
--- Day changed Tue Jan 27 2009
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has joined #hplusroadmap02:56
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kanzure3http://www.projectaten.net/tiki-custom_home.php <- "atomic coordinates" - why does this need an entire library? I must be misunderstanding something.08:29
kanzure3http://turin.nss.udel.edu/research/tubegenonline.html 08:29
kanzure3"Web-Accessible Nanotube Structure Generator"08:30
kanzure3http://hdihandbook.com/  for PCBs.08:32
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap08:34
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:10
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-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]11:27
kanzure3http://www.cloaca.be/machines.htm Human digestion machine15:50
kanzure3inputs - foods, various stomach acids, various GI tract enzymes15:50
kanzure3output: shit.15:50
-!- nsh [n=nsh@host81-157-56-185.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]17:20
kanzure3In graph pegging, we view each vertex of a graph as a hole into which a peg can be placed, with checker-like ``pegging moves'' allowed. Motivated by well-studied questions in graph pebbling, we introduce two pegging quantities. The pegging number (respectively, the optimal pegging number) of a graph is the minimum number of pegs such that for every (respectively, some) distribution of that many pegs on the graph, any vertex can be reached by a sequence of pegging moves. We prove several basic properties of pegging and analyze the pegging number and optimal pegging number of several classes of graphs, including paths, cycles, products with complete graphs, hypercubes, and graphs of small diameter.18:35
kanzure3^ my math teacher's paper.18:35
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-92-214.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:09
kanzuregenehacker: http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.1095 <-- written by my current math teacher19:09
kanzureon 'graph pegging'19:09
ybitkanzure, i read your post on dependencies yesterday. are you against open money? to me, it seems like a natural evolution to a gift economy 20:16
kanzuredon't let money-- or people-- get in the way between my tech20:42
kanzureor else. rawr.20:42
kanzure3http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081204074810.htm 21:42
kanzure3"Robot That Jumps Like A Grasshopper And Rolls Like A Ball Created For Space Exploration"21:42
kanzure3meh, get Lipson on a robotic exploration project and you might have a fab@home on Mars21:42
ybitexchange is a way of dealing with scarcity, so until we are in post-scarcity we need a way of dealing with this issue, no?22:11
ybitso, it would then make sense to improve the current situation, what do you propose we do? [kanzure]22:12
ybitactually, anyone in here, feel free to respond22:12
kanzurewhat does money have to do with exchange22:13
kanzureI mean, why do you insist on this money thing?22:13
ybitthe system that is used now to exchange goods creates an artificial scarcity, open money's goal is to show that indeed, it is only artificial. money allows for quicker trading, without it, how would you acquire goods?22:28
kanzurehow do you presently acquire goods22:31
ybitoffering a service in exchange for a token which i then exchange with someone who is servicing me in exchange for my token22:41
kanzurethat's not what I mean22:41
kanzureif I told you to go get me a chocolate bar, what would you do22:41
ybitask you for money22:41
kanzurethen you're worthless :p22:42
ybithah, what? :P22:42
ybiti would go to a workplace and give them what little money i have in exchange for the cheapest piece of chocolate i could buy, is that good for this example?22:43
kanzureyou'd go click a few buttons on a computer22:43
kanzureor go take one off the stack physically at the store22:43
ybitkeep going, afk for about 5mins22:44
ybitand i'm back22:49
ybityou didn't continue22:49
kanzureto what?22:50
ybiti dunno, where were you going with "[22:38] <kanzure> if I told you to go get me a chocolate bar, what would you do"?22:55
kanzureshow you that the money doesn't have to be there22:56
ybitright, but i'm saying that you have to show others that it isn't required22:57
ybitand there's a process of doing that, open money is a natural progression from the current system to a gift economy22:57
ybitas open money shows that scarcity isn't quite like the current system has us to believe, then we can more easily progress to a gift economy, no?22:58
ybitdid pwn you? ;D23:01
ybitdid i*23:02
ybityou're advocating a gift economy right?23:03
kanzurewell ideally I'd advocate getting rid of the concept of economy entirely23:03
* kanzure would like to just focus on his machines and such23:03
kanzureyou're hitting me at a bad time anyway, I'm not running on drugs23:03
ybitsadly, i can't afford the provigil prescribed to me :|23:04
* ybit needs a job23:04
ybitor someone to lend me $300/month23:04
kanzureis that all you need?23:04
kanzureI could afford to do that, but I'd much rather just set up a provigil lab23:06
ybitmodafinil is hard to synthesize23:06
kanzures/do/help out on that/23:06
ybitnot sure if i have shared this before: http://www.erowid.org/archive/rhodium/chemistry/adrafinil.modafinil.html23:12
ybit"synthesis of adrafinil and modafinil"23:13
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kanzurefenn, did you ever see that Joseph Jackson video ?23:41
genehackerkanzure, that jumping robot might be related to reprap23:42
kanzuresame uni, I know23:42
genehackerbet it shares the same parent printer as reprap23:42
kanzuremaybe in the ancestry23:43
kanzurebut I would hope that they have had an explosion of new printers on campus23:43
kanzureif not, that'd be kinda sad :(23:44
genehackerreprap growth is hyperbolic23:44
kanzureif you write that up into a 2 page paper23:45
kanzureyou could publish that on arxiv23:45
genehackerI might do just that for the lulz23:45
kanzuregod I suck, "you could publish a paper on that!!"23:45
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap23:51
ybitgrr, i need a render farm23:53
kanzureI think I qualify as a render farm23:55
kanzurewhat do you need rendered?23:55
kanzureand if not, there's clusters around here.23:55
genehackeryou could send the raw render data to someone else23:57
genehackerand have the NSA render it for you23:57
genehackerif you make the NSA think the render data contains a secret message23:57
genehackerbut sense I told you this, they probably won't now23:58
ybitit's nothing important, was editing video from the charity event this past week and am putting a few special effects in it23:58
ybitgenehacker, :23:58
ybit:) *23:58

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