
--- Day changed Tue Feb 03 2009
-!- mindspillage [n=kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #hplusroadmap00:06
genehackerAsk them what they're selling it for?00:33
genehackerif they say $10000:34
genehackerthen it's probably a used one00:34
genehackerRay Kurzweil's making a Singularity university00:38
kanzure3_why is that good01:07
kanzurehah, $25k02:39
kanzureok, I need to go yell at Ray.02:40
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fennheh regarding etchant disposal "I just throw it in our pool. Copper is used as an algaecide and the amount added is hundred of times more than any board etchant I might use."06:47
fennor: "You can always dehydrate it and make rocket fuel out of it. "06:48
-!- faceface [n=dbolser@bioinformatics.org] has quit [Remote closed the connection]07:25
kanzurelooks like I was wwrong, singularityu.org has CC-licensed content or something07:52
kanzurebut I do notice a striking lack of manufacturing information/research on the site, like always07:52
kanzurenanotech-or-bust, seems to be the common thought amongst Ray07:52
kanzureyay projectw.org is back in action08:05
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kanzuresounds like the beginning to a good porn career, but alas11:01
* fenn wonders how long til there's a whole earth catalog torrent11:03
fennwhatever happened to libraries?11:05
fenni should be able to get a library card and access online versions of all of their books11:05
* fenn goes job hunting (job squatting?)11:06
kanzurejob economy: the status of an economy built around the transfer of "jobs" units.11:07
kanzureI bet some of the resume websites are doing backend "job trading" with other resume sites11:07
kanzureand if they aren't, they are stupid11:07
fennsurprised google hasn't gotten into the resume game yet11:07
kanzureapparently searching information doesn't include searching for the best talent11:08
kanzureoh god. SEO..11:08
kanzure(already happens for resumes, but still.)11:08
kanzure3_http://nhpr-sc.streamguys.us/listen.pls   Mac & mydaughtersdna.com guy. 11:09
kanzure3_per the email to diybio earlier this morning11:09
nshkanzure, do you have a list of feeds you subscribe to?11:10
kanzure3_old, but html: http://heybryan.org/bookmarks/2007-10-30-feeds.html11:11
kanzure3_this is a pretty nice stream. Just starting to talk about Hugh Reinhoff.11:13
nshwho's talking for diybio?11:29
kanzureMackenzie Cowell11:30
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kanzureSo that went ok. Hugh sounds like he needs to learn about Amazon's Mechanical Turk, or to meet a programmer11:41
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kanzureSo that went ok. Hugh sounds like he needs to learn about Amazon's Mechanical Turk, or to meet a programmer11:45
bkeroSuch basic concepts so foreign to people11:46
* bkero gets to hear his software engineering teacher talk about how awesome google is, and how their business model works(even though he has no idea)11:48
bkeroLook!  The interface is basic and uncluttered.  I bet they have fine rules and guidelines on that.11:48
nshcan anyone access http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/ICDM.2006.114 ?11:54
kanzure3_I can get it to you in about four hours (I know, I know, schedules suck)11:56
nshok thanks, i'll ask again if i still need it11:57
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nshwotcha listening to now?12:38
nsh(got that pdf in the end)12:38
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nshwhat's up?14:47
AlonzoTGinstalling kde4, getting ready for a reboot, in about 17 minutes or so.14:47
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fennalonzo hurry!14:58
fenn6 minutes to reboot!14:58
fenntime goes quick on the net14:59
AlonzoTGgotta set a few more things up.15:09
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fennoh my god i'm so trapped in this body it hurts15:35
fennsomebody get me outta here!15:35
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-173.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap15:35
kanzure3_http://botropolis.com/2009/02/cloaca-no-5-the-machine-that-drops-a-deuce/ another robo feces machin16:45
kanzure3_blah, I need a personal assistant.16:45
kanzure3_I wonder if I can take out a loan in a bank to just buy a person for me16:46
fennyou can hire indians over the internet.. i read about it in "4 hour workweek"16:48
kanzureGordon Novak emailed me re: the F/OSS competition and SKDB.17:03
fennwhat did he say?17:04
fenn"submit something!"?17:04
