needs to be in a usable 3D format00:32
kanzurewhich is better than VTK.00:32
geneI don't like STL00:32
geneI like vector formats00:33
fennSTL is vector, dummy00:34
geneit is?00:34
fennit's triangles00:34
fenner, how that is supposed to work with a laser cutter, only the fablab people know :)00:35
genehow is what?00:35
fennSTL -> laser00:35
genestl to laser huh?00:36
geneare doing something different00:36
geneSTL was originally used for stereolithography00:36
genewhich is done with lasers00:36
genefor some reason it became the default format for 3d printing00:37
fennbecause it's easy to read and write00:37
kanzureamen to that..00:38
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/bioreactor/membraneless_filtration/mytest.stl or something00:38
genedamn I can't touch that file00:39
kanzurewhat? why?00:39
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/bioreactor/membraneless_filtration/huhtest.stl is the latest one that is acting up00:40
genewinblows thinks it is a certificate trust list00:40
genesertificates trust list00:40
genevista apparently has crypto shell extensions00:42
geneI think I found the problem00:43
geneyou drew a whole bunch of coincident triangles00:44
genethat's why you only see one00:44
gene  facet normal 0 0 000:44
gene   outer loop00:44
gene    vertex 0 1 000:44
gene    vertex 0 1 000:44
gene    vertex 0 1 000:44
gene   endloop00:44
gene  endfacet00:44
kanzureNo, use huhtest.stl00:44
genethat's weird00:45
genedo you see 3 triangles?00:46
geneat least 300:46
gene facet normal 0 0 000:47
gene   outer loop00:47
gene    vertex 1 0 100:47
gene    vertex 0 1 100:47
gene   endloop00:47
genetriangles have 3 vertices right?00:47
kanzurelet me check into that :)00:47
geneCDi is made of fail00:49
kanzure"fantasticfabrication.com" bwahah... ok, maybe not.00:50
genedoes it work now00:51
kanzure-it would take some significant rewriting to make sure it never generates only two vertifces00:54
kanzurebecause of the crappy way that I wrote the script00:54
genecan't you just not make triangles and make lines, or squares?00:54
geneanyway this is just a visualizer?00:54
geneif we just need to visualize stuff why not use java or matlab?00:55
kanzurebecause we don't want to visualize00:55
kanzurewe want a format that we can dump easily into openfoam00:56
kanzurealthough visualization is an easy way to check the STL file00:56
kanzurelines aren't useful in openfoam really, it has to be a meshable structure, and I think the mesher only works off of stl-like files really00:56
kanzureunless you want to find me a quick and friendly api for generating stl files with geometric primitives like lines and shapes, that would be awesome00:56
geneyou just want a mesh you can dump into open foam?00:57
kanzureI want a generator that I have written that generates the mesh that I can dump into openfoam00:57
genecould you teach me how to print stuff to file?00:58
kanzurefrom what language00:58
kanzuredo you have a scripting language like perl, python or php installed?00:58
kanzurethat would be ideal00:58
genejava, c, matlab, or perl or something simple00:58
kanzurein perl you just do open(">file.txt",BLAH); print BLAH,"oh god!"; close(BLAH);00:59
kanzureeverything after "do" being the code...00:59
geneI tried that and ended up with epic fail00:59
kanzurewhat type of epic fail.00:59
genehell if I know01:00
kanzurecopy and paste the error.01:00
geneI don't know where I put the code01:00
kanzurethen how did you get an error01:00
kanzureI just gave it to you above01:01
kanzureput that into a file, like test.pl01:01
kanzureand then from the shell do: perl test.pl01:01
genewell I might have to relearn perl01:01
kanzure(navigate to the directory that has test.pl)01:01
kanzurejust copy and paste :(01:01
geneKanzure try adding another vertice to huh test manually then open it for me01:05
geneoh yeah nasa is handing out money for moon colonization ideas01:07
kanzureyeah, I'm writing a proposal01:07
kanzurehttp://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing is contributing01:07
genewe could involve teh algae01:08
genewe might want to see if it is edible01:08
kanzureI mean, where are you sourcing dirt ?01:08
genethe algae01:08
genewe try eating it01:08
genealgae need nutrients, like what?01:08
kanzurestuff not found in rock easily :(01:09
