
--- Day changed Mon Jan 05 2009
-!- gene__ [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:01
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kanzure_http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:268 ""This is also the first item in a concept oomlout.com is working on dubbed "open manufacturing". (more to follow)12:02
kanzure_http://oomlout.com/cnc1.html desktop cnc router12:03
kanzure_somebody stalk down Stuart McFarlan for me.12:07
kanzure_fenn_:  globalvillages@yahoogroups.com,12:42
kanzure_erm, I meant to mention to fenn_ that openfarmtech is looking for some more people to live with them (I think)12:42
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-!- wrldpc [n=ben@c-98-217-197-216.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit []13:08
parodyoflanguageOh no, they said "take the red pill" :)13:42
parodyoflanguageI don't think that was the right place to refer to The Matrix movies.13:43
parodyoflanguageBut the openfarmtech stuff is fascinating.13:45
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn14:09
fennoh internet, I have neglected you. i am sorry.14:10
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:11
fennparodyoflanguage> Do any of you know of any existing open source software for physics simulations that *isn't* developed for gaming?14:16
fennbut it's mostly about x-ray penetration or whatever14:16
fennnot bouncing blobs or CFD14:17
fennoh i guess i should continue reading the rest of the backlog14:17
kanzure_the internets be a harsh mistress14:21
-!- nsh [n=nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has joined #hplusroadmap14:25
fenn"individuals who own industrial engineering firms and post over 10,000 times on a forum" are you talking about mariss freimanis? :)14:26
bkerofenn: Wasnt brlcad developed for ballistics physics?14:29
kanzure_fenn: talking about Sean Dalton and RND Automation/Engineering.14:31
parodyoflanguagefenn: There's a lot out there, but many of them seem to be defunct research projects.14:32
parodyoflanguageIn order to understand more about fea I've been teaching myself about tensors.14:33
fennparallel parking system is pretty lame.. dymaxion car solved that problem much more elegantly14:48
kanzure_bucky's dead.14:51
fennso are lots of people14:53
fennin my 3-wheeler i'm not going to try to rotate the back wheel, rather it will just have a little caster that can flip down and then you tank-steer with the front wheels14:54
fennah <3 google: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/703709.html14:56
fenn"Subject: More dead people or alive people?"14:56
bkerokanzure_: live with them?14:58
fennopenfarmtech needs manual labor and smarts condensed into a tiny space with zero funding14:59
-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:00
fennsomething is wrong with the business model15:00
fennbut hey, what else am i doing15:01
fennit might seem more appealing if it were in a warm climate15:01
genebusiness model?15:01
fennyes, the "OSE business plan for world domination" or whatever15:02
* fenn goes to transfer some mass and volume to its new location15:03
fennthe mass and the volume are separate, in this case15:03
parodyoflanguageWell, that's the thing.15:03
genemass and volume seperate???15:06
parodyoflanguageIt seems to me if compressed-earth houses were all that great, we'd all be using them.  It probably was state of the art technology all those years ago, but what we have now is probably a couple orders of magnitude better.15:06
geneoh yeah rammed earth housing15:07
geneis it cheaper than wood?15:07
parodyoflanguageSee here for example: http://openfarmtech.org/weblog/?p=45115:07
kanzure_parodyoflanguage: It's not about what's better.15:08
parodyoflanguagegene: Well, they're aiming, I think, for less dependency, which creates a centralized economy.15:08
kanzure_it's about what you can actually make15:08
geneis it stronger than wood?15:08
fennit doesnt require cutting down trees and shipping them all over the world15:08
parodyoflanguagekanzure: It is because they are expecting people to live in these houses, and for these kinds of houses to take over from what we have now.15:08
parodyoflanguagefenn: Yeah.15:09
fennit's about autonomy and logistics, not strength/weight ratio or whatever15:09
kanzure_No, they're not expecting them to just blindly take over, parodyoflanguage.15:09
geneis it cost competitive with wood?15:09
kanzure_gene: they don't really involve much money in what they are doing15:09
fenngene: stop trolling15:09
fennsteel bars and styrofoam15:10
parodyoflanguageIf you constantly have to repair the walls then it makes you wonder if the effort is worth it.15:10
fennparodyoflanguage: you should check out some of his links on rammed earth architecture15:11
fennsome of the buildings are 100+ years old and look just like baked brick15:11
parodyoflanguageWho is "he"?15:11
geneso what are the disadvanteges15:11
fennyou have to make the bricks15:12
parodyoflanguagefenn: I'll check it out.  If they can make enduring materials from compressed earth, all the power to all of us.15:12
