
--- Day changed Sun Feb 01 2009
kanzuregenehacker: yes00:24
kanzurePeerInfinity: yes00:24
genehackeras threaded fittings that connect to plastic tubes00:24
kanzureyes, I believe so00:25
kanzureit's the ANSI tubing standards in that zip file that you want00:25
kanzureif not, I have a book that I can share with you (it's sitting on top of this monitor at the moment)00:25
kanzure"Process Pipe Drafting"00:25
kanzurehas a full appendix of all sorts of wacky standards00:25
fennenjoying reading alec's journal00:55
fenn"topic: I need to be able to pull out my productivity rating and mash00:55
fennit up with keeping track of everything else I'm doing! "00:55
PeerInfinityyay, the wiki actually loads this time :D00:57
PeerInfinityI think I asked before, but the wiki was down...00:57
PeerInfinityonce again, congratulations on all the awesome work you're doing :D00:58
kanzurehuh, so01:03
kanzureI was talking with Max More and friends tonight (it was his birthday),01:03
kanzureJon Lebkowsky was at the party- he's doing unptnt, Austin Commerce Exchange, Convergence, Plutopia, etc., -01:03
kanzureand it turns out, GBN, the Stewart Brand / Lanier stuff, really *is* a front for the CIA01:03
PeerInfinitythere was also a party for Max More in SL today :)01:05
kanzureyes, well, our party was better01:05
kanzurehe was handing out ecstasy01:05
PeerInfinityI'm not surprised :)01:05
PeerInfinityhere's a log of the silly SL party: :P  http://cosmeng.org/publicwiki/index.php/Chat_Logs/2009-01-3101:06
kanzureanyway, Jon might be a potential funder of some of the stuff we do in here01:06
PeerInfinityanyway, a quick analysis of the hplusroadmap wiki:01:06
PeerInfinity2111 pages on the OCE wiki01:06
PeerInfinity490 pages on the hplusroadmap wiki01:06
PeerInfinity5 pages on the OCE wiki that have the same name as a page on the hplusroadmap wiki:01:06
PeerInfinityMain Page01:06
kanzurecertainly in getting an Austin Fab Lab or superfablab01:06
PeerInfinitydo I have your permission to mirror the pages from the hplusroadmap wiki on the OCE wiki? :)01:07
kanzurego ahead01:07
PeerInfinitythanks :)01:07
kanzureI'd like you to point links back to my server though, or something01:07
PeerInfinityyes, I plan to :)01:08
PeerInfinityyou are now one of only three transhumanists I know of that have an IRC channel and a publicly editable wiki:  there's SL4.org, there's cosmeng.org, and there's you :)01:08
PeerInfinitythree transhumanist groups*01:09
PeerInfinitythough the SL4 chatroom and wiki are kinda dead now...01:10
kanzurewta has a wiki01:10
PeerInfinityoh?  I looked, and didn't find one...01:10
kanzuredon't know where it is though01:10
PeerInfinityis this it?  http://www.transhumanism.org/index.php/wiki/Revamp/01:11
kanzuresounds like it01:11
fennkanzure: lanier isnt on the gbn page anywhere, how do you get that he is associated with it?01:11
PeerInfinitybah, there's only a handful of pages, and it was last updated in June 2008 :P01:12
fennyou might as well say RU sirius is working for the CIA (he probably has at some point)01:14
kanzurehm, we were talking about RU Sirius and his recent post on RealitySandwhich01:15
kanzureooh, Jon, by the way, has stacks of Whole Earth Magazine copies, and is apparently helping some others publish them on the web for free :-)01:15
kanzure3http://www.gbn.com/people/network.php  Rob Carlson?01:19
kanzure3K. Eric Drexler01:19
kanzure3Freeman Dyson01:19
kanzure3Engelbart .. Fukuyama .. Gibson .. Hillis .. Kevin Kelly .. aha, Jaron Lanier01:20
kanzure3"President and founder, the Arlington Institute; specialist in national security issues; author, Out of the Blue: Wild Cards and Other Big Future Surprises and The Road to 2015" (for John Petersen)01:21
--- Log closed Sun Feb 01 01:21:58 2009
--- Log opened Sun Feb 01 01:30:11 2009
-!- kanzure3_ [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap01:30
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 18 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 18 normal]01:30
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 6 secs01:30
kanzure3_http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/01/29/waterpod-floating-eco-home/ from Eric Hunting01:30
kanzurehm, Alec has been using 'emacs org mode'01:30
kanzureanyone know what this is?01:31
kanzurehm, an outliner.01:32
-!- kanzure3 [i=bryan@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]01:32
PeerInfinitythe hplusroadmap wiki is still down.  I'm going to bed now, I'll check again tomorrow01:32
