
--- Day changed Sat Dec 20 2008
fennhmm this sounds sorta like my life: "Welcome, you have now become unemployed. We regret to inform you that  there aren't many openings for jobs, and the alternative to working to  live hasn't been able to fully scale and deploy at this time. Good  luck."01:56
fenna nice history of prescription psychoactive drug use in the US: http://www.csicop.org/si/2008-06/weiss.html02:00
geneyou know fenn, instead of airbags for UAV package bombing you could use packing foam or bagged air packing materials02:03
fenndepends on the mass being dropped and the package size02:05
fenni.e. bagged air wouldn't work to well for your 1kg uranium sample02:06
geneHow the heck do you know about it fenn?02:06
* fenn furtively encrypts his copy of gene's hard drive02:07
geneat least you don't know the purity or mass number02:07
genewhat would be the max package size your aerial deliverator would carry?02:09
fenndoesn't work like that02:10
fennit's a continuous function02:10
genekanzure, you there?02:10
fennthe more crap you strap onto it, the slower it flies02:10
fennrather, you'd want to keep the payload around its optimum cost/benefit ratio02:10
kanzure_yes, I'm replying to Tom Knight re: "synthetic biology >> milling machines"..02:11
geneWell you might want to deliver small things02:11
kanzure_in particular I'm thinking back to xp_prg02:11
genelike dox02:11
kanzure_the linear programming mindset is still pervasive even within the synthetic biology community02:11
genethey need to learn about network theory02:12
genelegal documents02:12
fenndo you still have to physically sign stuff?02:12
fennwtf does that prove anyway02:13
genein large cities they have people with bikes ferry dox between buildings02:13
genethey are called couriers02:14
genethe hard part is getting people to trust sending dox via UAVs02:15
genealso buildings can focus winds, making it hard for UAVs02:15
genealso, where do you land the UAV in the city?02:17
fennthis wouldnt work in a big city downtown anyway, unless you had some way to land on roof and go into the building02:17
fennit's more for suburbia, to reduce number of SUV's driving around pointlessly02:17
genehow do you deliver a huge flat panel fenn02:17
fennthe whole "two tons of glass and steel to get a coke" thing02:17
fennwith a UPS truck, silly02:17
genepeople aren't giving up SUVs02:17
fenni know02:18
genethey are safer02:18
fennthey also hate driving02:18
geneor at least people think they are02:18
fennthey are safer because all the energy is absorbed by the splattered brains of people in small cars02:18
fennF-150? 250? had the worst crash rating of american cars02:19
genesupposedly NIST or someone did a study on it, and all the radio talkshow hosts are pushing it02:19
fennnow that's not an SUV but they're all about the same to me02:19
geneso you want to deliver coke via UAV?02:20
fennsure why not02:20
geneyou could shoot the coke out of a cannon, the bottle has a fairly aerodynamic shape02:21
fennyou could shoot the UAV out of a cannon too02:21
geneadd some fins and a recovery system too02:21
geneto the coke bottle02:21
genenot a big one02:21
genebut yes02:22
genemaybe a big one, if you use inflatable wings, but catapults make more sense when you get big02:22
fennwith a little propeller around the cap right :)02:22
geneto trigger the recovery system of course!02:22
genehave you done a cost analysis to see if you could make a profit with it?02:24
genethis might be useful kanzure02:26
genecheap sonicator02:28
kanzure_wtfm, profuturists.org (it's just the Assoc. of Professional Futurists)02:32
kanzure_catchy domain name I guess.02:32
kanzure_"yes, I'm antifuture. I increasingly hate my self every moment I live"02:32
fennyou and your "profit"02:33
fennisnt having a UAV deliver a coke profit enough?02:33
geneprofessional futurists, I want that job02:34
geneget to play oracle all day long02:34
genefenn, profit is being able to get money from venture capitalists to do it02:35
kanzure_oh crap. obvious rebuttal to Tom's email. He's saying that synbio is the way rather than manufacturing in the traditional sense, but he seems to fail to realize that the tools to do synbio require manufacturing at this time..02:35
geneand that biology is noisy02:35
kanzure_fenn: how do people make  money if that's their reasoning about the whole of it "meh, just get a vc to fund it, that's profit."02:36
geneVC's won't fund it unless it is profitable, or they're stupid02:37
kanzure_no, you just said something completely different02:37
kanzure_you said "profit is being able to get money from VCs"02:37
geneI was wrong02:44
kanzure_fenn: help. I'm trying to reply to Nathan about how his latest intro also sucks. whenever he writes it's as if he's a politican trying to push some view.03:00
kanzure_I don't necessarily disagree with him, but it just *hurts* because the writing sucks and doesn't need to exist03:00
kanzure_so now he's saying "What political ideology do you believe is implied?"03:00