genethat's it?15:12
fennuh, and they're heavy15:12
fenni dont know about r-value or whether that matters15:13
genethat can a be a good thing15:13
fennnot in my mind it isnt15:13
geneespecially if you live in tornado alley15:13
geneno termite problem that is an advantage15:13
parodyoflanguageOkay, here's my question.  Take a compressed earth brick, doesn't it lose it's compression over time?15:13
parodyoflanguageWhy doesn't it fall apart over time?15:14
fennwhy would it fall apart?15:14
fennit's  basically artificial sandstone15:14
parodyoflanguagefenn: Because there's nothing holding it together.15:14
fennparodyoflanguage: what's holding wood together?15:14
parodyoflanguagefenn: Fiber.15:14
fennor regular bricks15:14
fennor stones15:14
parodyoflanguagefenn: van der walls forces :)  These solids have a crystaline structure that binds it together.15:15
parodyoflanguageor so I think :)15:15
parodyoflanguageWell, bricks don't have a crystal structure, I don't think.15:16
parodyoflanguageBut, no, I don't know what binds cement together or clay.15:16
fennthey are sintered, so it's a ceramic which is sorta halfway between glass and crystal15:17
parodyoflanguageEven clay, which is found in soil, needs to be heated.15:17
fenn"needs" why?15:17
parodyoflanguagefenn: Look, I'm studying my chemistry, I don't have all the answers :)15:17
fenna lot of people hear "compressed earth" and think "mud hut"15:18
parodyoflanguagefenn: Well, how long to the CE bricks last?15:18
parodyoflanguage*to --> do15:18
fennhundreds of years apparently15:19
parodyoflanguageEh, I have to go.  Nice talking.  I'll keep open minded about this project which I think is fascinating, but I have to have *some* skepticism.15:20
geneso is compressed earth sort like a dorodango?15:20
parodyoflanguageI'll have to see if there's an FAQ on the openfarmtech website.15:20
fenni need a mind->google interface, with "image as query" mode15:21
kanzure_the keyboard.15:22
fenni have this picture of a building in my head which i can't find15:22
fenni saw it once, on the internet15:22
fennmake sense now?15:23
geneman I wish I had one of those too15:23
fenngene: it's not a dorodango, whatever that is15:23
genedorodango is a shiny ball of soil15:24
kanzure_why not just go read their compressed earth bric page?15:24
fennsome silly thing you read in a william gibson novel?15:24
geneI saw it on the internets15:24
genethis is a good example of one15:25
genequite cool15:26
fennrammed earth is not the same process15:26
geneoh shoot15:26
genehow are they different?15:29
fennin one you're bulldozing together huge walls of earth15:29
fennand the other you're making finely tuned mixtures of different minerals and compressing them into blocks15:30
fenni wonder how they are going to move those huge pallets of bricks around15:31
geneon a farm you have to have a tractor15:33
fenntractor on muddy soil moving a cubic meter of compressed earth?15:33
genetractors might be able to do it15:34
geneso is it easier than other building methods, if so I might have a use for it15:34
fennlooks like they stack the bricks by hand.. i thought the whole idea was to have this machine pooping out bricks right on the wall15:36
genecould I build a barn out of these bricks?15:36
kanzure_it shouldn't be too hard to have some adjustable bars/guides to slide bricks down or something into place15:37
kanzure_maybe a little escalator method even..15:37
geneoh as in automatic construction of buildings15:38
kanzure_is there a way to do external image hotlinking in mediawiki?15:38
kanzure_I win the internets15:39
geneand I just lost the game'15:40
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]15:43
geneso I would like to build a building out of this stuff, where do I start?15:44
fennacquire or build a ram15:45
fennsearch the intarwebs for how to do that, or help with SKDB and all the crap we've been talking about for momnths15:46
genewould a bulldozer work?15:46
-!- nsh [n=nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]15:51
geneok then15:52
fenntoo bad this didnt take off http://www.linuxdevices.com/files/misc/openbrick.jpg15:57
geneI can't built a house out of that, that's too expensive15:58
fennparty pooper16:01
genethough if I did, it would be awesome16:01
kanzure_I need to stop :/16:07
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:10
kanzure_hi sam16:12
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kanzure_fenn: being reasonable, do we honestly think that anybody is going to learn python just to type up instructions?17:32
kanzure_or put instructions in a format where they look for things already in the database17:32
-!- samrose_ [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:52
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fennkanzure_: no, that's why the yaml format19:28
fenni can't parse " put instructions in a format where they look for things already in the database"19:28
fennthere will probably be "wizards" or whatever, programs that hold your hand and walk you thru the package creation process19:29
fennthat's the thing that annoys me about ruby on rails19:30