kanzureodd, it loads for me :(01:33
PeerInfinityI'm still getting that same error message01:33
PeerInfinityI guess the problem could be at my end01:33
fennis there a way to merge two forks of a mediawiki?01:33
kanzureno, but there might be a plugin01:33
* fenn rolls eyes01:34
kanzureI mean, they allow page-by-page merging or something01:34
fennthat works, as long as it's fairly automated01:34
PeerInfinityI would use Araxis Merge on an XML dump of the two wikis :)01:34
kanzureI know they do that when there are two people editing at the same time01:34
PeerInfinityor, if there are no conflicting page edits, you could just import the whole XML dump of one wiki into the other...01:36
kanzureso I don't know if I believe this or not, but mom and I went out to dinner tonight,01:37
kanzureand apparently, the old man she's living with now used to be in the CIA, working for Lockheed Martin01:37
PeerInfinityoh, and it's not just the wiki that I can't connect to, I can't load any pages at heybryan.org01:37
kanzureI am still able to load the pages01:37
kanzurecan somebody else confirm?01:38
fennslow but works..01:38
fennjeez aresnick's personal git repo is up to 335mb and still only 24% done01:39
kanzureanyway, I've about had enough of this 'I might be rolling a startup' dealy- everyone that I have been talking with has been more than enthusiastic about "the scene"01:39
PeerInfinitymy ISP is kinda unreliable :P01:39
kanzureso I just need to find somebody interested enough to dump some cash into this01:39
kanzureDavid@Ponoko might be able to help with 'legitimacy' on that front01:39
kanzureJon knows Mr. O'Reilly himself (and everyone else, it seems), so there's that, ..01:40
PeerInfinityrandom question:  how many ideas did you submit to the Google 10^100 project?01:40
fenno'reilly is unrelated01:40
kanzureto Make Magazine?01:40
fenni didnt know o'reilly published make01:40
kanzurewtf. yes :)01:41
kanzurethey have an iron grip over it.01:41
fennanyway isnt make the enemy? :)01:41
kanzureyes :)01:41
kanzureknow thy enemy?01:41
kanzureI think I need a better way to organize all of the people that are interested in going with this 'startup'01:42
kanzurebut on the other hand, I'd rather have it all public01:43
fennPeerInfinity: i ignored 10^100 because of the video submission requirement01:43
kanzurebut on the other hand, I don't want to flood the OM list01:43
kanzureactually, why not. Chronciling my work on OM is just fine 01:44
kanzurewhat could be more relevant?01:44
fenndont want to be accused of "not enough transparency" again :)01:44
kanzureyou know you're evil for being on IRC, right?01:44
kanzureor something like that01:45
* kanzure still wonders about Paul..01:45
fennIRC is the den of hackers and criminals right?01:45
fenndespite being plaintext and centralized etc01:45
fennsilly hacker01:45
PeerInfinityvideo submission requirement?  I didn't think videos were required...01:45
kanzureanother individual approached me tonight asking about a public biohacking space in Austin01:46
kanzureI certainly have the group arranged sort of, but no public space, or even garage01:46
fennif you have a group, someone's bound to have a garage01:46
kanzurewe're mostly college students01:46
kanzureso we're also constrained by needing to have somebody within the Austin Metro bus route distance01:47
kanzureactlab is probably going to have to be it01:47
kanzurenot that I'm trying to impose on them or anything01:47
fenni think you should impose the hell out of them01:47
fenni mean what else are they doing? goth costumes?01:48
kanzureI guess. what else are they doing? dancing?01:48
kanzureare we all just clones of each other?01:48
fenncultural saturation01:49
kanzurethat's bad, right?01:49
fennum, and alec appears to be my genetic clone, fwiw01:49
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has quit []01:49
kanzurehe's an emacs user, so ;-)01:49
fennwe're all at least 47th cousins01:50
kanzureso I was interacting with another machine shop the other day01:50
kanzuredown below the engineering science building.01:50
kanzureand it's like they are the "mole men"01:50
kanzureI was talking with one of the machinists / journeymen,01:51
kanzureand it's just odd. these are the guys maintaining the beating heart of technical civilization,01:51
kanzureand they seem to be rather clueless01:51
kanzureor "slow"01:51
kanzureI don't know how to put it01:51
