
--- Day changed Wed Dec 17 2008
fenni think you want something like my "arc length parameterized spiral" function:  http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/spiral3.png  http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/lengthspiral.py00:01
fennG3 is gcode for arc, btw00:02
kanzure_obviously something wrong^00:03
fennis it supposed to be a hollow tube?00:03
fennand if so, why not use brlcad's tube primitive00:03
kanzure_not with cross-sections rotated around, what's going on there anyway00:03
kanzure_the xy coords are set to the spiral coords, nothing about rotation00:04
fenneh? the rectangles aren't being rotated00:04
fennso.. rotate them00:04
kanzure_no, they're not supposed to be00:04
kanzure_but look at the screenshot00:04
kanzure_(the other_issue)00:04
fennexplain yourself!00:04
kanzure_look at the tail00:05
kanzure_something must be wrong.00:05
kanzure_however, 00:05
fennthe inside end?00:05
kanzure_no, outside00:05
kanzure_that's a screenshot from the same dataset00:05
kanzure_where they are rotated correctly00:05
kanzure_explain this voodoo magic to me. :(00:06
fennthey aren't rotated correctly, the camera viewpoint just makes it look sorta almost correct00:06
kanzure_but I can zoom in there and rotate around and it's right00:07
fennshow me00:07
kanzure_the _2.png shot (last link I gave, just a few moments ago)00:08
fennin _2 the rectangles are still aligned parallel to each other, they arent rotating around the spiral00:09
kanzure_wait, what? that's good, but you say "still" as if in the other_issue they are as well?00:09
fennit's the same data set00:09
fennyou are looking at them from two angles 90 degrees apart00:10
fenni suggest taking a walk00:11
kanzure_oh wait. maybe I should be rotating the cross sections w/ pi?00:11
kanzure_erm, yes, a variable00:11
* fenn looks at the nasty perl code00:11
* kanzure_ adds an orot $j 0 0; before the accept;00:12
fennder... the code changed on me00:12
kanzure_but this might not actually do the trick because orot tends to hate me so far00:12
kanzure_oops, I should have announced that.00:13
fennoh spiral_generator.pl not spiralgen.pl00:13
kanzure_heh, yes.00:13
fennso, given: $x = $j*cos($j); $y = $j*sin($j)00:14
fennj is the parameter00:14
kanzure_as I said above, orot :)00:14
fennyeah but you might change the parameter later, so you should have something like $angle = $j00:15
fennuh, why arent you using "t" as the parameter?00:16
kanzure_do you have brlcad installed? it's easier if you just run the script instead of me uploading a 5 MB data set.00:16
kanzure_I guess orot isn't really doing anything00:17
fenni know how it works00:17
kanzure_when I was playing around in brlcad, orot doesn't play with 'regions', only shapes.00:17
kanzure_guess I'll rotate before I make it a region. bleh.00:17
fenni have brlcad "sorta" installed, meaning there's all this crap in a huge directory but it won't run00:18
kanzure_did you compile from sources?00:18
fennoh nm i just need export PATH=$PATH:/usr/brlcad/bin00:18
fennexcept it's in /usr/local..00:19
kanzure_it took me the longest time to remember that the whole PATH=$PATH thing required :'s and not ;'s..00:19
geneI really don't think we should be using brlcad to simply put down prims00:20
fenni have no idea what the purpose of this exercise is, so no comment00:21
kanzure_oh, maybe I should be using 'comb' instead of r, and then using orot00:21
* kanzure_ tests00:21
genethe purpose is free energy fenn00:22
fennoh i bet00:25
kanzure_nope, didn't work. I'll go take that walk [down to the kitchen].00:26
fennbtw when you get back, before you thrash everything, might i suggest putting it in a git repo so you can go back to something that sorta works00:27
fennand try to understand my little python program please ;)00:31
fenni suppose i could fix it to work standalone, using cairo for graphics00:45
fennlengthspiral now in standalone-ish, in: http://fennetic.net/git/cxf2cnc.git/01:26
fennneed to figure out wtf i'm doing with arcs01:27
fennand a pic for you lazies: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/lengthspiral.png01:29
fennignore the green crap01:29
bkeroI'm free energy.02:07
kanzure_fenn, what's lengthspiral.png supposed to be helping with?02:13
kanzure_bkero: Rock on.02:26
kanzure_grr, I need a better stl viewer.02:49
kanzure_right now I can only rotate, move the entire object left/right, and zoom in/out.02:49
kanzure_but I'd rather be able to do some flying around.02:49
fennkanzure_: the bunching up at the center / spreading out at the edges02:54
bkeroKill people03:39
ybitgrr, was not on logging 03:54
ybitoi bryan, wher's the jap paper speaking about "fmri_extracts_images_from_the_brain"...03:55
ybitKang Cheng site:heybryan.org gives me nothing03:57
ybitwell, not what i'm looking for03:57
ybitnor does RIKEN03:57
ybithmm, kanzure kanzure_ 04:03