fennit takes ten seconds of typing to set up some super duper thingy, but you have to read 50 webpages to figure out what to type19:30
kanzure_the instruction format. I was thinking it would just be "screw.Instructions" (or whatever), then set an environmental variable for english mode or not or whatever19:32
kanzure_and then the recipes would be a collection of each of those individual steps19:32
kanzure_but the problem with this is that so far I'm pretty sure that this can't be done for proper linking of the individual steps to one another (per the emails that were going around on debian-devel, debtags etc.)19:32
kanzure_so this might as well end up as hand-written instructions..19:32
kanzure_(but dependencies are still a requirement)19:33
kanzure_beep poke bop19:48
fenni dont get it19:54
fennwhat's the problem?19:54
fennfor i in `get dependencies`; do cat i.instructions >> recipe; done19:55
kanzure_I was trying to do automatic recipe substitutions19:55
fennor whatever flavor you prefer19:55
kanzure_runtime dependencies v. build dependencies.19:55
fennruntime instructions is a whole nother ball of wax19:56
kanzure_"20 cc/sec water" v. "needs plastic injection molding machine"19:56
kanzure_right but that's how it works for instructions .. those instructions are just glorified CAM19:56
fenna hammer can be used for many things19:56
kanzure_so what.19:58
kanzure_anyway, you're alright with plaintext build instructions or not?19:58
kanzure_what I'm trying to say is that that same stuff for interconnecting programs automatically (parameter representation, applicable formats) is what's needed to do all that with recipes..20:00
kanzure_what I'm thinking of doing instead, for build instructions, is to let the user do documentation (by hand) for instructions, but also have individual instructions for each dependency (what the other maintainers typed in (but those packages have dependencies with instructions too))20:05
kanzure_and not any sort of magical interoperability that I've been wishing for ..20:05
genecan I get some compressed earth brick links fenn?20:35
geneit looks like this is cost competitive with wood20:38
geneor would be without timber subsidies20:59
fennwtf am i some sort of compressed earth block expert now?21:10
fennplaintext build instruction = instructables21:11
fennhell, even they have some pictures and metadata21:12
fennlike the little squares in the picture that hilight when you mouse over them21:12
fenni think text is a terrible medium for explaining how to build something21:12
fenninsert eric hunting rant re: legos and gundam figurine assembly instructions21:13
fennthe dave gingery books were mostly diagrams, with lots of repetitive "now do the same for this, now do the same for that"21:14
fenntext is fine for describing a general process, but not specific instances21:14
kanzure_but you've just avoided the issue that I've been describing though21:16
kanzure_basically what you're saying is that there *does* have to be some discrete method so that you can string instructions together21:16
kanzure_meanwhile I'm pointing out that the interconnection of these instructions with different information passing between them is not something that we've so far been able to tackle21:17
kanzure_"parameter passing markup language"21:18
fenncan i have an example please21:18
* fenn hates when people start talking about "information"21:18
kanzure_uh, what's the point of doing something in order if there's nothing that the previous steps were doing on the information/materials21:19
kanzure_something in order == steps in an instruction set21:20
kanzure_and I doubt that a single variable that you pass between the steps is good enough.21:20
fennwell, the steps each have dependencies i guess21:20
kanzure_pick it up -> give it to something else21:20
kanzure_there is information between those two steps that have to be conveyed21:20
kanzure_that's why I've been on about the "Semantic Shell" (say it sarcastically) and i.e., figuring out how to pass certain variables to different steps21:21
fennnothing sarcastic about it21:21
kanzure_except that it's not really working out so far21:21
fennif the semantic web people didnt have their heads so far up their asses and actually would have accomplished something by now, you could say it enthusiastically21:21
kanzure_did you read Erich's emails?21:21
fennerich = eric hunting? or some other eric? (in which case, no)21:22
kanzure_the debian guys just took the easy way out and went with 'debtags'21:22
kanzure_erich, from the lists.debian.org links above21:22
fenndebtags is useless21:22
kanzure_it has this works-with-format tag21:22
fenndoes anything use it at all?21:22
kanzure_erich was trying to do what the "semantic shell" was supposed to do21:22
kanzure_but he ended up wimping out and going with debtags21:22
fennshould have stuck with his original RDF-ish idea21:22
fenni dont think each program would end up with its own verb21:23
kanzure_how's that? read, write, displays, ..21:23
fenn'google' is just slang for "search using google"21:23
fenni dont know enough about rdf21:24