kanzureI did submit something17:04
kanzure(1) substantial user base would be really useful in order to assess impact17:04
kanzure(2) need to clearly separate who coded what17:04
fennsome code wouldnt hurt either :)17:04
kanzurebut in this case, the repo clearly shows you wrote everything17:04
kanzureright :)17:05
kanzurealso, I have no time these days :( but clearly it's obvious that the inventory list should be turned into a directory of mock packages with mock metadata 17:06
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fennmock schmock17:07
fennit's inaccurate enough already as it is17:08
fenni'm going to be doing an inventory of _my_ stuff soon enough here17:08
fennand then i'll know what i have :)17:08
kanzureStem cell engineering for regenerative medicine; 9 am BME 3.204, Dr. Fan Yang; Feb 5 (Thursday)17:20
fennso is obama shoveling money at stem cell research yet?17:21
kanzurethere was a few things in the news recently, though not because of money shoveling (seemed just to be "yay we can come out of the closet")17:22
fennlooks like "he's thinking about it"17:22
fenntoo busy campaigning earlier i guess17:22
kanzureI have always found it annoying that nobody kept full track of all videos, speeches, conferences etc. during a campaign trail of presidential candidates17:23
kanzureif I want to grep through all of his speeches for a specific word, by god I should be able to17:23
kanzureain't the dark ages.17:23
fenni didnt even listen to any of his speeches, but i voted anyway17:23
fennoh i lied.. i watched the iowa primaries celebration speech17:24
fennyeah anyway..17:25
fenni dont think i'm gonna be getting this job a "wonderlab"17:25
fennwonderlab is a children's science-y museum17:25
fenngiven that there are five other applicants, three of whom are "directly qualified" (i'm not, apparently) is it worth applying17:26
fennwhy can't i just go do cool stuff whenever i feel like it17:26
fenni swear, schedules are the death of progress17:26
kanzureshh! stop talking, I have to spend time on overhead for schedule management so that I can schedule in some progress17:27
kanzure"if you don't schedule progress, how will it happen?"17:27
fenn1804 1824 whining at bryan17:27
kanzure"throwing virtual fish at bryan"17:28
kanzureI see.17:28
fenni'm listening to alec's talk about setting up an un-school17:28
kanzurehe has a talk?17:28
fennit's very informal17:29
fenner, unprepared or something17:29
fennnow i'm feeling lame here in bloomington17:30
wrldpcanyone record Mac and Co. on NHPR today?17:37
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kanzureSorry, no wrldpc :(17:38
wrldpc::slaps forehead:: curse my nocturnality!!17:39
kanzureMac freezes up on security issues. I can't blame him, I guess I would too. "Quick! I'm going to hold you responsible for something impossible!" "Uhh. Oh fuck."17:39
fennneed to practice those things, practice practice practice17:40
fennbecause reporters are ruthless17:40
kanzureright, but first it would come from the discussions I think, but it hasn't17:41
kanzureI mean, there hasn't been that many discussions to entirely root it out17:41
fennalso it doesnt hurt to redirect to a similar but not exactly equivalent canned scenario17:42
wrldpc'we' definitely can't let 'them' use us as scapegoats.  i'm confident in the ability of knowledge and reason to evaporate the fear and doubt quite honestly.  ... this is very interesting ... it's recurring and I need to give the entire thing more thought.17:42
fenn"what if someone makes disease X with your stuff"17:42
kanzurefenn: yes, that's what the "mediakits" are for17:42
fenndo these exist yet?17:43
kanzurefenn: that's interesting. "what if you, as a 'university' or 'company', enable somebody to do bad voodoo"17:43
fennbusiness as usual17:43
fenndon't you know what LLC means?17:43
kanzure'mediakits'? not yet for diybio: but we could assemble some with creative commons images, some media, sound bites, etc.17:43
kanzureLLC? limited lawyer co-something?17:43
fennlimited liability corporation17:43
fennessentially you can fuck up the universe and it's not your fault17:43
fennbut if an individual does it, they can be sued to hell and back17:44
fenni'm thinking something that you can issue people before they get interviewed, like "think about these questions first so you dont sound like a dumbass when you make up an answer on the spot"17:45
fennand then you can submit it back to the mailing list to incite cyber-riots17:45
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has quit []17:52