kanzurethey're not stupid, really, but there's something weird going on there01:51
fennone moment while i think of the word..01:51
fennstarts with an M and sounds sort of like "moloch" or "mordok" or something01:52
kanzureis it a word I know?01:52
fennprobably not01:53
* fenn shakes fist at google's lack of regex01:54
kanzureI'm about to head off to bed01:54
kanzurewere you offering to write up the list of tools for inventory.html ?01:54
kanzureerm, comparison.html01:54
kanzurein some semi-standard/comparable manner01:54
kanzureah, the Wells under-the-ground people?01:55
fennwell, goodnight01:56
kanzureharuhi first.01:56
fennwill poke at inventory list a bit01:56
kanzure"less IP, more API."02:44
genehackerI am running 68 tabs02:56
genehackerno noticeable slowdown02:56
genehackerHow's haruhi going?03:35
fenngoing through fablab inventory bit by bit i see some strange things09:21
fennfor example, 20 pairs of tweezers and one soldering station09:21
fennfor the most part it's pretty good though09:22
fennseems they are trying to reduce the number of different components09:23
kanzureso I guess if I ever want to be a jerk, I'll show up to a fablab and ask to see the tweezers09:30
fennmy guess is that this inventory doesn't represent the actual set of tools that are present in any given fablab09:43
fennits more like "dont forget to order this stuff, unless you cant afford it"09:44
kanzureI should add shapeways and ponoko to that comparison page09:59
fennwill be easy to add more once i have an ontology thrashed out10:13
fennfablab is taking forever to reduce10:14
fennnumber of different components10:15
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:35
kanzure3_http://www.vimeo.com/1081680 visualizations of commits to various open source projects 10:37
fennhmmm should i delete the books section?10:52
kanzurestuff into another file?10:52
fennmust admit i dont really understand what books are for10:52
kanzurebecause they are too lazy to do their own documentation, is my guess10:52
fennwell me too, but i dont have a bunch of technical books lying around10:53
* kanzure raises his hand and points at the stacks and stacks of textbooks10:53
fennsome of the books they list don't have internet-available equivalents10:54
fenn"Precision Machine Design", Alexander Slocum10:54
fenn"Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs and Applications"10:55
fenni guess that's all10:55
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:09
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]11:12
fenngetting .. somewhere http://fennetic.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=skdb.git;a=blob_plain;f=inventory/comparison.html;hb=master11:14
kanzureI can't tell what's different11:26
fennnot done yet11:29
fennemachineshop is machines now instead of processes11:29
fennfablab is condensed about 10x11:29
fennlooks like crap because there's no <br>'s11:29
* fenn mumbles something about engelbart11:34
fennzooming text interface11:34
fennyou've seen the NLS demo right?11:34
kanzuredo you remember the zooming typing demo?11:34
kanzurethe one where you use your mouse to point to the next letter in the sentence that you are typing11:35
kanzureand it's kind of fractaly11:35
fennso i'd have something like <endmills> and it would expand to show several sets, which i could then further expand to show details for each one11:35
fenninstead of either something too simple or too detailed11:36
fennthere's probably some javascrap i could use if only i knew where11:36
kanzureopera has XML support, allows collapsible elements11:37
kanzureif that's what you mean11:37
fennblah i'll just pretend it's yaml11:38
kanzureHow does that help?11:38
fennthen i can print various levels of detail11:39
fennas html11:39
fennits not very dynamic11:39
fennbut if i figure out a better way i already have it in "living" code objects11:39
fennknow what i mean?11:39
fennthis is not just a tree, it's a set of linked trees11:40
fennso i cant use any old tree code out there11:41
fennhave you ever used xanadu?11:42
kanzureactually, no11:42
kanzureI've watched many videos on some of the xanadu stuff, lots of Ted Nelson,11:42
kanzurebut I've never actually used xanadu11:42
kanzurewonder why Kim never did respond to my request for dimensions for the gel box imager she wanted..12:15
PeerInfinityso, um, kanzure, are you Bryan?12:30
