
--- Day changed Sun Feb 15 2009
h2igoogle os: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Es_(operating_system)00:02
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genethat would be great kanzure00:40
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genethere's already opensauce stuff for that ybit02:20
genekanzure's used some of it02:20
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ybitright, i just thought it was intersting03:04
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kanzurewhy haven't I downloaded the entire debian mirror yet?10:50
kanzureit's not like etch or lenny changes daily10:50
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kanzureHey jookos.10:56
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nshtis i, for sooth11:11
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kanzureSo, Emil has a datahand keyboard interface because he has tendonitis (he claims because of some bad keyboards from when he used to work back at Sun Microsystems)12:46
kanzure3_http://heybryan.org/calxism/index2.html (written 2005-07-21)13:01
kanzureThat's just something I was linking Paul to, in a demonstration of some weird thinking I used to be doing. When reading it, it sounds like Eliezer to me. How did I get out of that rut in my thinking though?13:03
kanzure(the answer is probably Tony)13:03
fennyes except eliezer has The Answer13:06
fennsort of13:06
kanzure'cept he doesn't :(13:06
kanzuredid you check out that 2006 email I forwarded?13:06
fennwell he puts a friendly label on it which makes it seem like he does13:06
fennno not yet13:06
kanzureI was just looking back over it a few seconds ago. 13:06
kanzureinteresting how I was on the same line of thought even back then, and I'm kind of going back to it now more or less (or I never really left it)13:08
fennwe all have our hobbies :)13:10
fenn"Disease has causes - health does not." sort of a backward way of looking at things13:16
kanzure3_what I suggested to Emil was using Hod Lipson's tendon analysis of the human hand, and then using that to determine the full range of human motion in the hand, and consequently automatically generate an optimal keyboard for that muscular structure in the hand13:16
kanzure3_blah, my server isn't receiving messages any more13:16
kanzure3_ping pong13:17
fenni thought that's what the datahand was, but the cross shaped activation pattern doesn't quite fit13:17
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fennthen he turns right around and says "health is not a matter of chance or accident but that the organism functions according to known and demonstrable laws"13:20
fennwriters.. bah13:20
fenn"unsustainable" eh?13:24
kanzure3_I wish there was a way to mark an individual email in a thread as unread13:24
fennthere is, in pine13:25
kanzure3_sorry, I meant to say in gmail13:25
kanzure3_I used to use a separate client, kmail13:25
kanzure3_and before that, mutt13:25
fenni wish pine had threading13:25
kanzure3_but ever since the laptop crash, I haven't wanted to do the one-time download from the pop3 server13:25
fennimap is better because it leaves your mail on the server too13:25
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fennkanzure3_: is this essay yours? it doesn't seem like your style13:29
kanzure3_the "Notes on Health" ?13:30
kanzure3_there were two emails13:30
kanzure3_"Notes on Health" was me13:31
kanzure3_hrm. heybryan.org's internet connection has vanished13:31
fennthis line just seemed weird "I hate to think what might happen if we are able to propagate throughout the universe while attached to the growth of modern societal structure."13:32
kanzure3_exponential cancers.13:32
fennhow many people is enough?13:33
kanzure3_in neverness, The Vild was a region of space where stars were going supernova because humans were using all of the energy to exponentially replicate. giant space habitats full of babies.13:34
fennbut you've decided that's a bad thing13:34
* fenn thinks this might be philosophy13:36
kanzure3_I could think of some better things to do.13:36
kanzure3_at the moment my attention is split13:36
kanzure3_andrew and I are going over some layout ideas for pinkarmy13:36
kanzure3_we can talk later about whether or not it's interesting to conver the galaxy into human mass :p13:37
kanzure3_is that healthy?13:47
kanzure3_blah, turns out Andrew Hessel is the one who pitched the genomic x prize idea.14:21
kanzure3_oh, a synthesis xprize14:21
kanzure3_not the same as the sequencing x prize idea.14:21
fennam i missing something here? "DIYbiologists may also want to have some sort of pledge like the medical one (to do no harm) before they become "licensed" to serve"14:28
nshsounds stupid14:31
kanzure3_fenn: who wrote that? roger brent?14:36
