
--- Day changed Sun Jan 11 2009
-!- gene_ [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:00
gene_I don't want to know00:00
fennhttp://www.shirky.com/writings/ontology_overrated.html  some diagrams, blarg00:05
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--- Log closed Sun Jan 11 12:12:04 2009
--- Log opened Sat Jan 17 14:30:05 2009
-!- kanzure3 [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap14:30
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-!- samrose [n=samrose@75-134-171-156.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #hplusroadmap14:37
kanzuresamrose: I just got an email from Zach Smith.14:38
kanzureapparently he's the only programmer behind thingiverse14:38
kanzureand he's totally for the packaging format stuffs :) 14:38
kanzureand in fact it seems like he'd be willing to do some collaboration14:38
kanzureyou mentioned you were wanting to do something similar a while back, esp. re: the web interface.14:39
kanzureZack Hoecken, I mean.15:03
kanzuregenehacker_: Are you back yet?15:03
genehacker_I know who Zach is15:03
genehacker_I will be today why?15:03
kanzureJust wondering. Sata was asking when he was at my house on Thursday.15:03
genehacker_I'm thinking of making some stuff for thingiverse15:04
kanzurewill you CC-BY-SA it?15:04
genehacker_well I don't think I will be able to take much in the way of algae samples15:04
kanzure *will you license it as CC-BY-SA15:04
genehacker_in order to take an algae samples I have to take 2 liters of water15:05
genehacker_yeah sure15:05
genehacker_does SKDB work to some degree?15:05
genehacker_could I throw a bunch of parts into it to see if I could make something that could assemble itself from the parts?15:06
kanzureto some degree. let me explain:15:07
kanzureyou can throw those parts in, yes, and if you wanted to see if they could make all of the parts that you throw in, that would be doable15:07
kanzurebut what you want to do is check *assembly* which is something a bit different than just make-dependencies15:07
kanzurefor just the make-dependency analysis, you don't need to do much really15:07
kanzurebut for assembly, that would require the instructions to be in some data object15:08
genehacker_could you do it for legos?15:08
kanzureso here's how you'd do assembly checking15:08
kanzureyou'd look at the instructions for assembling the overall part, and then you'd check to see if each of the steps involved goes to the other parts only15:08
kanzureso if you say "step 2 move part 3 to part 4" then it will stab you in the face15:09
kanzureunless 'move' is a part too.15:09
kanzure(and it won't actually look like "step 2 move part 3 to part 4" .. that's why I say XML/YAML/data-object-thingy)15:09
kanzurethere was this huge thread on om about recipe representation actually15:09
genehacker_lego cad software has a handy dandy, make into step feature15:10
kanzurelego instructions are always pictorial though15:10
kanzurehrm, I might as well check it out though15:10
kanzureI do remember using a lego cad program once, but it wasn't from Lego the company15:11
genehacker_then download MLcad15:11
kanzureis this the one with "make into step"?15:11
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genehacker_it's still pictorial though15:12
kanzureso basically: state of your lego construction before, state of your lego thingy afterwards,15:12
kanzureand then it just spits out a rendering of the state change?15:12
genehacker_yeah, and you can figure it out from there15:12
genehacker_pretty much15:12
kanzurenot what I was hoping for, but ok15:13
genehacker_I don't really know that much about it15:13
genehacker_I haven't tried the make step feature15:13
kanzureldraw027.exe hangs on extraction via wine.15:16
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@c-98-217-180-212.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:17
kanzure"processing archive: Z:\... \n archive date: 1997-07-25 00:05:24 \n Continue extraction? no" <- infinite loop15:17
kanzureor something.15:17
kanzure3http://arj.sourcearchive.com/documentation/3.10.22/arjsfx_8c-source.html   blah .. have to compile it myself maybe?15:19
samrosekanzure, yeah! I am interested for sure15:19
samrosemet Zack Smith online15:19
kanzureah, good15:19
samrosewe should figure out a way to coordinate. I was mirroring your backend work, and trying to make it all work with python tools (mercurial, hatta wiki, etc)15:20
kanzurewell, supposedly that's what OM is for15:20
kanzureif it weren't for the damned economists15:20
kanzurenaysaying economists as it were..15:20
samrosemercurial = GIT hatta = whatever that wiki engine you were using is, etc15:20
genehacker_well what I want to find out is if there is a set of lego parts capable of apply enough force to put together and pull apart other lego parts15:21
kanzurewhat I recommended to Zach was that he could help out by just dumping the CC content and then I'd write up some shell scripts to pretty up the data a bit15:21
samroseah, yeah. I am probably jumping ahead a bit15:21
kanzurebut his data will not have an 'instructions format' nor interoperability information.15:21
kanzurenor dependency information15:22
kanzureso at a minimum I want to get the data set out there15:22
kanzureand then we can all go on a metadata spree all over it heh'15:22
kanzure(as opposed to me writing a crawler over thingiverse, which I would have done anyway, but at least this way we might get some of the data in a pretty format)15:23