genespecifically what?01:09
geneamino acids?01:09
kanzureNot sure.01:10
genesome asteroids have amino acids01:10
kanzureum, viewstl isn't viewing the file at all now01:10
kanzuremaybe mayavi will work01:10
geneuse art of illusion01:10
genethe reprap guys use it01:11
genethey have scripts that make gears in it01:11
kanzureneat, it nearly looks right01:15
kanzurewhere's blender's free zoom utility?01:15
kanzureexcept there's like two vertices that are wrong now, not just one01:18
kanzureit looks like there's two sides and a top and bottom, but I cna't tell because I suck at navigating in blender01:19
gene it works01:21
genebet software could solve this problem fast01:22
kanzureyep, it was mentioned on slashdot once in a comment01:23
kanzureabout a giant machine to chop up paper01:23
kanzureand then on the other end take rapid photography of the pieces01:23
kanzureand then re-assemble everything ever shredded01:23
genewhy chop everything up and reassemble it?01:24
geneI've heard about a project to piece together shredded logs from the german secret police but nothing like that01:25
kanzuredon't remember. it was a reference to some scifi story about rainbows.01:27
fennthis was in rainbows end01:27
kanzurenot Rainbow's end though01:27
fennit was a cheap plot device to get them into an underground bioscience facility01:27
fennbecause they used genomics software to reassemble the shredded books (like shotgun sequencing)01:27
fenn"rainbows end" not "rainbow's end"01:28
fennname of an old people community01:28
genethat's too cheap01:35
genehey we have one those now don't we kanzure, an underground bioscience facility?01:36
kanzuretechnically yeah01:36
kanzureyes we do01:36
kanzurehave you seen the crane yet?01:36
kanzureknow how many floors they are going to do?01:37
genefrom above it while they put on the angular actuation motor01:37
kanzure_fenn: http://www.yaxic.org/the_end_of_artificial_scarcity.pdf01:49
kanzure_for reviewing.01:49
fennug. another book nobody's going to read01:50
fennsorry to be so glum01:50
kanzure_"Nobody is going to convince me that Alessandro Volta didn't think electricity wasn't going to tip the01:52
kanzure_game slightly in favor of the peasants. Nobody is going to tell me that Robert Fulton wasn't acting01:52
kanzure_in what he believed were the interests of mankind. "Oh, look," I can't imagine him saying. "There's01:52
kanzure_an opportunity to further oppression of the working classes by making them not only have to work,01:52
kanzure_but have to fight for the right to work too by making them have to compete on an open market01:52
kanzure_against machines capable of working tirelessly with arbitrary accuracy!" Nobody is that stupid. Or01:52
kanzure_are they?01:52
kanzure_this is Smari stuff.01:53
fennam i supposed to be editing this? or just commenting on it01:54
fennlike weird non-native english constructions01:54
kanzuredon't know, whatever you want01:54
kanzureSmari says it's a draft in desperate need of revision/editing01:54
kanzurebut I don't know where he's going with it01:55
kanzureor if it matters that much.01:55
genedamn you know what I hate01:55
kanzurethe sun?01:55
geneI hate deboers over pricing rocks01:55
geneI want diamonds01:55
fennso make some01:55
genefor tools and lasers01:55
genegood point01:56
kanzurefenn: where do fablabs source their materials from?01:56
fenndebeer's is shitting their pants because there are so many industrial diamond products that are nearly indistinguishable from natural diamons01:56
fennkanzure: how should i know?01:56
geneI really want a metal coated diamond pressure container and pump so I can make metallic hydrogen01:56
fennkanzure: probably mcmaster-carr and smallparts.com01:57
kanzureonlinemetals.com maybe too.01:57
kanzureok, not any bulk ordering supernetwork of sorts.01:57
genefablabs need to use local materials01:58
kanzurenot all materials are locally available.01:59
kanzuresee: geology/geophysics.01:59
genewhat about just be able to make bearing01:59
fennwhat about just being able to make your own fablab tools so you dont depend on these stupid companies to make them02:00
fennsee: clay/sand clanking replicator02:00
fenni'm sorry kanzure, i can't read that book02:01
fenni'm really more of a picture book kind of guy02:01
