
--- Day changed Fri Feb 06 2009
genewho's he?00:02
genehow was the meeting?00:02
kanzureit was ok00:02
kanzureDavid Treadwell. well, he's a material scientist00:03
kanzureyou'd like him00:03
kanzureI found him on the internet00:03
kanzureand he's consequently been lost clicking around my website for the past few months00:03
kanzurehe's interested in an austin fablab initiative (also, check the openmanufacturing list, somebody has 4,000 sq ft available)00:03
kanzure(here in Austin)00:03
genedoes he work with graphene?00:04
kanzureoh I'm sure :)00:04
kanzurehas an elements collection, btw00:04
genenow how far away is the space available from here?00:05
kanzureno idea00:05
genebike ride, bus ride, or car?00:05
kanzuredon't know00:05
kanzureanyway, it's kind of hard keeping track of all of these Davids00:06
kanzureS Congress and Ben White00:44
kanzure"When do you want me to come and get you"00:44
kanzureokay, am going tomorrow at 4 pm00:51
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fennwow that's my keyboard08:15
fennclose enough08:15
fennin http://www.nlcnet.org/article.php?id=61308:16
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kanzureodd, 09:43
kanzurewiggio.com has been spreading around a bit, all viral like09:43
kanzurefirst I got notified of it from Dr. Sata (biofuel work)09:43
kanzurenow via the plutopia mailing list (austin area people who are trying to do meta dorkbot and meta robotgroup)09:44
fennnow that you've done your bit as a meme propogator you get to relax09:45
kanzureI was going to rant and complain about it09:45
fennno such thing as bad publicity is there?09:45
kanzure"project management .. BUT WEBZ 2.0 ohs! rawr!"09:45
kanzureokay, sorry :(09:46
fennugh.. they want my cell phone number? come on09:46
kanzurewho does?09:46
fennhah "pick one: i'm in: college/high school/real world"09:46
kanzureso this 4,000 sq ft space that I'm going to later today,09:47
kanzureit turns out that Leslie was the original tour de force behind the Austin TechShop project09:47
fennweb 2.0 is the whole proprietary format shit all over again, why can't people see this?09:47
kanzurehe even hired an MBA to craft a business plan (what the fuck?)09:47
kanzureand they realized that techshop sucked09:48
fenn1) make a cool space 2) ??? 3) profit!09:48
kanzurealso because techshop is top-down brand lock-in09:48
kanzure"you must use our vendors for all of this equipment. rawr"09:48
fennyeah there's no benefit for franchising09:48
fennsince all the equipment is locally sourced and probably secondhand anyway09:48
fenni doubt there's a patent on a "bin wall"09:48
kanzureso anyway, Leslie seems to agree with the "make your own tools" (to some extent) or at least "cheap shit until we can make better shit"09:48
fennof course09:49
kanzureI'm not convinced that the health club model is a good idea09:49
fennthe problem is people arent willing to spend that much money on a workspace because of the perceived "low class" nature of fabrication09:49
kanzureRauchwerk and I like the "four or five mechanical engineers doing contract projects at about $20k each which would fund the shop for about a year"09:49
kanzureso if we can do the consulting gigs, that should pay for it09:49
kanzurethen keep it open for community to go in and out09:49
kanzureand attempt to do some super uber culture cultivating better than fablab09:50
kanzuredon't know how I plan to do that though.. hrm09:50
kanzurehaving a plan is one thing, but I mean to have it sustainable and healthy09:50
fennblah.. toolbook.com and toolbook.org are occupied09:50
kanzureI'm all for toolbook of course09:50
kanzuretlbk.org ?09:51
fennnah just change the name09:51
fennbooks are for geezers anyway09:51
kanzuretooltxt :p09:51
kanzureanywho, I'm really against the health club model.09:51
kanzuremostly because I'm not going to be able to afford that09:51
kanzureand also because I notice that fablab funds itself via government grants, so we can get that going here09:52
fennguh.. what?09:52
kanzureTodd Huffman, Amy Sun and such would be happy to help with that if that's the path we take09:52
kanzureyes, "hey NSF, we're doing cool shit, fund us!"09:52
fennwhat does fablab get grants from?09:52
fennand why is NSF funding a technology initiative?09:52
fennor is fablab supposed to be about education09:52
kanzurethey basically flail their arms about and try to get funding and grants from as many places as possible09:53
kanzureit's education, or "bringing stuff to the third world"09:53
kanzurethat's why Amy Sun sent out that recent round of emails09:53
kanzuredon't know if I forwarded those to you09:53
kanzurebut basically she was confused and there was a fablab created (how the fuck does this happen?)09:53
kanzureand she had to pick up the costs09:53
fenn"geeks of the world: unite!"?09:53
kanzureright right09:53
kanzureand so she was trying to cover the expenses until the grants start to kick in09:53
kanzurevia donations from geeks of the world et al.09:54
fennyeah i think her publicity method is possibly flawed09:54
fennbetter to make some webpage and get it on digg or slashdot09:54