kanzure_me either21:24
* fenn scrolls down to page 5 in the todo list21:24
kanzure_short todo list.21:24
fennmeta meta todo: come up with new categories for sorting todo lists21:24
fennall the stuff that really needs to get done isn't on the todo list anyway21:25
kanzure_I also contacted Colin (man maintainer)21:26
kanzure_maybe he had heard of something related to more formal markup on documentation ("how to use this package")21:26
kanzure_and the answer was no.21:26
fennman pages are pretty standardized as far as documentation goes21:26
kanzure_yes, but not if you want your program to "auto find me something that takes in PDF and throw in the right parameters for me"21:27
fennconsidering the humongously disparate development effort21:27
kanzure_("and then display me the text options via the ncurses aptitude interface thingy, so that I can select what I want")21:27
fennyeah this really ought to exist21:27
fenneven if it's a failure to take off21:28
fenn(network effects are a bitch to get started)21:28
kanzure_screw the network effect, just tell me how to make it work :(21:28
fenn1) get 1000 monkeys and 1000 terminals21:28
fenn2) teach them RDF21:29
fenn3) start documenting debian packages in order of popularity (see popularity contest package)21:29
kanzure_RDF == handwaving21:29
fennsubject verb object21:30
kanzure_I just don't think that's useful.21:30
kanzure_package program object?21:30
fennuh, in all the examples object was a mime type21:30
kanzure_but you've ignored everything about parameter syntax21:31
fennbut whatever, i'm not convinced anyone really knows rdf21:31
kanzure_heh, it's a scam!21:31
fennright, so it'd be some awful construction like program-with-syntax-&2999443621:31
fennas the subject21:31
fennand then another one program-with-syntax-&29994436 has-gnu-getopt-flag --blarf21:31
kanzure_eww, common local db of known instruction formats, standardized across a list of known possibles priorly encountered21:31
kanzure_I've kind of thought that one way to do this right is to look at when you write quick scripts21:32
fennplease rephrase 'standardized...'21:32
kanzure_you always do some quick --help option or something21:32
kanzure_but then you just resort to a print statement with english-help stuff.21:33
kanzure_I wonder if it would be useful to incorporate into the autoproject tools (generates source files and make files, skeleton program structure)21:33
kanzure_the 'proper' formatted help interface documentation21:33
fenni think you've run into the symbol grounding problem again21:33
kanzure_i.e. this could be done as an api or library to apply from step one to a program21:33
kanzure_and so the options to pass to a program would be handled by this library or api.21:33
kanzure_possibly allowing object data to be pushed through? etc.?21:34
fennautomake does something similar, but it's basically a programming language21:34
kanzure_huh? what in particular21:34
fennand requires constant care and feeding21:35
kanzure_you mean that it generates the make files?21:35
fennwell, automake is really just a shell around make21:35
fennand it figures out the easy stuff, like where the libraries are21:35
fennor maybe i'm thinking autoconf21:35
fennAutomake generates a makefile that allows the user to:21:36
fenncompile the program;21:36
fennclean (i.e., remove the files resulting from the compilation);21:36
fenninstall the program in standard directories;21:36
fennuninstall the program from where it was installed;21:36
fenncreate a source distribution archive (commonly called a tarball);21:36
fenntest that this archive is self-sufficient21:36
fenni think the graphical apt-get frontends use debtags to sort packages into categories21:38
kanzure_oh, another thought i scribbled down was "input output template files" ("IOTs") which would tell you all input formats that the program accepts, as sort of a bulk thing you scan through21:38
fennsynaptic or aptitude, forget which21:38
fennoh like DTD? :)21:39
kanzure_I'm pretty sure DTD isn't the same thing .. I've read through DTD files so many times. not sure how that applies here.21:39
kanzure_it just defines valid attributes, not their order or mime-typeage21:40
kanzure_or does it?21:40
fennthe idea is that it defines a valid input file21:40
fennthe set of all valid input files, usually21:40
fennonly works with XML data tho21:40
fenni wonder if there are computer readable descriptions of mime type datas anywhere21:41
fennor just the raw code to parse and do stuff with it21:41
fenn(is there a difference?)21:42
fennO aristotle help me!21:42
fennwhat is the metaphysical nature of understanding...21:42
genefuck aristotle21:43
kanzure_give me something good to pick up on demonoid. I am bored and without amphetamine in my blood.21:44
gene1800 mechanical movements21:44
kanzure_an anime21:44
genethe melancholy of haruhi suzumiya21:44
genepani poni dash, but only if you are an otaku21:45
kanzure_if it's bad, do I get to kill you and take your immortality points?21:45
kanzure_that's how this works, right?21:45
genethen watch the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya21:45
