
--- Day changed Thu Dec 18 2008
genedna chips00:05
kanzure_Phreedom: because there's only four.00:28
kanzure_Everything easy to do has a bazillion, like text editors00:28
Phreedomkanzure_: much more than four, but most aren't up-to-date ;)00:28
Phreedomnobody needs a layout engine that's behind the current norm00:29
fenni do00:32
fennwell, dillo is the only one that actually goes fast enough for me00:32
fenn(and it doesnt do CSS)00:32
kanzure_http://turnitin.com/static/products.html "Over 70 million student papers have been submitted." <- ack, what a waste of time.00:46
kanzure_one day I might break down and just hack together opera and firefox and be done with it00:47
kanzure_while reverse compilers aren't going to work well for me, I seem to recall there being a few tricks.00:48
kanzure_"                                    MEL is one of seven NIST Laboratories, and01:15
kanzure_its mission includes the satisfaction of the measurement and standards needs of01:15
kanzure_U.S. manufacturers.01:15
kanzure_Wait, what? They work *for* companies?01:15
fennyes, they do calibration and testing01:16
kanzure_http://www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/bestpractices/ is interesting, a portal page for "industrial plant personnel" and DOE stuff.01:19
fennsince they're produced by a US govt agency, shouldnt the source be available as public domain?01:23
kanzure_it would be interesting to argue this point: "if documents are only available to certainly named Engineers in Companies, which are companies owned by Foreign Powers That Be, then you're effectively making sure that U.S. citizens do not have access to that information -- specialization for citizens that are employed by foreign companies doesn't count in the total count."01:25
fennby "should" i mean "legally, under the current system"01:28
fennfor example this is why we have emc201:28
fenner, EMC101:28
kanzure_http://gnuwave.org/drupal/openmis "An extensible, easy-to-use, well-documented manufacturing inventory system aimed at small to medium-sized businesses."01:30
kanzure_oops, it's dead01:31
fenn12/09/08 isnt that long ago01:33
fennit's just fledgeling still01:33
kanzure_you see eli.html ?01:45
fennwhy am i reading this?01:47
fennhave i mentioned how much i love linux lately?01:51
bkero<3 linux01:51
kanzure_fenn: you're reading it because I failed to figure out how to properly plot pipes in brlcad today, so that's about all that I've been able to dig up01:52
kanzure_and what's with the new love affair in linux?01:53
fenni've been using an old mac powerbook; using utter crap software helps you value what you have01:54
fennoh and i just did "eject /mnt" and it Just Worked(tm)01:54
kanzure_http://www.census.gov/mcd/asmhome.html Annual Survey of Manufactures02:46
kanzure_neat, they have statistics organized by NAICS' classification system02:47
kanzure_that sounds incredibly unlikely..02:47
kanzure_http://www.ciras.iastate.edu/publications/CIRASNews/fall97/network.html "Flexible manufacturing networks" - firms pooling resources together. hrm.02:51
kanzure_"by 1991 there were over 50 documented networks in various stages of operation"02:52
kanzure_hm, clicking around on macrae's blue book (an industry directory), I think I'm starting to get the picture02:56
kanzure_these RFQ's, RFC's, etc., are mostly done by email it seems02:56
kanzure_or I guess sometimes done through crappy web interfaces02:56
kanzure_blah, I should stop before I get started. /me goes away02:56
fenngood god it's Communism!02:58
fennfestering in the heart of America03:01
fenn(encouraged by those damned Leftist Universities of course)03:02
fennIowa State Communist Industrial Research and Service03:02
fennok that's enough of that03:03
* splicer wonders if china would fund defunct domestic auto industry03:05
genewell there was that 100 billion dollar bailout fenn that's like way more communist03:42
genedo you know how many giant robots you could build with a 100 million03:42
geneahem a 100 billion03:43
Phreedomgene: I thought it was several 100 billion?03:45
gene_oh yeah03:53
gene_you can still buy a lot of stuff with 100 billion though03:53
gene_you can buy more giant robots than there are aircraft carriers03:54
Phreedomgene_: 100 billion sounds like enough to completely change the world :)04:03
Phreedomnot by feeding the hungry, but by developing tools which would allow smarter of them to fix their own problems04:03
gene_you could buy a lot of repraps for that amount04:03