kanzureshe disclosed some of that via chat actually, so that might be why you don't know it09:54
fennis that what eventually happened?09:55
kanzureyes, they eventually got a website rolling09:55
fennfoolbox.org <- good name? 8)09:55
kanzure3_http://wiki.fablab.af/index.php/Fablab_links  hrm.09:56
kanzurethat's the first time I've seen any collection of links related to fablabs actually09:56
kanzuregood for them..09:56
kanzureabout damn time.09:56
fenngod the fablab stuff is so scattered09:56
kanzurefabfolk was supposedly an attempt to get it all unified or something09:57
kanzurebut it sucks09:57
fennand 90% of the documentation is just random flickr photos09:57
kanzurebecause they need to be shot09:57
fenni wonder if it even makes sense if you're physically present09:57
kanzureso I want to make sure that if a fablab does happen here in Austin, we fix these problems.09:58
kanzure4,000 sq ft is more than enough to house you :p09:58
fennheh all i need is a pallet09:59
kanzureno internet connection in the shop at the moment, "but this can be fixed as soon as it becomes an issue"09:59
fennwell i'd probably shrivel up and die without a net connection09:59
kanzureI wonder why this space is just sitting there10:00
kanzurewhy aren't I living in there10:00
fennoo right under the freeway10:01
fenndo you have an actual street address?10:04
kanzure4.9 mi from me. not bad10:05
kanzure3.6 mi from Max More ..10:06
fenndan heeks is kicking ass on the CAD/CAM front: http://heekscnc.blogspot.com/2009/02/area-clearance.html10:18
fennmore self-fellating from TED: http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2009/02/we-are-becoming-a-new-species-we-are-becoming-homo-evolutis.ars10:39
fennsomething on-topic for once, my god!10:41
fennbwaaha  “Gates releases more bugs into the world” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechnology/technology/microsoft/4524578/Bill-Gates-unleash-swarm-of-mosquitoes-at-TED-2009.html11:08
wrldpchomo evolutis?  ffs11:56
kanzure3_http://www.metanexus.net/magazine/Default.aspx   Natasha has organized some response to the "Global Spiral Speciial Issue on Transhumanism"12:03
kanzureJames Choate thinks that "the fab should not be the central role"12:19
fennwhat is "the central role"?12:19
kanzurewell apparently he's thinking the austin fab-thing (he wants more of a "Leonardo's Basement") 12:20
kanzureshould not be focused on "fabbing"12:20
kanzurebut instead on "something that the community will pay for"12:20
fennleonardo's basement is pay-for-education12:22
fennsomething i find troubling12:22
kanzure3_me too.. I actually even expressed that in my last email to James-12:22
fennpay-for-access that also happens to provide education is fine though12:22
fennwhat are the costs, first of all?12:23
fennthe way i see it machinery is more or less free, with shipping costs12:23
kanzureyou mean, donated equipment?12:23
fennso that leaves: rent, electricity, maintenance12:24
fennno, i mean purchased equipment12:24
fennlarge stuff that you arent likely to have in a basement12:24
fennin fact, the larger they are the cheaper, supply/demand thing12:24
kanzureI don't know what to say to James12:24
kanzure"The fundamental problem with the perspective I'm seeing pitched is the -central- role of the fab. It's a misplaced focus."12:25
fennwhat is DH?12:25
kanzure"Discovery Hall"12:25
fenngosh james choate sure has a lot of preconceived notions12:46
kanzurewhat do you think?12:46
kanzure3_http://lists.puremagic.com/pipermail/robotgroup/2009-February/011718.html he cites esa.int, leonardo's basement, techshop, pyrorobotics, sciencecommons,12:47
kanzure3_so it *seems* like he's from the right scene12:47
fennand then in the next post he goes and undoes everything he just said.. wtf12:48
fennso after reading that whole thread i'm totally confused13:01
fenndoes james want to charge for classes or not?13:01
kanzure3_not that I'm not.13:01
kanzure3_I phoned him, but he's "busy"13:01
kanzure3_apparently he has a day job but enough time to write emails to the list? wtf?13:02
fennon metajournaling: http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidnunez/4025142/in/photostream/13:22
fennany idea how to get a higher rez version?13:23
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xp_prghi anyone here?16:57
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fennholy crap dan heeks is tearin' it up: http://heekscnc.blogspot.com/2009/02/arc-pocketing.html18:04
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-93-215.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap18:13
geneyou back kanzure?18:13
geneguess what?18:13
geneThat supercomputer they have is a surgeon18:13
fennit's a large river fish?18:13
geneno fenn18:15
genea supercomputer did surgery on a dog18:15
genewith a laser beam18:15
fennthis is interesting; apparently opencascade is actually free software: http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2007/12/msg00066.html18:20
genecomputer models how the tissue conducts heat, figures out the right power level to fire the laser at so it only kills the tumor18:20
geneseems a bit overkill to me though...18:21
geneunless their simulating individual cells and taking blood flow into account18:21