PeerInfinityin #cosmeng, we're currently discussing Giulio's plans to set up a science conference in ScienceSim.  We think you would make a good speaker :)12:41
fennhm i figured "git mv" would keep all the old revision history in the new file :(12:51
fennoh it has to be committed without modification12:55
kanzure3_guess it's just looking for the same hash/signature13:00
fennwow i successfully fixed my buggered rename operation13:09
fennapparently it doesnt have to be 100% exactly the same file contents, but i changed 91% of the lines..13:13
-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:39
kanzure3_I don't see how you plan to unite the ontologies there13:39
kanzure3_I guess that's why you're doing it then13:39
kanzure3_I was originally thinking that I'd just have to make a full list of everything, and then make a grid/table and do a checkmark when a shop has that item/component13:40
fennyou'd just end up with a bunch of checks in only one column13:41
fennfrom what i hear, techshop really doesn't have much that isn't listed, like toolbits or pencils or whatever13:42
fennwhich is really a pain in the ass in practice13:42
kanzure3_that's odd.13:42
fennwell people dont know wha they're doing so they break all the breakable bits :)13:43
fenngforge for military! 100x not exactly the same thing13:43
fenngod why is everyone so stupid13:44
* fenn shakes fist at sky13:44
bkeroHeh techshop15:38
bkeroThe most vanilla of the hacking centres.15:38
genehackerhey kanzure you wouldn't happen to know if there are any hacking centers around here?16:13
kanzurethere's some "open space" for sitting around typing on a computer, but that's about it16:15
kanzurebasically, if anyone was going to start it around here, it would have to be you or me it seems16:16
kanzureactlab has expressed interest in hosting the equipment16:16
kanzureand the fablab people just need me to write a check to get the equipment shipped and rolling16:16
fennare there people interested in it besides you and gene?16:19
kanzurebut I seem to be the only one wanting to take the lead on getting it happening16:19
kanzureI mean, the others are saying things like "gee, golly, that would be amazing and awesome. when will you you get it going?"16:20
kanzureyesterday there was more expressed interest in a diybio-lab (which I found odd), at the event I went to16:20
kanzuregenehacker: btw, some of us are going to the next Robot Group meeting, Thursday 7:30 to 10 pm. You want to come?16:21
kanzuresomebody from the Singularity Institute is living just down the street for about 6 months, so I've been trying to get him out and about on the Austin scene16:21
genehackerneed to see how my hw turns out16:21
kanzuretechnically, even my mom has a better shop than me at this point16:23
kanzureher woodworking shop is in the middle of nowhere though16:23
kanzurebringing up the subject at the labs and with some others has brought up questions like "What's wrong with the machine shops on campus?" which I guess is kind of missing the point16:24
fennlooking at the fablab inventory.. it's mostly electronic components and consumables16:26
fenni guarantee 95% of that won't be in a campus machine shop16:28
fenn(and they wont let you play with it anyway)16:29
genehackerhey kanzure, I'm wood shop certified now16:30
kanzurewood shop?16:30
kanzurefenn: git pull skdb.git tells me that I'm already up to date, without having inventory/16:31
kanzureany thoughts on that?16:31
genehackeryeah ME building has one16:31
fenntry git://16:31
genehackerit's interesting too16:31
kanzurefenn: worked.16:32
fenni need to do update-server-info to add refs for the new files or mumble mumble16:32
genehackerit's open to the air so you can throw saw dust out onto unsuspecting bypassers16:32
fenn(for http)16:32
fenni dont understand why it doesnt do it automatically16:32
genehackerbut fenn, we have all that, just not in one place16:32
kanzuregenehacker: check that link.16:32
genehackerI did16:33
fennwe all have what?16:33
genehackermaybe not a shopbot though16:33
kanzureyay "goo squirter"16:34
genehackerI'm printing a reprap on it16:35
genehackerdamn, we don't have an SST16:35
fennSST = reprap more or less16:35
genehackerwe have a BST16:35
genehackerSST, soluble support technolgy16:36
genehackerBST breakaway support16:36
genehackerSST is more capable16:36
fennwhy dont they use wax?16:36
fennmeltable support16:36
fennwhat does SST use as the support material anyway?16:37
genehackerplastic comes out too hot16:37