kanzure_do you recommend the subs or the dubs?21:46
genesubs man21:46
genewait you're gonna kill me if it's bad?21:49
geneyou're downloading it?21:50
-!- `tty` [n=_tty_@c-67-171-16-8.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:52
kanzure_Hi `tty`.21:53
`tty`hey Bryan21:53
geneI need not worry, Melancholy is a good anime :)21:53
fennharuhi dubs weren't bad, seems like there would be too much information going through the bottom of the screen to keep up21:54
genedubs tell you so much more21:54
genelike explaining japanese puns21:54
* kanzure_ downloads herbie rides again21:55
* `tty` watching herbie does frisco21:56
geneI would like to see cory doctrow write his interpretation of Herbie21:57
`tty`hey, why don't we have a fun hardware project on OM, to get things going 21:58
`tty`like build your own _____21:58
kanzure_we already do kinda21:58
`tty`what is it?21:58
kanzure_the idea is to package previously built open source hardware projects21:58
gene_________= micro ECM mill?21:58
kanzure_http://p2pfoundation.net/Product_Hacking for a list of open source hardware projects.21:58
genemade from CD drive?21:58
`tty`yeah but what can you pitch the group that's inspiring and FUN.. something specific21:59
genec'mon let's build and ECM micro mill!21:59
`tty`what is it?21:59
`tty`desktop CNC?21:59
kanzure_I think packaging something already made is inspiring and fun22:00
genemore like cluttered desk CNC22:00
`tty`that would be cool... very functional too22:00
kanzure_like mechmate, reprap, the CNC routers, ..22:00
`tty`kanzure: be more specific please22:00
`tty`what hardware project?22:00
genea really small CNC machine capable of cutting titanium22:00
kanzure_what do I need to be more specific about22:00
kanzure_`tty`: pick one: http://p2pfoundation.net/Product_Hacking22:00
geneand other hard metals22:00
`tty`k, let me see22:00
fenni understand the problem22:02
fennengineers are motivated by having something on their bench that "does something"22:02
geneSo the hurdle I'm facing to making a small CNC mill is getting tiny accurate linear actuators 22:03
fennif you just have a bunch of software that isn't finished/in a useful state, nobody cares and the engineers drift out of the group22:03
genefenn you are correct22:03
fennand we end up with lots of philosophers and political rants22:03
kanzure_lots of bullshit rants too22:03
kanzure_but starting from scratch, when other open source projects do the same thing22:03
kanzure_that's kind of questionable gene :)22:03
fennthe problem is that "does something" is not terribly useful in the long term22:03
fennbut half-finished software is22:04
fenn(when it gets finished)22:04
fennoh ffs i hate that thing22:04
`tty`looking for something 'smaller'22:04
geneso I'm thinking of using CD drives, but having to rely on one brand of CD drive might limit repeatability22:04
fennplease don't bring it up22:04
fenn`tty`: you could re-package the gingery mill and modernize the processes22:05
fennfor example by using lost foam casting instead of green sand22:05
kanzure_if you need the gingery books, I have a zip22:05
genethen buy a $1200 korean micromill22:05
fenni was going to do this but lost interest a few years ago22:05
fennmuch info on my wiki to get you started: http://fennetic.net/machines/22:05
fennin particular http://fennetic.net/machines/21st_century22:06
fennand http://fennetic.net/machines/index.php?import_tools22:07
`tty`the RepRap thing... looks modern, compact, flimsy22:07
genebut it works(barely)22:07
genecheck this out22:08
genedoesn't work but it's cool22:08
`tty`k, so I first had interest in this rapid prototyping stuff back in 89/90 ... MIT was leading in that area at that time... I was most interested not in the UV laser curing models but in the ceramic powder+glue spray model22:08
fennreprap is not a bad design, but it's no milling machine22:08
genezcorp uses plaster and food-dyed water22:09
`tty`I don't remember.. maybe z-corp is an MIt spinoff.. I saw the model at work in the labd22:09
geneyou can make your own Z-corp:22:09
`tty`but I'm wondering how the tech has evolved since22:09
`tty`what does RepRap use?22:10
`tty`curable polymer?22:10
`tty`UV curable?22:10
genereprap uses thermoplastic22:10
fennit squirts molten plastic out of a small hole22:10
`tty`nice, so it's IR then22:10
fennresistive heater (nichrome wire)22:10
geneit's direct heat transfer22:10
`tty`melts the plastic and uses something like a 3D inkjet22:11
fennno, more like cake frosting22:11
genethink plotter22:11
genemore like a a 3d pen plotter22:11
`tty`right... 22:11
fennthere's some interesting stuff happening with laser sintering, but it's all hush-hush pre-patent stuff22:12
`tty`can I make cinder-block-sized lego pieces with it? and how fast?22:12
fenn(not associated with reprap or anything)22:12
fenn`tty`: it's not for large things, they would take too long22:12
fennif you really wanted to make cinder block sized legos, you could use a vacuum former22:13
genewho cares if it takes too long if it's automated22:13
fennwell, they would cost like $50 in raw materials too22:13
