
--- Day changed Sun Jan 18 2009
kanzure3fenn, did I send you the Saul Griffith calculations?00:00
fenndunno, i dont remember seeing it00:00
kanzure3something about needing an olympic-sized stadium of algae every 2 seconds to maintain growing rates of energy demand of human civilization.00:00
genehackerwell I got a use for algae00:01
kanzure3"Half a terawatt of biofuels?  Something like one Olympic swimming pools of genetically engineered algae, installed every second.  (About 15,250 square miles a year, times 25.)"00:01
kanzure3^ at that rate you have to worry about the amount of phosphorous being redirected out of the local environment00:01
kanzure3s/phosphorous/phosphorous and other elements and their systems/00:02
genehackerbiofuel is a temporary solution00:02
kanzure3(since you're dealing with exponentials)00:02
genehackerthe killer app for algae is feeding cows00:02
genehackeror maybe synth meat00:03
kanzure3fenn: fwd'd.00:03
fennah yes i saw the soda bottle calculations in make magazine00:04
fennbottle contains more energy than the soda00:04
genehackerdamn WD 40 isn't fish oil00:04
fennsnake skin isn't alligator hide!00:05
genehackerI wanted to sell algae for WD 4000:05
kanzure3speaking of make, did you see that I got a hold of Zach Hoecken (thingiverse)? and that the ponoko CEO wants to do packaging formats too?00:05
fennhavent got to OM yet00:05
kanzure3oomlaut was a bit hostile to my approach though.00:05
kanzure3alec mentioned some passing interest in my correspondence with him..00:06
kanzure3well, a bit more than passing.00:06
genehackerso I did some calculations a while back too, it would take less energy to make an equal amount of diamond than it would of plastic00:06
fennwtf is wrong with nuclear power?00:07
fennyou never EVER see a detailed analysis of the environmental effects of nuclear power in popular print00:07
genehackernothing, chernobly just freaked people out00:07
genehackerdid you hear about that neighborhood nuclear reactor company fenn, they're sold out for 3 years00:08
genehackerthey can't keep up with demand00:08
fennis it a beta battery? or some kind of thermoelectric thing?00:09
genehackera bona fide nuclear reactor I think00:09
kanzure3wtf, keeping up with demand is easy 00:09
kanzure3sounds to me like mostly an architectural issue with their business model ..00:10
kanzure3not scaling fast enough..00:10
fenn"building nuclear reactors is easy" really00:10
genehacker25 mW for 40 years00:10
kanzure3didn't say it was easy00:10
kanzure3but they are also not sprinkling magic into it00:10
kanzure3nor should they be making custom designs each time, so ..00:11
genehackerbuilding nuclear reactors is easy, building safe ones on the other hand...00:11
kanzure3http://books.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1094497&cid=26489733 "That's what SOA aims at: interchangeable components in systems. You're not crafting one big program, or complex of programs, from end-to-end, making it up as you go. You're building uniformly-structured and interchangeable components, and assembling them."00:12
kanzure3"You mean... like Unix?"00:12
kanzure3*cough* http://heybryan.org/shell.html *cough* not quite implemented anywhere to my knowledge .. not even SOA, WSDL, B2B, shells, debs, ..00:12
genehackerspeaking of uniform components I've been having second thoughts about making a replicator out of legos00:13
genehackerfuck legos, I can make my own blocks00:13
genehackerdesigning the blocks is the hard part00:14
kanzure3genehacker: so, you remember the recent two-actor ribozyme replication duo, right?00:15
genehackeryes, yes00:15
kanzure3in the article it said there was something like 30 bits of information that could be channeled into each of the designs.00:15
genehackerthat's why I want to use blocks00:15
kanzure3hold on a sec though00:15
kanzure3this is a two-actor system and the set of things that they can make is going to be physically limited00:15
kanzure3it's a very big possibility space though, I'd give you that00:16
fenntwo-actor system?00:16
kanzure3that's the "minimal cell" or "minimal program" approach00:16
genehackeryeah, I want to make a build system though with parts like pipes, linear bearings00:16
kanzure3fenn: there were two complementary replication agents working together. polymerase and 00:16
genehackertwo actor system, one does the replication, one provides the information to replicate00:17
kanzure3well. my brain just shut off apparently00:17
fennok, von neumann cellular automata basically00:17