fennjulie norville14:38
fennthe MIT "outreach" person14:39
kanzure3_MIT? blah14:40
kanzure3_andrew wants me to send him a bio of myself14:41
kanzure3_a blurb for the pinkarmy website14:41
kanzure3_"at age 12, bryan proceeded to take over the world"14:41
nshpinkarmy is WHUTPLS14:42
kanzure3_is what?14:42
nshis what, please?14:42
kanzure3_"PinkArmy is the working name of an open source biology project based in Canada that is taking aim at breast cancer therapeutic development. The goal of the project is to create personalized medicines that are safe, effective, and affordable. We expect to be fully active in 2008. "14:42
nshwhy does everything to do with breast cancer have to be fucking pink14:43
nshgod i hate that colour14:43
fennyour nick is pink in my client14:43
willPow3rbecause titties are pink?14:49
kanzure3_who the hell is Ted on om?14:50
kanzure3_is this les in disguise?14:50
kanzure3_oh shit, he's shopbot14:51
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--- Log opened Sun Feb 15 15:08:19 2009
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap15:08
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kanzurehm, kde crashed15:08
fenni havent actually looked at shopbot much15:14
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kanzurethere's some cultural stigmatism from the fablab groups against shopbot, IIRC15:16
kanzure(so I haven't either)15:16
nshan astigmatism is an eye defect15:17
fennfrom the fablab? i thought that shopbot was their main tool15:17
fenner, after the laser cutter :P15:17
kanzureoh wait. that's true.15:18
PeerInfinitysee also "eye stigmata": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=874dnj6qPQk15:20
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kanzurefenn: will you reply to Ted?15:21
fennum, no, i dont know what to say15:26
fennand it would probably take hours15:26
fenn'look at skdb'15:26
fenn'gimme a sample shopbot to test'15:27
kanzurewhat's with eric's focus on media?15:27
fennhe explained that in the last post15:27
kanzurenick's focus on media is obvious, he's just a moron15:27
kanzureI replied to that15:27
kanzurehe claims that media is so that there's some healthy development forming and such in out-of-industry areas15:28
kanzurebut he used electronics as an example15:28
kanzureand then contradicted it at the end of his email, so I'm kinda confused now15:28
fenn"media" is eric's old-fashioned way of saying "sharing of designs for stuff to do"15:31
kanzurebut then nick comes in and talks about videos15:32
kanzureand messes things up15:32
kanzurewhat was with eric's list of media projects though? he wanted them in books/packages, as if they weren't digitized15:32
kanzurekinda useless.15:32
fennnot entirely useless, people will pay lots of money for books and videos which contain the same content they expect for free online15:33
fennwhich enables people to spend a lot of time on creating high quality information15:33
fennthe trick is keeping the focus on creating high quality information, not books15:34
kanzureI think there needs to be a distinguishing between whether or not we just want to instruct newbies forever or if we want the system scaling and such15:34
kanzureI mean, instructions are important but I don't know if it's an end goal here15:34
kanzurehrm, hard to describe my complaint15:35
fennthere's too much focus on 30-second intro newbie wrangling15:35
fennthe newbie won't start out in the right place anyway15:35
fennthey'll just search youtube and click on whatever the first result is15:35
fenn'how to sodder'15:35
kanzurewhat I'm more interested in is the use of these tools, somewhat as an education tool- yes- but to use them to build even better stuff. bootstrapping/upcreation should be a journey that anyone can join in on, and if they want to "get on the ride" at one point and then "get off the ride" at another point (i.e., a particular capability they want), that's fine15:36
kanzurebut I'm in it for the long ride.15:36
kanzuredon't know how to describe that.15:37
kanzure(did I get cutoff there?)15:37
kanzurethat might be a useful way of saying it on om15:37
fennkeep in mind eric got involved in this as part of the LUF space colonization project15:42
* fenn paces around, looking at piles of stuff15:42
kanzureorganized piles of stuff?15:43
kanzureI used to pace around in a small confined space, and consequently got blisters.15:43
kanzureyou will have lots of pacing space at the shop. heh'15:43
fennbah my camera sucks15:47
fenni guess i should take pictures of everything and see if you want anything in particular15:50
kanzureas opposed to the inventory list?15:53
fenninventory list would take too long15:54
kanzurehuh? you already wrote one up I thought? of your stuff?16:16
