
--- Day changed Sun Jan 25 2009
-!- parodyoflanguage [n=kevin@mmds-216-19-46-146.sqpk.az.commspeed.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:00
--- Log closed Sun Jan 25 00:11:58 2009
--- Log opened Sun Jan 25 11:19:52 2009
-!- kanzure3 [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:19
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 15 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]11:19
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kanzure3` for instance, we are developing such web platform tool : cycsim :11:19
kanzure3it allow to predict the growth of a bacteria in a specific medium with11:19
kanzure3specific gene deletion ! `11:19
kanzure"If you abolish intellectual property protection, approximately 85% of all scientists and engineers, that is the ones not directly supported by charities, the military and the various other governmental units, will quit working. One has to make a living, and hobbyists won't pick up the slack - technology is not like blogging, singing garage band songs, or amusing yourself with some Sunday afternoon programming."11:25
kanzurewhat bullshit.11:26
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kanzure3fenn: I was going back over the page on Systemantics. 13:16
kanzure3#18 The Newtonian Law of Systems Inertia: A system that performs a certain way will continue to operate in that way regardless of the need or of changed conditions.13:16
kanzure3(re: mental inertia)13:16
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genehackerhey kanzure put this under /equipment16:14
genehackercheap raman spectroscopy16:15
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap16:28
kanzurewasn't there a CD-based raman spec out on the net a while back?16:33
kanzureThere's nobody in there.16:45
ybitjust wanting a status update on it16:48
ybitthe free-rtms16:48
kanzuresomebody on the open-rtms list was talking the other day with me about what needs to get done16:48
ybitare going by the patents found online?16:48
kanzurepapers, mostly16:49
ybiti didn't know there was an open-rtms list16:49
kanzureon the sourceforge mailing list for open-rtms there has been some recent discussion if you're interested16:49
kanzureoh :)16:49
kanzuresomething about needing to set up a line integral framework for getting the right coil designs16:49
kanzureand then machining those coils16:49
kanzureand then figuring out what the hell electronics are needed to operate it16:49
ybitoh, apparently i was already subscribed16:51
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-174-19.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]16:52
ybitaha, http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/16:52
ybitglad you posted that link in the mailing list, didn't want to ask you for the link once again16:52
-!- nsh [n=nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has joined #hplusroadmap16:53
ybitjust got finished w/ the charity event yesterday, writing thank yous right now... more time to follow the oManu world. w00t16:55
ybitbut first... oMoney16:55
ybitgots to build a few things for that16:55
kanzureybit: my latest email to om might help you understand why I am disinterested in open money.17:00
ybitthe one in the russian OS thread?17:06
nshkanzure, what does interest you at the moment?17:14
kanzuresame things as always?17:15
kanzurehave my interests changed dramatically?17:15
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* nsh doesn't keep up17:27
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kanzurensh: No change.17:36
kanzurensh: I'm working more now on interoperability of machines and programs. Kind of my way of doing some yak shaving I guess.17:36
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-174-19.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:47
kanzuregenehacker: Do you know of the EDM home builders online group?18:15
kanzurewould you like to?19:09
genehackervery much so19:09
kanzurehttp://superkuh.stumbleupon.com/ has the link on the front page19:09
genehackerah yes superkuh19:10
kanzuredid I introduce you to him or tell you about him yet?19:11
genehackeryou did19:11
genehackerI think I found his brain scan on youtube19:11
genehackernow as you were saying 19:12
genehackeryou want to do some ECM?19:12
kanzurenot right now19:13
kanzureI just saw the link and thought you'd like to know19:13
genehackerso I've been reading about the filter19:13
genehackerhow it works and all19:13
genehackerit works by something called the tubular pinch effect19:14
genehackerparticle flow in a pipe is interesting19:16
kanzurelinks please19:17
kanzurewell, no, what about the link to where you learned about tubular pinch effects?19:18
genehackerit's really annoying though, some of the papers that explain the tubular pinch effect aren't free19:19
kanzurearen't you on the UT network?19:19
kanzureif you find one that isn't free, just tell me19:19
kanzureit turns out that I can only access some of the content that UT can, 19:20
kanzurebut if I ssh into the mechanical engineering dept computers,19:20
kanzureI can get papers that are otherwise restricted19:20
kanzurewhich is retarded and dumb. but whatever.19:20
kanzureneed it?19:20
genehackeryeah maybe19:20
genehackerI need the maths19:21
kanzurehuh, that's a highly relevant paper19:21
genehackerthat describe how the tubular pinch effect works19:21
genehackerso I can test this idea I have19:22