genehackersomething like that I guess00:17
kanzure3anyway, my point was going to be about the alternative to starting from the bottom00:18
genehackerI'm not familar with von neumann cellular automata00:18
kanzure3from the small starting set of those 30 bits of information (actually it's not 2-bit, and it's not 4-bit either because there are some strings of 4-bits that are practically chemically equivalent)00:18
kanzure3you could try to extract and draw out, say, a human, or a giraffe from those bits 00:19
kanzure3and try to stuff as much non-directly-replication-design-stuff as possible, trying to figure out how to make it work in that model00:19
genehackerwell the advantage of designing a build system, is that we can sell it as a toy to fund research00:19
fennit's 2d, there's a machine sort of like a turing machine that moves around the digital space in response to commands on a tape (also represented in the digital space) and it can change the value of a  state at will (sort of like creating/destroying legos)00:19
kanzure3you go the other way: you already have your machine shop prototyped and can just trace the dependencies00:20
kanzure3fenn: maybe you can see the point that I was going to highlight00:20
kanzure3but it's not an important one at the moment, just thought like mentioning it.00:20
genehackerthe Charles Collins replicator is a physical manifestation of that, a way too literal physical manifestation00:20
genehackeryeah I know00:21
fennDNA is quad, even if the conversion to amino acids is redundant00:21
kanzure3blah, fine.00:21
fenn3-quad code00:21
genehackerI wouldn't make that comparison00:21
genehackerheh have you heard about tricore chips?00:21
* kanzure3 is running a quadcore.00:22
genehackeryou know what a tricore chip is?00:22
fenncan they vote on the answer? :)00:22
kanzure3we call that a race condition00:22
fennsuper duals or sucky quad-cores?00:22
genehackerit's a quadcore with a defective core cut out00:22
genehackerthat's what it is00:22
fennok now they just need to scale that concept00:22
fennby about ten orders of magnitude00:23
fenn"i'll take a wafer, thank you"00:23
genehackeryou can fenn, just ask them, some hand em out for free00:23
genehackerI got one in my room00:23
fenneh? like the pope?00:23
fenni have some defective large silicon dies (dice?) from electronic goldmine..00:24
genehackerheh, I'm sure in the church of saint turing they will00:24
fennthe probability of a defect goes up with area, so that's why large chips are much more expensive00:24
genehackerI have a silicon wafer with the chips made on it, makes a cool diffraction pattern when you shine a laser on it00:24
genehackera laser which I happened to break :(00:25
fennbut if yo have a large number of identical/commodity elements on the chip that you can route around, you might as well use the whole wafer as a supercomputer00:25
genehackerwell you see fenn, you have to cut them, then you have to package them, then you have to do a little dance00:26
genehackerbtw, does anyone have any HD-DVD drives they are  willing to give me?00:27
genehackercutting them out could be expensive00:29
fennthe wafer's already cut, into a wafer00:29
fennso you just have to bond wires to the edges and do some magic re-routing foo in the silicon00:29
fennflip chip packaging would probably be best00:30
genehackeryou gotta package them fenn00:30
fenni dont understand00:30
genehackeryou gotta get rid of heat00:30
fennof course00:30
fennhowever, if you arent using sucky x86 processors... there is much less heat00:30
genehackerinteresting idea though00:30
genehackeryou gotta get rid of heat00:31
fennok well I dont see what "packaging" has to do with that00:31
fennfor example, why can't I just use aluminum substrate PCB and conduct heat through the solder connections?00:32
genehackergive it a try, if you can solder to them00:32
genehackerdo you have a really accurate CNC machine?00:33
fenni think it has copper on the top layer, "metal core"00:33
fennno, i dont have a functioning CNC at all right now00:33
genehackeroh packaging also helps prevent tiny bits of metal from shorting your chip out00:33
fennchip surface would be pressed up against the circuit board (and probably sealed around edges with epoxy)00:35
genehackersolder a chip to a circuit board, then we can talk00:35
fenni dont have any chips with solder00:36
fenni'm talking mass production, not DIY stuff00:36
genehackerthe connections are very very small00:37
