
--- Day changed Fri Dec 19 2008
ybitindeed, played too much sports when i was young00:07
ybithp 2133 looks okay00:07
* kanzure_ also has gorilla hands. :-/00:17
kanzure_I played around with an eeepc the other day in class.00:18
bkerohp2133 is ok if you don't mind the processor being completely anemic00:35
kanzure_wtf is this00:36
kanzure_United Nations Layout Keys00:36
kanzure_ECE/UNCTAD Trade Data Elements Directory00:39
kanzure_fenn: Deepak (Mr. Tinkercell) found me comments about his softwwwware00:58
kanzure_and is interested in developers00:58
kanzure_so it looks like we're his steering committee :-p00:58
fennoh boy01:07
fenndoes that mean i have to download it?01:07
kanzure_nope, you can just act like it01:07
kanzure_I didn't really get much out of clicking around it01:08
kanzure_http://taverna.sourceforge.net/ "Taverna allows users to integrate many different software tools, including web services from many different domains, such as chemistry, music and social sciences. Bioinformatics services include those provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, The European Bioinformatics Institute, the DNA Databank of Japan (DDBJ), SoapLab, BioMOBY and EMBOSS."01:12
kanzure_"The Taverna Workbench provides a desktop authoring environment and enactment engine for scientific workflows. The myExperiment social web site supports finding and sharing of workflows and has special support for Taverna workflows. The Taverna workbench, myExperiment and associated components are developed and maintained by the myGrid team, in collaboration with the open source community."01:12
kanzure_"Effectively Taverna allows a scientist with limited computing background and limited technical resources and support to construct highly complex analyses over public and private data and computational resources, all from a standard PC, UNIX box or Apple computer. "01:12
kanzure_looks like UML-to-code.01:14
kanzure_I hear that UML-to-code stuff failed terribly in the past01:14
kanzure_Who has a demonoid account here?01:22
kanzure_http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1169431/3906481/ Gingery Building a machine shop from scrap complete series   01:22
kanzure_(am seeding)01:22
kanzure_it's only 8 books though01:22
ybiti'm thinking inspiron mini 12: http://tinyurl.com/4gd9lx01:27
geneso you're snowed in fenn?01:27
geneinstead of building UAVs to move stuff around you should build a jet propelled sled01:29
kanzure_gene: go post your hand held factory thingy to om01:34
kanzure_Or Else.01:34
kanzure_click register01:35
kanzure_then send email to openmanufacturing@googlegroups.com01:35
fennkanzure_: i have other gingery books if you want them01:40
kanzure_yes please.01:41
kanzure_I wonder if we can get a full collection01:41
fennhttp://fennetic.net/pub/irc/Gingery - Build a Coil Winding Machine.pdf01:43
fennhmm i guess that's all the others01:46
fenni dont have the whole series even01:46
fennwhat's the deal with demonoid?01:50
kanzure_what do you mean, deal?01:55
fennthe whole "no public registrations except for once in a while at the first of the month" thing02:09
fenn"to avoid running out of resources" whatever that means02:10
ybiti forget how much faster awesome wm and xmonad are compared to the typical wms02:20
kanzure_fenn: what's in the furnace booooooooook collection?02:48
kanzure_I have electrical-resistance-shop-furnace, making-crucibles, gas-fired-crucible-furnace02:49
fenngas fired crucible furnace02:49
kanzure_blah, okay. the other two will finish downloading in an hour ish.02:50
kanzure_http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=4328 BioSysBio 2009 (I'm finally adding some CFPs myself instead of just emailing to wikicfp@gmail.com ..)03:13
kanzure_fenn: DC is Deepak.03:13
fennwhat is CFP?03:19
kanzure_calls for paper03:20
kanzure_call for papers03:20
kanzure_and wikicfp is for calls for papers.03:20
geneposted to OM03:36
kanzure_ yay03:36
geneelectrical resistance shop furnace sounds cool03:37
genecan you adjust the temperature "precisely"?03:37
fennthe gingery furnace doesn't have a temperature control (i think)03:37
fennbut you can easily add one03:37
fennah right, i think it's just "open loop" set the power level dealie03:38
kanzure_oh, should I upload03:38
* kanzure_ uploads03:38
genereally, you don't need Farby-Perot interferometers?03:38
fennyou mean a thermocouple?03:38
geneno farby-perot interferometers are what you use at really high temperatures03:38
fennno, x-ray spectrometer is what you use at really high temperatures03:39
fennyeah because the ions give off x-rays when they bang together at high speed03:39
geneyou can make a farby perot interferometer a lot cheaper than an xray spectrometer i believe03:40