genethat's what machine shops do02:01
fennall this history stuff..02:01
geneECM can make toolheads02:04
kanzurefenn: the pdf thingy? I glanced at it, ignore it02:05
fenni like the breadulator analogy02:07
fenn"caught bread handed"02:07
kanzureI feel kind of silly for not thinking about the money stuff that Paul pointed out02:09
kanzureit's not like the money would be used for much of anything, unless prototypes from repositories were to be built02:09
fennabout money being inherently politicized?02:10
kanzureno no02:10
kanzurehe pointed out that the grant money would have to be questionably divided up among contributors02:10
kanzureif they were to be salaried/paid.02:12
fenncontributors to what02:13
kanzurepeople covered by the grant.02:14
kanzurethe grant apparently wants a list of people who will work on it02:14
fennoh, the nasa thing02:14
fenngood luck with that02:14
kanzuresarcasm detector still broken02:15
kanzureyou're the hardest to detect sarcasm in..02:15
kanzurealthough maybe you're just never sarcastic02:15
fenni always get skeptical when i hear "nasa calling for designs" news stories02:15
kanzureusually that just means they want a new contractor, right?02:15
fenni will try to use a snark mark from now on~02:15
fennit means they are totally incompetent and scrambling desperately02:16
fennbut in the end they always go with some lockheed-martin design02:16
kanzuresomebody stole 43 MB of designs from one of the contractors via an ssh bruteforce attack.02:17
kanzurea few years back.02:17
kanzure_Pratt and Whitney.02:19
fenn"This information could help rogue states put spy satellites or even space-based weapons into orbit." or not~02:20
kanzurehow is meaning not preserved by dropping ~02:20
kanzureI was trying to figure out on what website the documents were uploaded02:21
kanzurebut my search skills failed me02:21
fennyou keep using your periods at the end of sentences, and i'll use my snark marks at the end of my snide remarks~02:21
kanzuredon't know why that wasn't torrented.02:21
fennhmm why send it to a journalist02:22
fennput that shit on freenet02:22
kanzuremaybe these hackers are amateurs02:22
kanzureI used to be big into the hacking scene, and that was back when I was an idiot02:23
kanzurelots of idiots running around02:23
fennwhole god damn planet is full of idiots02:23
kanzureonly sensible thing is to blow this shit up02:23
kanzurewhere's my nukes.02:23
bkeroRight here02:25
fennyo implant boy02:26
fennwhy are they putting it in your finger? that's so boring02:26
bkerofenn: Finger is the best place to put it02:26
kanzure_http://turkishdarbeteam.org/ <- TDT might know WoH 02:27
kanzure_World of Hell 02:27
kanzure_supposedly they have the NASA designs02:27
fennah, if only someone would really forward me some stolen NASA designs02:30
genewhy use nukes for space travel anyway02:30
geneNERVA's are just as good02:30
bkeroYou talking about those engines the US devised way back that had small nuclear explosions as propulsion?02:31
fennnerva is a thermal nuclear rocket02:31
fennit never really worked02:31
genereally 02:31
fennreactor was too heavy, and ISP sucked02:31
fennin order to get the ISP high enough to be worth using, the fuel rods would melt and blow away in the exhaust02:32
fennso this is why we now have gas core reactor designs02:32
geneamericium gas core?02:32
fennuranium usually02:32
fenni dont think americium is really considered for any nuclear reactors, because where do you get it?02:33
genedo you need to and rich it02:33
genewalmart, always low prices02:33
-!- gene_ is now known as gene02:45
kanzuressh bruteforce scripts are still being stupid. 03:11
bkeroHawt.  http://www.mojang.com/notch/mario/ 03:11
kanzureif these programmers weren't so lazy, they'd cross-reference usernames with expected login names with individuals listed as employees via sites like facebook and linkedin which allow reverse lookups.03:11
kanzureso that you have a set of possible usernames for ssh access (maybe).03:11
genewait a minute are hacking the feds?03:14
geneif you are then I am getting out of this chat room as fast as a photon in a vacuum03:15