genehackerwell it looks like it might be interesting to try00:37
fennit's basically the same idea I had for self assembling DNA-tile FPGA's00:38
genehackerhaven't heard that one00:38
genehackerhey we could form a company around this00:38
kanzuresometimes I feel like a ghost around here.00:39
genehackermaybe you are00:40
genehackerhow do you know you aren't?00:40
-!- fenn changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: no philosophy, please00:40
genehackeroh shoot forgot about that00:40
genehackerso how can we design replicatable super-blocks?00:41
fennstart by defining what you mean by replicatable00:43
genehackereasy to replicate00:44
genehackercapable of replication, particulary fast replication00:48
genehackerI'm thinking something along the lines of modular robots00:55
fennbitcoin: promoting the largest waste of CPU power, ever!00:55
kanzurewelp, there goes my entire bubble of safety. /home/bryan/dad/Dad's Files/Brett's Bar and Grill/Apogee Publishing/Projects/Nascency/artificial-intelligence-risk[1].pdf01:02
kanzurethat's a paper written by Eli :(01:02
genehackerif only magnets weren't so hard to replicate01:06
genehackerit'd be interesting if neodymium magnets occurred in nature, be interesting to see what would evolve 01:08
kanzure3http://heybryan.org/dad/Biography.html <- found in his archives.01:08
genehackerAI probably won't be that dangerous01:10
genehackerif we can get it to think it's a human too01:11
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/eli.html <- within his system of thought, he's absolutely completely correct. But read that page for the actual objections.01:11
genehackerI detect philosophy01:12
fennhmm roblocks looks cool but i dont know why they tried to make "programming" blocks01:16
genehackerfor the kids01:17
fennthere was some open source project to make swivel blocks like in that hod lipson video01:17
fennwith cad files etc01:18
genehackerI think that is or was roblocks01:18
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kanzureI haven't seen that one.01:18
fennthey were making the blocks with some sort of RP machine01:18
fennit was university based, they definitely didnt have a "catalog"01:18
fennhmm CMU maybe it was the same site01:19
genehackerwell roblocks are made with an RP machine01:19
kanzure*cough* LCD on the third image..01:19
kanzureunless you rapid prototype LCDs now?01:20
genehackerthe plastic is01:20
genehackeris this it?01:20
fennno it was a different site.. after looking at archive.org01:20
fennyes molecubes.org01:21
kanzuresay, I remember this one01:21
kanzureit's been mentioned in here before methinks01:21
genehackerHod Lipson is involved with that01:21
fennah cool it's wei-min shen's group01:23
genehackerso what we really need is a way to connect cubes together, and stick without magnets01:23
kanzure.. that's what the interop stuff has been about01:23
kanzurebut I'm merely a ghost01:23
kanzuredon't bother listening to me.01:23
fennhunting of the snark01:24
genehackerhow do you achieve it?01:24
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shell.html has some notes.01:24
kanzuredebtags is one partial solution, but they wimped out kinda01:24
fenngenehacker: dovetails with locking tabs works01:25
fenngenehacker: i have these tiny boxes for storing SMD components01:25
kanzureI must be thinking of a different level here01:25
kanzuresurely there is more than just mechanical linkages to consider01:25
kanzureunless you're interested in doing a totally restrictive regime (ex: legos)01:25
genehackerthink something that a blind person wearing mitts could assemble01:26
kanzure("all things must have these dots to this precision")01:26
fennheh anders always shows up in my image searches: http://www.nada.kth.se/~asa/bilder/box.jpg01:26
genehackeryeah we need something ajdjustable01:26
fennwhy adjustable?01:26
kanzurelego = "planned economy"01:26
fennnothing wrong with planned economies01:27
genehackerso you aren't restricted to the dots01:27
kanzureright, legos are good, but we suddelny realize at some point that we want more than plastic lego bricks to connect together, and we realize that we can't replan it all (since we're not lego)01:27
fennhow often does that issue really come up?01:27
kanzurerecipe substitution.01:28
fennbut you dont have to replan it all, you just need the source code and build capability01:28
genehackerwhat do you mean we aren't lego?01:28
kanzuretake the "100% fractal automation" bullshit article from the other day01:28