Utopiah("cyber-riots", makes me think of riots/strikes as low-tech DDoS)17:54
fennit's rather unfortunate we can't "take back the tubes"17:56
* kanzure grabs a shovel17:56
* fenn has quit (connection reset by shovel)17:57
kanzuremust have been a huge SPOF.17:59
fenn"he has a business license for scientific research, for which he simply had to go to the town hall, fill out an application, and pay a fee."18:04
fenni bet they'd raid his basement chemistry lab anyway18:08
kanzureplease post a few notes about this to the diybio list re: what needs to be done before interviews, security question prepping, etc.18:08
kanzureblah, I can't type fast enough any more18:08
kanzurewhat was that drug that lain had? acceleration drug.18:08
fenni never watched lain18:09
fenni'm not on diybio either18:09
fennhttp://fennetic.net/pub/irc/03_-_stacompos2.dnb_sanodg_mix.mp3  gets good around 0:50 and peters out around 3:45-end18:16
fennnot even sure where that came from18:16
kanzureI have 3 goons available to me for GIS information hunting18:19
kanzurethis is sad, since this is the one area that I wouldn't normally need them18:19
kanzureI'm thinking of giving them some tasks related to figuring out the Google Maps API18:19
kanzuresomething I could do in an hour, but it would be really great if they would take on some of that work18:19
kanzurecould I spontaneously expect that of nonprogrammers?18:19
fennso applying hofstadter's law it should take about 5 days18:20
kanzureand for newbies?18:20
fenndepends on the newbie i guess18:20
fennis it worth 5 days?18:21
kanzurewell, engineers but only because they're in engineering programs18:21
kanzurewell they're sitting around doing nothing otherwise18:21
fennalrighty then18:21
fennthe new xmms doesn't calculate times right18:22
fennboth audacious and the xmms deb package i got from some website18:23
kanzurebug! squish it!18:23
kanzurewhere'd that Raman spectroscopy paper go?18:28
kanzurewhere did I mention it18:28
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fennthis? Raman_spectroscopy_1928.pdf18:31
fenn(the original snippet)18:31
kanzurefound it, posted to diybio.18:31
kanzure3_that has to be one of my most awesome posts18:32
kanzure3_within 5 minutes of Lora's post with a vague mention of Raman spectroscopy as a possible avenue,18:33
fennthe raman paper isnt detailed enough to be useful18:33
kanzure3_I splurge up a post where I "ah yes, I recall the original raman spec paper"18:33
kanzure3_oh crap18:33
kanzure3_fuck fuck fuck18:33
fennpolarizers are way more feasible than phase contrast18:35
fenni dunno how much DNA you need to be able to see it though18:35
kanzurewhat does a polarizer do?18:35
kanzureI know phase contrast, since I recently read up on it18:35
fennit's like a picket fence that only lets a certain polarization through18:35
fennso if you have two crossed at 90 degrees the only thing that goes through is something spinning18:35
kanzurefresnel lenses?18:35
kanzureokay, yeah I remember that now18:35
fennand helical molecules make light start spinning18:36
fennwish i remembered the name.. circular dichroism is the effect, what's the chemical called?18:36
kanzureif a fresnel lense applies, Superkuh's lense pattern generator would work18:36
fennoptical enantiomer or something?18:36
fennwhy is it always easier to remember the hard words18:37
fenni couldnt find much info on zernicke plates18:37
fennis it just a single clear ring?18:37
kanzureno, I kept on seeing multiple lenses18:38
fenner.. multiple plates with a single clear ring18:38
fennbecause if so, you could put some acrylic on a lathe and turn away the surface (except the ring) and then draw on it with a sharpie18:38
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fennDNA naturally absorbs UV in the 260nm range18:45
fennthey dont exactly make LED's for 260nm tho.18:45
fennor do they!18:46
kanzurepolarizing caps?18:46
nshor a coating18:46
kanzureblah, just grow some 260 nm GFP (kidding)18:46
* kanzure needs to find some food18:46
fennhttp://www.shop.spectrecology.com/product.sc?productId=114&sourceCode=froogle  only $239 heh18:46
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fennapparently they are used in backpack water sterilizers18:49
fennso this should be a good match for a battery powered gadget18:49
fenni was always annoyed by how big and fugly gel stuff is18:49
fennall you need is a capillary tube full of agar18:50
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@pool-72-93-188-19.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]18:51