genebut it won't withstand high temperatures03:42
kanzure_this sucks, 60 KB/sec. will take 1 hr 20 min to upload the 250 MB. Incomplete collection - there's another ~100 MB to upload.03:42
kanzure_heh, all hail Sam.03:42
genewhatch uploading?03:42
kanzure_gingery books03:42
genecodename gingerbread house03:43
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/gingery/ <- not the gingery books, but other gingery stuff - images, some PDFs, schematics, ..03:43
genehow good is the coil winder03:45
kanzure_what's a coil winder? does it do what it says it is?03:45
geneit winds coils03:46
kanzure_okey dokey03:46
genemore specifically how does the gingery coil winder work 03:46
* kanzure_ looks03:47
genedoes it have a serious wire feeding mechanism?03:48
geneor is it just a wheel03:49
geneor not even a wheel03:49
geneheh you have a bunch of 3d models of  Babylon five spaceships03:50
kanzure_do I?03:50
geneI know what you would 3d print03:51
kanzure_a legion of doom?03:51
geneyou also have 3d models of 2001 spaceships03:52
kanzure_these are just meshes03:52
fennhow is gingery 350MB? is it just raw scans? (no OCR)03:52
genewe should ask Wood about running some off03:52
kanzure_fenn: raw scans, yes.03:52
kanzure_fenn: I posted to om today asking a place to put bug reports03:53
kanzure_clearly this is a bug03:53
kanzure_we should have schematics/models files for these..03:53
kanzure_and PSL or something :p03:53
fennfor gingery machines?03:54
fennwell, i wouldnt call it a bug03:56
kanzure_don't people fill up the bug depos with reports about features not existing?03:57
kanzure_ybit: topic?03:57
ybitPenelope Boston: Life on Mars? Let's look in the caves03:57
ybitwas getting to it :)03:57
* fenn wonders if that's a real name03:57
kanzure_who's this "us" in let's?03:57
fenngingery.zip is what you're uploading?04:03
kanzure_I'm uploading to gingery_books in /books/Manufacturing/gingery/04:04
kanzure_so it's /books/Manufacturing/gingery/gingery_books/04:04
kanzure_http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/call?conference=e-commerce    huh04:04
kanzure_http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/call?conference=design%20automation    huh^204:04
fennnot really what i would call design automation04:05
kanzure_neat, there's something in austin. deadline is .. four days from now04:05
kanzure_some of them are. '46th Design automation conference'04:05
kanzure_hm, this is mostly IC stuff.04:06
kanzure_EDA/IC stuff.04:06
fennonly industry that doesnt have their heads up their asses04:07
kanzure_well actually04:07
fenni think not being able to see something changes the way you think about it04:07
kanzure_my father worked in that industry, they're clueless04:07
kanzure_at least Freescale Semiconductor was :-)04:07
kanzure_and my mom was AMD04:07
kanzure_well, freescale was getting so bad that the manufacturing left hand didn't know what thhhe right hand was doing04:08
kanzure_and management not really understanding anything :)04:08
fenni meant about automated design and having good specifications and standards04:09
fennwhen's the last time you saw a datasheet for anything that even approached the comprehensiveness of any old electronic component datasheet04:09
fennmost things dont even have datasheets04:09
kanzure_well, never.04:09
fennit's like they dont even bother telling you what you're getting04:10
kanzure_just because the tools exist doesn't mean that they are being used by the multi billion dollar companies. I mean, from what I heard, it was pathetic04:10
kanzure_they expect you to call I guess.04:10
fennbut they dont even know04:10
kanzure_did you see the .xsd for ubl that I linked to?04:10
fennno, what's that?04:10
fennubl is some bio markup right?04:11
fennuniversal business language?04:11
kanzure_UBL is univ-- yes.04:11
kanzure_supposedly openoffice has UBL support(?) or planned to(?)04:11
* fenn reads..04:11
kanzure_http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/cd-UBL-1.0/ 04:11
kanzure_^ the spec04:12
kanzure_anyway, the idea was that if OO.o could infiltrate businesses,04:12
kanzure_then the xml template documents could be used to standardize common business documents (RFQ's, RFC's, etc.)04:12
kanzure_in fact, there were some surprising numbers about this04:12
kanzure_re: usage.04:13
kanzure_" 04:13
kanzure_   1.25 million UBL invoices are exchanged in the 04:13
kanzure_*  Danish public sector every month04:13
kanzure_Swedish government SEK 4 billion (more than  500 million dollars) in the first five years of deployment"04:13
kanzure_hm, http://ubl.xml.org/forum04:24