fennand then you make a DIP-14 brick or whatever01:28
kanzurethey were doing top down centralized planning for everything01:28
kanzuretheir bricks incorporated the pipes, wires, etc., built into the bricks 01:28
kanzurenow if you wanted something new01:29
kanzurethe entire standards would have to be updated01:29
kanzureand probably the old stuff too..01:29
fennno way01:29
fennlook at NXT01:29
fennit's still backwards compatible01:29
genehackerwell we can make lego "monster bricks" we have the technology01:29
genehackerwe can remake lego in our own image01:30
fennI don't01:30
kanzurebackwards compatibility is not reusability. it's legacy maintenance..01:30
fennmost people don't realize the amount of work that goes into Lego injection mould dies01:30
fennthe die makers are treated like priests I hear01:30
genehackerfenn we have free 3d printer acess01:30
fennis that good enough to make legos?01:31
kanzurefenn: why doesn't Google have their own lego line?01:31
fennbecause they are software people?01:31
kanzurethey're the ones that played with legos though01:31
genehackerthe SLS printer can print a very detailed  locket01:31
kanzureisn't lego-fandom a requirement to employability at Google?01:31
fenni think you also have to use a macbook and wear thick rimmed glasses01:32
genehackerthink about it, if we make legos grow on tree...01:32
kanzuregenehacker: are you having a separate conversation right now?01:32
genehackercool I have two qualifications for google employment01:32
kanzurefenn: would debian count as a planned economy?01:33
kanzureyet individual packages aren't really.01:34
fennit doesn't fit the metaphor perfectly01:34
kanzurein legos, it seems to be top-down novelty stuff going on01:34
kanzure(top-down as in corporate management bosses stuffs)01:34
fenndebian is an aggregator.. there isnt really any equivalent in economics except maybe feudalism01:34
genehackerwell, I'm going to jack out now guys, so good night01:35
fennciao babe01:35
kanzureone day we'll all have the same conversation at once, and it will be good01:35
genehackerchatrooms aren't very productive01:36
kanzuremeh, that's questionable01:36
kanzurefenn: "how often does that issue come up?" <- I think that could also be asked as "how often do projects break their debian packages, or don't quite fit the model"01:37
fennah finally found the configurable boxes http://www.dealextreme.com/feedbacks/BrowseReviews.dx/sku.458001:40
kanzureconstructal theory: all of the most inefficient decisions are made the most frequently in a flow system (i..e, in human transportation, it's individual decisions, rather than mass transit as a norm), same with packaging, and tools to help make better decisions for packaging even in the absence of all out 'instruction formats' and interoperability of parts, would be nice.01:40
fennthey snap together, hold firmly, and come apart easily with the proper massaging01:40
fennand there are other sizes01:40
fennseems the concept could be extended to other stuff than just boxes01:40
fennit's hard to see from the pictures but there's a tapered dovetail01:41
fennthe taper is slightly an interference fit, so the plastic flexes a tiny bit and makes it a snug connection01:41
fenntools to help make better decisions for packaging... well, that sounds like skdb01:42
fennto be compatible with the widest variety of parts requires comparing to an inhumanly large set of other things you might want to connect to01:43
fennon the other hand i just want to bomb a bunch of chinese factories that make single purpose consumer crap that isnt compatible with anything01:43
fennand just force everyone to use standard parts01:44
kanzure3with the 'instruction format' though, you don't need to "help" make decisions, that can be all automated away mostly01:44
fenninstruction format == recipe?01:44
kanzure3but I'm wondering about what specifically in the absence of that since the instructions/recipe-substitution stuff (ability to snap different abstract parts together, whatever standards they might beu sing)01:44
kanzure3I'm kind of talking about three things but it's the same thing01:44
kanzure3instructions, recipes, and the interoperability all reference the same shell.html stuff (the dselect select-your-own-usage-of-the-program-or-part/tool)01:45
fennsoftware has gotten away with a lot of cruft because it's so easy to replicate and storage space is expanding faster than we can fill it with code01:46
fennbut with hardware we can't assume that you'll have some archaic editor from the 70's01:46