Phreedomrepraps don't grow potatos ;)04:04
Phreedomnot yet04:04
gene_you could buy 10 giant diverging lenses 1000 kilometers in diameter capable of stopping global warming ten times over04:04
Phreedomor better yet build more concentrated solar power stations04:05
gene_yeah solar power is much better04:06
Phreedomplenty of useful stuff to do. The question is where do I apply for a 100bn grant?04:27
proctoPhreedom: you should join #phreadom :>04:37
fennyes, build them in space04:44
kanzure_weird, Nathan seriously doesn't understand Eric's posts to om04:51
kanzure_ack.. what's with all of the verbose crap04:54
fenn" for those who may think I'm serious, I'm not. I'm only being honest"04:55
fennso, er... what does that mean?04:56
fenni think he hasn't learned that sarcasm clogs the tubes04:58
kanzure_read the next email he sent in that thread04:58
kanzure_I'm thinking "holy shit what I have gotten myself into" .. what's with this overly verbose philosophical *shit*04:58
kanzure_I mean, I'm into philosophy, but this is starting to become annoying04:59
fennthat gear handshake is really corny05:01
kanzure_yeah :(05:01
fenni need a threaded mail reader05:02
fennpreferably available on BSD05:02
fennover a terminal05:02
kanzure_you were on a mac, you've moved to a BSD system?05:03
kanzure_(keyboard has been acting up lately..)05:03
fennno, my email server is freebsd05:03
fennthe mac was just for some old files i was archiving, they were in stupid mac formats05:03
fenn"citizens bought less today"05:06
kanzure_paul's line?05:07
fennrofl "Slaves association for future mastership"05:07
Phreedomprocto: will I get a cookie? ;)05:07
kanzure_"In last year's iGEM, a team from Freiburg created a05:08
kanzure_breadboard using DNA Origami "05:08
kanzure_how's that a breadboard. hrm..05:08
fennwould be interesting to do a bitmap image with the various fluorescent proteins05:13
kanzure_what's the xy coords? based off of the dna origami foldingness?05:14
kanzure_I think Paul Rothemund was doing a smiley face as one type of image, so I guess if you can do a b&w->dna generator05:15
kanzure_Paul's smiley got on the cover of a few magazines.05:15
fennno i mean the tiles would interlock such that the only way to solve all the constraints is a picture05:15
fennthis could be done with some kind of stacked wavelet decomposition05:15
fenneach layer of tiles corresponding to a wavelet05:15
fenni dont know how to say that in english05:16
fennit's sorta like the binary counter but with 2d patches instead of just rows05:17
kanzure_I'll have to look up wavelet decomposition. but I'm thinking 'unfolding' of an image, 'unraveling'.05:17
fenndo you have a browser yet?05:19
kanzure_yep, I seeeeeeeee it05:19
kanzure_blah, keyboard.05:19
gene_cool idea05:19
fennyeah but is it feasible?05:20
gene_now if we only had some biobricks and enzymes05:20
gene_I don't know05:20
fennalso there's the minor problem of DNA tiles being a zillion times smaller than visible wavelengths05:20
gene_but I heard that biochemistry is like electronics without the electricity05:20
kanzure_well the ellingtonlab that I was at was doing bacteria that would display a black and white photo05:20
kanzure_not quite the same thing as DNA, but at least you could see it visibly05:20
gene_so add a different photoreceptor05:21
gene_for different colors05:21
kanzure_what do you mean "so"05:21
fennyou could add a gold atom and do electron micrography05:21
kanzure_you're assuming I'm trying ttto add colors?05:21
kanzure_or trying to do anything at all or something?05:21
gene_I just suggested a way of adding flourescent black light colors to biopictures05:23
fenni'm thinking "that's cute, but what's it good for"05:23
gene_to make it look like some sort of blacklight poster05:23
fennand it's good for assembling arrays of other stuff05:23
gene_hold one sec05:23
gene_my browser has accumulated errors and I need to purge05:23
kanzure_gee, it's as if he's still using firefox05:24
kanzure_oh wait.05:24
fennthat's what they're trying to do after all: "the antigens NIP and fluoresceine can as well be fused to these oligos"05:24
genewoo update05:25
kanzure_gene, did you ever poooooooost that hand held       factory thingy to the om list?05:27
kanzure_it's after finals, so.05:27
geneOH SHIT NO05:27
genebtw I need some sun05:28
kanzure_the company?05:28
geneno sunlight05:30
genesnow would be good too05:30
genehow else do you power a solar powered balloon05:31