kanzure_http://ubl.xml.org/product/unece-recommendation-no-31-electronic-commerce-agreement "The Electronic Commerce Agreement is intended to serve the commercial requirements of business-to-business electronic commerce partners. It contains a basic set of provisions which can ensure that one or more electronic commercial transactions may subsequently be concluded by commercial partners within a sound legal framework."04:25
kanzure_URL = http://www.unece.org/cefact/recommendations/rec31/rec31_ecetrd257e.pdf04:25
kanzure_that looks stupid04:27
kanzure_that's what ebXML's CPP/CPA/CAP things were supposed to do04:27
kanzure_the agreement for what type of medium of communication to be used would be solved through some WSDL/ebXML-repository voodoo magic so that different methods of linking up could be discovered, i.e. "plugins in common".04:27
* kanzure_ sleeps05:21
genethe UN wants to regulate e commerce?06:14
genesounds like something out of Crytomoicon06:14
genewe need crypto money06:15
fennLindens arent good enough for you? :)06:22
fennor e-gold06:22
kanzure_cool, I've found a good reason why I hate Nathan's political bent06:29
kanzure_I like finding that I've previously written good reasons to hate shit06:29
genethey aren't crypto money06:29
geneFenn I take it you haven't read the Snow Crash, The Diamond Age, or Crytomonoicon06:30
fenni read the last two06:31
fennboth way too long for their own good06:31
genewell then you know that crypto money is untaxable?06:31
fennwell, diamond age wasnt too bad06:31
fennso is regular money?06:32
geneSnow Crash ties the two together06:32
fennhm really06:32
genein Snow Crash governments collapse because of untaxable e-money06:32
fennis there a scene with someone being thrown through a second story wall onto a busy chinatown street?06:33
genesort of06:33
genebut not really06:33
fennis it a novelization of johnny mnemonic?06:33
fenn(the story)06:33
geneThere are burbclaves06:33
fennthe short story06:34
fennoh i'm thinking of neuromancer06:34
geneno, no one gets thrown from a 2 story building into chinatown traffic06:34
genethe Mafia runs a pizza business06:35
genein snowcrash06:35
geneand that is all the spoilers you get 06:35
fennwtf so snow crash bridges two authors works?06:35
geneThe Diamond Age and Cryptonomicon are by the same author06:36
geneNeal Stephenson06:36
fennso, how bout them cyberpunks06:39
fenni wonder how i got gibson and stephenson so thoroughly confused06:39
geneit's easy06:40
geneeveryone does it06:40
geneone time or another06:40
fenn"The idea of a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site was first described in 1962 in a series of memos on the "Galactic Computer Network" by J.C.R. Licklider of DARPA."06:42
fenn"His ideas foretold of graphical computing, point-and-click interfaces, digital libraries, e-commerce, online banking, and software that would exist on a network and migrate wherever it was needed."06:45
fennso who was it, licklider or engelbart06:46
kanzure_wait, does it matter?06:55
kanzure_I wonder if either one of them would have known of each other06:55
fennlicklider gave engelbart funding to make NLS06:56
fennit's not inconceivable that two people would come up with the same ideas independently06:56
genegalactic computer network07:01
fennactually intergalactic computer network07:01
genehow do you transfer data? Massive Fiber connection? Lasers? Wormholes? Spooky action at a distance?07:03
fenni'm starting to wonder if Joi Ito is actually human07:03
genewhat is Joi Ito?07:03
fenna person who manages to do large amounts of stuff07:04
fennsmall world network node07:04
fenntake awesome photos like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SAGE_console.jpeg07:05
kanzure_gene: with an intergalactic netwrok, you'd use quasars.07:23
fenni'd use spooky action at a distance, personally07:24
fennbut wormholes would work in a pinch07:24
fennget it? get it?07:24
kanzure_"Information could be coded into signals and sent anywhere, given enough energy. Sent everywhere, this interflow of information. We could speak with the nebular brains of the galaxy. We could extend the galaxy's information ecology. We - every human being, Fravashi, oyster, sentient bacterium, virus, or seal - we could drive our collective consciousness across the two million lightyears of the intergalactic void07:24
kanzure_"to the information ecologies of the nearer galaxies, Andromeda and Maffei and the first Leo - all the galaxies of the local group were alive with intelligence and vibrated with thoughts of organisms as ourselves. Someday the time would come to interface with the ecologies of other groups of galaxies."07:25
kanzure_"Within ten million light-years off the local supergalactic plane of the local supercluster of galaxies were many groups of galaxies. Canes Venatici, the Pavo-Indus and the Ursa galaxies - these burning, brilliant clouds of intelligence and others enveloped our own small galaxy in a sphere of light four hundred million light-years in diameter."07:25