kanzure3um, absence of that (since the .. doesn't exist nor can I hack out a demo)01:46
kanzure3^ add a * somewhere in that last message.01:46
kanzure3(beginning) (this is only making my attempt to correct an error even worse)01:47
fennso, what you're saying is.. ?01:47
fennI liked that kanzure guy better01:47
fennhe seemed to make sense01:47
fennsome of the time at least01:47
fennperhaps you need meta-instructions to explain how to use the instructions, like DTD01:48
kanzure3given no instruction/recipe format or ability to do interoperability/intercompatibility at the moment, and nothing better than the original dimensional analysis of the ability of things to interconnect, 01:48
kanzure3what tools for helping making sound packaging decisions could we come up with?01:48
fennpackaging decisions meaning what?01:49
kanzure3*what tools for helping to make these parts/tools datasets useful could we come up with, from the point of view of a package maintainer who doesn't necessarily see "the larger picture"?01:51
kanzure3I don't think that helps though, hrm.01:51
fennyou're familiar with providing a comparison function for sorting lists right?01:51
kanzure3list1 > list2?01:52
fenni think we need to provide comparison functions for interface compatibility01:52
kanzure3so, what, "this part accepts IETF standard RJ45"01:52
fennlike, if you wanted to sort colors you would lookup the color name in some table, find the RGB values, convert to HSV, then compare the H values of two colors01:52
fenni think there has to be some physical simulation involveed01:53
kanzure3this just seems to be "tagging the inputs and outputs, and then checking if the tags of a possible machine to connect to overlaps with the input/output of the other machine"01:53
fennif the blackbox data already fits we wouldnt need to provide a function.. this is like how we dont need to write a comparison function for sorting numbers01:54
kanzure3machine 1: inputs (a, b, c) outputs (x, y, z)01:54
kanzure3machine 2: inputs (x, y, z) outputs (a, b, c)01:54
kanzure3machine1.out matches machine2.in01:54
kanzure3where a,b,c,x,y,z would be tags for standards01:54
kanzure3but doesn't this inherent the fundamental suckness of debtags?01:54
fennno that's blackboxing, and requires lots of coordination and standards01:54
fenn(and work)01:54
fenntags are useful, for some things01:55
kanzure3I need you to elaborate on the alternative in this situation then, because tags don't solve it.01:55
fennthere must be some low level standard representation for physical quantities that everyone can agree on01:56
fenneverything else is just semantics01:56
fennby which i mean "incompatible choice of words"01:56
kanzure3but but then you just get to my crappy code where I was saying "input: 7 m^2" (of space)01:56
fennif you really only need some arbitrary 7m^2 of area, then what's the problem?01:57
fennif it must be planar, then you need to describe the plane with more constraints01:57
kanzure3hrm, I suppose taking a hint from django and GNU autoproject would be nifty there .. deploy the common measurement utilities to make sure you have your workbench setup and stuff01:57
kanzure3ok, blackbox that and assume that's fine01:58
fenn"tabletop" can be decomposed into a number of attributes, like normal vector (up) surface hardness, rigidity, impact resistance etc01:58
kanzure3didn't we have some GUID funkyness with the materials class?01:58
fennso then you can look at other surfaces and see if they fit the requirements of a tabletop01:58
fennbut you only have to specify "tabletop" in the package requirements01:59
fennall the magic happens invisibly01:59
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fenndo you see how this is different from tags?01:59
parodyoflanguageNo philosophy? Aw.. :)02:00
kanzure3well, yes, but no02:00
kanzure3IEEE 1994 input isn't specified by dimensional units..02:01
kanzure3I am not being coherent am I?02:01
fennit gets around the standards problem by encoding the standard in dimensional units, and comparing the units02:01
kanzure359.2 IEEE 1994s02:01
fenni believe signals can be represented by units and code02:01
fennwhat is IEEE 1994?02:01
kanzure3yep, 1394. sorry about that.02:02
fennso, firewire is both a protocol and an electronic signal and a set of connectors and cabling02:02
fennthe protocol is software and can be represented with BNF?02:03
fennsurely there must be some universal protocol representation language02:03
