
--- Day changed Thu Dec 25 2008
-!- willPow3r_ [n=will@cpe-67-49-240-214.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:13
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ybitspeaking of molecular astronomy, moto restaurant in chicago looks sweet00:37
ybitbeen wanting to visit there since discovering them in the summer00:37
ybitbut i would much prefer if someone else payed00:37
ybityoutube vids on moto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47qgz4ToBfE00:38
ybitactually, this is the only vid link needed: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=moto%20restaurant&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wv#00:38
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wrldpcBryan, what's that quote "I am programmer, program, and that which is programmed?"02:52
wrldpcIshq Allah maboud 'lillah: I am program, programmer and that which is programmed03:18
wrldpczindell, war in heaven03:18
kanzure_wrldpc: You've got it.04:29
wrldpcmerry xmas b04:29
kanzure_What? what day is it04:29
wrldpcthursday, 25th06:04
wrldpcI think we should restructure time06:04
wrldpcIt's not accurate to call this the 2009th year.06:04
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kanzure_http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081225/ap_on_sc/do_it_yourself_dna  11:17
kanzure_Meredith made AP11:17
kanzure_wtf :)11:17
geneI wish I had money11:33
genescrew Jim Thomas11:34
kanzure_blah, I don't want to drive to christmas dinner. 12:38
genethen teleport or fly there12:39
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-!- Netsplit orwell.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: boogles, willPow3r, Overand, clonedgene, gene, bkero, procto, willPow3r_, drazak, fenn14:04
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bkerokanzure_: You're a slashdot hero :P17:08
-!- xp_prg2 [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-128-182.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:45
xp_prg2Merry Christmas everyone! :>18:45
* UtopiahGHML is not christian18:45
geneI'm not human18:49
genehappy festivus18:49
geneand merr qzxyzy! May your kljlkj have many gjgjgjiggsdoes18:50
drazakfor the restivus!18:51
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]19:07
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bkerohttp://www.who-sucks.com/people/monstrous-myostatin-misfortunes-a-collection-of-myostatin-deficiency-pictures :)20:47
clonedgeneno bkero we don't talk about that here21:21
clonedgeneeveryone knows performance enhancement belongs in diybio.21:22
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-!- Maver|ck [i=Looppoo@modemcable020.202-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap21:51
Maver|ckHi 21:51
Maver|ckI've found this channel while looking at the DIYBio google group forums21:52
Maver|ckWhat is the channel about exactly ?  21:52
Maver|ckAnyone ?  :/21:54
willPow3rits about mapping the way to transhumanity21:54
willPow3rmore or less21:54
willPow3rbut i have my doubts since ubuntu can't even run on a x3100 chipset21:54
Maver|ckAre some of you knowledgeable in genetic and neuroscience ?21:55
bkerowillPow3r: Linux does. :P21:55
willPow3rbkero, not on my U11021:55
bkeroMaver|ck: Yes21:55
willPow3rim studying neuroscience21:55
bkerowillPow3r: Linux does.  Ubuntu doesn't.  I ran it perfectly fine on my Macbook.21:55
willPow3rthe reason i stopped using slackware is because i didn't have time to troubleshoot driver issues all the time21:56
bkeroWhat part doesn't work?21:56
willPow3rthe graphics part. i get only a blank screen21:56
willPow3rno terminal or anything21:56
Maver|ckwillPow3r ok, lucky you 21:57
willPow3ryou can run ubuntu on a freakin macbook?21:57
Maver|ckno support for GMA x3100 ?21:57
willPow3rim sure i can fudge it with vesa, but whats the fun in that21:57
bkeroIntel drivers have supported the GMA X3100 for a long while21:58
bkeroI ran it last november21:58
bkeroWhen the macbookf irst came out21:58
willPow3rim using 8.1021:58
bkeroI'm just using Gentoo21:58
willPow3ris it as user friendly as ubuntu?21:59
willPow3ri would go back to kateos but i learned to HATE hand-configuring X22:00
