
--- Day changed Wed Jan 21 2009
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kanzureSpeaking of blunt augmentation of the brain, I wish someone would publish an analysis of "which way to bump your head when you fall so as to become a savant".09:32
genehackerhook nine volt battery to head09:36
genehackerhmmm... I have a precision adjustable current regulating power supply, now if I could just get some electrodes09:38
kanzure3bkero's cheap electrodes: pennies + solder + some contact lotion (shampoo)09:39
genehackerlead free solder?09:40
genehackerwell I have to go09:40
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bkerokanzure3: They're REALLY noisy, I've tried it.12:54
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genehackerI think Ellington's testifying at the TEA right now Kanzure18:08
nshTEA? testifying about what?18:23
proctokanzure3: http://seasteading.org/files/MIandT040_08_R1_Seastead_Exec_Sum.pdf18:34
proctoyou might find that interesting18:34
proctoseasteading institute following through on their pledge to be open18:35
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kanzuregenehacker: Ellington does that often. Crusader for evolution education.19:03
kanzuregenehacker: But why do you say that? was this in the news recently or something?19:03
kanzureprocto: yeah, I was just talking with Patri the other day from the Seasteading Institute.19:03
kanzurebut he seemed to just kind of brush me aside- not that it's a big deal or anything,19:04
kanzurebut if *you* were approached by *me*, wouldn't you content-dump me or something? not just a "glad to hear" message?19:04
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genehackerI guess you could call it news19:13
genehackerTexas state board of education audio livestream19:14
genehackerThe Texas State board of education is full of idiots19:15
kanzure3as a product of Texas secondary public education, I can attest to that19:15
genehackerwell I had the best damn biology teacher in the state of Texas19:16
kanzure3nah, I had that guy.19:16
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kanzure3nah, I had that guy.19:17
genehackerif my school district had more money, we would 've genetically modified bacteria to glow in the dark19:18
kanzureoh yeah? well *my* school would have took over the world19:20
kanzureif it weren't for those medling kids.19:20
genehackerbtw are you listening to the livestream?19:21
kanzureshould I?19:21
kanzurewill it make me angry? :(19:22
genehackerlol probably19:22
kanzurethis is retarded. I'm in a physics class for some reason, so the homework is on basic derivatives (wtf)19:25
kanzureso it asks me to analyze a graph where you have the option to say that the rate of change is increasing always or if it is increasing and then not19:25
kanzureif you zoom into the graph,19:26
kanzureyou clearly see that the pixels at the end make a leveling off19:26
kanzurefuck them.19:26
genehackeryeah I can see why you are bored19:26
genehackerwhat are you taking again?19:31
kanzurephysics, psychology, multivariable calculus, ME20519:32
genehackerbtw, you know if you write a program to crack the unit passwords on ME205, the teacher might let you skip acouple units ;)19:32
kanzureI have to wait until I figure out the URL :(19:33
genehackeryou haven't had the class yet?19:33
kanzureIIRC, no class this first week (I'll double check)19:33
kanzureand even if there is, it's on Friday.19:33
genehackerwait a sec19:33
genehackerpage isn't even made yet19:34
genehackerhuh, wonder if they changed some things19:34
kanzurehm, the index page gives me an RSS feed19:34
kanzurehow considerate of them19:34
genehackerwell the professor who runs the class is pretty cool19:35
genehackerhe's an XKCD fan19:35
genehackerand he heads up the robotics program19:43
kanzurewhich one?19:43
kanzureno, which robotics program?19:44
genehackerwho I think you have19:44
genehackerthe one here19:44
kanzurethere are many robotics programs though19:44
kanzurethere's Kuiper's, for instance, but he's not ME.19:44
genehackermade an automatic surgery robot19:44
kanzurenot telerobotic?19:44
fennME205 is programming? why is programming in mechanical engineering department?19:47
