
--- Day changed Wed Jan 28 2009
ybitblender CAD scripts: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Catalog#CAD_Tools00:01
kanzurelast time I checked (late 2008), they were still pathetic00:02
kanzurearchitecture tools were ok00:02
kanzurehm, it would be helpful if people generally made buglists more explicit or "where to code"00:02
fenn"It's all about the money."  --Joseph Jackson01:46
fennwhat video? and why?01:47
fennhuh. michael jackson's middle name is joseph01:48
fennsomeone should clone him and see what he would really look like01:49
fennhuh. pico projector is only $350 from digikey02:01
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kanzure3fenn: http://heybryan.org/books/vidintros/Joseph_P_Jackson_III.flv03:34
kanzure3anyway, your "clone him" comment is still apt.03:40
fennbodybuilder longevity physician?03:44
fennso.. in 2 hours when this is finished downloading, will i just be watching a music slideshow?03:51
fennyou know you have a problem when this sound clip goes through your head every night04:50
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:47
kanzurefenn: ok. I'll fix the upload speed.08:21
kanzureI'll install httpfs or something on the ME linux box08:21
kanzureit has a reasonable upload speed08:21
kanzureand has multimegabyte/sec transfer to the server08:21
kanzurethis has gone on long enough :-/08:21
kanzureah, another terrible idea that I came up with yesterday08:53
kanzureon a crumpled piece of paper there's the phrase "geometrical port generator" - both for generating new standard ports, for specific purposes, as well as a wrapper for parametric resizing of premade ports/connectors08:54
kanzurebut that would encourage people to make up new ports and holes and other thingies when pre-existing ones might already do the job just as well if not better08:55
kanzure3http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/2009-01-28 index of papers that I've been looking at recently (as relevant to ADL) 09:18
kanzure3(I'm probably missing a few)09:18
kanzure"evolving how to build rather than what to build"09:55
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kanzure"Just start fixing shit until you no longer have annoying dependencies. Bug-trackers are like interest on a loan - if you don't pay off the principal (the bugs themselves), you'll never get anywhere."16:20
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kanzure3http://www.youtube.com/ansidotorg everyone has their own channel these days. ANSI..21:44
kanzure3what the hell? $165 for "pipe flanges and flanged fittings" 21:49
kanzureaha. Library subscription.21:52
kanzurewhat's the point of having a standard since 1923 if nobody can afford to buy a copy22:02
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kanzure3"Information is like water, and you are dying of thirst."22:56
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kanzuretodo: ANSI crawler23:10
genehackerok so kanzure I can export openoffice math functions to impress?23:17
kanzureSorry, no idea.23:18
kanzurealso, I'm presently sleeping :)23:18
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