kanzure_"  Here are some rough ideas about how I think one could make a biological Turing machine using custom RNA splicing and zinc finger proteins.  I hope I expressed my idea clear enough for someone in this world to understand it.  Ha.  I would be interested in knowing if anybody thinks this idea will or will not work for specific reasons.  Thanks.03:18
kanzure_http://www.scribd.com/doc/8703987/Biological-Turing-Machine-Idea "03:18
kanzure_so slow..03:18
geneyou know I think you can buy zinc finger stuff at supplement places03:18
geneyou can buy almost anything as a supplement03:19
kanzure_http://www.tinkercell.com/ "TinkerCell is an open-source project for simulating and analyzing biochemical networks. TinkerCell is designed so that it is highly flexible for the types of models that can be constructed. The simulations are fast because they run on separate thread (parallel processing) and are implemented in C."03:30
kanzure_TinkerCell comes with features such as a custom set of biological parts and connections and modules that makes it suitable as a CAD software for synthetic biology."03:30
kanzure_The TinkerCell core library provides a general framework for building a network with nodes and connections, with information attached to each node and connection. The default plug-ins provide features such as stoichiometry matrix for each connection, attributes for each part, family tree of parts and connections, and more."03:31
kanzure_ah, this is deepak's work.03:31
kanzure_This is pretty neat.03:31
fennyep that's pretty much it03:37
fennxp_prg can officially go home now03:38
kanzure_oh look, prepackaged ubuntu binaries03:38
kanzure_(the svn makeall.pl script is stupid and fails)03:38
fennthose screenshots are freaky close to what i was imagining for biobench03:39
kanzurehrm, segmentation fault03:41
fennthis one in particular http://www.tinkercell.com/screenshots/screenshot.cells.jpg?attredirects=003:42
kanzurehad to do an export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/Tinkercell/03:42
kanzureargh, absolute instead of relative includes ..03:44
kanzure_c/cvodesim.c:394: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer03:46
kanzure_it's basically complaining about ((something))[j]03:46
fennbad macro?03:50
kanzureoh wait.03:52
kanzureno, just bad code03:52
kanzureif(ODE_POSITIVE_VALUES_ONLY && (NV_DATA_S(u))[j] < 0)03:52
kanzurenope, nevermind. that works.03:52
kanzureI mean, it parses.03:52
fennmaybe it should be:03:53
fennif(ODE_POSITIVE_VALUES_ONLY && (NV_DATA_S(u)[j] < 0))03:53
kanzuresame error.03:54
kanzureat that same line03:54
kanzureanother instance of the same error:03:55
kanzure306 (same error): u  = N_VNew_Serial(N);03:55
kanzure315 (same error): realtype * udata = NV_DATA_S(u);03:55
fennshould have some [] brackets in order to get that error03:55
kanzurerealtype: so illusive..03:56
fenndo you get "undefined reference to `N_VNew_Serial'"03:58
kanzurethis is stupid04:02
kanzurewine + windows version works fine04:02
kanzurehad to do wine msiexec /i TinkerInstaller.msi to get the msi file running.04:03
kanzure_http://sites.google.com/site/dchandran1/drawings the guy doesn't do too terrible art.04:16
kanzureHi `tty`.04:36
`tty`do you think ADHD is a requirement now?04:36
kanzureRequirement for what?04:36
`tty`given the flood of information out there04:36
`tty`for evolving intelligence/consciousness04:36
`tty`i see no other way, really04:36
`tty`it's most agile04:37
kanzurea brutal refusal to admit in your own information overload is definitely a prereq, we call this thickheadedness04:37
`tty`at integrating new info04:37
`tty`what do you mean? if you don't mind me being thickheaded04:37
kanzureI just come across people telling me that I suffer from information overload, and I tend to refuse to believe this.04:38
`tty`oh yeah04:38
`tty`you're model 2.004:38
kanzuream I?04:38
`tty`it's necessary given the environment04:38
`tty`i haven't seen such flood of information ... when i was your age i was in Boston so I would be in the MIT Hayden (sci) and Barker (eng) libraries all day04:39
`tty`and I did not have the level of info flood available to you via the internetS04:39
kanzureooh, MIT sci/engineering libraries.04:40
kanzureis there a link to download that yet?04:40
`tty`their course materials online04:40
`tty`not the books/periodicals/conference proceedings, and my favorite:04:40
`tty`PhD thesis or thesi04:40
kanzureDid you see http://heybryan.org/books/ yet?04:41