fennand why isnt there a standard numbering system for uni classes?19:47
kanzurewhen I first showed up at the university, I was registered under chemical engineering, so they were going to put me into a chemical engineering programming class in the petro building..19:48
genehackerI think not19:48
kanzurecan we say "yay excel"19:48
* kanzure sobs19:48
kanzurealthough genehacker was showing me that he was doin some java for the 205 class last semester19:48
genehackeryour doing excel?19:49
fennMATLAB, C, Java.. could be worse i suppose19:49
kanzurefenn: right.19:49
kanzuregenehacker: what? No, of course not.19:49
fennC is a good language to be proficient in, but i bet they just do some hello world crap19:49
kanzurebut excel really is just Visual Basic Script, a lighter version of Visual Basic.19:49
genehackeror are you laughing about what I did yesterday19:49
kanzureyeah, I don't know if they go over pointers19:49
kanzuregarbage management is probably beyond "ME 205"19:50
genehackerthey do19:50
kanzuremalloc() yourself to heaven, kids. have fun.19:50
genehackerbut they say to just ignore it19:50
genehackernever really got pointers19:50
kanzureit points.19:50
genehackeroh yeah19:50
fennit's a memory address19:50
fennhm. and the compiler knows what sort of data it points to, which is useful for moving around in arrays and structs19:51
kanzuregenehacker: so you said "if you can figure out the unit passwords"19:52
genehackerI think that surgery robot was autonomous, but I can't remember, you might ask him19:52
fennbut if they just included that info with the pointer, C could do lots more at runtime19:52
kanzuredoes this mean I should write a bruteforce script?19:52
fenndictionary attack19:52
kanzureI looked at the web pages and it looks to me like he's using a generated token on each page load to stop that sort of thing19:52
kanzureso I'll have to do some HTTP-foo I guess.19:52
genehackeryou can't use dictionary attack19:52
kanzurewhy not?19:52
fennmake sure you write it in MATLAB19:52
genehackerit's all characters from a-z including caps19:53
kanzuregenehacker: how long?19:53
genehackerI think 6 characters long19:53
genehackerlet me check my unit password list19:53
kanzurethe server response time is fast, 6 is ok.19:53
genehackeroh, I guess you don't need the unit passwords19:54
kanzurefenn: so when I paid for the internet connection the other day, the $0.37 ..19:54
genehackerbecause those are just for learning the stuff19:54
kanzureI should have had used a pre-paid credit card.19:54
kanzureI am an idiot.19:54
genehackerso you could remain untraceable?19:54
genehackerbut if you make your attack noticeable...19:55
kanzureno, I mean in general19:55
genehackerthen you might get to skip a couple units19:55
fennshould have had used is what tense?19:55
genehackerdo you know matlab kanzure?19:55
kanzuregenehacker: no, but octave is mostly compatible with matlab, and I know a little bit of octave19:56
genehackermatlab is fucking awesome19:56
kanzureno it's not.19:56
genehackerexcept that the fact that it's not free19:56
kanzurematlab, mathematica, solidworks, pro/e, autocad,19:56
genehackerhave you seen what you can do with it?19:56
kanzureI'll take no part in this indoctrination culture.19:56
fennapparently the strength of matlab is its libraries19:56
kanzuretoo bad matlab hasn't gone the way of fortran.19:57
kanzureboth are equally engrained in research-culture..19:57
genehackermatlab has some nifty 3d simulation tools and stuff19:59
genehackeroh wait19:59
genehackermatlab sucks19:59
genehackerit sucks a lot19:59
kanzurewhat does this mean? "which velocity graph shows the car moving toward the left (otward the origin) at a steady (constant) velocity?"20:00
kanzurethe object starts at the origin20:00
kanzureso what the fuck is this smoking?20:00
kanzurewhy am I in this class. haven't I done this enough yet? do I have to be mentally ass-raped for the rest of my life doing the same things over and over again?20:01
genehackeryou have to save all your data that you process in matlab has to be saved in the special matlab format20:01
fennyep pretty much20:01
genehackersame with thermo20:01
fennthis is what i finally confirmed my senior year of college20:01