kanzure_"but its my hope that it if is not, it can become a primary goal for Open Manufacturing" why does it have to have a political goal, gtfo..03:01
fenni hate when people talk about sharing energy as currency03:02
fennyou might as well talk about sharing water or land as currency03:02
* kanzure_ hands you North America, breaks his back in process03:03
* fenn wonders which is worth more, North America or the lever that was used to move it03:06
kanzure_maybe I can just tell him, "I fold. But please stop writing. You're killing neurons."03:08
fenn You must "stand up to the challenge" and prove03:08
fennyour dignity, free will, your Country, only one true God, and the other things that can't03:08
fennpossibly continue utmost happiness, so to be worthy of an earned, privileged,03:08
fennrighteous and acceptable life.03:08
kanzure_many other important mailing lists go fine without long, flowy introductions03:09
kanzure_debian-dev for instance. has been going for *decades* without a flowy intro.03:09
fenni think i prefer "protocol definitions" rather than ambiguous poetry03:09
fennusually i'm left wondering whether something is appropriate to post to a list or not03:10
fenna list is just a communications protocol after all03:10
fenn"mind the SNR" doesnt help most sorts of semantic noise03:11
kanzure_when you hit 150+ mailing lists, it gets harder to figure out which of the 150 lists you should send something interesting to03:11
kanzure_but what is a "protocol definition" in this context?03:11
fennwhich mailing list to send stuff to03:12
fennor rather, what sort of stuff should be sent to this list03:12
fennand you can figure out the inverse from that03:12
fennwouldnt it be nice to have a 'topic matrix'03:13
fennand then run singular value decomposition on your message03:13
fennit goes where it needs to go03:13
kanzure_so basically a modified bayesian classifier (spam filter)03:15
kanzure_and the feedback would be the amount of positive response in terms of people either replying with positive      things to say, or the number of responses, etc.03:15
kanzure_heh, I have 80,000+ emails from many mailing lists in my archives03:16
kanzure_so there's the training material ..03:16
fennwhat does "unported" mean in "CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported"?03:17
kanzure_don't know. I googled it and didn't find anything informative03:17
kanzure_but I did like how simple the CC-BY-SA 3.0 explanation page was03:18
fenn"the Unported licenses (introduced in 3.0) are written to conform to international copyright treaty."03:20
fennrather than tailored to a specific jurisdiction03:21
fenni wonder why microwave ovens don't have IR temperature sensors instead of a timer03:26
fennso there'd be two buttons, one for size of object, another for surface temperature03:26
fennor it could use a scale to determine the size03:27
kanzure_probably an over anxious pre-optimization of the system.. "ok, screw all this technical crap; people want to be able to use it immediately. ok.. let's just make it a timer."03:27
fennbut they always have that obnoxious beeping membrane switch thing03:29
fenni hate that shit!03:29
fenni had a pile of microwaves and the only one i kept has two knobs: power level and a mechanical timer03:31
kanzure_http://projectperko.blogspot.com/2006/06/gods-of-future.html  <- I still like this. I quoted it on Kevin Kelly's blog once.03:53
geneset the powerlevel to over 900004:04
geneIR temperature sensors measure the surface temperature of the food04:04
genekanzure you sound like you're trolling04:05
genemicrowave might have to have an ir camera04:06
fennnow you're just being silly04:08
genea low pixel ir camera04:09
genetake advantage of that rotating plate04:09
kanzure_gene, where was I trolling?04:09
fennanyway the point is if you know the mass you know approximately the depth of microwave penetration and can make a depth/temperature profile04:09
genewell fenn it's more complicated than that04:09
genemicrowaves have hotspots due to the size of the wavelenght04:10
geneyou also have different microwave absorbances, say the bone in that chicken compared to the meat on the bone04:11
geneNathan, on why his latest intro also sucks04:12
genethat sounds like trolling04:12
kanzure_in an email I wrote or in here?04:14
genein here04:14
geneyou don't have to reply04:15
fenni think you used the word "trolling" wrong04:15
geneplease define trolling then04:15
fennmaking an intentionally inflamatory statement to incite a response, without actually caring about the issue one way or another04:16
genebtw did Sata send you the algae sampling instructions Kanzure?04:16
geneit sounded like Kanzure was trolling04:16
kanzure_heh, if only all trolls use a bayesian filtering mechanism04:18
kanzure_*would use04:18
fennfor automated trolling?04:18
fenngod that would be an awesome way to make money with spam04:18
fennyou can see here <ad link> that <we should eat babies>04:19
fenntailored to the thread04:19
geneBayesian filtering mechanism, what is that?04:21
genebabies, a new delicacy is born everyday04:21