`tty`nope... I need true ADHD for that04:41
`tty`i'm close to that but my girlfriend needs something called "presence"04:41
`tty`which contradicts ADHD in a fundamental way04:41
kanzurewhat is this 'presence' you speak of04:42
kanzureis it some kind of drug?04:42
* `tty` is laughing at himself04:42
`tty`hmm... its the ability to pay attention to your gf when she talks04:42
`tty`real deep attention04:42
`tty`which is very expensive these days04:42
kanzurethere's some seriously sexist things that could be said about that04:42
kanzurein various degrees of comedic effect04:42
`tty`right... but i prefer the water and air analogy04:42
`tty`water needs space and abstraction to be04:43
`tty`i mean AIR04:43
`tty`and water needs merging and closeness 04:43
`tty`i'm air, needless to say04:43
kanzure"How do you capture a beautiful bird without killing its spirit?"04:43
kanzure"By becoming the sky, by letting it fly."04:43
`tty`well, the interesting thing is that i see no way around ADHD .. it's an evolutionary trait... how come girls don't have it as much as boys?04:44
`tty`that's the real question w.r.t. evolution04:45
kanzureI've met a few of them.04:45
`tty`are girls lagging 04:45
`tty`oh yea?04:45
`tty`can they absorb math and science at the speed of light and in 10 different areas at once?04:45
`tty`i feel sexist now04:45
kanzurenope, don't feel bad, they're ridiculously rare and they're still not as awesome as me04:46
`tty`haven't met a girl with information processing ADHD04:46
kanzuretry looking for the aspie girls.04:47
`tty`asberger? spelling? 04:47
`tty`not an ass burger04:48
`tty`ESL is my native tongue, so ...04:48
`tty`anyway, are you chatting on 3 windows at once?04:48
`tty`i'l go check this out: http://nervous.cnns.unt.edu/04:48
`tty`then go kill some slow brain cells the natural way..04:49
kanzureuh, 9 on this screen04:49
kanzure8 on the other monitor04:49
`tty`the Open Manufacturing list is really cool04:49
`tty`any other lists i should know about?04:49
`tty`great thanks04:50
* `tty` bookmarking04:50
`tty`later dude, keep breathing 04:50
kanzurewhy has everyone forgot the art of idling04:51
kanzureOkay, not everyone. Just the ones that leave.04:53
bkeroI'm at work, doing $204:54
kanzureDoing what?04:54
kanzure$2 is work?04:54
bkero$2 is the third word04:54
bkeroListening to Komm, Susser Tod04:54
* kanzure is watching some DBZ.04:54
bkeroYou've seen Yo, haven't you?04:54
kanzureDon't remember. :(04:55
kanzureAn anime?04:55
bkeroDragon Ball Yo04:55
kanzureMe will search.04:55
bkeroIt's out there.04:55
bkeroSweetened tea is fucking horrid04:56
-!- splicer_ is now known as splicer05:34
willPow3rsweet tea is the fucking bomb, what u talkin bout bkero 05:50
genedoesn't sweet tea have more sugar in it?05:57
geneincreasing your chances of crashing?05:57
willPow3rsweet tea is common on the east coast, its really nothing more than regular tea with lots of sugar06:27
willPow3rcan't find it anywhere here on the west coast06:27
geneare you in teh valley?06:28
willPow3rno, san diego06:28
genewhy do you need tea06:29
willPow3rbecause it tastes good?06:29
geneok you make a good argument there06:30
genecheck this out06:37
geneand this06:37
-!- UtoTest is now known as UtopiahGHML11:38
kanzure_http://news.slashdot.org/news/08/12/06/2238223.shtml <- battling over minimum pricing14:18
kanzure_http://wiki.debian.org/DebianScience/ComputerAlgebraSystems    comparisons.14:27
kanzure_hrm, doesn't have sage or simpy mentioned14:27
kanzure_or numpy14:27
willPow3ri use maxima in texmacs for CAS14:30
kanzuremaxima is running on linux?14:31
kanzurewait.. /me double checks some things14:31
kanzureah yes14:31
willPow3ryeah, you have to kind of hack the scripts though14:31
wrldpcanyone have Fab.pdf?19:42
wrldpcby G-feld?19:42
fenni have the paperback19:55
fenn"the coming revolution on your desktop" right?19:55
fennor did you mean this: http://ng.cba.mit.edu/dist/fab.pdf19:56
wrldpcthe paperback20:05
fenni dont really know how much value you'll get out of it.. it's very introductory20:06
wrldpcaye ... I'm trying to introduce some people to the concepts.20:08
kanzure"MAKE STUFF". Just yell that at them I guess.20:09
fennthe book is very "inspiring"20:10
fennit's for all the people who ask "but why"20:10