kanzuregenehacker_: wait, what? That sounds simpler than what you wanted to do earlier.15:23
kanzurejust go look at the lego catalog for lego actuator parts..15:23
genehacker_I mean sets of parts capable of grasping parts15:24
kanzurebrb, fetching lunch15:25
genehacker_packing so I am semi here15:26
kanzureso it worked, it's a 'pending transaction' according to the broker/bank15:33
kanzurefor precisely $0.3715:34
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genehacker_afk, email if you have any questions kanzure17:24
kanzure3well that's disappointing. Wesley Crusher grew up to become a twitterfag: http://twitter.com/wilw18:15
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kanzureHi samrose.19:19
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* kanzure goes over his father's financial records23:25
kanzure"last updated: 2009-01-05" .. blah..23:26
kanzurehrm. this is rather revealing. wtf is all of this.23:26
fenndeath and taxes, which do you think will be conquered first?23:26
kanzure(1) what would happen if the house spontaneously went up in flames now? insurance policies are still in effect23:27
fennis there some way to access a deceased person's online accounts?23:27
kanzure(2) yes23:27
kanzurethousands of passwords all written down in a neatly organized notebook and excel doc23:27
kanzurecross-referenced to account numbers, totals, projections, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, assets, property, ..23:28
kanzurethis is sick.23:28
fennwell, that's nice if they keep that info around, but i dont write down passwords for example23:28
kanzureok, time for me to go do some logging in23:30
kanzureI doubt the others would bother to save teh transaction logs anyway23:30
fennis datahub like for screen scraping?23:35
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-174-156.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:45
genehackerhey kanzure, you there?23:45
genehackerI'm back23:45
kanzure3just going through dad's financials23:45
kanzure3and reading fenn's guinea-pig log.23:45
kanzure3fenn, are you maintaining consistent written ways of saying the same activities that you have done over long periods of time? i.e., the domestics prefix seems to be common, but net isn't domestic, or something23:46
fennyes the categories are consistent except for the first six months or so23:50
fennout of four years23:50
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kanzure3fenn, let's say that you spontaneously do something new today that hasn't been said before23:50
kanzure3and then you do this same new thing a few months from now23:50
genehacker_winblows just crashed23:50
kanzure3how do you preserve the categorization?23:50
fennum.. i don't23:51
kanzure3without digging through the logs23:51
kanzure3don't do anything new, or don't preserve it?23:51
kanzure3I guess I'm looking at it the wrong way23:51
fenni figure a category with 2 entries isnt much worse than 2 categories with one entry23:51
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-174-156.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]23:51
-!- genehacker_ is now known as genehacker23:51
kanzure3"long-term analysis v. back-tracing at a particular time for something bad"23:51
fennor something good23:52
kanzure3(whereas the analysis stuff would require very coherent classification)23:52
fenni wish i had figured out some way to keep track of how i feel (physiologically)23:52
fennnot really23:52
fennconsider words as tags23:53
kanzure3pulse, weight, blood pressure, but this doesn't convey much information unless you spontaneously get radiation sickness23:53
genehackerwhat are you talking about, what did I miss?23:53
kanzure3yeah, even if words were tags, I was thinking of 'using the data for broad generalizations' which data generally shouldn't be used for23:53
kanzure3genehacker: obsessive compulsive life logging23:53
fenna post on a mailing list you arent subscribed to23:53
genehackerah cool23:53
* kanzure3 glances at dad's obsessive compulsive financial logging..23:54
kanzure3all hail the mighty dollar23:54
fenni wonder if datahub does anything23:54
kanzure3oops, sorry, lemme check the emails23:54
kanzure3so it looks like django to me23:56
fennyeah but what is the end result?23:56
kanzure3well, the email was talking about folders for the 'main steps of the work cycle'23:56
fennis there a demo or screenshots or something?23:56
kanzure3scrape-parse-put somewhere-document-visualize23:56
genehackerhey the dollar is the best thing we have until wuffie23:56
fenngenehacker: why can't we do whuffie now?23:57
kanzure3but what could these templates be? parsing is the domain of regexps, surely there's no black magic in this datahub thingy23:57
kanzure3why can't we do no money now?23:57
* kanzure3 hands out free energy23:57
fennhrm seems bitchun went downhill23:57
kanzure3<-- is secretly just an associative bayesian filtering system23:58
genehackerkanzure you can't get free energy, you can however steal energy from other universes23:58
kanzure3genehacker: free as in monetarily free23:58
kanzure3free as in really free.23:58
genehackermonetarily free a hundred billion years from now?23:58
genehackerafter all the stars die and things get cold23:59
fennif one could steal energy from other universes, why dont we see a deficit of energy?23:59
fennanyway it's academic.. we get 1kW/m^2 on earth approx 12 hours a day23:59
genehackerit's a joke fenn, it'd be better emigrate to other universes than steal energy from them23:59

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