kanzure_ybit: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/04:28
kanzure_this is like reading a brick wall. Some people seem to have the right idea when commenting, but nobody ever replies to them.04:55
UtopiahGHMLhttp://nnlm.gov/pnr/dragonfly/2008/12/09/lifesci_search/ Alternative Search Engines for the Life Sciences 05:00
UtopiahGHMLthink Eliezer Yudkowsky is more engaged in preaching in a dogmatic way that engaging with a dialog with "the masses"05:01
UtopiahGHMLhis quality of thinking is too precise and thus precious to be wasted on debates05:02
bkeroI went to Boston this week and met Benjamin Mako Hill. :)05:03
UtopiahGHML(he is most likely applying http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~siegel/quack.html with his own quality metrics though, makes sense)05:05
kanzure_ybit: http://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/10/economic-defini.html#comment-136930723 05:17
edektoranybody there?05:35
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/eli.html <- Some notes on attempting to knock sense into Eliezer.05:39
kanzure_There. Now I can stop complaining (right)?. 05:39
fennanyone want the rexresearch.com comprehensive hogwash database?05:44
fenncovering free energy, reactionless propulsion, water from air, etc05:44
fenngene you know you want it05:44
geneno, I'm much too smart for that05:45
edektorHow is the SynBio Book coming?05:46
geneI'll find myself deconstructing the bad physics of movies rather than watching them sometimes05:46
fennwhat synbio book?05:48
fenncool he even has a babington burner article05:50
edektorThis book: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_thread/thread/6db3f4867ba006a4?pli=1. I dont know current status of the project though.05:51
fennoh was this mackenzie's project?05:51
fenni've enough unfinished projects of my own05:52
edektorno Bryan Bishop's05:53
fenni think he was just "providing a place" to get things started for people running around like headless chickens05:53
edektorare you sure? 05:55
edektorI dont think so?05:55
bkeroNo such thing as too many projects ;)05:55
edektorYou guys still working on the DIY Syn Bio book?07:09
fennhaha my mom got a twitter account07:19
bkeroI have tons of random people following me on twitter07:39
bkeroI'll get two or three messages a day saying someone has started to follow me07:39
willPow3rfenn, mind if i twitter your mom?07:47
fennthat's interesting07:57
fenni wouldnt think they compete for light by shading out others since most of the cells nearby would be related (clones)07:58
ybit[23:17] <kanzure_> ybit: http://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/10/economic-defini.html#comment-136930723 08:08
ybit^ your point?08:08
ybitis this part of your collection of jef's comments?08:08
kanzure_ybit: http://xkcd.com/512/14:24
kanzure_"the distribution of leukemia among children living hear high voltage15:24
kanzure_power lines or transformers is not random; rather, it affects children15:24
kanzure_carrying a certain genetic variant--that is, the ability to repair DNA15:24
kanzure_breaks--vastly more often."15:24
kanzure_"Now from15:56
kanzure_Turberfield's group comes a paper showing that DNA has the potential not15:56
kanzure_just to make static structures, but to make functioning machines."15:56
drazakthat paper must be oldish16:25
kanzure_ok, I've expanded it:17:44
kanzure_now with actual content instead of a ridiculous number of links17:44
kanzure_Does anybody know why browser HTML layout engines are so nasty to write, and why we bothered making crappy things so standardized? Anybody?20:06
kanzure_http://mathstat.helsinki.fi/openbugs/Home.html BUGS (Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling) is a piece of computer software for the Bayesian analysis of complex statistical models using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. It has been developing and maturing over the years, and is probably best known in its WinBugs incarnations. The latest version can run on Windows and Linux, as well as from inside the R statistical package.21:23
Phreedomkanzure_: why do you think html layout is crappy?21:29
Phreedomand a typical layout engine is a contstraint propagation solver21:30
Phreedomno more and no less21:30
fennsupposedly DNA is superconductive22:51
fenneven if not, there are a lot of turns in those coils, making for a high ratio transformer22:52
fennso i don't think it's totally unreasonable to assume that magnetic fields could affect DNA22:52
fennthe thing is, high voltage power lines don't carry that much current22:53
geneDNA is superconductive23:42
fennno not really23:56
fennbut it appears to be if you use rhenium electrodes23:56
fennof course this makes one wonder why nobody's jumping on the rhenium-doped-DNA bandwagon23:57

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