kanzuresorry for my lag. wrote that ted-email.16:17
fennthere was an email with a list of general categories but it's not what i'd call an inventory16:19
kanzurewell, if you do decide to take photos, I'll certainly look over them, but I'm not saying it's a good idea16:23
kanzure(I can't give a better idea though)16:23
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fennblah. so i managed to secure a camera for like 10 minutes17:36
fennsee any books you might like? http://fennetic.net/pub/camera/ralston-inventory/15022009298.jpg17:37
fennmost digital cameras are so lame.. seems like they just scale up low res images17:39
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kanzureack, you're going to get rid of your books? :(18:10
kanzureis "profiles of the future" worthwhile?18:11
kanzureit's probably on the web somewhere, nevermind18:11
kanzurethe Marshall Savage book I haven't seen anywhere, that's interesting. Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is supposedly a classic that you shouldn't let go of18:12
kanzurehttp://fennetic.net/pub/camera/?Qwd=./ralston-inventory&Qif=15022009306.jpg&Qiv=thumbs&Qis=M  not sure if you want to give up your drill set18:12
kanzurehttp://fennetic.net/pub/camera/?Qwd=./ralston-inventory&Qif=15022009299.jpg&Qiv=thumbs&Qis=M  drill bits in obscure sizes might be hard to come by in general?18:14
kanzurehttp://fennetic.net/pub/camera/?Qwd=./ralston-inventory&Qif=15022009297.jpg&Qiv=thumbs&Qis=M  what?18:14
fenni have way more air tools than that btw18:15
fennthe drill bits are large sizes18:15
fennwhite boxes are thin clients18:16
kanzurewhat type of thin clients? old school IBM AT terminals?18:16
fennnetier xl100018:16
kanzureI'd take 'em.18:17
kanzureis the bike on your list? if it can be disassembled easily for storage, I'd consider it18:17
fenni'm going to take 2 for testing18:17
fennthe bike won't fit in the car18:17
kanzureare you able to store some of this stuff?18:17
kanzureeven when taken apart?18:17
fennthese are pics of things i'm leaving at the house18:17
kanzurehow is that going to work18:18
fennthe question is whether certain things should be taken instead, keeping in mind i'm taking a lot of "good" stuff too18:18
fennwell, there's nobody living here18:18
fennso, the stuff will sit in the basement, presumably18:18
fenndoes it rain in texas?18:19
kanzurehrm, the networking equipment ..18:19
kanzurethere are periods of droughts though, certainly18:20
kanzure"I notice South by Southwest has a panel discussion: Rebuilding the18:21
kanzureWorld with Free Everything18:21
kanzure(Doc Searls, Linux Journal)18:21
kanzureTuesday, March 17th18:21
kanzure"BarCampESM (Enterprise Systems Management) is slated for18:21
kanzureApril 4 and Cloud Camp Austin will be April 7"18:21
kanzure"Last year's BarCampESM18:22
kanzurehad lots of people from various open source projects (Puppet, OpenNMS,18:22
kanzureZenoss, Nagios, etc."18:22
kanzureI don't know how to write a bio of myself. I have enough trouble uploading myself to a hard drive, much less a paragraph.18:37
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kanzurewrldpc: how would you write a bio about me?18:59
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kanzureooh right, I founded the IEEE Manufacturing Automation Group19:36
fennheh writing proper prose is easy19:40
fennerm, hard i mean19:40
fennsplatting out lists of stuff you did is easy19:40
fennit's hard to express context though19:40
fennand, keep in mind you're only 1919:41
fennmy 'take' pile is starting to look too big19:42
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kanzure"Bryan Bishop is a multi-specialized autodidact and generally intense fellow working in the Automated Design Lab and Sata Biofuel Group at the University of Texas at Austin. Having founded the IEEE Manufacturing Automation Group, Bryan is also working on open source hardware and open manufacturing at the Austin Fab Lab."19:48
kanzuredoes that make me sound like a prick?19:49
kanzureand I was thinking of another sentence to mention diybio, synthetic biology, or my work in molecular biology (not much)19:49
kanzure"Bryan Bishop is a multi-specialized autodidact and generally intense fellow working in the Automated Design Lab and Sata Biofuel Group at the University of Texas at Austin, where he founded the IEEE Manufacturing Automation Group. Bryan works on open source hardware and open manufacturing at the Austin Fab Lab. He especially enjoys making open tools for the diybio and synthetic biology communities."19:59
kanzure"He does nothing. Go away."19:59
kanzureis Frankco's email correct on diybio? dipping a liquid would mean the other liquids would wash away so I'm not sure how that would work20:06
