
--- Day changed Fri Jan 30 2009
kanzure3http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0110060 Zero fundamental dimensional quantities?00:26
-!- faceface [n=dbolser@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap04:36
facefaceUtopiahGHML: where did you put that 'DNA storage' proposal?04:36
facefaceI found some interesting stats in this brief article about 'molecular computation'; http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/reprint/296/5567/478.pdf04:37
facefaceI'd like to add them to the project proposal.04:37
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: http://wiki.seedea.org/Oimp/MetaDNA04:37
UtopiahGHMLI didn't change a lot of things since then I think, you can check the history pages 04:39
facefaceIn principle, more than 10^{21} bits of information are packed into each gram of dehydrated DNA.04:42
UtopiahGHMLbut how energy costly is it to organize it to hold the information you want to encode there?04:44
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kanzure2-fenn UtopiahGHML samrose 11:34
kanzure2-I need the super quick recap on Jaron Lanier11:34
kanzure2-phone call in 2 minutes11:34
kanzure2-hm, apparently Jaron knows Stewart Brand. 11:35
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kanzurewell that was interesting12:43
kanzure"Mr. Bishop, we're consulting for a U.S. intelligence/security agency, and we'd like to bring you up to San Francisco in March to go into a room with security-concerned individuals."12:44
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kanzuregah, Eric Hunting did another amazing email18:34
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kanzureRobot Research Group offered me a job19:45
kanzure3http://aurelio.net/soft/txt2regex/ Txt2regex is a Regular Expression wizard that converts human sentences to regexes.20:25
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kanzureso that was interesting.. just spending 20 minutes == super win with impresssing the bio people21:06
kanzure"OMG super awesome computer wizardry!"21:06
kanzurebehold the regex!21:06
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fennlanier's "half a manifesto" is quite entertaining23:15
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kanzureisn't it some sort of classic that I should have already read by now?23:20
fenndunno, i'd never heard of lanier before today, but he appears to have an impressive bio23:20
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-99-132.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:50
genehackerso guess what?23:51
genehackerCorporations are basically distributed intelligences23:54
genehackerI have proof23:55
genehackerI stared down the Toyota Memome today23:55
fennthey aren't intelligences, they're profit-maximizing algorithms with a legal fictional personality to back it up23:55
genehackerheck toyota is almost an algorithm23:55
genehackerso toyota has this practice called kotosan -kotosen, something sounding like that23:57
genehackerwhich means practice A worked, let's do it everywhere else23:57
genehackerthey've discovered horizontal meme transfer23:58
genehackeror basically, the reason we have open source23:58
genehackerfenn, they are very much algorithms23:59
genehackerI wonder what happens if one automates one23:59

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