kanzureso who does this benefit, again?20:01
genehackerthis is how classes start out, this is why I did a weird dual credit thing20:02
fennthe large number of people who get paid lots of money for what are essentially office jobs20:02
kanzurebut their jobs suck..20:02
fennthey should be replaced with computers immediately20:02
kanzurea few quick scripts and their entire job is automated.20:02
genehackerreplace who?20:03
nsh-"do I have to be mentally ass-raped for the rest of my life doing the same things over and over again?"   -- unfortunately, yes, that appears to be how society works20:03
kanzurethe people that this benefits20:03
fennuniversity administration20:03
fennor at least that's where i think the money goes.. hard to be sure20:04
kanzureI was proposing to somebody over lunch the other day the concept of changing the job culture 20:05
kanzurethe one that has HR demons requiring degrees20:05
kanzurenot for myself, but for the future20:05
kanzuresome sort of slow, planned strategic culture shift20:05
kanzure(of course, jobs suck anyway, so who cares)20:05
genehackerdefine HR20:07
genehackerwell, um, there are people who blame the economic crisis on the quants20:07
kanzureLehman Brothers sent me an email about a job position as a quant programmer20:08
kanzurethen I realized who Lehman Brothers is/was..20:08
kanzurequants - quantitative finance types.20:08
fennum, accountant?20:08
kanzureand then there's quant programmers, who go over financial API information all day it seems.20:08
fennor actuarial?20:08
kanzurenot sure. not my bullshit :/20:08
fennwtf is a non-quantitative finance type? "dude we're making tons of money over here!"20:09
genehackerI wish we could make a Magi supercomputer system, so we could solve the whole politics problem20:09
kanzurefenn: marketing, advertisements, .. sounds very non-quantitative to me.20:09
kanzuregenehacker: what politics problem20:09
fennthat's called "marketing" not finance20:09
kanzurethat's kinda what we're doing20:09
kanzureI mean, I don't mean to word it like that20:10
kanzurebut if you've been keeping up on the old openmanufacturing posts,20:10
kanzurethe idea of an O'Neill habitat largely makes other governments obsolete20:10
fennnot exactly20:10
kanzureor a sufficiently operational system on the planet20:10
genehackerwhat making a Magi Supercomputer system just like in Evangelion20:10
fennit provides extra room for experimentation20:10
kanzurefork() is mainly what I'm thinking of, fenn.20:10
genehackerwell what happens when you have wackos who want to blow the thing up?20:10
fenncurrent governments can't just wither and die without bad human consequences20:11
kanzuregenehacker: you have whackos even now..20:11
kanzurehow is that different?20:11
fenncurrent governments are largely obselete already, but there's nowhere to set up a new government to demonstrate this20:11
kanzurealthough in this other scenario, you would probably have lots of redundancy, so the whackos would never really win (much) 20:11
kanzureunless Eliezer becomes a super god ai and proves how evil ai is20:11
fenngenehacker: please explain how to blow up a 1 mile diameter cylinder20:11
genehackeryou blow a sufficiently sized hole in it20:12
fennhow big of a hole?20:12
genehackeryou destroy the life support20:12
fennand where do you get the explosives to do this?20:12
genehackeryou make them20:12
fenni dont think you realize how big of a hole is needed20:12
genehackeryou ram a rocket into it20:12
fennhmm ok maybe20:12
genehackeryou monkey wrench the lifesupport20:13
fennbut rockets wouldn't be going anywhere near this thing in practice, so you could just shoot down anything coming too fast20:13
fenner, wrap a net around it with boosters i guess20:13
kanzurefenn: be careful, it's easier to destroy than to create20:13
kanzuregenehacker will win this. redundancy, though.20:13
genehackerwhy wouldn't you have rockets going into and out of it every so often20:13
fennwell it turns out that space habitats are rather more resistant to destruction than we expect20:14
genehackerI need a change of scenery every now and then20:14
kanzurefenn: yes, but he started off talking about internal whackos20:14