genethen you have have big lego pieces with almost no load bearing ability22:14
`tty`well, i really want to... I want to build a tree house using lego designs22:14
`tty`including flat pieces, for floor and ceiling22:14
genefenn the 3d printers at my uni run overnight22:14
fennkhosnevis is working on extruded ceramic and concrete that you could use for big stuff22:14
`tty`the video you pasted is very impressive22:15
genesound like you might want to do some sort of casting22:15
`tty`well, i want to make the molds22:15
fennuh, i dunno.. ABS plastic is expensive in quantity22:15
`tty`using so called "rapid" prototyping22:15
fennmost consumer crap made from it is highly optimized to reduce the amount of plastic22:15
kanzure_so let me get this straight22:15
kanzure_you started off suggesting OM gets around to doing a community project22:15
genemore info22:15
kanzure_but in reality you have alterior motives22:15
kanzure_just making sure.22:15
genedon't we all22:15
kanzure_we don't.22:16
`tty`i have alterior motives coming out of my pores22:16
`tty`just thinking of what would appeal to everyone22:16
genekanzure I want my own autofac for making robots, that's why I joined OM22:16
kanzure_go back to your brainstorming22:16
geneRight away Captain Kanzure!22:16
`tty`and the guys here seem to be in sync on some kind of fabrication tech22:16
`tty`as opposed to a robot or some such thing22:17
geneok so tty do you know how to program microcontrollers?22:17
`tty`i think it will be symolic of OM ... a robot wouldn't 22:17
`tty`I know how to program anything as long as you have the manual 22:18
fenngene: that youtube video, is it plaster and water?22:18
genesome very weird plaster mixture22:18
genewith possibly guarana in it22:18
`tty`PICs are the thing now... I worked with Z80 back in the day, and MC68032 I think22:18
`tty`then the Basic Stamp, which was ridiculous22:19
`tty`and looking at more open source PIC stuff now22:19
fennguarana hehe22:19
gene    here is a description of what the powder is made of.22:19
gene    It's just dental plaster ( Durone 4 Brand) + 30% of weight22:19
gene    maltodextrin( midway brand, guarana with acai flavor).22:19
fenn`tty`: PIC is out of style, read up on AVR microcontrollers22:19
gene    I did try some other flavors but it doesn't work well as this one.22:19
gene    I don't know why, maybe the guarana or acai helps on bonding.22:19
gene    I did try just maltodextrose but it won't work as good as the one22:19
gene    mentioned.22:19
gene    I'm using just destilated water on the printer cartridge.22:19
gene    the heater on the building chamber helps the water to dry out22:19
gene    faster,and stay on that layer only.Plus the models won't need to go to22:19
gene    the owen to dry out.It's made of a 40w soldering iron screwed to the22:19
gene    alluminum plate on the building bin.22:19
gene    I'll be posting more pictures of next week.22:19
geneoops it was acai22:19
`tty`thanks fenn .. .AVR.. no idea what that is22:20
geneI haven't worked with any microcontroller except for lego smart bricks22:20
fennit's like a PIC you can program in C, ("real" C)22:20
geneJust got an idea for what OM could do22:20
kanzure_atmel does AVR22:20
fennor you can write ASM for it if you are into that22:20
genebuild a universal constructor from lego22:20
kanzure_gene, don't forget that most of the people on OM already have their own damn fablabs22:20
fennnot "most"22:21
fennbut an unusually high proportion22:21
kanzure_there's at least two fablab owners methinks22:21
genethat changes everything22:21
kanzure_and then there's the factor efarm guys22:21
fennbah i have as much of a fablab as they do :)22:21
kanzure_yeah, if you donated 10 bucks to them they'd do anything for you22:21
`tty`i'm not into ASM if I can program in C ... I hardly push those things.. .except in the case of Z80.. we had to write a real-time multi-tasking OS22:21
* fenn puts an "engineer for hire" sign in the window22:21
geneso we have a chicken for laying eggs...'22:22
`tty`and one time we hired this British dude who programmed ARM in ASM for a music sequencer on the gameboy22:22
fennwe have a pile of dead chickens..22:22
`tty`but healthy eggs22:22
fennoh that was a metaphor.. hm22:23
fennwhat do i do with all these chickens22:23
fennacai is high in ascorbic acid, maybe it changes the pH22:24
kanzure_nevermind :)22:24
`tty`you can get anti-oxidants poisoning.. if you take in too much22:24
`tty`and i mean like 20+ bottles a day22:25
fenni wonder if anyone's done super-saturated sugar solution printing22:25
geneso let's talk about steppers, linear steppers22:25
fennshut up about linear steppers!!22:25
fennor at least use the right terminology22:25
`tty`well the candyfab thing, right? what is super-saturated? going over my head22:25
genefenn i've tried to do super saturated printing with sodium acetate, it didn't work out so well22:26
fenn`tty`: a crystal forms when a solution is above its saturation concentration and there is a seed crystal present22:26
`tty`hmm.. nice22:26