genehackerProprietary goop, that dissolves in NaOH solution16:38
genehackersome weird hard to get compound16:38
fenni can't believe they actually put the price right on the top of the page16:39
genehackerof what?16:39
fennof all the stratasys printers16:40
fennThe New uPrintâ„¢ Personal 3D Printer Only $14,900* USD16:40
fenninstead of "call us for a quote if you think you're worthy"16:41
kanzurewonder if I can get the diybio people to come up with a tool list for their dream wetlab (wait, what?)16:44
kanzureand then do some simple "solved by" relations. just because I'm bored.16:45
genehackerDamn I don't know if we have ECM, EDM, coil winder, or coil winder, photochemical milling machine16:47
kanzurephotochemical milling?16:47
kanzurethat's not lithography?16:47
kanzureit would be chemical + rotating metal?16:48
fennphotochemical milling = photosensitive mask + etch tank16:49
fennlike circuit boards basically, but with plain sheetmetal16:49
genehackeryeah I know16:50
genehackerit's quite awesome16:50
genehackermakes detailed parts16:52
fennwatch gears16:53
fennamazing thing is you can do it with a laser printer16:54
genehackerwith a lense?16:56
fennjust like circuit boards16:56
fenntoner transfer16:56
genehackerwatch gears via toner transfer?16:59
genehackerthey can't be that accurate can they??16:59
fenn1200dpi.. probably not17:00
fenndepends on the watch i guess17:01
genehackerI'd think one would need some optics to reduce the size so that any blots are reduced17:02
kanzurehm, so have the programmer demigods found a solution yet to retrieving some data in RAM when your browser freezes?17:03
kanzureI guess I can cat /dev/ram or whatever, and then search for the text I was looking for17:03
kanzureis that going to work?17:03
kanzureweird, konqueror too now.17:05
fennoh this is a repeatable debugging thing, not "i need to get some data out of my ram before it disappears"17:06
fenntry strace17:06
genehackerWTF, srsly17:07
kanzurewoah weird17:07
kanzurestrace -p <opera's pid> and it's just doing random gettimeofday() calls17:07
kanzureof increasing value.17:08
genehackerPOWER ON SELF-TEST17:08
kanzure3_"Opera 9.63 ends up in a tight loop calling gettimeofday() after pressing OK in an "accept SSL certificate" dialogue box"17:12
kanzurestrings /dev/mem | grep -b ponoko17:23
kanzure13690476, 11027149, 12425017, 13690476, 15208152 <-- what do I do with this?17:24
kanzureis there a way for me to disregard the first xyz bytes of input? also, it's annoying that each keystroke changes the offset17:24
kanzure(or, well, I guess it doesn't necessarily change the offset)17:25
kanzurestrings /dev/mem/ | grep --before-context=5 --after-context=5 "shapeways,"17:28
kanzureyay, it worked.17:28
fenn/dev/mem is all memory including swapped pages, or just in ram?17:31
kanzureoh wait, no it didn't. I had a bit more content than that. How unfortunate. I killed opera after thinking I recovered everything.17:31
fennseems like it would go into infinite recursion17:31
kanzure3_"If you immediately dump the entire contents of RAM to disk before starting another large process, chances are good you can find your data again."17:32
kanzureno, swap isn't included17:33
fennnote that dumping to disk and grepping the dump is quite different from grepping the live ram stream17:33
kanzurehow so?17:33
kanzureI mean, other than one way being a better idea than the other17:33
fennif grep allocates itself at the end of the stream then half of what you're grepping is grep's image17:34
kanzurewonder if there's a built in mechanism to prevent that17:34
fennok i have no idea how much memory grep uses17:35
fennnow what i really want to know is wtf does makezine have to do with that17:38
kanzure3_oh. "Hackszine fans and readers, the Hackszine site is moving to a section of MAKE soon http://blog.makezine.com/archive/hacks/ - we're doing *a lot* of site updates on MAKE and this is the easiest way for us to do this and still keep the hacks content flowing. If you read hackszine via RSS you might not notice, but if something odd happens please let us know."17:48
kanzure3_heh, actlab is listed17:50
kanzure3_http://code.google.com/p/hackerspace-os/ "a basic software package for hackerspaces and similiar organizations."17:51
kanzure3_wonder why no fablab, techshop, or menshed is on that list.18:05
genehackerhuh the superbowl is going on18:17
genehackeryeah it is19:32
genehackerhey kanzure I just made the bifurcation!19:47
