
--- Day changed Thu Jan 22 2009
fenni dont see how a cylinder is optimal for anything00:00
genehackerI've lived on a boat before, it's hard to sleep when the boat is rocking00:00
fennboats rock because the ocean moves00:01
fenntherefore, anchoring your boat to the water doesn't sound like a good idea to reduce rocking00:01
genehackerthe idea behind the barbell design is that your bouyancy is floating on top of the water where the waves are00:03
fenni think you mean  is not00:03
fennhuh. "Polypropylene pellets can easily be obtained at craft supply stores in 2 lb. or 25 lb. bags ($50). (They are intended for use in creating weighted beanbag dolls.)"00:26
fennbetter for tupperware than ldpe00:26
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kanzure3OROCOS historical email19:31
kanzure3turns out that ME205 professor does some open source robot control software19:31
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kanzure3http://www.robotics.utexas.edu/simulations/sims.asp  3D model samples (though the page seems to want IE 6)19:33
kanzure3http://www.robotics.utexas.edu/simulations/subjects/robotics/default2.asp  ah, there we go19:33
kanzure3ME 372J (Robotics and Automation) and ME 384R (Geometry of Mechanisms and Robots)   hm..19:35
kanzure3blah, I need to get into that lab :)19:36
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fennso, looks like there's going to be an igem team at iu this summer20:08
kanzuredo the participants seem competent? a good advisor ?20:08
fennthe advisor is really clueful20:09
kanzureI'm considering banning marc.20:10
fennhis name is "ryan lee" and i think he's the head of the new iu "biotech" masters program20:10
kanzureargh, another "one line response" from Marc20:21
kanzurewhat the hell is up with this guy anyway?20:21
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fennamazing isn't it21:19
kanzure3hey for my spiral generator I should have used the tangent at that point on the spiral to determine the direction of the cross section21:25
kanzure3fenn: who did this and how can I stalk them21:25
ybityeah, what's w/ the resume posting21:26
ybitmust be desperate for ajob21:26
kanzure3ybit: his resume sucked anyway21:26
kanzure3level 3 technical support? what the fuck, I mean, seriously..21:26
kanzure3"information technology specialist"21:26
ybithe probably wasn't trying to show off, he's probably desperately in need of a job21:27
kanzure3behold! as I answer your technical questions!21:27
ybithehe, that was me way back when i had the ref librarian job21:27
kanzure3I'm so sorry.21:27
kanzure3my first job was saving the world from evil, kicking ass and taking names never.21:28
fennagh these stupid email addresses always get me mixed up21:28
fennopenmanufacturing@groups.google.com doesn't work21:28
fennI demand a reason!21:28
kanzure3because Google's a giant vagina.21:29
kanzure3that's why.21:29
fenna vagina?21:30
kanzure3ok, maybe not.21:30
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kanzure3I did have an urge to post my resume after that though21:52
kanzure3"young evil master mind seeks long term employment" ?21:52
fennsounds wonky21:54
fennwhy would an evil mastermind be seeking employment21:54
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kanzurefenn: presumably because his evil plan hasn't enough funding yet?22:19
kanzureHi emlyno.22:19
kanzurefenn, how do you think a domino spiral algorithm would work?22:32
genehackerwhat do you mean?22:33
kanzurewell remember the only thing wrong with my previous spiral generator was that the "dominoes" would be pointed in the wrong way at different parts of the spiral22:33
kanzureof course they weren't dominoes, but it's equivalent.22:33
genehackeryeah I remember22:35
genehackerdid I tell you? I have reprap parts in the print queue22:35
kanzureneat, make me some copies :)22:35
genehackerwell I can't really use a reprap in my dorm room because of the fire code...22:36
kanzuremy lab will probably store it if you want22:37
kanzureif you want me to check, I mean.22:37
fennder... domino spiral algorithm?22:37
kanzureor actlab will store it, that too22:37
genehackerI am not talking about storing it, I'm talking about using it22:37
kanzurefenn: to place dominoes in a spiral.22:37
fennwell, presumably you have some domino placing machine22:38
kanzuregenehacker: well, IIRC it was the size of a desk, right?22:38
genehackerwell I asked actlab about the reprap they had and I got no response22:38
genehackeryeah I think so22:38
kanzurefenn: right right, but I mean, my algorithm originally had them all facing the same direction22:38
