
--- Day changed Wed Dec 10 2008
kanzure_wtf, 18131: PSL was mentioned by me ..00:02
fennwhat do those numbes refer to?00:16
fennoh line numbers00:16
fennno not line numbers00:18
kanzureI thought they were.00:21
kanzurejust type :number in vim.00:21
fennyes i just got confused00:23
kanzure_ha! confusion by line numbers!00:23
fenni was looking for a paraphrase that i thought was a quote00:23
fenni dont think there should be a separate program for autospec anymore00:24
fennit should just be part of the code, like _validate() or whatever00:25
kanzure_Have you heard of gcam?00:35
kanzure_http://gcam.js.cx/index.php/Main_Page GNU Computer Aided Manufacturing It currently supports any 3-Axis Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) mill such as the Taig or Sherline in both english and metric units. GCAM consists of a simple interface for making bolt holes, drill holes, sketches, templates, and more. After extruding these entities one can export the corresponding g-code for the selected cutting tool(s00:35
fennand rs274-D (or maybe -X)00:40
fennthe dev insists on doing things 1980 style C code00:41
kanzure_http://www.wbf.org/Content/NavigationMenu/General_Information/Partners_and_Affiliates/WBF/Working_Groups2/XML_Working_Group/BatchML/BatchML.htm "BatchML is an XML implementation of the ANSI/ISA 88 family of standards (ISA-88), known internationally as IEC 61512. BatchML consists of a set of XML schemas written using the World Wide Web Consortium's XML Schema language (XSD) that implement the models and terminology in the ISA-88 standard."00:49
samroseI thought it was amusing earlier that people were ranting about "sudo"...does anyone understand *why* people are running as non-root and using sudo all the time?02:44
samrosesorry to dig that back up, it is just weird to actually see people complain about it.02:45
kanzuresamrose: Supposedly doing everything as root is a recipe for disaster (or you're just asking to get a rootkit hacked on to your box).02:51
samroseyeah, that is why you see everyone telling you to run commands starting out with "sudo", ebcause they assume that you are not running as root :)02:52
kanzure_http://asdn.sourceforge.net/ "ASDN - "Agile Supply Demand Networks" is software for analyzing and developing logistics networks. This rapid modelling tool should help decision-making in network architecture design and performance management. ASDN software is Open Source and developed by University of Vaasa, Finland and ABB Operations Development Group.03:15
fennthe idea is that you set things up so that you dont have to use sudo, but it's too much work for most people, and doesnt work for installing software with a package manager (i wonder why not, there's no reason you couldnt give a whitelist of valid GPG keys beforehand)03:20
kanzurenow paul's citing "oh, but it's transhuman only! the channel is tainted!"03:26
kanzureArgh. Okay, how would everyone like this to redirect to #openmanufacturing from now on?04:00
kanzurefenn, what do you think?04:00
geneno one's there04:02
kanzureWe all have to leave this channel before it can be registered so that it can be redirected anyway. Not going to happen.04:07
kanzureHm. I wonder how Paul is only now coming across printers.04:24
kanzureThe 3D printers.04:24
kanzureErrantEgo: So you do hamradio stuff?04:26
geneWho's paul?04:51
kanzurehttp://oscomak.net/ http://openvirgle.net/04:52
kanzurestill waiting on gene to leave..05:00
kanzureThanks, you can rejoin.05:01
geneimport does what?05:01
kanzureit does nothing05:01
kanzureyou don't understand, it's just a verb05:02
kanzureit could have been 390491490491405:02
kanzurebut there are some 'solutions to the verb' in the database05:02
kanzurethat are listed as valid substitutions for an 'import' mechanism05:02
geneimport what05:02
kanzurewell if the arc says something like 'mechanical energy' then it imports mechanical energy05:03
kanzureincoming arc.05:03
geneconvert mechanical energy to electrical to chemical and such?05:03
geneso a car converts chemical energy to mechanical energy05:04
genethen what?05:04
geneare there any graph synth files of a car?05:04
kanzurethis isn't doing what you think it's doing05:04
fennwhat _does_ it do? :P05:04
kanzureI don't think anybody realizes how simple substitution rules are05:05
kanzuregene: have you used graphsynth yet?05:05
genenot at all05:05
kanzureokay, it's a quick download05:05
fennworks much better on windows i hope05:06