fennnathan's massive political overhead reminds me of this: http://fennetic.net/milesaway/decision_making05:32
kanzure_you know, with the amount of time he spent typing that crap, he could have been learning what a metal is05:35
genewho do you speak of?05:35
fenni only know how to complain and shit05:35
fennall that other stuff is way over my head05:36
fenn(not that i'm saying anything bad about anyone)05:36
geneanother guy trying to start some project related to replicators?05:36
kanzure_he just posts to om05:36
kanzure_but for the record there is another guy trying to do replicators, i.e. Paul05:37
kanzure_and he's also on the om list05:37
genelet me guess they're software people05:37
kanzure_nathan isn't05:37
kanzure_he's .. well I don't know what he is05:37
genehe's probably a dragon, avoid him at all cost05:38
fennnathan's one of those Damned Things that dont fit into categories05:39
kanzure_huh, I wonder if suppliers accepting RFC's/RFQ's get lots of spam. How do they know which opportunities to investigate further and put time/resources into checking out?05:42
kanzure_I mean, that has to be a pretty big deal05:43
kanzure_"you claim you have *how* much demand? well sir. you have yourself a deal."05:43
kanzure_phantom suppliers :p05:43
kanzure_*into checking it out05:44
kanzure_yay for spontaneously dropping words05:44
genethat's called word carpetbombing05:48
kanzure_fenn: re: your om post, you know about canonizer.com and why it's crappy, right?06:24
kanzure_or really re: your decision page06:24
fennwhat does canonizer have to do with that06:26
kanzure_brent's supergoal is to make some silly way of hearing everybody's opinion06:28
kanzure_as a way for telling decision makers what decisions people want to make06:28
kanzure_(there's so many issues with that idea that it's hard to know where to begin ..)06:28
fennproblem is voting doesnt work for technical decisions06:29
fennand it's very easy to manipulate large numbers of people06:29
fenn(with enough money)06:29
kanzure_also, it's difficult to express opinions in text06:30
kanzure_or to do meaning mining and such ..06:30
fennis it?06:30
fennhmm wasnt that the point of canonizer?06:30
kanzure_didn't you say it takes you forever to put something in a category06:30
fenner.. maybe06:30
fenni think i was whining about hierarchical bookmarking/filesystem, wishing for tags06:30
kanzure_oh, I could probably also link here to Doctorow's "tagging is shit, go home kids" article06:30
fennboo.. poop on doctorow then06:31
kanzure_nsh agrees with me here :-)06:31
kanzure_or at least once did06:31
fennnsh is working on semantic infrastructure isnt he?06:31
kanzure_about needing more processssual things going on here06:31
kanzure_wait, what? nsh is in a bio lab06:31
fennwell, it was someone06:31
kanzure_more processes rather than just textnaming stuff06:31
kanzure_or the way procto put it .. I'd rather wake up and have everyone replaced with perl scripts rather than replaced with tags06:32
fennsure objects are better than data06:32
kanzure_blah, objects ..06:32
fennbut how many people can write code?06:32
kanzure_executing code is better than objects06:32
fennmuch less code that plays well with other code06:32
fennobject = executable code + data06:33
fennc++ has sort of butt-raped the term06:33
kanzure_hm. nod.06:33
kanzure_huh, Mike Harris (openvirgle mike) responded pretty fast to your clusterfuck rollcall06:34
fenni still chuckle about "William Abaris"06:36
kanzure_his penname? what was the joke?06:36
kanzure_he explaaaaained it once, something about a hero he admired?06:36
fenndunno, the funny part to me is that it's so obviously him because of numerous google-droppings06:37
fenn"Thanks, I think I'm still going to use it :-) What I really wanted to make sure was that no one new who Abaris was: a mythical Heperborean healer."06:37
kanzure_what sucks is that everybody seems to be getting excited about doing absolutely nothing on om06:38
kanzure_I feel sick. I need to push some code..06:38
fennpocket.py now has pan and zoom! wheee06:39
kanzure_is this in the emc .git?06:39
fennin here http://fennetic.net/git/cxf2cnc.git/06:39
kanzure_erm, the cnc.git :)06:40
fennit's some crap i'm working on, CAM algorithms06:40
kanzure_what do you say CAM is06:40
fennso people don't have to have a functioning emc2 install06:40
kanzure_is this just gcode stuff, or is this also more advanced manufacturing stuffs06:40
kanzure_I guess you can't do much though with manufacturing stuffs because of a lack of access06:40