fennfor most purposes you can just pretend it's water18:22
genemust be weird laser heat transfer18:23
genewell I guess in future videogames, I'll have a a truly realistic graphics of a laser wound18:24
fennnobody would know the difference18:25
fennif they made video games like real war people would be bored to tears18:25
fennfortunately we have the US military to spice things up18:25
fenn(by making war like video games)18:25
genehaven't you ever played desert bus?18:25
fennsounds like a job for a robot18:27
fennor maybe something to do in school to pass the time18:28
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geneoh god18:31
genethe scary thing about desert bus, is that there are actually tournaments18:31
fennyeah i'm reading desertbus.org18:35
fennthey went for 5 days taking 4 hour shifts18:36
genedid they do it continuously?18:36
fenn... and raised $70k for their charity in the process18:36
genewell at least it's good for something18:36
fennyeah the game only gives you a couple seconds to turn around18:36
genebtw, you wouldn't happen to know anything about 1/4 inch hose barb connectors?18:38
fennas a matter of fact i do18:38
* fenn wonders why mcmaster is showing him "feminine hygiene products"18:40
genemcmaster sells that?18:43
fenntampon dispensers and sanitary napkins18:43
fenncase qty 50018:44
fenni thought there were cad files for like every mcmaster product18:45
genedamn homedepot, won't display their whole product list18:46
fenni must say i really dig mcmaster's style18:46
fenneven if their page wont give me urls!18:46
fennjust look at those clocks.. beautiful18:47
genejust what I need a clock18:53
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geneyou there?21:13
kanzureWoah. Holy shit.23:07
kanzureWe have ourselves a fablab.23:07
fennwhat's new?23:07
fenni mean, uh, what are you talking about?23:07
kanzure4,000 sq ft :)23:07
kanzurehe's totally on board with the whole open source hardware packaging and "buy a kit at a certain point to get it when you don't want to bootsrap it Gingery-style"23:08
kanzurehe's a Gingery fan :)23:08
fennwhat are the strings attached?23:08
kanzurewell, I spent six hours with him]23:08
kanzureI can't see any23:08
kanzureI need to go down to get some food, will be right back23:09
kanzureso I think you need to talk with him23:09
kanzuresee, he's already put in $100k into this before23:10
kanzurewhen it was the Austin TechShop project,'23:10
kanzurebut then they realized techshop sucks and doesn't have a viable business model23:10
fennput $100k into what? i mean where did that money go?23:11
kanzurewell, it was more like $30k overall apparently, but the other amount is more like lost wages from his consulting gigs that he stopped while he was working on austin techshop23:11
kanzurethe money was put into the MBA to come up with the business plan for the austin techshop23:11
fenncustom furniture designer, is that right?23:11
kanzureand consequently realize that it was fucked23:11
kanzuresomewhat, yes23:11
kanzurebtw, there was a mechmate23:11
fenndid you see the space?23:12
kanzurehe's thinking of renting some rooms in the space23:21
kanzureto cover costs23:21
kanzureso, inventory ideas23:28
kanzurehave just become a very real issue23:28
kanzureespecially for dispensing lots and lots of little tiny washers etc.23:28
fennat twenty times the speed of sound?23:31
fennwondering why these ebook readers havent made it mainstream yet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z16J2zRAbgc23:33
fennwhat do you mean "inventory ideas"?23:34
fennlike tracking software?23:34
fennor robots that move things around?23:34
kanzurespecifically for supplies, 23:34
kanzurefor instance, how are you going to get people to sign documents every time they pick out a washer?23:35
kanzurewhich is a terrible thing to do, nickle and diming people, 23:35
kanzureeven if it's just for keeping track23:35
kanzureI'd find it terribly hard to sign out a washer each time I needed one23:35
fennbut what if it was really easy, easier than getting it out of a bin23:35
kanzureI suggested convenience machines23:35
fennlike cat bom > /dev/checkout23:35
kanzurebut he argued that it would be way too many different types for a single convenience machine23:36
fenni'm not convinced23:36
kanzureneither am I23:36
fennodd shaped stuff goes in regularly shaped containers23:36
kanzureand I'm sure as hell not going to stand there all day handing out shit23:36
fennthen you have: powder/liquid/granulated materials, sheets, film, wire, and bars23:37
fenni guess there's also stuff like frozen concentrated orange juice, but whatever23:37
kanzureso he's thinking of putting up 5 to 10 little 10x6 "private rooms" for rent23:41
fenn"work cell"23:41
kanzureand then larger main area with the giant mechmate and other stuff to pile up in there23:42
fenn"private rooms" has a .. connotation23:42
kanzurewell, 23:42
kanzurehe called them rentable space or something23:42
kanzure"private rooms" is just what I typed out23:42
kanzureit probably implies a hookerjoint23:42
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