fennso tell that machine to move in a spiral, and poop out dominoes at regular intervals22:38
kanzureso at the edges they'd be all wrong22:38
fennyou have to rotate them22:38
kanzureI'm making an analogy, screw the domino placement machine (as much as I'd like them)22:38
kanzurerotate it to what though?22:38
fennthe angle around the spiral22:38
kanzureI think it's rotation to the value of the tangent at that point22:38
fennthat's one way to calculate it, sure22:39
kanzureI should go try that22:39
fenngenehacker: can you dangle the reprap outside your window?22:42
genehackerno, I can't open the window22:43
genehackerI also can't use it in my dorm because I don't like the smell of molten plastic22:43
fennboo hoo22:43
fenni love the smell of styrene in the morning22:44
fenni used to cast figurines in my dorm room with polystyrene fiberglass resin22:44
fenneveryone thought i was making drugs :\22:44
genehackercast figurines of what?22:45
genehackerkanzure, solidworks has a .csv format22:46
emlynois it possible to buy the parts for a reprap at the moment?22:46
kanzureemlyno: not all of them- you used to be able to do it from rrrf22:47
kanzurebut now from ponoko, emachineshops, shapeways, etc.22:47
kanzureponoko has the files already uploaded, fwiw22:47
fennwarhammer 40k figures, mostly eldar and space marines22:51
fenni always wanted one of these http://www.t-licht.de/tt/falcon.jpg22:51
fennbut i settled for a fleet of these instead http://www.t-licht.de/tt/viper.jpg22:52
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genehackersolidworks is very odd22:55
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kanzuredoes that newsletter describe anything?22:56
* kanzure checks22:56
kanzureoh yay22:56
kanzurethat's definitely csv22:56
kanzureI'll try that out tomorrow when I get to a machine with solidworks22:57
kanzureif you want to do it in the meantime,22:57
kanzureactually, use this one:22:58
kanzureexcept replace all ,, with ,22:58
genehackerummm, how?23:01
genehackerwell solidworks is weird, you see when I make a spiral it doesn't have points on the ends23:02
genehackerbut if I offset the spiral, the offset does23:02
kanzurewhat does that mean?23:02
kanzurethe offset of what does what?23:02
kanzurehow can there both be an and end and there not be an end if there are no points?23:03
genehackerdon't you know about the offset command?23:05
kanzureI might. it's been a while though.23:05
kanzureso no, let's assume I don't and work from there23:05
kanzure(why doesn't solidworks 2008 run on wine yet?)23:05
genehackerI figured it out23:05
genehackerI just have to offset the offset23:05
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kanzureI'm still not convinced that one-off models are what we want23:05
genehackerhow do we make a non one off model?23:07
kanzuregenerator rawr23:07
kanzurefixing it at the moment.23:07
kanzurethis way, there's variable parameters, and it's not just restricted to radius or something, plus we can also eventually try different cross sections23:08
kanzureoh, turns out I already accounted for an angle or rotation with the 'oed' command in brlcad23:09
kanzurebut I'll see what the #brlcad folks say about its usage. just a lil' debugging to do.23:09
fenni believe you want a 'toolchain'23:11
kanzuresupposedly this is also supposed to connect to the CFD stuff23:11
kanzurebut one step at a time23:11
kanzuregenehacker: are you able to immediately use that cvs file that I gave you?23:12
kanzureso I was sitting at the psychiatrist's office a few weeks ago, since the last one died and I needed a prescription for more medication (not really, I buy for impending nuclear winters, but still),23:18
kanzureand on the form it asked "any medical concerns?"23:18
kanzure"any medical concerns: MIGHT BE A ROBOT"23:18
kanzurethe doc said, "yeah, we get that a lot."23:18
genehackerimpending nuclear winters?23:19
kanzure3 month supplies.23:19
kanzureNot quite enough :)23:19
genehackerthey get that a lot?23:20
kanzureonly aspie psychiatrist practice in Austin apparently23:20
genehackerfuck spirals,23:22
kanzure3genehacker: you know, one day, both of us are going to wake up from this whole "spiral" business23:24
kanzure3and wonder if we weren't just tripping on LSD the whole time23:24
kanzure3perceptual illusions- spirals, cobwebs, .. sound familiar?23:25
kanzure3first result- youtube image. gee.23:25
genehackerseen it23:26
genehackermaybe we should try a spinning filter23:28
kanzureyou mean, a centrifuge.23:30
genehackerwoo, I found some useful maths23:32
genehackerin that paper23:32
kanzurepokeball go!23:32

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