proctokanzure3_: the list of hacker spaces?19:53
kanzureprocto: hm?19:53
kanzuregenehacker: pic or it didn't happen19:53
proctohackerspaces usually are about having a shared ownership of a sort of coworking third space19:53
kanzureprocto: you should post that.19:53
kanzureprocto: there are some of them though that are different19:53
proctokanzure: you asked why fablab, techshop etc. weren't mentioned on a list19:53
kanzurefor instance, nycresistor is listed19:54
kanzureand actlab is listed19:54
kanzureactlab is hardly shared ownership19:54
kanzureoh, I see what you mean19:54
proctoI need to visit willoughby and baltic19:54
proctothe issue is that for it to be truly a hackerspace you need a variety of people "in residence"19:54
proctoas opposed to custodians who may also be doing a lot of work in the space19:55
proctoit's a very thin difference19:55
proctoand I'm not sure about the specific natures of nycresistor and actlab19:55
genehackerhow do I save a screenshot kanzure?19:55
proctobut I def wouldn't put most fablabs on a list of hackerspaces19:55
proctogenehacker: what OS/19:55
genehackerwinblows vista19:55
kanzureno, no screenshot, 19:55
kanzurejust send the CAD data..19:55
genehackeryes it sucks19:55
kanzurebut for the recors19:55
kanzureit's PRNTSCRN -> MSPAINT19:56
genehackerhow about gimp19:56
genehackerthat's what I though19:56
kanzureprocto: "in residence" ? oh?19:56
genehackersent kanzure20:03
genehackerneed to add bolt circle?20:03
genehackeryou think I should be conservative with the acrylic or not worry about it?20:03
kanzureI still think total surface area should be kept to a maximum of whatever the hell you could personally carry at most20:04
genehackerWell I have a problem20:04
genehackerI don't know how I can get a nice seal on than baby20:05
genehackerHow about a big damn O-ring20:05
kanzuremultiple holes I guess20:06
genehackerthat's what I'm thinking big damn O-ring held in place with a large bolt circle going around it20:06
genehackerI don't think I can get 2 more filters done by tomorrow20:06
genehackerat least 2 of the spiral type20:07
kanzureif this was scripted it wouldn't be an issue.20:07
genehackerthe diameter's currently 6.5 inches20:09
genehackerscrew conservatism20:10
genehackerwe got plenty of acrylic20:10
genehackerwe are probably going to use adhesive20:12
genehackerpick a good boltsize kanzure20:14
kanzurecriteria for goodness?20:15
genehackerbolt must be longer than 0.5 inches20:20
genehackerpreferably cheap and rust resistant20:20
genehacker1/8 inch diameter sounds good to me20:20
genehackerwe don't want anything fancy right?20:22
genehackershould we go for threaded? or can the CNC machine even do that?20:23
kanzurewell that's a good question, I tried to ask the machinist those types of questions20:24
kanzurelike what the capabilities would be20:24
kanzureand he didn't seem to understand what it was that I was assking20:24
kanzureI'm not even sure if they *have* a CNC machine available.. it seemed like he thought that I'd draw something, and he'd make20:24
kanzurebut hopefully that was just an impression. we'll see.20:24
genehackerwhen did you talk to him20:25
genehackerI was a bit busy that day20:25
genehackerputting on holes for bolts20:28
genehackerand a annular trench20:28
genehackerfor an o-ring20:29
kanzureso my 12 year old sister calls me21:20
kanzureher windows installation is screwed up with all sorts of trojans and viruses21:20
kanzureso I'm going through the typical spiel: adaware, spybot, don't click that link it looks suspicous, why not linux "oh god linux oh teh noes, she's 12! think of the children!" "uh, I was 12 too.." anyway.21:21
kanzureone of these days I'm going to stop offering free Windows support..21:21
genehackergoing to send you the cover21:23
kanzure3_http://sixuntilme.com/blog-mt2/blog_images/2008April/self_made_man_sum.jpg "self made man" in legos21:40
kanzure3_http://unptnt.com/projects/3 don't know why David Rauchwerk and I aren't hanging out more21:58
kanzureso apparently I'm the webmaster of a Journal23:13
kanzure3_http://meta.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/12/16/077233 <- should include this in the inventory stuff eventually. /me adds it23:22
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has quit []23:26
kanzuregenehacker: around?23:59
kanzureare you able to do lunch on Wednesday sometime before 2 pm?23:59

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