
--- Day changed Fri Dec 12 2008
fennkanzure: why dont you just model reprap?00:15
fennthere are even 3d cad files. but i dont know what you're doing really00:15
kanzureNo, I was going to make some 3D files of mechmate.00:16
fennwhy mechmate?00:17
kanzureI'm used to having 3-views on my schematics, and seeing isometric views00:17
kanzurewell because I have their schematics00:17
kanzuresupposedly. they don't seem to be too good. It's "complete" but I'm having trouble reading mechmate's PDFed schematics.00:17
fenndo they use linear ball bearing rails?00:17
kanzurewhat's the alternative?00:18
kanzurethey did have rails, don't know if it was ball bearing00:18
fennsome other soort of bearing00:18
kanzurethere were slots every 300 mm in the rails00:18
kanzuredon't know what that was about. probably just for mounting to the table.00:18
fennbolt holes?00:18
kanzurewhen I was searching for the email that was talking about mechmate, I came across some old logs of me chating with Dalrymple00:19
fenneta 30 min00:19
kanzureI had done a superlinkdump on him, and apparently I had already known about mechmate00:19
kanzureyou can try mechmate.com I guess, they posted it on the front page with an annoying registration link to their forums00:20
fennif it's just some kind of angle iron, then it might be worth looking into00:21
fennbut if you have to buy some $400 rail kit then why even bother with mechmate00:21
fennit's too bad the pics are so low res00:21
fenn 00:22
fenn Current projected cost's are $6818.32 US plus labor, plus tax.00:23
fennaha "The MechMate drawings will call for a machine shop with a milling machine to form the inverted V on the top edge of lengths of standard angle iron for the x and y rails."00:28
fennand then he shows some hack using a table saw o_000:29
kanzurefenn, did my reviewing of the logs help at all? I think I can come up with a todo list with actual, practical steps now for what needs to be done next00:30
fennok i am kind of busy with my house situation right now00:33
fennbut maybe in a week or so i will have lots of time00:33
kanzurelike can't talk right now or just in general? I'm not talking about giving you a todo list00:33
kanzuremiscommunication .. I know you're busy, but didn't realize you're doing something at this moment00:34
fennnot at this moment00:34
fenni'm sort of winding down for bed right now (why did i just eat a whole bar of chocolate?)00:34
kanzurelet me rephrase one more time just to get it right .. it's not a todo list that anybody is being expected to complete.00:34
kanzurebecause you're addicted? :)00:34
kanzureCan somebody, anybody call my cell phone please? 512 203 0507. I can't seem to find it. I'd also need to be told when it's ringing.00:35
fennheh ok00:35
fennin twenty seconds00:36
kanzureheh busy finding your own..00:36
kanzuretrapped in the recliner.00:37
kanzureI wonder how long it's been there.00:37
fenntoday's tech tip: if you ever need to mop up some decayed racoon entrails, hit it with some "scrubbing bubbles" aerosol bathroom cleaner first00:40
kanzuresay, what's your new housing arrangement anyway?00:40
kanzurevegan housecleaner or something?00:40
fenntakes the odor down to zero like magic00:40
fennno, roomate's aunt bought a house and abandoned it like four years ago00:41
fennand people in this house are scattering to the winds, so i sure arent staying here00:41
kanzurethat's odd00:41
fennno payments, at least til spring? i dont see what i would be paying for though00:41
kanzurerent, mortgage, on that abandoned house00:42
fennno she owns it00:42
kanzurepeculiar. okay.00:42
fenni came across some city council meeting saying it was on the "title VI abatement" list, whatever that means00:42
fennyou know, rent is really stupid00:44
fenn$60k over the last five years and the landlord is still an asshole00:44
fennin exchange for what?00:44
kanzurethat's quite a lot.00:44
kanzurealthough at this rate I'm going in a similar direction..00:46
fenndid you know that landlords can sell the house while you are still living in it, and then you are bound to the same least with the new owners?00:46
fenni think that's pretty screwy, especially considering you can't (legally) sublet the house without the landlord's approval00:48
kanzure_fenn: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/skdb_todo.txt01:32
kanzure_I might post that to om, what do you think?01:33
kanzure_"Offit had recently sold his rota vaccine patent for $104 million dollars."02:22
kanzure_http://bp1.blogger.com/_2EAAGwTKO40/R8L9wKI574I/AAAAAAAABBo/55dQzP637VA/s1600-h/IMG_3029.jpg <- the guys responsible for xmms2 (sort of)03:35
fennis "responsible" a good thing? :)03:48
fenni used to think that all linux/FOSS developers were young people, then I met the EMC crowd :)03:48
kanzure_http://jriddell.org/photos/2007-06-20-debconf-group.jpg <-- debconf03:51
kanzure_I thought all FOSS developers were oldies actually, because of how astonished I'd be to find anybody in my age group doing anything open source most of the time.03:52
kanzure_although these guys could be any age I guess, you can't really tell from a distance03:52
fenni wonder if they put the females up front on purpose03:57
kanzure_the scotts?03:57
fenngwah nevermind it's just my poor excuse for a brain acting up again03:58
kanzure_there does seem to be at least four women in the front row03:58
kanzure_erm, not front row, but "near the front row conditional upon the fuzziness of it all"03:58
kanzure_the man on the front low, third from the left, with the beard, looks like somebody I know04:00
fennfour in the front center and five on the right front04:00
fennkanzure_: that's not a real person, it's a mythical icon04:00
fennthe bearded unix hacker04:00
kanzure_I met a bearded unix hacker once, he looks exactly like that04:01
kanzure_for some reason he was either working at Apple or previously did,04:01