kanzure_so that's a stupid question. nevermind.06:40
fenncomputer aided manufacturing, but it usually means going from a CAD geometry file to some kind of toolpath or robot movement instructions06:40
fenni dont have anything to run it on right now, but not for lack of access (?) because i'm building it?06:41
* fenn ponders the philosophical meaning of "access"06:41
fennis anything truly unfair.. what is freedom?06:41
kanzure_the meaning of access: if you call forth a script, does it execute or just sit there and spurt errors?06:42
fennit generates a .nc file06:42
fennyou can then run that .nc on a simulated machine or a real machine06:43
kanzure_the meaning of access is "get back to work"06:43
kanzure_whywork.org ref here ? :p06:43
fennjeez i can't even get any chocolate because the roads are so icy06:43
fenndamn planetary weather06:43
fenntoday i was daydreaming about buying dropship.com and setting up a point to point small instant delivery service using UAV's06:44
kanzure_automated or aerial? dropship, I'm guesing is aerial.06:45
fenncost scales with distance and mass06:45
fennwith discounts for returned containers06:46
kanzure_yep, it was mentioned on om a few months ago for a competition of sorts06:46
kanzure_something about delivering milk cartons06:47
fennit was? can you remember any other keywords?06:47
kanzure_milk cartons aren't mentioned often.06:47
kanzure_competition, prize, milk cartons, ..06:47
kanzure_vehicles, robots, stuff like that06:47
geneautomated delivery UAVs06:48
kanzure_I posted in the thread, so you can probably search for bryan +     milk06:48
geneI always wanted something like that in high school06:48
genefor delivering books if I forgot them06:49
fenngod dammit. google groups used to actually display right06:49
geneyou know it would be great idea to actually build something like that06:50
genetrees might be a problem though06:50
geneand landing06:50
genedo you intend to airdrop groceries?06:50
geneIE via parachutes?06:51
fennthere is much room for innovation06:51
fennjust imagine i'm writing a journal article starting with "towards a..."06:52
genehmmm... you can make parachutes from HDPE sheeting, the same stuff that grocery bags are made from06:52
kanzure_well you could just spout off aboout the possibilities, sure06:52
kanzure_but I06:52
genebut that seems a bit wasteful to me06:52
kanzure_I'm wondering how you'd actually go about getting implementations?06:52
geneyeah you would need gasoline powered airplanes, not special RC plane fuel, and some automatic refuel system06:53
fennkanzure_: bounties06:53
fennit seems like a very accessible research area06:54
geneoh and might I remind you that small 2 stroke engines can be very polluting06:54
fennthey havent yet made UAV's or knowledge about them illegal...06:54
geneit's unregulatable now06:54
fenngene: might i remind you that driving your two ton fucking block of metal and glass to the store is also polluting06:54
genetwo stroke engines are more polluting06:54
geneerr small engines are06:55
fennif it's an issue, i'll use a four-stroke engine06:55
geneor turbines06:55
fennreally i think electric would be fine since the trip distance is easily characterized06:55
fennin terms of maintenance costs it's way cheaper06:55
fennand more predictable06:55
genewhat about wind06:56
fennthis would only fly (haha) in a very progressive area though, due to silly government officials getting in the way06:56
genenot even in a very progressive area06:57
fennwhere then?06:57
genewhere there is no red tape06:57
fennpeople have to be: 1) lazy 2) lots of money 3) not risk-averse06:57
fennand live relatively close together06:57
genein LA  cops can't fly a UAV because redtape06:57
geneyou guessed it06:58
fenni remember the automated radio beacon whatsit project failed because they had to have a human on-board, even though he wasnt doing anything06:58
geneoh yeah try to avoid hitting powerlines06:58
fennpiece of cake06:59
geneautomated radio beacon?06:59
fennpowerlines are a big long conductor, how can you not see them?06:59
fenn(with appropriate radar of course)06:59
genewhat with micro impulse radar or optic flow06:59
fennthe beacon  i'm talking about was a 24-hour solar powered plane that would just fly over an area constantly07:00
geneit's hard to put radar on something small07:00
fennacting as a cellphone tower or satellite replacement07:00
genewas one built?07:00
fennyes it was a nasa project07:00
geneso how do you deliver the goods?07:00