kanzureit works somewhat on linux. did you compile it for linux for some reason?05:07
fennyeah because i have no windows computers05:09
kanzureto get it working on linux, if it ever starts to run, you have to send the popup box to another desktop in kde05:09
kanzurewhy is my server lagging so much on keyboard input. sigh.05:09
kanzureNah, you're lying.05:10
kanzureI'll be damned.05:17
kanzureI'd be?05:18
ybitthoughts, bkero? :)06:16
ybitmy guess is that google's OS is app engine06:17
ybit"to heck w/ an operating system, use our cloud!"06:17
bkeroOr we just don't want people to know what browser/os we're using ;)07:24
samroseASDN looks extremely useful11:47
kanzuresamrose: Have you seen ebXML?12:37
samrosehuh, nope, not till just now kanzure12:38
kanzure_my bookstore of choice was out of my annual break starter ritual latest installment of the Dune franchise so I finished up going to Borders where I ran into Larry Wall's wife and son and at least said hello, having not at OSDC"12:56
kanzure_Tony. Ack. You don't just causally see Larry Wall's wife and son without kneeling and beggining them for eternal enlightenment! Gah.12:57
kanzure_"Scientists have13:44
kanzure_determined that the human finger is so sensitive it can detect a surface bump13:44
kanzure_just one micron high"13:44
kanzure_That's about the diameter of a bacterial cell.13:44
kanzure_http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=parametric+CAD+engine+%22open+source%22&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 Yikes. The page I added to p2pfoundation.net is already showing up on Google.14:02
geneLinux the new school contraband:14:20
kanzureI know, I've already talked with the debian guys about this14:20
genebest quote in article:14:20
kanzurebtw, there's also ctlug.org and austinlug.org14:21
gene"What is this Gimp? Is it some hacked Photoshop?"14:21
genethen again I really need to convert to linux14:21
geneClassic quote #2...."Theres no way a computer could be that small, unless you're some sort of hacker or spy"14:22
* bkero hackerspys14:35
geneOH NOES!14:44
kanzure_http://www.thefabricator.com/FabStories/FabStories_Article.cfm?ID=2045 fabrication processes & SpaceX14:47
kanzure_heh, welded tank of rolled alulminum14:48
kanzure_what's the alternative though14:48
kanzure_"As Ringuette explained, "When I need to buy a new machine, I describe it to Elon, he either agrees or disagrees, and that's the end of it. It's very helpful."14:51
kanzure_Hm. I can't seem to find any songs about evil robot overlords taking over the world. 17:06
kanzure_lazyweb, would you pick up the slack? Maybe a prayer or two to the evil robot overlords?17:06
kanzure_Just in case anyone in here is missing out on Anima Mundi - 17:59
kanzure_Hm. I think I have a bad idea. Torrenting share ratios applied to philanthropical bootstrapping of material search-and-mine operations. 18:23
bkeroWhat does that even mean?18:26
kanzure_'share ratio' like, 0.4 meaning 40% of the energy and materials - by mass or some other metric that I haven't decided on yet - goes back to acquiring what percentage of that same amount, in excess18:36
kanzure_or something.18:36
kanzure_feedback stuff. 18:36
kanzure_http://ckan.net/  "CKAN is the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network, a registry of open knowledge packages and projects (and a few closed ones). CKAN is the place to search for open knowledge resources as well as register your own."22:21
kanzure_Those familiar with freshmeat, CPAN or PyPI can think of CKAN as providing an analogous service for open knowledge."22:22
kanzure_But is it actually made with a repository system?22:22
kanzure_Can I run ckan as I do cpan in the shell?22:22
proctothey use a wiki system :>22:31
* procto can see kanzure_ explode22:31
proctoone day you will wake up22:32
proctoand everyone you know will have been replaced by a wiki22:32
bkeroWouldn't be so bad22:32
bkeroAt least it would be transparent.22:32
proctowould be for kanzure_ 22:32
proctohe'd rather wake up and find everyone had become perl scripts22:32
kanzureDefacing a wiki would be so meaningful.22:32
kanzureyes please22:33
kanzurea friend of mine met Larry Wall's wife and son last night22:33
kanzureHe didn't bow :-/22:33
kanzureDoes anyone know of some fairytales based around "if you give a man a fish"?22:34
bkerokanzure: robot chicken22:34
kanzureThe series?22:34
bkeroThere's a short in it about that quote22:43

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