genehackerfor a new filter design19:22
kanzure3http://www.springerlink.com/content/g28838p5642g4312/fulltext.pdf  19:22
kanzure3guess that's not it.19:22
kanzure3desc: http://www.springerlink.com/content/g28838p5642g4312/19:22
genehackerclose enough19:23
genehackerI just need the math19:23
* nsh is now accessless19:27
kanzurethe status of being without a foot?19:28
kanzurewas it amputated?19:28
nshstate of being without credentials to an journal access proxy19:28
kanzureyou know how to steal access, right?19:28
kanzurethere are ezproxy password trading rings on the warez forums19:29
kanzurehttp://ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/login?url=http://nature.com/ but you'd need a login/pass19:29
* nsh nods19:29
kanzuresome computers are infected by keyloggers, so that information is sometimes captured and sent along to the warez folks.19:30
nshi get the picture :-)19:30
nshthese warez forums you speak of...19:30
genehackernew paper is new19:30
genehackerheh, looks like we don't know how the tubular pinch effect works19:31
kanzuretime for some simulations.19:31
kanzureof the effect?19:32
kanzurensh: hm.19:32
genehackerthat's why I want the math19:33
kanzureyou should look for the experiments and then see what mathematical models they were using that 'almost worked'19:33
kanzureand then see how much they were off- it might have been by a delta, by an offset, etc..19:34
kanzurensh: http://heybryan.org/docs/ there's a txt file in here about that, warez_boards.txt maybe IIRC19:34
kanzure"Stupid shopping list.. turning food into work. Grr." - Homer.19:37
nshkanzure, check this too: http://forum.darkc0de.com/index.php?action=vthread&forum=6&topic=545519:38
nsh( Posted: 31 Oct 2008 06:13 )19:38
nshi would script that list to check for 404's19:38
nshweed them out19:38
kanzurewhati s it?19:38
nshactually, you could automate a spidering of warez boards...19:38
kanzureI'm not at my browser at the moment19:38
kanzureyep, that's the idea19:38
nshoh, big list of above19:38
nsh*of the above19:38
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/projects/autoscholar/ might also benefit from an abstraction layer like that19:39
nshwhat i'd do is run queries on random couplets from previous lists19:39
nshto bring up results with other people's lists19:39
nshthen add them to the heap and re-prune via 404 checking19:39
nshrinse lather repeat19:40
kanzureit's not quite as easy as 404, it's login invalid of course19:40
kanzureif HTTP 404 response was given that'd be awesome, but nobody ever keeps to the standard..19:40
nshsure, all the typical error codes19:40
kanzurebah, if people respected error codes :(19:40
nshyou can also fingerprint the sites to some degree each run19:40
nshthen make a simple metric for fingerprint identity on subsequent runs19:40
kanzurewget cna do the login, btw.19:40
nshin case the domain gets turned into something crap19:40
kanzureezproxy is consistent across the sites, so it's not a big challenge or anything19:41
kanzureso they usually find out about an account being compromised, actually19:41
kanzurebut that's probably because the usage behavior is all weird and such19:41
kanzureif there's a way to hide this19:41
kanzureby properly load balancing each site19:41
kanzurethen that might be worth investigating.19:42
nshnot sure what advantage you'd get over hit-and-run19:42
nshbut worth a look maybe19:42
kanzuremany people hit-and-run == bad19:42
kanzurebecause then the account is locked down19:42
nshdepends on the frequency of new login captures19:42
nshi tell you what though...19:42
kanzureI've never been able to figure out the real source of the new logins19:42
nsha vulnerability in ezproxy would be the motherload19:42
kanzureit's always supplied by a few key individuals, but I also know that these people aren't running the botnets19:42
kanzurewhat server is it running on?19:43
nshwell, i meant the software in general on different institutions servers19:43
nshthough it's probably quite locked down19:43
kanzureyes, ezproxy is standardized19:43
kanzuresome supplier got the big check :)19:43
nshusually the usernames are quite formulaic19:44
nshi wonder what could be done with dictionary attacks against usernames19:45
nshusing a most-common-password bredth-first search19:45
kanzure3Solaris 9/1019:45
kanzure3yes, bruteforce and dictionary attacks are possible I guess.19:45
kanzure3http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/6775 Solaris 9 PortBind XDR-DECODE taddr2uaddr() Remote DoS19:46
nshin a faculty of 200 students19:46
nshchances of one using a password in the top 5 are probably quite high19:46
nshof course bugging ezproxy can get you everyone's passwords19:47
nshif you clean in and out then you've got that instution for a good while19:47
nshbut crime doesn't pay, kids19:48
genehackershit I need to change my password19:50
genehackerwhat dictionaries are used for the attacks?19:50
kanzureall of them19:50
kanzurethere are lists that have millions of words..19:51
genehackerall of them? Even klaxar?19:51
kanzureall I see is "all of them? Even ******?"19:52
* nsh chuckles19:52
genehackerI didn't know that IRC had a password hide feature19:52
kanzureChris Zagar.19:59
nshis this you, kanzure ...20:05
nshoh no, someone in tehram20:05
kanzurethat doesn't mean it's not me20:05
* nsh smiles20:05
kanzurebut it's not anyway20:05
nshof course20:05