fennyou've seen pictures i'm sure.. just a big wing with some tailfin looking things for wheels07:00
geneI know know07:00
fennoh, the starting point?07:01
geneas in get them to some one's front yard07:01
geneand not their pool07:01
fennnot my fault if they want it to land in their pool07:01
genehow do you get them on the ground07:02
fenndrop them07:02
genefrom what height?07:02
fenni dunno07:02
fennwith enough reserve thrust, any airplane can act as a helicopter07:03
genewhat do you wish to deliver and at what cost?07:03
geneyou don't need reserve thrust07:03
geneyou just need a long rope07:03
fennelectronics, medicine, software.. things with high value but low mass and volume07:03
genegood idea07:04
geneheh in that case you might drop them07:04
genemight have trouble with electronics thoug07:05
fennrecently i ordered a package of: LED's, micro-SD cards, and watch batteries07:05
geneI don't see how you could do this year round07:05
genehow many other people do?07:05
fennnot sure07:05
genethey archived the article07:06
genethose bastards07:06
genewell if you fly an airplane in circles07:07
fennor TWO airplanes :)07:07
fennwe can even get all 6 degrees of freedom with 3 airplanes07:08
fennwell maybe not07:08
genewith a long rope on it, you can fly around the rope, keeping the rope motionless, put a basket on the end and you have your self a delivery mechanism07:08
fennnot sure it's quite so simple07:08
geneit isn't but robots can do it07:09
genea UAV did it07:09
genethe article talks about some fuzzy logic that does it07:10
fennhmm i guess two airplanes going in circles is sort of a distributed helicopter (catamarairplane?)07:10
genebut it's archived07:10
genewith ropes, insta tangle!07:10
genehow do you know where to land?07:12
fennGPS combined with aerial survey maps, radar, and some teleoperators for backup07:13
genehow do you prevent someone from stealing your airplane while it's on the ground07:13
fennit wouldn't be on the ground for long07:13
fennand if they did, it's not like we couldnt find it07:14
fennunless they know exactly which chip and wire to desolder07:14
geneI don't really see how this could take off, except for on a hobbyist level07:14
genethey could throw tin foil over it07:15
fennvinge's idea was to have big artillery cannons that shoot projectiles with parachutes to a certain location07:15
geneyeah but what about wind07:15
geneand the cost of parachutes07:15
fennparachute has some smartness to get it to the right place, and it's ballasted with mass (probably water)07:15
fennparachutes are returned by recipient07:16
fennuh.. by providing a monetary incentive?07:16
fennat the post office or shopping mall or whatever07:17
fennpeople return cans and bottles for $0.0507:18
fennthis could be much more07:18
geneautomated parachutes cost a lot07:19
fennsays you07:19
genegps unit, radar(or laser scanner), smarts, actuators07:20
genegps receivers cost about $5007:22
genemaybe you should consider laser guided parawings07:22
geneor landing beacon guidance07:23
fennGPS will come down in cost a lot, but it's not even necessary, we could use regular old radio triangulation07:23
fenn+ webcam for recognizing landscape07:23
geneI can't wait for that07:23
genewhat about snowy landscapes?07:24
fennradio gets you long range localization, webcam for precise localization07:24
fennwhat about them?07:24
fennwe'll have airplanes flying over constantly remember? :)07:24
genethings change07:24
geneparawings are going to be expensive, unless you have a factory07:26
genehmmm... unless you use a rogallo wing07:28
geneyou might be able to make rogallo wings cheaply07:28
genethough at that point you might want to make them into something like a glider an not a parachute07:29
genemake a parafoil07:29
fennairbags was another solution07:31
fennrealistically you'd need both i think07:31
geneboth is expensive07:31
fennparachute to reduce impact damage if the airbag doesnt work, and to provide steering07:31
fennairbag so the parachute isnt ungodly huge07:32
geneplus, airbags don't seem safe07:32
fenn"reduce impact damage" to the surrounding environment i mean07:32
genehow do you deploy the airbag07:32
fennuh, gunpowder?07:32
genemost airbags us explosive charges07:32
fennor CO207:32
genenot gunpowder07:32
geneCO cartriges are expensive07:32
gene$12 for 507:33
fenni dunno where you buy your cartridges07:33
fennanyway there's lots of options for inflating an airbag07:33
genecartidges are potentially reusable though07:33