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kanzure"In the Transhuman Space roleplaying game it told the story of a scientifically brilliant billionaire (he could certainly afford his many offspring) who built a space colony for the thousands of clones he had made of himself (the children were decanted as babies and did not have his personality downloaded into them)!  They were one massive laissez-faire20:56
kanzurethink tank and people would make pilgrimages to the facility to seek their aid in research projects.   "20:56
fenni wonder where it got this idea "/dev/hda2 has gone 7717 days without being checked, check forced"21:00
fennin his spare time, bryan enjoys making bookmarks and spamming mailing lists with url's21:01
kanzureaww, come on now21:01
kanzurereally? I can stop if it's that bad21:02
fennno i just think it's funny21:02
kanzure"in his spare time- wait, what?"21:02
fennoh you changed it, nm21:03
kanzureI was looking at squid-labs as some representative models21:03
kanzureunfortunately I don't have a bajillion phd's21:03
fennmore stuff @ http://fennetic.net/pub/camera/?Qwd=./ralston-inventory21:06
kanzureappended past n=31?21:06
fenndifferent naming scheme21:07
fenn(different camera21:07
fenni wonder if it's safe to have this can of methylene chloride in the car21:09
kanzure(09:24:18 PM) Tito: we're trying to make a magnetic lid for our gel box, and we want the current to run through the magnet, as well21:27
kanzuregee, what's wrong with a plastic tab at the end of the gel box top (like a refrigerator's light switch)21:27
fenncurrent run through the magnet? that's goofy21:30
kanzurethe front of the gel box is 1/4 inch thick, so the tab would have to be 1/8 inch or something.21:30
kanzure(lid-closed detection switch)21:31
kanzure"I really want a SPOF for the circuit"21:31
fennwell 100+V in splashy electrolyte needs some kind of safety mechanism21:31
kanzureso I think he wants it to turn off when the lid is open21:31
kanzurea switch seems perfect for this21:31
fennjust use a microswitch21:31
kanzureis that a particular type of switch?21:32
fennit's found in microwaves :P21:32
kanzureyep, that's exactly what he should use21:33
kanzure(09:33:49 PM) Tito: oh, the other requirement is that it's waterproof21:33
fennnot gonna happen with a hobbyist budget21:34
fennuse an isolation transformer in your power supply21:34
kanzurea what? 21:34
fennuse a GFCI too if you're really paranoid21:34
fennum.. back to basics. electricity is a potential difference between two points. mains current uses the earth as one of the points21:35
fennif you run AC through a transformer the two ends of the wire coming out of the transformer are the two points21:35
fennso if you touch the wire and the earth you wont get shocked (theoretically)21:36
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kanzureah, I didn't know it was a basic device21:36
fennsome transformers connect part of the wire to earth (ground)21:36
tito3hey everybody21:36
fennhi tito21:36
kanzuretito3: so fenn was suggesting that waterproof might not happen for low-budget21:36
tito3very low budget21:37
tito3that's the appeal of a magnet connector21:37
tito3i've read that nib magnets are coated in nickel21:39
tito3and the nickel conducts electricity just fine21:39
fenndoes nickel corrode when being splashed with salt water and having current run through it?21:40
tito3the concern for waterproof is not necessarily during regular use21:40
tito3but when the gel box gets washed out, etc21:40
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kanzureanother idea is to use a velcroe patch that would snap on underneath21:41
kanzureblah, fine, go away21:41
kanzurehe probably closed a tab21:41
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kanzureanother idea is to use a velcroe patch that would snap on underneath, or one of those metal snaps trinckets21:41
kanzureand it would go from the top of the lid (nearest to the front) to underneath the box (if it is on a stand)21:42
kanzurethough that would make for awkward maintenance21:42
tito3most current gel boxes use banana plugs21:42
tito3my problem with those is that you have to think too much about them21:43
tito3lining them up, etc21:43
kanzureso it has to survive getting washed out, how does the rest of the electronics survive that?21:44
tito3there are no electronics21:44
tito3platinum probes21:44
kanzurethe power supply is totally separate?21:44
tito3ok, so you haven't done gel electrophoresis?21:45
kanzureyes, I have.21:45
kanzureI thought you were making an integrated gel box though21:45
kanzureand thus why everyone was talking about a power supply at the same time :/21:45
fenndisassembly for cleaning is good either way21:45