fennthe concentration varies with temperature (higher temp = higher concentration)22:26
fennso if you dissolve sugar in warm water and let it cool off (such as what happens when you squirt it out of an inkjet) it will crystallize rapidly22:27
fenngene: i was thinking printing onto a bed of sugar with sugar solution22:27
geneput supersaturated solution in a syringe, tip of the syringe dries forming crystal fucking up everything22:27
fennlike half z-corp half candy-fab22:27
genethat's not either z-corp or candyfab22:27
`tty`what would you do with a DeskFab if you had one today? Personally, I'd use it to build molds, but then what kind of material can I bake inside a plastic mold?22:28
genethat's something new entirely22:28
fennok you're right, it's not22:28
geneso would you use inkjets22:28
genewhere do you get the inkjet?22:28
fennoffice depot22:28
fenn(do you really need to ask that question?)22:29
genethermal inkjets might not work so well for stuff other than ink22:29
fenni'm not talking about replicators, just "make" commity crap22:29
fennHP makes piezo inkjets now right?22:29
`tty`real question: what kind of material can I bake inside a plastic mold?22:30
geneyeah, but piezo inkjets aren't replaceable22:30
`tty`like a micture of chipped wood and glue? just set it in the mold and wait for it to harden?22:30
geneuse a silicone mold 'tty'22:30
genefor cooking22:30
`tty`but isn't silicone rubbery?22:30
fenn`tty`: step 1) define the problem.22:31
fennstep 2) solve the problem.22:31
genepiezo inkjets can be cleaned out22:31
fennmmm but the ink adds that special straight-from-the-factory flavor22:32
`tty`1) I need a rapid prototyping solution that is inexpensive, can be built under a month with less than $400 and can produce cinder-block-sized objects. i want to use it to make molds for the lego pieces 22:32
fenn"can be built under a month with less than $400" isnt going to happen, sorry22:32
genehmmm... I've heard of people putting cells and silica particles through thermal inkjets so it might be a problem22:32
genecut foam form22:32
genedo foam casting22:33
`tty`ok, so I can google that...22:33
fenn`tty`: perhaps you could find someone in your area that does this and has a working machine already?22:33
genehave you considered papercraft?22:33
`tty`tree house ... shed, etc ... 22:33
fennpapercraft for molds... come on22:33
geneoops, I mean might not be a problem putting sugar through22:34
geneit can be done22:34
`tty`foam casting.. what kind of material can I set into a foam mold?22:34
geneonly metal22:34
geneif you dissolve the foam22:34
fennlots of other stuff22:34
fennvacuum forming22:34
fennceramic, plaster, silicone, wax22:35
`tty`ok, well i have some starting points... that's as far as the legos go22:35
fennif you bury it in sand you can do all kinds of metals22:35
fennyou should hand-carve some of that blue styrofoam insulation board into your brick shape, and then either do a fiberglass or vacuum formed mold22:36
fennor silicone mold actually might work best, since you can't add draft to the brick22:36
fennexample: coat the foam "positive" with silicone thinned in a pure non-aromatic hydrocarbon such as hexane, then smear silicone paste on that and let cure, then cast concrete around that22:37
`tty`it would never turn into a business because it's too easy and I don't want to be in the lego making business... However, doing anything commercial from home, i.e. peer production, is how most businesses start.. and somehow they end up centralizing rather than decentralizing22:38
fennwhat's too easy?22:38
-!- gene_ [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:38
`tty`making the stuff22:38
fenneverything looks easy on paper22:38
gene_I miss anything?22:38
fenngene: last line you saw?22:38
fenn`tty`: you understand the concept 'economy of scale' right?22:39
`tty`i understand the concept of scaled economics, what about it?22:40
fennit's a powerful driving force toward centralization22:40
`tty`i disagree22:40
`tty`let's say:22:40
`tty`you have 1 machine that puts out 40 parts a day22:40
fennhow big is this machine?22:40
`tty`big enough that you could only have one such machine inside a typical home22:41
`tty`or garage22:41
fennwill it fit in my milk-crate inventory system?22:41
fenncan i get it around the curve in the stairs?22:41
`tty`let's say you can have just one per garage/backyard 22:41
fennmost people don't have a garage or backyard22:42
fenni have seen some funny pictures of small milling machines packed in unusual places22:43
`tty`my point is that whether the production capacity is centralized or distributed (assuming you work with others in a business that you all co-own)22:43
fennbut factories are just big open buildings with thick concrete floors22:44
`tty`then you can increase your production capacity by recruiting more co-owners who each invest in a production machine22:44
`tty`and then the cost of maintenance and R&D (evolving the machine)22:44
fennhey am i talking to patrick anderson?22:44
gene_this isn't productive22:44
`tty`is split across all machines22:44
`tty`so you have a big production base but fixed costs of maintenance/evolution of production facility22:45