geneyou could use helicopter recovery07:34
genelike an autogyro07:34
fenni don't do flash :P07:35
geneanyway build one07:39
fennnon-evolved strategies and learning in spiders08:04
-!- kanzure_ is now known as kanzure215:11
-!- kanzure2 is now known as kanzure_15:59
kanzure_A diamond-based biosensor for the recording of neuronal activity.16:16
kanzure_per om, http://www.techforce.com.br/index.php/news/linux_blog/scientific_study_about_debian_governance_and_organization16:27
bkeroMmm cameras17:28
kanzure_"MACHINISTS WANTED" "The demand for machinists is so great and the supply so limited in almost every city in the United States that many manufacturers have a standing offer with Vocational and Industrial Schools for the employment of all young men who have finished the machine-shop course."17:56
bkeroI wonder if that means they pay well17:57
kanzure_This was 1920.17:58
kanzure_I've found a cache of Really Good Stuff that I'm uploading at the moment. At an astonishingly slow 70 KB/sec. (Yesterday I was getting 700. Hrm..)17:59
kanzure_It's still unzipping, so be careful.18:04
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/gingery.zip for the 60 MB zip.18:05
kanzure_So, that's a good bunch of content that should be more thoroughly packaged at some point (along with mechmate.zip)18:52
kanzure_http://sbml.org/Community/Programs <- small sbml scripts/programs to be added to their svn repo. I might submit some stuff..18:56
kanzure_hm, maybe I should become a debian developer so that I can take a look at the code they're using to manage themselves.19:07
kanzure_iirc, they're using lots of custom scripts to manage hoards of developers19:07
kanzure_http://www.synbioproject.org/ uhg19:07
kanzure_fenn: > This is the commercial product I have been working on for the past three20:25
kanzure_> years. It's a >$1mil  3000+ piece machine in the biotech space. When I say20:25
kanzure_> the whole data vault or data set that defines the system I'm including20:25
kanzure_> solidmodels, drawings, specifications, test plans, test reports, schematics20:25
kanzure_> and board layouts, software source code, artwork, assembly work20:25
kanzure_> instructions, purchasing specifications, etc. It's very large project20:25
kanzure_> compared to say a bicycle, phone, or something on that scale, but small20:25
kanzure_> compared to a car or an airplane. Just depends.20:25
kanzure_I don't think I could be happier.21:37
kanzure_gingery books are torrented now21:37
kanzure_hm, not all of them21:37
kanzure_I wonder where I should go if I wanted to read the automobile industry bailout proposal. Is this going to be on THOMAS as debate-stuff for the House?21:56
kanzure_gene: any idea where I can read the automobile bailout proposal documents?21:57
kanzure_I'm guessing it may or may not be on THOMAS.21:57
genewhy you want to apply for it?21:57
geneis fenn there?21:57
kanzure_" Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act "21:57
kanzure_No, I want to read it and laugh21:58
genewell it is good comedy21:58
geneso I don't see why not21:58
geneyou might also want to read that iraq executive order thing that forbids people in Iraq from using nonregistered seeds21:59
geneie anything not from a big company21:59
genenew IP law in Iraq21:59
genefailed lol22:01
geneneed some titanium?22:03
kanzure_"It has been a difficult decision, but we have decided not to continue work on Google Research Datasets, but to instead focus our efforts on other activities such as Google Scholar, our Research Programs, and publishing papers about research here at Google."23:02
kanzure_The Google Research Datasets service will remain active until the end of January 2009 during which time any datasets may be downloaded. For those datasets that are impractical to download, we will also happily provide interested users with a copy via hard drive shipment."23:02
ybitjust tried out the asus eee pc, wow, that keyboard is small. anyone know of something similar with a not so small keyboard?23:28
ybittragic news kanzure_23:29
ybitbkero: didn't you have an ideapad?23:37
ybitcan't remember, it was a lenovo something23:37
ybiti'm betting all these type notebooks have too small of a keyboard for my taste23:39
bkeroybit: I don't have a lenovo.23:48
-!- drazak_ is now known as drazak23:48
bkeroybit: I got a dell mini, it has a pretty good size keyboard.23:48
ybithmm, i will have to test it out23:49
bkeroDo you have hands like a gorilla?23:58

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