
--- Day changed Thu Jan 08 2009
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@c-98-217-197-216.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit []00:29
willPow3rgenehacker, teleport me a pizza00:31
genehackerdo you have a teleporter on the other end?00:31
willPow3rhmm  you might have to teleport me a teleporter00:31
genehackerif not then I can't teleport you a pizza00:32
willPow3ri could use my transmogrifier to make one00:32
genehackerI could destroy a pizza then capture the information of the pizza, then I could send you the information on how to make that pizza00:33
willPow3rso its not necessarily teleportation in the classical star trek sense00:33
willPow3rbecause more than one copy can be made from the destruction of the one pizza00:34
genehackerthe way I could teleport something00:35
genehackerwould be to 3d scan it, then destroy it00:35
genehackerand have someone 3d print it00:35
genehackerthus it's teleporting00:36
willPow3rteleport, n. : to transfer or transmit instantaneously without physically traversing the space in between but rather by psychic or advanced technological means00:36
willPow3rso i suppose it is then.00:37
genehackerit's more of ghettoport than teleport though00:37
willPow3rif my "printer" can't print with the same colors that are "scanned"...00:38
willPow3rare there standards on this?00:38
genehackeroh shit, riots broke out in oakland00:47
SplicerI just watched the clip... the cops mind was on something else. It's an interesting psychological effect.01:15
genehackeryeah, I find it more unfortunate more than interesting01:19
genehackersigh, if only we had the resources to modify our brains so this type of thing wouldn't happen01:19
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willPow3rwe do have the resources. they're called guns02:23
SplicerWe're human... so we make misstakes02:30
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facefaceis there a global brain?02:47
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UtopiahGHMLfaceface: http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/SUPORGLI.html02:56
UtopiahGHML(eventually http://public.lanl.gov/jhw/Publications_files/WatkinsCollectiveIntelligenceBook-1.pdf too )04:03
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kanzureSo, as some of you know, I've been at my dorm since last night to visit with Steve.07:54
kanzureAndrew called me a few moments ago. My father died last night.07:55
UtopiahGHMLsorry to hear that07:57
kanzure"I have four living grandparents and I intend to have four living grandparents when the last star of the Milky Way burns out."08:04
wrldpcI'm sorry.08:33
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kanzureWhere the hell is the Alcorchopter when you need it?08:37
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wrldpc"We shall have to work faster."09:46
wrldpc"we will unmake Death."09:50
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facefacekanzure_: condolences 11:07
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kanzure_algae biofuel test flight13:54
kanzure_oops, nevermind13:54
kanzure_the title lies13:54
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kanzure_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Brain  <-- Marshall Brain hosts (and is 'The Voice') for "Factory Floor" (basically "How It's Made")16:00
UtopiahGHMLguy from SIAI last published video16:01
UtopiahGHMLis his Robotic Nation interesting?16:01
kanzure_Marshall Brain is always interesting16:03
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genehacker_wired on biofuel17:16
* kanzure_ points to the logs17:16
genehacker_well they aren't very pro biofuel17:18
genehacker_heh didn't even mention algae17:18
genehacker_well if worst comes to worst we can always sell it as cattle feed17:18
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:19
kanzure_the Slashdot article lied, it said 'algae' in the title but it wasn't true17:23
kanzure_that might have been in the firehose though17:23
kanzure_This seven-million-cubic-foot super-pressure balloon is the largest17:24
kanzure_single-cell, super-pressure, fully-sealed balloon ever flown. When17:24
kanzure_development ends, NASA will have a 22 million-cubic-foot balloon that17:24
kanzure_can carry a one-ton instrument to an altitude of more than 110,00017:24
kanzure_feet, which is three to four times higher than passenger planes fly.17:24
kanzure_Spaceship 1 was only about 3 to 4 tons loaded weight and launched at17:24
kanzure_50,000 ft from White Knight 1.17:24
kanzure_So a higher launch from balloon with less fuel (less weight) seems17:24
kanzure_nearly within reach."17:24
genehacker_yeah you know they launch balloons like that in texas?17:25