kanzure_and when I first met this particular individual, back in 2007 in the Austin Transhumanism Meetup, he was doing something about rTMS, and living on a bus or something04:01
kanzure_recently I think I saw him again at an algae conference, but I dismissed it :/04:01
kanzure_*I thought I saw04:01
fennthe bearded guy in the far right corner looks sorta like my old boss04:03
fennprobably not him though, he's a redhat guy04:04
kanzureyou have a hundred thousand obsessive compulsive, fixating geeks and you still can't find that original red hat04:07
kanzurethat must be sad.04:07
fennwas there a hat? i never did hear the story04:08
kanzure_""Red Hat" is a reference to a red Cornell University lacrosse cap given to company founder Marc Ewing by his grandfather."04:09
kanzure_"CAC runs Red Hat Enterprise Linux on several HPC clusters. The Chairman and CEO of Red Hat spoke at Cornell on the impact of open source technologies. Red Hat's other affinity with Cornell is its name. Company founder, Marc Ewing, was given a Cornell lacrosse team cap (with red and white stripes) while at college by his grandfather. It was his favorite hat. He lost it somewhere in Philadelphia in his last year of school and named the company "Red04:09
kanzure_"somewhere in Philadelphia"04:10
fennwell it's no wonder nobody's found it, there isn't a single picture on the internet04:12
kanzure1) make up mythical symbol representing some sort of movement04:13
kanzure2) lose it04:13
kanzure3) profit04:13
fennmaybe that was it04:14
kanzure_how could you possibly lose *that*04:14
fennif i lost that hat, i would probably name a company after it04:15
fennwow you learn something new every day: badonka-donk, "An 'ebonic' expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind."04:16
fennah this is where i heard it: Badonkadonk Land Cruiser Tank04:17
kanzure_http://yudkowsky.net/obsolete/bookshelf.html#fs_n <-- Heh. Eli is a Zindell fan too. (ok, so is Anders, but we already know that.)05:03
genewell guess what kanzure they aren't using EEG05:27
genethey're using fMRI05:27
genethis is old05:27
geneOne researcher here has been doing that using a ultrahigh res fMRI he developed05:28
kanzure_how ultra high res are we talking05:29
genelike 0.5 mm cube05:29
geneor something like that05:29
genefMRI sucks for this kind of thing05:29
geneyou're looking at the blood flow not the neuron05:30
geneso response time is low05:30
kanzure_EROS is probably a better idea.05:30
kanzure_EROS (Event Related Optical Signal)05:31
kanzure_Event Related Optical Signal (EROS) is a brain-scanning technique which uses infrared light through optical fibers to measure changes in optical properties of active areas of the cerebral cortex.05:31
geneI wonder though if the subjects had to keep their eyes perfectly still or not05:31
kanzure_subjects wouldn't have to, there's drugs for that05:31
geneno for the study05:32
genewhen you look at something your eyes are seldom looking at the same place05:33
geneyou look around05:33
kanzure_that's because of muscles05:33
kanzure_which drugs take care of.05:33
geneI wonder if they actually did that though05:35
geneor they figured out which part of the brain combine visual input05:36
geneEROS is still based on blood flow05:37
genewhich means it sucks05:37
geneor is it?05:38
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/open_source_manufacturing_2.png <-- evidence that I should be sleeping ..05:43
genemaybe MRI can image neuron activity05:46
genewait you have time for sleep?05:47
kanzure_the finals I have tomorrow are engineering graphics and building brains, these are the only two classes that I'm probably going to pass anyway so yeah05:47
geneI have graphics and math05:48
kanzure_btw, did you check out the schematics for mechmate? As far as I can tell they suck, I miss my three-views.05:48
genewhat's that?05:48
kanzure_I was going to model some of the schematics today, but then I realized how terrible they are05:48
kanzure_mechmate is a cnc router05:48
geneemail it to me later05:48
kanzure_mechmate.com is handing out free schematics, so.05:48
kanzure_(so I made up a zip with the drawings.)05:49
genein the mean time check out this tiny korean CNC05:49
kanzure_is it called the microfactory?05:49
genetwo different minimills05:50
genesecond one sells for 1200 dollars05:50
kanzure_who linked you to this?05:50
gene+_ 0.2 mm accurate05:50
generelatively bad05:51
geneI found it05:51
genegonna post it in open manufacturing after I am done with finals05:51
kanzure_oh, I was about to post it05:51
kanzure_but if you want to ok05:51
* kanzure_ goes to sleep05:51
kanzure_I wonder if openmfg is worth it or not. It looks like it's just a giant accounting database system with a fancy GUI, but on the other hand it mentions a bill-of-materials data field that companies are apparently implementing (above), don't know how useful they're making it.06:27
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML12:40
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML13:01
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML13:15
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML15:55
kanzure_-http://openmanufacturing.net/ Paul owns this now apparently18:43
kanzure_http://groups.google.com/group/gnu-society <-- ugh, Patrick..22:08
kanzurehttp://eskar.dk/andreas/blog/thesis/ - "A system that works for me" - an anthropological analysis of the ubuntu community, (some guy's thesis.)22:31
ybitya know, paul may like to know that openmanufacturing.org is secured for similar purposes, perhaps the two domain names will lead to the same location eventually (it could right now if i would forward to the om google groups portal :P )23:33
ybithe just purchased the domain name today, glad someone like him got it23:35
kanzurewho purchased openmanufacturing.org?23:43
kanzureanyway, bring that up on the mailing list :)23:44

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