kanzure_"To speak with such distant galaxies would require the energy of a supernova, perhaps many tens of thousands of supernovas."07:25
bkerokanzure_: Sounds like Douglas Rushkoff.07:25
fennsounds like metalocalypse07:26
bkeroRead: http://www.rushkoff.com/downloadables/cyberiabook/07:26
kanzure_No, that's Zindell.07:26
fennseriously though, what would you say?07:26
fenn"dont eat me"07:26
kanzure_"Hello Earthlings!" 07:26
kanzure_what would you say? => you'd say a von Neumann probe.07:27
fennthat might be considered an act of war07:27
fennor like a dog peeing on your shoe maybe07:28
kanzure_that's what it looks like when you run certain cellular automata simulations07:29
kanzure_I was doing a few in the lab (I was very very bored), and it was literally a stream of piss :/07:30
kanzure_little problets. so maybe it wasn't piss.07:30
fenn"I think we spend way too much of our lives worrying about the risks, at the cost of a lot of the benefits."07:45
fennso hard to learn to give up fear07:45
fenni think this was in that movie "metropolis" http://www.flickr.com/photos/joi/2874285211/sizes/l/07:58
fennor maybe it was final fantasy VII http://www.flickr.com/photos/joi/2871291912/sizes/l/08:01
fennjust found this gem of pre-SKDB system crypto-libertarian ranting in my reading list: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/crossbow08:28
fennBackType is a sort of "Twitter for comments" that aggregates comments from millions of blogs into a single, searchable, parsable stream. http://www.backtype.com/10:14
fenni guess they've never heard of OpenID10:15
UtopiahGHMLLinked Data Sets (i.e., with dereferenceable URIs) Available as RDF Dumps http://esw.w3.org/topic/DataSetRDFDumps13:59
UtopiahGHML(hopefuly someone started a repository of repositories tracking data sets)14:00
kanzure_"For a 22-year-old woman known as AW, denim evokes feelings of depression, disgust and worthlessness. Corduroy causes confusion, and silk provides utter contentment. She is one of two people known to experience a newly discovered form of synaesthesia, where textures give rise to strong emotions."17:56
kanzure_What is an "out-of-band legal agreement" ?19:41
kanzure_yay wikipedia.19:43
kanzure_http://ruleml.org/ hm..20:02
genekanzure can you decompile a flash to extract the tasty sounds from it?20:20
kanzure_gene: search for 'hexx' or 'linux flash', there might be a decompiler 20:51
kanzure_or maybe 'flex'20:51
kanzure_I'm still not getting it. ebXML as a transport layer for UBL; fine, I've got that. UBL as an authoring method in OO.o, sure.21:28
kanzure_hermes runs as an ebXML MSH, which I've got that down too21:28
kanzure_now where is the automatic discovery going on here?21:28
kanzure_maybe hermes publishes some WSDL document on the server .. hrm.21:28
kanzure_These standards are pretty useless as far as I can tell. I mean, reading through the specs, it's all completely 'ungrounded', and yet somehow these applications exist, so nobody knows what they actually do..21:37
kanzure_http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ws-juddi-user/200802.mbox/%3c12c441bd0802041114j54664b21j171d5f43b22f76f7@mail.gmail.com%3e <- For instance, I thought that UDDI was supposed to contain WSDL services, rather than publishing a WSDL thingy about the UDDI installation21:38
kanzure_http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/ws-juddi-user/200802.mbox/%3c003201c8678f$4749c3e0$d5dd4ba0$@org%3e    holy crap an actual example :)21:40
kanzure_http://www.w3schools.com/WSDL/wsdl_uddi.asp tutorial.21:49
kanzure_"How can UDDI be Used21:49
kanzure_If the industry published an UDDI standard for flight rate checking and reservation, airlines could register their services into an UDDI directory. Travel agencies could then search the UDDI directory to find the airline's reservation interface. When the interface is found, the travel agency can communicate with the service immediately because it uses a well-defined reservation interface."21:49
kanzure_the communication with the service, if I understand correctly, is ebXML MSH i.e. hermes, and then the actual message content is UBL. ... maybe.21:51
kanzure_I'm so proud of Tom Knight.22:30
UtopiahGHMLThe systems and businesses that win will exploit socio-cognitive network effects http://web.mac.com/peter.pirolli/Professional/Blog/Entries/2008/8/7_The_systems_and_business_that_win_will_exploit_socio-cognitive_network_effects.html22:33
geneso how do I get the sounds out22:54
kanzure_"a way of operating a touch screen from the rear"23:20
genesaw that23:42
geneon slashdot23:42

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