fenngenehacker: because rockets would go to the space port which is part of industrial sector (several km away)20:14
fenni'm not talking about passenger shuttles20:14
genehackerwell if you have rockets at all, rockets can be blown up20:15
fennagain, rockets are on the outside20:15
genehackerblow one up on the outside20:15
fennthat wouldnt do anything20:15
genehackerare you sure?20:16
genehackerhow thick are the walls20:16
fennsomething like 10cm of glass fiber and a couple meters water20:16
fenni'm not sure on the numbers though20:17
fenndepends on a lot of things20:17
genehackeronly 10 cm of glass fiber?20:17
fennit's "really strong(tm)"20:17
fennspecial water-free lunar glass20:17
genehackeris it impregnated with epoxy20:17
fennuh, i dunno, maybe?20:17
genehackerwell then you can dissolve it with some HF20:17
fennit's coated in vapor deposited aluminum20:18
fennis that really the best you can come up with?20:18
genehackerwon't make a difference20:18
genehackermight make it shiny20:18
fennA nonaqueous electrolyte secondary battery comprising: an electrolyte comprising hydrofluoric acid, a battery case made of aluminum or an aluminum alloy,20:19
fennhmm this makes me think aluminum isnt terribly soluble in HF20:19
fennanyway, you're not gonna get enough acid to make a big enough hole to matter20:19
fenni think they calculated a 1 meter hole had a leakdown time to half pressure of several years20:20
genehackerwell you could aim a microwave at it and melt holes in it20:20
genehackerget the glass hot enough and it'll conduct electricity apply electricity and the glass gets hotter20:21
fenn2.3m hole, 1%/hr leakdown20:21
fennoops 4.6m diameter, that20:21
genehackerwell if you have a war going on for a year, you might have a problem20:22
fennif you have a war going on you could just nuke the place20:22
genehackera better method for messing things up would be to release nerve gas20:23
fennhow's that better?20:23
genehackermess with the biosphere20:23
genehackeror maybe herbicides20:23
fennooo scary20:23
fennhold still or i'm gonna spray roundup~20:23
genehackeror some biosphere disrupting invasive species20:24
genehackeror genetically engineered super biosphere b gone bacteria20:24
kanzureyou have no evidence that there would be a traditional biosphere implementation20:24
kanzurewhat with in vitro meat, hydroponics, dedicated servers and dedicated batch processing possibilities..20:24
genehackerpour plant killer in the hydroponics20:25
fennmost agriculture would be grown in much cheaper pods in stationary positions around the habitat20:25
genehackerok solves that20:25
genehackerlot's of things can go wrong20:25
fennyes indeed20:25
fennsomehow i think a space habitat would be engineered with proper lifeboats, unlike most cities today20:26
fennlike a neighborhood storm shelter would probably double as a lifeboat20:27
genehackerwhere you put the habitat20:27
genehackerL1 right?20:27
fennor polar lunar orbit seems like a good idea20:27
fennfor smaller habitats20:27
genehackerheh, you could have storms in a space colony?20:27
fennsolar flares20:27
genehackeroh yeah20:28
fennyou could make it rain at the same time so people dont need to be reminded :)20:28
genehackerwell you could fill the whole thing up with a layer of water and live on boats20:28
fennthat's a lot of water20:29
kanzuresubmarines maybe20:29
kanzurebut you're already in a submarine, except rated for an atmosphere of 0.20:29
fenngravity what?20:29
genehackerit would be spinning kanzure20:29
kanzureokay, nevermind20:29
fennit takes a couple years to spin up20:29
genehackerit would be interesting to have big spheres of water in null g20:30
genehackerfloating in a big cylinder20:30
fennbut how would the fish know which way is up? :)20:31
genehackerwho said anything about fish?20:31
fenni did20:31
genehackerfish introduce complications20:31
fennwhat good is a big sphere of water without fish20:32
genehackerespecially if they're living in a big sphere of water20:32
genehackerfish need air20:32
genehackeryou'd have to figure out how to oxygenate the water20:33
fennwater circulators20:33
genehackerif you blow bubbles in it, like we do with fishtanks on earth, you might end up with a big bubble20:33
