
--- Day changed Wed Dec 24 2008
kanzure_http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.3792   using heart-lung machines to oxygenate the blood to allow for humans in space without space-suits00:22
kanzure_blah, I really should start publishing to arxiv00:23
kanzure_it's easy to get stuff up on there00:23
kanzure_well this is depressing02:32
kanzure_as part of VOICED, there's a subproject called functionCAD with a download that I've used a few times before02:32
kanzure_if you search for that you get http://cba.mit.edu/~neilg/fab/dist/function.cad02:33
kanzure_http://function.device.mst.edu:16080/FunctionCAD/ <- is the real one.02:33
kanzure_hm, glad that Wikipedia has a good article on the long tail. Now it needs a proper synthesis page about long tails and the long now foundation02:56
kanzure_and the conspiracy connections with Stu Brand :-) and 196802:56
genewhat's function cad03:56
geneblood oxygenator for space without the suit is cool03:56
genedid you see that guy's other papers?03:56
geneoil pipelines in the sky?03:57
kanzure_functioncad is just a way of playing with the VOICED ontology in a GUI environment for linking up nodes together04:09
ybitagreed, liking the heart-lung machines paper :)04:09
kanzure_silly me, I always thought it was the vacuum that posed the most problem 04:53
kanzure_besides the lung dysfunctionalism04:53
genesome of these papers might be useful for sea steading05:33
genehere's the pipeline05:34
kanzure_I suspect I'm missing something about RDF URI references that I should know more about05:59
kanzure_does RFC2396 mean that I can have URI refs in XMLized PSL to other local files in the dot skdb package? assume recipe.psl file local to the package contents.06:00
kanzure_"Example 16 shows abbreviating the node RDF URI reference of http://example.org/here/#snack using an xml:base of http://example.org/here/ and an rdf:ID on the rdf:Description node element. The object node of the ex:prop predicate is an absolute RDF URI reference resolved from the rdf:resource XML attribute value using the in-scope base URI to give the RDF URI reference http://example.org/here/fruit/apple."06:01
kanzure_<rdf:Description rdf:ID="local-record">06:02
kanzure_"RDF/XML does not mandate any base URI determination process for parsed RDF documents." hrm, I guess that's a good thing for us06:03
kanzure_fenn: check my work?06:05
kanzure_http://  <- more informative06:32
kanzure_http://simonster.com/mt/archives/000039.html "Where RDF falls short: URIs, local files, and the structure of everything"06:34
kanzure_"Where URIs don't cut it, however, is when resources don't reside on the World Wide Web, but in a private data store."06:35
kanzure_"While some RDF parsers will automatically assume any URI missing a scheme references a relative path, the RDF specification does not require this behavior. "06:36
kanzure_"They also feel that 'trans' is misleading, as they believe that their species was fixed in their brains, and has never changed. Thus that nothing about their steps in correcting themselves is actually "trans" at all, but rather they are simply taking steps to assert what they feel that they are already."14:49
kanzure_" 15:32
kanzure_I love it. But I was curious to see Ian Jackson, dpkg developer, say in this interview [debianplanet.org] that he didn't think apt was so hot. Clearly Ian has a better perspective than I do. Can someone explain Ian's perspective? I don't really understand his objections very well."15:32
kanzure_"When I first joined the project, dpkg was a very evil shell script that was little moroe than a placeholder. I wrote dpkg v2, a Perl script, because it was the thing that needed writing next. "15:36
kanzure_"Around the introduction of the C version, the format was changed from the old `two lines of text and two gzipped tarfiles'."15:36
kanzure_Also, Debian has too many developers and not enough really good developers. Many of Debian's current decision processes work on a kind of inertia basis: it's really hard to get anything to happen (become a maintainer, fix a process problem, get a recalcitrant maintainer to fix a bug, ...) and the way we prevent bad things happening is by just making it too much hard work to do anything serious at all."15:40
kanzure_http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/4.12/ffglass_pr.html "Covers the history of submarine cables from Lord Kelvin to present."16:11
kanzure_huh, written by Neal Stephenson.16:12
kanzure_oh, it's ancient16:20
kanzure_http://pastebin.com/m4cbc7124  line 69: c17:02
kanzure_onflicts with previous declaration '<typeprefixerror>abs'17:02
kanzure_Also, "error: abs was not declared in this scope"17:02