Maver|ckDoes anyone know if checking in someone's DNA for potential mental disorder genetic markers can be made cheap ?22:01
willPow3rMaver|ck, i suppose you've already asked in #diybio22:02
Maver|ck.. checking for some specific variants etc22:02
Maver|ckwillPow3r: Didn't even know there was a #diybio ....  I just learned about DIYBio. 22:02
bkeroYou know a lot of science channels on here don't allow medical advice.22:02
willPow3rbkero, i wouldn't classify that as med advice...22:03
Maver|ckmedical advice ? ...22:03
Maver|ckI'm not asking you to diagnose someone as OCD and for the appropriate prescription ...   22:03
Maver|cklet's even forget about the medical theme of my question ->22:04
bkerowillPow3r: I wouldn't either22:04
bkeroJust a flag22:04
willPow3ri saw it too when i first saw his question22:04
Maver|ckIs it possible with a low budget to check for some gene variants in someone's DNA  :)22:05
bkeroSorry, I've hung out in #neuroscience too long, and there's a ton of people who join and ask for how to cure their fucked-up-ness22:05
Maver|ckI see22:05
Maver|ckI know how it is.  I help a lot of 'fucked' people myself and I know how desesperate some are when searching for a cure22:06
bkeroMe too, but I've been on IRC long enough to know that's a dead end.22:06
Maver|ckIf you're talking about doing some popular psychology through IRC channel, you're right. 22:07
Maver|ckBut from time to time, you can help one on the psychopharmacological level...    there's some pretty miserable psychiatrist outthere :/22:08
willPow3rbut they're liable for their malpractice22:09
willPow3ron irc, you could be getting advice from a 12 year old for all you know22:09
Maver|ckyes, but their patient usually doesn't have much will power to fight and doesn't have much credibility and power over anything ...   of course, if someone's die, the cadaver has some chance of winning the litige ........ /s22:10
willPow3rso ubuntu does work on x3100 but not on x3100 rev 0c22:11
Maver|ckSo I guess my question would be better asked in #DIYBio ... I'll try that22:12
bkerowillPow3r: PCI ID Problem.  Use a newer intel x driver.22:14
bkeroOh wait, Ubuntu, you can't.22:14
willPow3ryou mean i can't use one from a repository.22:15
willPow3ri could go the gentoo route and compile one myself22:15
bkeroWell, with gentoo you'd have to toolchain already installed22:15
bkeroWith ubuntu you get to install a bunch of -dev libaries, and a complete buildchain22:15
willPow3rits pretty hassle-free in the end22:16
bkeroExcept when you have to go off the beaten trail.22:16
bkeroI have to do that often.22:16
bkeroWhich is what makes compiling everything from source so appealing.22:16
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@ool-43503bd5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:17
willPow3rwhen you get good at it the process can be appealing22:17
bkeroBut unlike ubuntu I can do emerge =x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.5.1 for the latest point release, or x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-9999 to compile from the live git tree.22:18
willPow3ri used to use slackware in 2004 but i got tired of having to recompile my kernel every other day22:18
bkeroYou should do a better job of compiling your kernel then. :P  I haven't compiled a kernel in weeks, and I'm running the 2.6.28 rc's22:18
willPow3rit auto compiles the newest version?22:18
willPow3ri wasn't doing it because i messed it up every time22:19
willPow3rthe kernel was improving rapidly back then22:19
bkeroI've never usd genkernel22:21
bkeroBut kernel's aren't updated that often.  And when they are I check the changelist to see if anything affects me.22:22
willPow3ri think im going to make a GIS for the moon22:26
willPow3rnm, already been done a few times22:27
willPow3rkanzure, you around?22:36
willPow3rprobably home for xmas or hannukah or something22:36
-!- Maver|ck is now known as MaveAFK22:58
-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:29
kanzure_woah, the diybio list exploded :)23:48
kanzure_MaveAFK: Hi there.23:49
-!- MaveAFK [i=Looppoo@modemcable020.202-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has quit []23:57

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