fennthe cost of maintenance is multiplied by the number of machines22:45
fennand multiplied again by the number of facilities that house the machines22:45
`tty`as long as all operators use the same machine 22:45
`tty`yes but that's the same in a factory22:45
fennso like, i show up for work on tuesday only?22:46
fenni thought you were talking about people running machines in their garage22:46
`tty`i'm saying that the argument that economies of scale drive centralization is not a strong one22:46
`tty`yes, 40 people running the same machine in their garage22:46
-!- gene_ changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: how hard would it be to make la micrometer accurate or better linear motor?22:46
fennla micrometer? is that spanish? :)22:47
`tty`1 or 5 maintenance people...  22:47
fenn`tty`: you just lost your own argument...22:47
`tty`the point: the cost for growing a decentralized production capacity that is based on standard parts, standard machines is not much more than the cost of growing a centralized production capacity22:48
-!- gene_ changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: how hard would it be to make a micrometer accurate or better linear motor?22:48
`tty`i don't believe you have any argument against what I just stated, or do you?22:49
`tty`decentralized production based on standard production tools: why would it be drmatically less efficient than centralized production?22:49
gene_a linear motor might be simpler to make than a screw baser linear actuator22:49
fenni think this is very context dependent and different people have different goals22:49
fennyou are very limited in what processes you can use by being constrained to a residential setting22:50
fennno 500-ton presses22:50
gene_the idea behind using a linear motor in something like a micromill is that you could wind a whole bunch of imprecise coils and then correct for the impreciseness with software22:51
fennthere are a lot of people with machine tools in their homes, but mostly they live in rural or suburban areas22:51
fennand then these arent production machines either22:52
gene_you might also use air bearings in a set up as I have described to get more accuracy with out precision bearings22:54
fennair bearings are precision bearings22:54
gene_air bearings can be laser cut22:54
fennfrom precision stock22:54
fennrunning on precision way surfaces22:54
fennperhaps you meant some other type of bearing22:54
`tty`right... more limited options in decentralized setting... 22:55
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fennfloat glass is a precision surface...22:56
* fenn has to go schlep a couple hundred more pounds of metal around for his "decentralized manufacturing" capability22:57
gene_the thing is if you use air bearings and magnets, you can adjust, either the magnetic field or the airflow22:57
fennyeah "axtrusion" yadda yadda22:57
gene_check this out22:58
gene_probably will never achieve this accuracy, but cool anyway22:58
fennyou should talk to toastydeath22:59
fennhe makes air bearings for a living and is a precision wingnut23:00
gene_sounds like my kind of person23:00
gene_so the problem becomes figuring out where the moving part is23:01
gene_which might be done with an interferometer23:01
fennyou can use an LVDT if you're more after repeatability than accuracy23:08
kanzure_fenn: `tty` was marc.23:11
kanzure_which might be worse than patrick at this point23:11
fennsomebody reprap me a keyboard heater23:14
gene_what is an LVDT?23:21
gene_I hope I am not that bad23:22
gene_a reprapped keyboard heater might pose a fire hazard23:22
gene_given that reprap can only print plastic23:22
fennyes, hence the irony23:23
gene_unless you use silicone23:23
* fenn wants an automatic snark mark insertion mechanism23:23
gene_how hot do you want your keyboard fenn?23:23
gene_come to think of it, it might be possible to print a keyboard heater ready to go23:24
gene_err almost ready to go23:25
gene_given that the resistance of printed conductors is high(ie wire glue which is graphite mixed with glue)23:26
gene_you're in luck fenn23:26
fennreally the object i wish to heat is my fingers, but it would be situated over the keyboard23:26
gene_how about heated hand pads23:26
fennhard to type in23:26
gene_do you have a laptop?23:27
fennyes, but it doesnt keep me warm23:27
fennand i'm not using it23:27
fennok i'm really going to schlep some cold metal now23:27
gene_what about something that sits on your keyboard to warm it up?23:28
fennlike a keyboard heater?23:28
gene_like an electric blanket for your keyboard that heats up the keys23:29
gene_can you type without looking at the keyboard?23:29
gene_if so then having something over the keyboard is clearly a better option23:30
gene_do you find exposed wiring as A. Dangerous or B. Comforting?23:32
fenndepends what voltage23:50
fennmy unease goes up as the square of the voltage23:50
fennso, transforming dolly made short work of the metal23:52
fennyay simple machines!23:53

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