kanzure_gene: "Bayesian inference is statistical inference in which evidence or observations are used to update or to newly infer the probability that a hypothesis may be true."04:28
geneso how do you get computers to do it04:29
genedo you use it in automatic design?04:30
kanzure_yes, it is possible to do bayesian inference in automatic design, but frankly I don't want to because it's about probabilities rather than formal design methodologies.04:43
kanzure_and there aaaare tons of open source bayesian stuff04:43
kanzure_http://bnt.sf.net/ but only for matlab04:44
geneyou can have a program give you probabilities and learn things?04:46
geneonly for matlab isn't a problem, we have access to the ME appserver remember?04:46
kanzure_there are better solutions out there. ignore the matlab one, that was just at the top of the search results05:10
gene5 axises of awesome06:27
genenote build error06:28
kanzure_http://zacksprojects.blogspot.com/2008/12/science-article.html   <-- I worked with this guy in a lab. I'd read it.07:00
kanzure_fenn: ok, nathan's latest email isn't terrible. faith renewed?07:20
kanzure_fenn: also, now might be an ok time to again suggest the 'debian social contract' and similar provisions .. if you want to post something like that to om. Tito and Meredith from diybio have sent me a partial version for the diybio.org community, but it's more geared towards safety and good lab protocol (i.e., not dying)07:27
kanzure_heh, Jim Carrey likes death metal.07:58
kanzure_keanu reeves playing keanu reeves..08:14
bkerokanzure_: You saw the live action dbz trailer, didn't you?08:28
kanzure_Not the trailer.08:48
kanzure_Hrm, I need to figure out which of the 20 ports is for audio again.08:48
fennhuh. does Nathan have multiple personality disorder to something?09:56
fennall of a sudden there is the appearance of linear rational thought10:00
fennwheee posting "offer massive quantities of yarn" sure gets freecyclers excited14:53
kanzure_are you implying that freecyclers are simply computer-wielding cats?15:40
kanzure_http://www.re-public.gr/en/?p=479  CFP re: transhuman15:42
kanzure_argh, this sucks, it's failing to separate "let's enforce it for all of humanity" and personal options.15:43
fennkanzure: the computer-wielding cat theory is quite probable16:09
genebest cellphone mod ever: http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/multimedia/2008/12/gallery_microscope_phone20:22
kanzure_where's PeerInfinity?21:26
kanzure_I want to tell him how much "The Scenarios Project" sucks :/21:26
kanzure_seriously, I send the 'radical transhuman organization' links and information about actual engineering21:27
kanzure_and then he replies with this crap:21:27
kanzure_as if that map was the true territory.21:29
genesigh indeed21:34
kanzure_what do you know of the map-not-being-the-territory?21:34
kanzure_half the time it feels like I'm explaining that to you..21:34
genetoo many people want to set up a framework to do the work, while not actually doing the work21:35
kanzure_frameworks are ok, but the mapping initiatives are hardly about the frameworks21:35
kanzure_configure-make-install is a nice framework.21:35
geneheh that map is funny, reminds me of a monty python sketch21:36
kanzure_the map on the link in particular?21:36
genecollege of cosmic engineers21:36
geneyou don't happen to know autocad, do you?21:37
geneI mean, how to use autocad?21:37
geneI am playing around with autocad 2000, aka autocad classic21:39
geneautocad 2000 has a command prompt21:45
geneyou might like it21:45
geneKevin Warwick is working toward bioethics?21:48
geneHAHAHAHA They have a cosmic engineers WoW guild21:48
geneI take it, this isn't very serious21:48
kanzure_they are serious, but they are jerks21:55
kanzure_Kevin Warwick is Captain Cyborg :-)21:55
kanzure_anyway, all of the old CAD programs had command prompts.21:55
kanzure_autocad 2008/2009 doesn't seem to easily run under wine. I haven't gotten it to work, though others on winehq's appdb have.21:55
geneI know who Warwick is Kanzure22:16
genethey seem like incompetent jerks to me22:17
geneyou have autocad 2008?22:17
geneautocad 2008 sucks22:17
genein my opinion22:17
geneI think the programmers were like, "let's make all the icons look pretty and professional"22:18
geneinstead of let's add some useful features22:18
kanzure_phillipe van nedervalde thinks that "instead of doing open source hardware projects, we should make a roadmap from here up to and until computronium"23:23
kanzure_what the hell is this guy smoking23:23
kanzure_he has an obsession with saying computronium is the end result of everything23:35
kanzure_and I suspect he's in a rut much like Eli or Lee.23:35
UtopiahGHMLsounds like the pandemonium computer23:36
genepandemonium as in pan "demon" ium23:53
geneas in you have a whole bunch of entities that report up to higher entities23:55
genethat sort of pandemonium?23:55
genewould computronium be the end result of making a sandwich?23:56

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