kanzure3when you go buy a plastic-wrapped device off of Amazon, you get a list of tags of what it supports (IEEE 1394, RCJ 45, ...)02:03
fennyou get tags from amazon?02:04
kanzure3well, no,02:04
kanzure3but it's in the product descriptions02:04
kanzure3usually in a list or something02:04
kanzure3and thus how stuff shows up in search results02:04
kanzure3a list on the side of the box, etc. like food labels.02:04
fennalmost useful info.. sigh02:05
fennso, i hope whoever is making packages for representing protocols and electrical signals will look at what software libraries exist already before they start reinventing the wheel02:08
fennoh, there has to be some base geometry classes too02:08
kanzure3don't know if you took a look at ECIX when I was ranting about it the other day02:09
kanzure3electronic component packaging XML standard stuff.02:09
kanzure3(electronics being the golden standard of everything, all hail the electronics software people)02:09
fenni suppose they already have a signal format/ontology02:10
kanzure3when you're pushing things you can't see, you go hire thinkers to think abstractly for you anyway02:11
fennwait, this is b2b stuff02:11
kanzure3so maybe that's why that happened02:11
kanzure3oh, is it?02:11
kanzure3I thought I saw stuff like pin geometries, timing diagrams,02:12
kanzure3Electronic Component Information Exchange02:12
fennyeah digging through that02:12
fenni think they just reference the relevant standard02:14
fennit's not a standards format02:14
fenngod that's barely even a relational database02:15
fennthis is more the sort of thing i'm interested in http://archives.si2.org/si2_publications/pinpak/Specs/ECPinPak1.0.pdf02:16
fennit really sucks that standards orgs are so closed02:21
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genehackeryou there kanzure?14:47
genehackerwant to make a reprap sometime this year?14:58
kanzureponoko ceo wants to do apt-get for hardware15:46
genehackerok what do you think about forming an Austin Reprap User Group(RUG)16:01
kanzurewhy only reprap16:01
kanzureI mean, that's what the Austin Robot Group is for really16:01
kanzurethey're the guys that have been working on repraps anyway..16:01
genehackerthey're working on repraps?16:02
kanzurea few of their members, yes.16:02
genehackergood point16:02
kanzurelike I said, they commonly bring up desktop cnc machines to the meetings..16:02
genehackerI was thinking of working with the actlab people16:02
kanzureso they're on the same wavelength.16:02
kanzurenothing wrong with the actlab people16:03
genehackerthey aren't engineers16:03
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genehackerhow did I leave?16:04
genehackerso how small can a CNC be and still be useful?16:05
genehackernow who to ask in actlab about building a reprap?16:08
kanzuresandy and brandon16:08
genehackerI think I'll just email the whole actlab16:11
kanzuremention my name and cc me please :)16:11
genehackerhow do you want to be mentioned?16:13
kanzurewhat are you asking them anyway16:13
genehackerif they'd be interested in finishing the reprap they tried to build16:16
kanzureponoko is *really really* excited about this.16:18
genehackerabout what?16:20
genehackerabout your SKDB?16:20
genehackerso I'll say you're interested in the project too16:29
genehackerI can't think of a way to mention you16:33
genehackeractlab email is broken16:42
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genehackeremailed Sandy17:12
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genehackerhey you know of any facial recognition software kanzure?19:40
kanzureopencv or opencp or openmp19:40
kanzureit's one of those heh'19:40
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kanzure3oh god.21:48
genehackercentimeter sized sheets of graphene21:49
kanzure3you'll note that I submitted a patch on 2009-01-0321:49
kanzure3you'll note that I apparently made a patch on 2008-05-2621:49
kanzure3completely forgot about that ..21:49
kanzure3<-- has repeated his own work :(21:49
kanzure3compare: (2008-05-26 patch) http://heybryan.org/projects/browsehack/2008-05-26.diff to (2009-01-03 patch) http://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=2984721:50
genehackershit happens, I recently burnt out an expensive laser that I almost broke from shorting a nine volt batter across it and a trimpot21:52
genehackerbroke it when I forgot to short out the capacitor in the driver before hooking it up21:53
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