kanzure_but, clearly, the cmath header is specified.17:02
kanzure_This doesn't even look like a proper distance function. absolute value of (x1-x2  + absolute value of (y1-y2))17:04
kanzure_ah, the next function is proper distance. Manhattan distance must be something cooky.17:05
geneyeah that stephenson one is real famous17:06
kanzure_"Because of CVS being the most idiotic VCS on the planet, we are doing several merges to add all my summer stuff. All these intermediate merges probably will not compile." <--- gee.17:06
kanzure_go figure.17:06
* kanzure_ finds somebody to yell at17:07
genewhat's a VCS17:07
genethat sounds a bit like trolling to me17:07
kanzure_VCS = version control system17:07
kanzure_the quote is from the pastebin link17:07
kanzure_which is from the functionCAD sources.17:07
kanzure_well, presumably the versions compiled for Windows and Mac are using the more complete version that, uh, compiles17:08
kanzure_so why would they give out defective code17:08
kanzure_but anyway, I don't see why abs() isn't defined in a namespace- given that the header is included.17:08
kanzure_oh, I wonder if abs is in std::17:09
genedo you know what qcad is?17:12
geneIt's 2d drafting software that is free for linux, but not for windows17:13
kanzure_are you sure about that?17:13
kanzure_maybe they don't compile it for you, is that what you mean?17:13
geneyup that is the case17:22
geneit's open source and they sell it17:23
genemight be useful17:31
* kanzure_ wonders where to send his functioncad patches17:32
kanzure_whats with the physorg news IDs anyway?17:33
kanzure_they don't have that many articles, do they?17:33
genethey have a lot17:38
genebut not that many17:38
kanzure_hrm, I messed up on my patch I think17:39
kanzure_I had -- point.cpp.original as the first few characters17:40
kanzure_this is supposed to be point.cpp, and the other one should be point.cpp.new or something (or really, I was just keeping the file names separate because I'm not in a version controlled environnment (because I'm being stupid))17:40
kanzure_http://voiced.device.mst.edu/groups/voiced/weblog/fe113/images/fc0b6.png#1683x1068  17:50
kanzure_that's a pretty good idea of what functioncad is about17:50
geneguess what I'm doing right now kanzure?18:06
geneI'm burning a UBUNTU boot disk18:06
genethe disk is burnt18:09
genepardon me while I reboot18:11
kanzure_about time.18:13
-!- Charlie is now known as gene18:54
-!- gene is now known as genehacher18:54
genehacherso kanzure, how do I partition disk18:55
genehacher*partition a disj18:57
kanzure_genehacher: Ubuntu has some tools to do it.19:06
kanzure_hrm, wait19:09
kanzure_wait, yes. okay. go ahead with wubi.19:10
* kanzure_ was unfamiliar with the "let's not create a new partition"-idea.19:10
kanzure_genehacher: wubi is also on the ubuntu live cd. don't know if that helps.19:10
kanzure_ah neat, "Newton"19:45
kanzure_Eric linked to this; I first saw it at the Austin Robot Group 19:46
kanzure_brilliant ad.19:46
genehacherare you there kanzure?19:55
genehacherok I have two partition options guided with suboption SCSI1 and manual19:58
genehacherwhat do I do?19:58
genehacherwhoa glcells looks cool I'm hooked on ubuntu20:07
kanzure_you should do guided20:35
kanzure_SCSI is the successor to IDE.20:36
kanzure_and maybe cohort to SATA.20:36
genehacherguided is 100% disk20:51
-!- genehacher is now known as clonedgene20:51
kanzure_clonedgene: did you stop it?20:52
kanzure_clonedgene: btw, you should be able to access the internet from the live disc ..20:53
geneyeah I stopped20:53
geneI was able to20:54
geneguided uses 100% disk space though20:54
geneI still want to be able to go back to the quad colored flag every now and then20:54
geneare you still there20:56
geneI can access the internet, but I don't have chatzilla in ubuntu20:56
kanzure_git clone20:57
kanzure_gene: then get the plugin/extension20:57
kanzure_for firefox. it's like a one-click installation.20:57
kanzure_anyway, try the manual version.20:58
gene_well another thing is that the wireless internet at my house uses a long encryption key that is rather hard to transfer21:24
clonedgenewell I'm about to have a go at it21:25
clonedgenechecking disk for integrity21:33
clonedgenedisk is ok21:35
clonedgeneinstallation is go21:37
clonedgeneoh shoot forgot to backup21:43
kanzure_so, I totally forgot that the conventional stove is spiraled.21:48
clonedgenethe conventional stove?21:49
clonedgenebtw kanzure know any good automatic backup applications22:01
kanzure_in linux, you can do rsync on a cron entry22:07
kanzure_apt-cache search backup 22:07
kanzure_does anybody know the IP of my lab machine?23:16

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