
--- Day changed Sat Jan 10 2009
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has joined #hplusroadmap01:06
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bkeroSo metal02:08
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samrosekanzure you may be interested in public-lod@w3.org lots of discussions there about some ideas similar to what you are doing with YAML and dependency ideas08:41
kanzure_okay. I'm on the public-sem-web@w3.org list which is about bio + RDF-like stuff08:44
kanzure_I'll check out -lod08:44
kanzure_Analytical Biochemistry, Volume 137, Issue 1, 15 February 1984, Pages08:45
kanzure_156-160, An economic “power supply” using a diode for agarose and08:45
kanzure_polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Y. Kadokami, K. Takao and K.08:45
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-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:19
samroseKanzure: is "Linking Open Data" there are some ideas there that are related to creating dependencies among open data, kind of like what you are thinking about doing with YAML/Python09:20
samroseKanzure this is one related example http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lod/2009Jan/0030.html09:24
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-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:44
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kanzure_I don't know what we'd do without Eric Hunting. :-)12:17
-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:53
kanzure_http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=961  phd desks.13:04
geneyou started watching herbie yet?13:09
kanzure_yes, but I stopped the other night because mplayer hiccuped and then dad died13:12
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has joined #hplusroadmap13:16
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/folders.html <-- me keeping myself busy. thinking about organizing files.13:45
-!- Netsplit wolfe.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: boogles, ybit, bkero, wrldpc13:57
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kanzure_http://www.congrex.nl/09c17/ The IJCAI-09 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Space14:41
UtopiahGHML(2001 Space Odyssey)14:42
kanzure_http://bitcoin.org/ yet another p2p currency piece of crap14:55
-!- Splicer [n=Splicer@h209n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:52
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kanzure_http://www.howtoorganizestuff.com/  .. nice juxtaposition with howstuffworks.16:28
kanzure_fenn: it occurs to me that the debtools "use-case scenario" parameter selection mechanism could be used to help automate folder packrat behavior.16:31
kanzure_All hail c2.com. http://web.archive.org/web/20070329052658/http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~maratb/readings/NoSilverBullet.html16:38
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kanzure_http://www.labautopedia.org/mw/index.php/Main_Page "Created by the Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA), LabAutopedia is a collaborative compilation of the world's laboratory automation knowledge continually grown and updated by an online community. "17:06
-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:32
kanzure_crap, I have to write a eulogy.20:06
-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:30
fenn"the more time you have to spend typing out the path name" ever heard of tab-completion?22:18
fenndunno what you mean debtools use-case scenario22:19
fennobviously sorting things by intended use is a good way to find it when you need it22:19
fennhttp://www.aislebyaisle.com/  if only they delivered...22:36
fenn"These gains flow from the transformation of computer manufacture from an assembly industry into a process industry."22:39
kanzure_fenn: ultimately folders should only be seen if I'm fixing something (or making something new)22:43
kanzure_I like how I don't have to deal with 'systems folders' on a day to day basis unless I need to22:43
fennhasnt it always been like that?22:44
kanzure_no, I have these ridiculously huge tree structs on my hard drives for squirrling things into various corners of the partitions.22:44
fennwhat about the 'locate' command?22:44
kanzure_it helps :)22:44
fennnamazu is ok too22:45
kanzure_search is not the solution22:45
fennespecially for info that you didnt do the squirreling22:45
kanzure_anyway, now that I have your attention 22:45
* fenn braces for impact22:45
kanzure_well I'm just starting to notice that Eric is starting to want to do a fablab-like startup thingy22:45
kanzure_(Eric Hunting)22:45
fennhe's been wanting to do that for a couple years22:45
kanzure_just keeping track of a list of people interested in it22:46
kanzure_Todd Huffman is interested too. He's considering doing it with his own money.22:46
fenni doubt he would be willing to go anywhere or use a lab not built by him22:46
kanzure_Since he partly funded the Afghanistan fablab, I think I he might be able to pull it off22:46
fennconsidering doing what?22:47