nshcan anyone get http://www.springerlink.com/content/u71g04nl461g3203/ ?18:51
fennor http://www.jstor.org/pss/3575456 while you're at it19:00
genebackpack water sterilizers?19:07
geneuv ones?19:08
geneor filter ones?19:08
fennThe cuvettes for use in the near UV are made from methacrylate19:43
fennso that should be easy to get at least19:43
kanzuremeredith replied19:44
kanzureheh, twice. "I love this mailing list so much"19:45
fennFenn - if you need access to literature/academic articles, just send19:45
fennthe name of the article to getarticles@googlegroups.com. They'll email19:45
fennyou a PDF of the article for you to read :)19:45
kanzurewell, that's me19:45
kanzuregetarticles is mainly done by me.19:45
kanzurebut whatever19:45
kanzurehappy articling :)19:45
genethis on diybio?19:49
kanzurein the clonewell electrophoresis article19:49
kanzureklasjlasdkjljk s/article/thread/19:49
fenn(the thread)19:52
kanzurewait, what?19:54
kanzureI just got an email from James Hogan on behalf of the Seasteading Institute.19:54
kanzureJames Hogan .. hrm..19:54
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kanzureIt's official.20:44
kanzure<-- Pink Army Admiral.20:45
wrldpcso we're running the electrophoresis with the illuminated gelbox20:47
wrldpcthe gelbox is nice but20:47
wrldpcwe ran into some power issues early, the samples may not have been concentrated enough or the power issues might've resulted in a lack of diffusion through the gel20:48
wrldpcit might be the gel too20:48
fennyou dont see anything?20:49
fennis the gel warm? (are you actually getting current through it)20:49
wrldpcwe're past that point.  the buffer was lithium borate  fasterbettermedia.com20:49
fennuh.. blue band should be visible to naked eye if you have it in your loading buffer20:49
wrldpcit worked famously.20:50
wrldpcthe spread is clear20:50
wrldpcand stark you can really trace gradient20:50
wrldpcall of this separate technology needs to be homogenized or modulized.20:54
fennit's Science(tm)20:55
fennwell, Biology mostly20:55
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* kanzure paces around happily20:58
fennwhat are your orders, sir?21:10
kanzurehijack pinkarmy technical systems for transhumanesque tasks?21:15
fennhmm arent admirals more of a navy rank? not army21:16
kanzureI've never been te combative type21:17
fennnavy pink, is that a color?21:17
kanzureso anyway, think of it as 'retainer' except not upfront21:17
fennoh really21:18
kanzureeta <1 year21:18
kanzurelawyering work is finishing up..21:18
fennso you've progressed beyond pokemon board ranking after all :P21:18
kanzurebeyond wha?21:18
fenneh .. i was a level 30 assassin you know21:19
fennbut nobody paid me for it21:19
kanzurepokemon didn't have level 30 assassins21:19
fennthat's because they're gay21:19
kanzureI'm so confused21:19
kanzuresorry, the delight is a bit much21:20
kanzuremaybe I'll go take it out on the students I can order around now21:20
* fenn celebrates with a bowl of pasta21:20
kanzurebut don't you always eat pasta?21:20
fennno i havent had pasta for at least 3 weeks21:20
fennthis is the first time i've cooked something at the new house21:21
kanzureeverything working out ok?21:21
fenneh.. kinda bored and lonely21:21
fennand cold21:21
kanzureget a programmercat? (monitor cat)21:21
fennwas scooping the olive oil out of the bottle (frozen solid)21:23
fennmoral of the story: rockstars get laid, but independent film directors don't21:27
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wrldpc"It's Science."22:00
wrldpcI like that.22:00
wrldpcIt's Scienceā„¢22:00
kanzurein the name of SCIENCE!22:00
wrldpcanyone have the link to the chemical etched precision parts?22:01
kanzureto the wha??22:02
kanzurephotochemical milling?22:02
wrldpcsomeone linked an image ~2 days ago22:02
wrldpcMac said they tried to ask your question on air today but the station cut reinhoff off in the middle of his response :\22:02
kanzureoh, you were with mac today?22:03
kanzureoh right, you were testing some stuff22:03
wrldpcaye, a new gelbox ... professional style .. plexiglass ... 22:06
fennwrldpc: http://www.ferret.com.au/odin/images/169243/Chemically-Etched-Precision-Parts-169243.jpg22:06
kanzurewas this using the gel box generator?22:06
kanzurethe design generator22:06
fenn(i think its a bad picture)22:06
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genewith a bit of image reducing optics one could easily make very tiny parts23:34
geneusing a DMD chip or some transparency sheeting23:34

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