genehackerlooks easy enough, I don't know about efficiency20:06
* nsh nods20:06
genehackerwhat's a reynold'20:12
genehackers number?20:13
kanzurehm, I should know this one20:13
kanzureit's from fluids, some coefficient20:13
kanzureratio of inertial forces to viscous forces20:13
genehackerok so what are inertial forces and viscous forces20:15
nshintertia makes bits want to keep going20:16
nshviscosity makes them want to stop20:16
kanzure3"0:16 < nsh> viscosity makes them want to stop20:19
kanzure30:16 < nsh> viscosity makes them want to stop20:19
kanzure30:16 < nsh> viscosity makes them want to stop20:19
kanzure3You may download and try EZproxy for a 30-day trial period at no charge.20:19
kanzure3there we go.20:19
kanzure3I fail :(20:19
nshi though i'd offended you with viscosity :-)20:19
genehackerI still don't get it20:20
genehackerhow do I determine the renoyld's number of something20:20
genehackeror make sure that it is low20:20
kanzure3genehacker: you just need to make sure that (QD)/(vA) is low, where v = kinematic velocity (m^2/sec)20:21
kanzure3A = cross-sectional area20:21
kanzure3Q = volumetric flow rate (m^3/sec)20:21
kanzure3D = diameter (m)20:21
kanzure3uh, obviously, area = m^220:21
kanzure3k = kinematic viscosity20:22
kanzure3v = kinematic viscosity, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinematic_viscosity 20:22
genehackerwhat's cross sectional area in this case?20:22
kanzure3dunno, what did you set it as in your model?20:22
kanzure3in the CAD model20:22
genehackerwhy is it different than diameter?20:23
kanzure3"generally include the fluid properties of density and viscosity, plus a velocity and a characteristic length or characteristic dimension. This dimension is a matter of convention - for example a radius or diameter are equally valid for spheres or circles, but one is chosen by convention. For flow in a pipe or a sphere moving in a fluid the diameter is generally used today. Other shapes (such as rectangular pipes or non-spherical objects) have an equivalent diameter defined. For fluids of variable density (e.g. compressible gases) or variable viscosity (non-Newtonian fluids) special rules apply. The velocity may also be a matter of convention in some circumstances, notably stirred vessels."20:24
kanzure3"by convention" wtf type of answer is that20:25
genehackerI'll figure it out later20:25
genehackerit's homework time20:25
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kanzureheh, neat22:02
kanzureJoseph just got an invitation to do a talk in India 22:02
kanzureChandigarth, India, during March.22:02
-!- parodyoflanguage [n=kevin@mmds-216-19-34-153.twm.az.commspeed.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:13
fenn"these new FAA regulations a welcome step forward in our quest for reaching space" wtf22:15
ybitoh geez22:22
ybitsorry kanzure22:22
ybitthough i was wgetting your pdf files... but it wasn't22:23
ybitit's been recursively downloading some html file22:23
ybithuh, well22:24
ybitit grabbed the pdfs22:24
ybiti wonder what it was doing22:24
ybitConnecting to heybryan.org||:80... connected.              22:25
ybitHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK                           22:25
ybitLength: unspecified [text/html]                                          22:25
ybitSaving to: `heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/index.html?C=S;O=D'     22:25
ybit    [                   <=>          ] 18,012      7.77K/s   in 12s    22:25
ybitkept doing that over and over22:25
ybitoh.. and22:25
kanzureoh, index.html might exist22:25
ybit2009-01-25 22:17:31 (1.51 KB/s) - `heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/index.html?C=S;O=D' saved [18012]                                         22:25
ybitRemoving heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/index.html?C=S;O=D since it should be rejected.    22:25
kanzuresince what? :p22:25
ybitwget -A pdf -r http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/22:26
ybit-r explains everything22:26
ybitno l122:27
kanzurewget -m -np22:27
fenn-r shouldnt repetitively get the same file over and over unless there's a cyclic symlink22:27
fennfor most situations i like wget -rk -np -nc22:27
fenn-nc for interrupted downloads22:27
fenn-k converts links to work on a local copy (otherwise they point to the original site)22:28
kanzureah right, I was complaining about that with my transhumantech mirror22:28
fennyou were trying to do something weird22:28
kanzure-m for mirroring :)22:28
kanzurewell, yes, true22:28
ybit[22:22] <fenn> -r shouldnt repetitively get the same file over and over unless there's a cyclic symlink22:29
ybitwonder why it was doing over and over then22:29
kanzureI think it's because index.html might link to itself or something ..22:29
kanzureerm, wait22:29
kanzureI mean, if index.html was not the .htaccess' index file.22:29
kanzurebut that shouldn't be the case there..22:29
ybitwelp, gots to run. i'll figure it out in the morn.22:31
ybitand kanzure, i will read your never-ending response on the russian OS thread and get back with you22:32
ybithold the fort down22:32
-!- parodyoflanguage [n=kevin@mmds-216-19-34-153.twm.az.commspeed.net] has quit ["Leaving"]22:35
kanzurehuh, so apparently I got into one of the servers22:42
kanzurebut I can't get output to confirm22:42
kanzurewhere is the web directory on a solaris machine?22:42
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