fennoh "fablab-like startup" you mean techshop.ws but less teh suck?22:47
kanzure_pulling up a fablab-startup. Todd's idea is more based around "ycombinator but geared towards fablabs", so fablab+incubator.22:47
kanzure_sort of.22:47
fennyc is a venture capital fund22:47
kanzure_yes, but with us at the core heh' <- not going to lie here.22:47
fenni could make a pretty cool techshop22:48
kanzure_Todd's a smart guy, he understands the "fablabs making more fablabs" idea22:48
kanzure_so no worries there22:48
fennit might actually have some impact if it were semi-self-replicable22:48
kanzure_and since he does bilconference, who knows, he might have magical angel investors22:48
fennso, i think it should be in austin, or anywhere but {boston, ny, sf}22:49
fennsince they are already saturated22:49
kanzure_anywhere but?22:49
kanzure_but the problem with other areas is that tools and materials aren't as easily grabbable22:49
fennhave you ever heard of "the rust belt"22:49
kanzure_this ain't it22:49
* fenn doesnt know his texas geography22:50
kanzure_(and no, not really, I'm in the wrong part of the continent)22:50
kanzure_that graph makes me cry22:50
fennfor robotics stuff the best place to be is san diego22:50
fennfor semiconductor surplus crap i mean22:50
fennbut there are a lot of good old machine tools in ohio-ish22:50
kanzure_I think it's a mix of where the investors are, and where the cheap equipment is22:51
fennyeah the investors are generally nowhere near cheap equipment22:51
kanzure_"erm. how about Austin?"22:52
fennno shit22:52
fennthat's basically my take on OLPC22:52
fennwow 'Ohio is a 'closed shop' state, which means workers can be forced to join a union whether they wish to or not.'22:53
kanzure_so when I try to formulate an explanation of what sort of startup I'd hope this would be, it turns into saying "design firm" 22:53
kanzure_but really I just mean to say 'cygnus + fablab' I guess22:53
fennwhat services are you providing22:53
fennbetter to say what you do rather than what you "are" (insert reference to e-prime here)22:54
kanzure_design consulting? Implementation? 22:54
fennspecific use case please22:54
fenni would like a build a fully automated grocery store, ca you do that?22:54
kanzure_some random company needs us to design them some manufacturing assembly equipment. We say we'll do it cheaper (or whatever), we license it all open source and so on, make our money from it, and apply it to what we need to get done in our tech-base of free stuff anyway.22:55
fennmost manufacturing equipment is all just overpriced lego-blocks anyway22:55
fennunless it's a "unit"22:55
kanzure_I don't know if there's some better idea to come across than "a super machine shop"22:55
kanzure_because I'm going to be unhappy without any equipment22:56
fennwhat does this equipment do22:56
kanzure_fancy our interest22:56
fennyou could make motorcycles22:57
fenni mean, buy motorcycles and put stickers on them22:57
kanzure_basically I'm taking the redhat/cygnus model and going from there.22:57
fennthe other day i was thinking about cnc-cutting styrofoam insulation into moulds for concrete countertops22:57
kanzure_there's some code base (or not, presently), and then consulting, feature-specific development, technical support, installation at a price. Or comissioned work.22:58
fennwhat's "installation" mean22:58
kanzure_"help I ordered my fablab but it's all in a lot of boxes and I'm technically illiterate at this point"22:59
kanzure_*my superfablab22:59
kanzure_also, the basic idea of the "buy" button on packages in skdb of course22:59
fennthis is sort of what i'm planning for hextatic/hexegrity22:59
fennopen source but you can buy a kit or i can assemble/troubleshoot for you23:00
kanzure_plus plus "feel free to hire us to do something even more awesome, or something that you need that would be a pain in the ass for you to hire developers for"23:01
fenndo = software development? or hardware development?23:01
kanzure_(read that as "what's wrong with both?")23:02
kanzure_I'd hope it'd be more hardware, but I'm by far the last person to have issues doing software consulting in that sort of context23:02
kanzure_heh. google's "20% rule" (of personal projects) .. "I made an automated grocery store with my 20% last month.." [or whatever's reasonable for that sort of time commitment- depends on what's laying around and available in the repos]23:04
fennautomated grocery store doesn't really work well on a personal budget23:04
kanzure_well it'd be with the superfablab-machine-shop-awesome-thing's resources, that'd be my guess23:05
fenni mean, i can slap a box of beans on the shelf pretty easily23:05
fennit's sort of a network effect, you can go to this one place and have your whole list dumped in a box on a conveyor belt in twenty seconds23:05
fennon the other hand i like the way trader joe's stocks only generic products23:06
fennyou've probably never heard of trader joe's23:06
kanzure_nope. sorry.23:06
fennsort of a cross between whole foods and costco23:06
fenni spent an hour sorting visually-identical yet incompatible clear plastic food containers23:07