kanzure_hrm, it doesn't mention Ellington.. he's a ribozyme-fan. (and aptamer fan, of course)17:25
kanzure_` 17:26
kanzure_"We have two enzymes, a plus and a minus," Joyce explains. "The plus assembles the pieces to make the minus enzyme, and the minus enzyme assembles the pieces to draw the plus. It's kind of like biology, where there is a DNA strand with plus and minus strands."`17:26
kanzure_`To put it in info speak, we have a channel of 30 bit capacity for transferring information," Joyce said. "We can configure those bits in different ways and make a variety of different replicators. And then have them compete with each other."`17:27
kanzure_a retarded RNA polymerase would be nice too, btw17:28
kanzure_as sort of a "meh, until we get a retarded DNA polymerase engineered" substitute17:28
genehacker_yeah it would17:28
genehacker_so you have any ideas for what a 405nm laser would be useful for?17:29
kanzure_interesting two-actor replication system they have there .. you don't just squeeze in another thing to be replicated though, that's not quite how it works17:29
kanzure_well in this context a 405 nm laser could be used to send information to the theoretical retarded DNA polymerase :p17:30
kanzure_via chromophore activation and deformation of the polymerase enzyme17:30
genehacker_405 nm is borderline ultraviolet,17:30
genehacker_you know you might be able to use a 532 nm green laser pointer to analyze what rocks are made of?17:33
genehacker_green laser pointers oddly make calcite glow orange17:35
nsh"Joyce's chemicals are technically hacked RNA enzymes, much like the ones we have in our bodies, but they don't behave anything like those in living creatures. But, these synthetic RNA replicators do provide a model for evolution — and shed light on one step in the development of early living systems from on a lifeless globe."18:22
nshthis is bad english18:22
nshdo not write like this.18:22
nshkanzure, wanted to ask you something18:22
nshdo you know of, or how i might find, a page or site with some projections of moore's law for storage capacity?18:23
nshthat's reasonably uptodate18:23
kanzure_I was half expecting Aubrey de Grey to show up with a lightsaber and fight in hand-to-hand combat with Death, but alas, Aubrey must still be stuck getting plane tickets, his long beard stuck in a door, or drunk in a pub (it's sort of his thing).18:27
* bkero tries to picture Aubrey drunk in a bar.18:29
* willPow3r tries to picture Aubrey sober18:35
genehacker_he is pretty crazy18:35
genehacker_it's not a beard kanzure it's a longevity cocoon18:35
kanzure_Steve and I were thinking about some designs for mass automated longevity tissue experiments.18:38
genehacker_how do you make sure it's not cancer?18:39
kanzure_this was just an idea for doing flash freezing (or attenuated freezing with different curves to get rid of crystals/imperfections)18:41
kanzure_and then thawing plus microelectrode arrays and other methods of automatically assessing whether or not it's living, or if the tissue sample needs human review18:41
genehacker_well it's easy to freeze small samples and revive them18:41
kanzure_ok so increase surface area gradually and then use symbolic regression (functional induction) to figure out if there's some complex function describing the change in the attenuation cycle for temp. that you could use18:42
kanzure_or use bayesian analysis, that too18:42
genehacker_you can freeze mice in LN2 you know18:42
genehacker_hold on18:46
genehacker_james lovelock did it18:46
genehacker_you know gaia theory guy?18:46
genehacker_gaia theory as in the earth is a huge organism18:49
genehacker_oops not LN2 just icewater bath18:50
kanzure_http://www.nybb.hs.columbia.edu/pathologist.htm how to properly prepare a brain for shipment to a medical location19:44
kanzure_(alcor doesn't actually have a brain preparation protocol page, afaik)19:44
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ybitnice: 21:03
ybitgit reset --soft HEAD^21:04
ybitundo for git21:04
genehacker_2TB sd card21:13
genehacker_are in the future21:13
genehacker_2 TBs in a pocket21:13
genehacker_think about it, 2TBs on a SD CARD!21:14
genehacker_you could put one in a paper airplane full of songs and throw it to that far off cubicle and achieve unprecedented bandwidth21:17
ybithttp://www.tony-b.org/  :: kind of addicting21:44
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bkero2TB using the exFAT filesystem22:48
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genehacker_it's still 2TB23:37
genehacker_just think you could strap em to carrier pigeons and start a pigeon net23:37
genehacker_the RIAA will never be able to stop that!23:37
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