fennbut anyway, ocean fish seem to do ok20:34
genehackerthat might work20:34
genehackerwhat scifi novel featured that?20:34
fennben's dreamland v1.620:35
fennnot published20:36
fenn"a deepness in the sky" featured zero-g parks20:36
fennit's a pretty realistic description of life in a small space habitat20:38
fenni should read more vinge.. seems to stick with me20:39
genehackerman we really need a self-replicating lunar factory so things like this can start existing20:39
fennwe really need any kind of space factory20:39
fennbut apparently nasa/esa/whoever is fine with just "space camping"20:40
fennFind a Camping vacation in Space. Visit Space, take a Camping vacation to Space, and enjoy a Camping trip in Space.20:41
genehackerYou ask me for a hamburger. My attempt to reciprocate is cut brutally short as my body experiences a sudden lack of electrons. Across a variety of hidden dimensions you are dismayed. John Lennon hands me an apple, but it slips through my fingers. I am reborn as an ocelot. You disapprove. A crack echoes through the universe in defiance of conventional physics as cosmological background noise...20:41
genehacker...shifts from randomness to a perfect A Flat. Children everywhere stop what they are doing and hum along in perfect pitch with the background radiation. Birds fall from the sky as the sun engulfs the earth. You hesitate momentarily before allowing yourself to assume the locus of all knowledge. Entropy crumbles as you peruse the information contained within the universe. A small library in...20:41
genehacker...Phoenix ceases to exist. You stumble under the weight of everythingness, Your mouth opens up to cry out, and collapses around your body before blinking you out of the spatial plane. You exist only within the fourth dimension. The fountainhead of all knowledge rolls along the ground and collides with a small dog. My head tastes sideways as spacetime is reestablished, you blink back into...20:41
genehacker...the corporeal world disoriented, only for me to hand you a hamburger as my body collapses under the strain of reconstitution. The universe has reasserted itself. A particular small dog is fed steak for the rest of its natural life. You die in a freak accident moments later, and you soul works at the returns desk for the Phoenix library. You disapprove. Your disapproval sends ripples...20:41
genehacker...through the inter-dimensional void between life and death. A small child begins to cry as he walks toward the stairway where his father stands.20:41
kanzurehrm, I think fenn copied and pasted from a Google search results page20:41
genehackerweirdest thing I have found on the internet20:41
kanzurehe never leaves off an http and leaves on a www :/20:42
kanzuregenehacker: that sounds like Wargasm.20:42
fennfor a while there google put a space between the server and the path20:43
kanzureI hated that20:43
fenni just thought the url was funny, it doesn't go anywhere20:44
kanzureI thought it'd be a bot spam generated page thingamajig20:44
fennmaybe they offer horseback riding as well20:45
fennwe need more research on horse space suits!20:45
kanzureno, elephant space suits!!20:46
fennmy first thought was "hey there's no wire going to that antenna!" http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z44/WicketTheEwok/Notty%20Silly%20Random%20Jokes/peeweespacesuitlachappelle.jpg20:50
fennbut obviously there are many technical inaccuracies20:51
genehackerwell duh fenn, the antenna is wireless, or has clear conductive traces so as not to interfere with your vision20:57
genehackerwell that thing that I posted was from a discussion on what discordianism should do next20:58
fennThe Federation of American Scientists (FAS), recently tested the stability of structures built with the combination of expanded polystyrene (foam), and cement board. This method of building maintains the rigidity needed, yet remains lightweight, so it can withstand earthquakes of magnitude 10. Remarkably, the structure doesn’t require any wood members to create a rigid frame. FAS is in the process of using this method to build an21:02
fennthis sounds like a great way to make a house anywhere21:03