fennso much for intercompatible parts23:07
kanzure_ugh, so many different plastic tuperware product lines23:08
kanzure_asshats. that's what they are.23:08
fenni've forbidden the use of tupperware products in my home23:08
fennbut even the supposedly compatible tapered cylindrical containers are not always23:09
kanzure_why do they even stock the different plastic tupperware product lines in the stores though?23:09
kanzure_have you ever walked through those? I've been through with my mom many years ago23:09
kanzure_and it's kind of unreasonable.23:09
kanzure_"why do you stock all 12 of these? they are practically identical."23:09
kanzure_"well, it's options"23:09
kanzure_"choose your poison" I guess.23:10
fenni generally go with the one that will be around in five years23:10
fenntoo bad there is no open source tupperware container :P23:11
fenni should do that23:11
kanzure_heh. late night infomercials. 23:12
fennrequirements: cnc lathe, two blocks of wood, vacuum forming machine23:12
fennnfc where to get polypropylene sheet though23:12
kanzure_what thickness23:12
geneyou could 3d print some tupperware fenn23:12
fenngene: i'll believe it once it's been demonstrated23:13
kanzure_0.25" http://www.onlinemetals.com/merchant.cfm?pid=15654&step=4&showunits=inches&id=1&top_cat=023:13
geneok send me a model of the tupperware you want to replicate23:13
kanzure_0.5" http://www.onlinemetals.com/merchant.cfm?pid=15656&step=4&showunits=inches&id=1&top_cat=023:13
fennuh.. $5 per sheet?23:13
kanzure_1" http://www.onlinemetals.com/merchant.cfm?pid=15656&step=4&showunits=inches&id=1&top_cat=023:13
fenni think it should be like 0.2mm23:13
geneI get for the most part free 3d prints23:13
fennor about 8 mil23:14
genethat's thick23:14
kanzure_1.5 mm http://www.onlinemetals.com/merchant.cfm?pid=15650&step=4&showunits=inches&id=1&top_cat=023:14
geneso I've been thinking about your UAV idea fenn23:14
geneand how you might implement it23:14
fennyeah the skyhook is ok23:14
fennneeds a sort of runway though23:14
genecheck this out23:15
fennor maybe not, not sure how quickly it goes up vs sideways23:15
fennit actually shoots the package at the plane?23:16
geneskyhook is great for picking up mail given that there is little wind, cheap hydrogen and few trees in pick up area23:16
kanzure_fenn: so just keep the startup idea still cooking.. if there's a better way than 'consulting pluses' to make it happen, I'll listen. but direct development might sound stupid to investors ('gee, sounds like I won't make money in a post-money system.")23:16
geneno it gets attached to the cable23:16
* kanzure_ goes23:16
genecatapult just makes sure it's going as fast as the plane is23:16
genebut that's a fairly complex mechanism23:17
genereally only suitable for an exchange hub23:17
geneI think electric might be the way to go23:17
fennand you have to drop off a package to pick up a package23:18
geneyou could have a hook go down instead23:18
genemaybe there are more old patents on airplane mail23:19
geneanother drop off mechanism is a tall pole with a Y on top23:22
fenni generally want it to be free of ground infrastructure23:23
geneto deliver the package the plane extend a cable with an aerodynamic pod23:23
fenna balloon and a string could be mailed out as a promotional item23:23
fennsome sort of hydrogen reaction in a bag for filling the balloon23:24
genethe plane flies through the Y and releases the cable23:24
fennthat would just rip the y apart or break the cable23:24
geneand the package is delivered23:24
genenot if it is a steel y23:25
fennthe reason fulton's skyhook works is the balloon/cable has almost zero mass23:25
genethe problem with the skyhook is that the balloon gets released23:25
geneand wind23:25
fennyou've got this package going 900 miles an hour and that kinetic energy has to go somewhere23:25
fennthe balloon needn't get released23:25
geneyou can slow an RC plane down to slow speeds if you build it right23:26
fennsure you can make it hover if you build it right23:26
genethat might work23:26
fennsee previous discussion of how two tethered planes going in a circle is really a big helicopter23:27
genehover above the spot, and lower package to ground via cable and cut cable23:27
genestring is fairly cheap and used in packaging23:27
fennkanzure_: maybe you need to attach some "context" metadata to your in/out going email23:29
fennand then sort based on that23:29
fenni wonder if you mean to link here earlier instead http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/wiki?FileSystemAlternatives23:34
fennor some other c2 link23:37
fennA "white panties" directory, a "blonde" directory, an "asians" directory. What do you do do with a blonde in white panties, or a picture of a blone and asian both in white panties?23:40
fennand those damned blonde asians just mess everything up23:40
geneany of you guys checked out the moon tonight?23:49
geneit's lunar perigee23:50
fennit's what, 5% bigger than normal?23:51
genewhere I am there's a halo around the moon23:53
genewhite panties directory, WTF?23:55

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