kanzureI've always liked "G-feld"'s point about "giving people something other to do than, you know, nothing."20:11
fennother than shoot at each other20:11
* kanzure nods20:11
* wrldpc nods20:11
* fenn nods too20:11
fennrawr i'm tired of scanning this book20:12
kanzuresay, is there a gnu general "how to be a developer on an open source project" presentation that I should start linking people to?20:12
kanzurescanning which?20:12
fenni just want to do GPGPU medial axis transform! why oh why is the world so harsh20:12
fennpeter pearce20:13
fennre: how to run an open source project, actually there is20:13
fennthere's also a related article on how not to be clueless20:13
kanzurelike, I want something that I can show people and suddenly they will reach enlightenment about revision control systems and so on20:14
fennoh, well, that's not going to happen20:15
fennsoftware carpentry is good20:15
fennbut they have to want to learn20:15
fennhe describes cvs-style version control unfortunately20:16
fenni wonder if this is the true origin of the phrase20:18
fennI need to fix this bug, but first I better eat something so I don't get tired. So I'm going to have some cereal, but I'm out of milk. So I'll go get some milk.  But I heard that yak milk is the best, so I'll go out to Nepal to find a yak. But they're all so hairy, I can't get to their udders.  So, first I'll just shave the yak.20:18
kanzureI think it's more popular than scipy.20:20
kanzureI've been called a yak shaver :-/20:20
kanzureoh foo20:29
drazakkanzure: have you tried hg?20:29
kanzureI'm missing the feast20:29
drazakmercurial, that is20:29
kanzuredrazak: Mercury?20:29
kanzurethe rcs?20:30
kanzurenot yet.20:30
drazakit's a revision control system20:30
drazakreally pretty decent20:30
kanzurewill it instantly bring enlightenment to those who I show it to?20:30
fenni think the problem with rvision control system is they dont have enough pretty pictures20:31
fennsomething like vimdiff or kompare would help immensely in getting the point across20:31
kanzuredoes vimdiff just show a diff in a vim window?20:32
fennno, it shows to files side by side with different color backgrounds for added or removed lines20:32
fennand kompare is essentially the same thing with slime arrows20:33
kanzureactually it should be easier to show rcs with 3d models, like "bob just submitted a new patch, his super ultra mechanical part. Joe meanwhile is editing his own copy, and overwrites Bob's changes .. gasp"20:34
kanzureand then show the mechanical parts being overwritten20:34
kanzurebleh, not enticing enough20:34
fennwell, yeah, but first we'd need some kind of distributed cad software20:37
fennand it's about more than just multiple people editing the same file20:37
kanzurewell just for visualization it'd be a stupid animated thingy20:37
fennRCS is very useful for a lone developer20:37
kanzuredistributed cad modeling doesn't sound too painful, what do you mean we don't have it? Just pull and push from the git repo20:37
kanzurein fact20:37
kanzureisn't there a gitfs or something?20:37
fennthere should be20:38
fennwell, git really is a filesystem if you think about it long enough20:38
kanzurewell I mean just so that you don't have to go teh hackings into programs 20:38
kanzurealthough using filesystem wrappers doesn't really capture all (any) of the features20:38
kanzureso on second thought that might be a terrible idea..20:38
fenni think it might be a skew idea20:39
fenni.e. not quite perpendicular20:39
kanzureso, homosexual?20:39
fennthe problem is that all the software out there expects a dumb (i.e. non-rcs) filesystem20:40
fennso you have to manually update everything all the time by pressing 'save'20:40
kanzuremaybe there's an stdio-git.h lib somewhere20:40
kanzurea serializer might be an appropriate place to do the hack.20:41
fennhttp://www.sfgoth.com/~mitch/linux/gitfs/ <- is that what you're thinking of?20:41
kanzureI'll check in a bit, I'm "rolling with the homies"20:42
fennkeep it real, yo20:43
kanzure_Reference: Open Source Manufacturing, 2009 conference of the Society For Machinery Failure Prevention Technology, Dayton, Ohio, 28-30 April 2009 (accepted, to appear)23:43
kanzure_Authors: Pierce Kuhnell, Amit Deshpande23:43
kanzure_oh, it's just about mtconnect23:43

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