kanzure3cutoff @ "FAS is in the process of using this method to build a" .. a super star destroyer?21:03
fennan ‘elegant home’.21:03
kanzure3I shouldn't have asked, that sucks21:03
fennnot quite as exciting is it21:03
kanzure3is it a home written in lisp? :/21:03
kanzure3(is lisp elegant?)21:04
fennyou'd think The Federation of American Scientists  would have more exciting projects wouldnt you?21:04
kanzure3yes :(21:04
fennits like they made the atomic bombs and have been sitting on their heels since21:04
kanzure3not even bucky got many people moving.21:04
genehackerthis fake person from the future seems pretty legit to me, wonder if kurzweil's trolling 4chan21:51
kanzurethere are a few people that troll teh internets claiming to be from the future21:54
kanzureone guy in particular has been doing it since the 90s21:54
fenni think the actlab people would like this page http://www.locurto-outcault.com/pages/storyboard1Page.html21:56
proctokanzure: if I was a busy dude in patri's position, I'm pretty sure "glad to hear" would be most likely21:57
kanzurehow is it possible to be too busy to give people work to do21:57
kanzureI mean, I'd outsource it anyway, but still.21:58
fennhow exactly "seems pretty legit"21:59
fennthis is the lamest i've read yet21:59
kanzure3google funding.22:00
fennre: 4chan future troll, marshall brain certainly wasn't the first to advocate robots and basic income22:17
kanzureThese electronic grading systems are kind of fishy. I'm pretty sure my math is right, but then it tells me no. Double check, confirm, it's still a no-go.22:22
kanzurethis hasn't really happened all last semester using this same system for multiple classes..22:23
kanzureit's also possible that I just haven't been so severely wrong22:23
ybitnice inventory list kanzure22:24
kanzureyour only now seeing it? :)22:24
ybitheh, yep. was away gathering materials for this charity event that i've been working on for the past 1.5 months22:25
fennlooks like quite an active thread though22:25
kanzureone response from Michel?22:26
kanzureor am I missing something22:26
kanzureor are you talking about seasteading?22:26
ybitthat's it22:26
kanzureacceleration = -(0.671)^2 / 4.8 ; initial velocity = 0.671 ; time until velocity halves = 3.5767511 seconds, right?22:29
ybitthe seasteading thread "land and capital; invention and automation" is a month old..22:29
kanzureybit: not that thread. 22:29
kanzureI thought there was a more recent one22:29
kanzurehrm, maybe I didn't send it22:29
ybitah, you probably mean the "beach scene drawn w/ fluorescent bacteria"?22:30
ybitbeach, sea... come on!22:31
ybitkde 4.1 uses more sys resources than gnome 2.2*22:32
ybit..in their default setups22:32
ybit"a Gentoo Linux variant ...has its own git-based Portage tree that tracks the upstream Gentoo tree"22:34
kanzurenow you can compile the entire history of GNU since 1984, all from the comfort of your last year's model personal computer22:36
kanzurealthough otherwise interesting.22:36
ybithuh, seems portage already has support to use git instead of rysnc22:38
fenni meant the future guy thread.. it's updating in real time faster than this channel22:40
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]22:41
fennwell, it was until i mentioned it..22:43
ybitfuture guy?22:44
fenn^^ 4chan link22:45
ybithttp://blog.funtoo.org/2009/01/portage-is-now-git-friendly.html for all you gentooers, if you exist22:46
nsh-that's some dedicated troll-playing23:05
fenni wonder why seastead's float columns aren't aerodynamic (or hydrodynamic or whatever)23:11
genehackeryeah he really seems very dedicated, wonder if it's part of some marketing campaign23:40
genehackerwell you know fenn, I don't think anyone has come up with a nice and stable hydrodynamic design23:42
fenni think they usually end up writing a book23:42
fennffs anything would be more hydrodynamic than square cylinders23:42
genehackerthis design might be better23:51
genehackerdo seasteads need to be mobile?23:53
fennmore or less23:57
fenni meant for up/down wave motion though23:57
fennbut ship-shape couldnt hurt either :P23:57
genehackerwell you want stability on a seastead, lots of stability23:59

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