tito3nope, I talked with philip21:46
tito3the power supply is simply to lower the cost from $10021:46
tito3but the gel box does have major integration -- putting the illuminator with the chamber21:46
tito3usually you'd have to take your gel out of the chamber and place it in an illuminator21:46
fennyou can just use UV LED's now right?21:46
kanzurewait, so the gel box imager / transilluminator work is now being integrated?21:47
tito3that was the original idea21:47
tito3integrate a gel box + illuminator21:47
tito3and redesign a few thing to be nicer21:47
tito3re: UV LEDs21:47
tito3we are planning to use blue light instead, plus filters21:47
fennhm. i've never used SYBR* stains, are they visible or UV?21:48
kanzurefenn: really?21:48
fennacademic labs are weird21:48
tito3academic labs are full of shit21:49
fenni had to go through a whole rigamarole just to try out the non-P32 labeling kit (nobody had ever used one)21:49
tito3anyway, so the nickel coating on the magnets is the biggest concern21:49
kanzuredo you have access to material science handbooks to look up nickel interactions and such?21:50
tito3besides that, magnets sound like the best option21:50
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kanzuresalt water degradation rate with nickel21:50
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kanzureI don't think that's just stoich, maybe I'm wrong21:50
fenncorrosion rate is proportional to current21:51
fenntito0: i can't see anything on your website in my browser (konqueror)21:53
fennor dillo either21:54
fennsince it's just text and images i wonder why you didnt use html21:55
fennn/m it is html.. i wonder why it doesnt work21:56
tito0it uses a nonstandard font of my handwriting21:58
tito0other opinions on magnetic connectors?22:00
fennif i delete class="wp-caption-text" it works ok22:05
fenni think you should use a switch.. they're inexpensive and designed to do what you want22:06
ybitwhere did the 'no philosphy' philosophy come from? what convo was this22:07
fennybit: from endless useless philosophy conversations and the resulting lack of any result22:07
tito0ok, will a switch get corroded with water?22:07
kanzuredisassembly for washing22:07
fennif it gets water inside it, yes22:08
kanzurehow about a snap on/off or in/out mechanism?22:08
kanzureso that when you want to wash the part that has the switch in it, just take out the switch22:08
fenni've seen switches in a housing with a little rod poking out that has an o-ring around it, probably overkill for this though22:08
fennwrapping it in saran wrap is probably good enough22:09
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ybitaustin fablab? hmm, i thought it was a tech shop..22:13
kanzureit was going to become the austin techshop, but that tanked22:14
kanzureand now it's not really a fablab in the gershenfeld/mit sense22:14
kanzurebut les wants to call it something stupid :p22:14
kanzureand 'fab lab' happens to be better imo.22:14
ybitheh, so what's missing?22:14
ybitkind of sounds misleading22:14
kanzurewell the idea is to eventually do a diff compare on the fablab and techshop inventories, but there's some "big pieces of equipment" that are missing, like a sufficiently multi-axis cnc machine, a plasma cutter, metal lathe, ..22:14
kanzureit is misleading, it's true22:15
kanzureI guess 'fab lab' is the closest thing though to describe it22:15
kanzure(he wants to call it "myfab.org")22:15
ybitperhaps of interest, the only things lacking in blender which prevents it from being like AutoCAD: implicit surfaces with csg ops and NURBS patches22:16
ybitthat's it22:16
kanzureis that what NURBS is?22:17
fennwhat does les want to call it?22:17
kanzurefenn: myfab.org22:17
kanzureI told him I'd think of something better..22:17
kanzure"Non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) is a mathematical model commonly used in computer graphics for generating and representing curves and surfaces."22:18
ybitkanzure: yes22:18
ybit"NURBS, Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines, are mathematical representations of 3-D geometry that can accurately describe any shape from a simple 2-D line, circle, arc, or curve to the most complex 3-D organic free-form surface or solid. Because of their flexibility and accuracy, NURBS models can be used in any process from illustration and animation to manufacturing."22:18
kanzurefenn: isn't that a wm?22:18
fennfoolbox? looks fairly austere in the noosphere22:18
fennuh, i mean nobody is using that name yet22:18
kanzuresuperfab.org <-- bryan is bad at naming things22:19
kanzurefabuntu still works for me. but it's kinda squatted22:19
fennyeah that's so lame22:19
kanzurethe squatting is lame?22:19
kanzure(I know I asked that once before, but whatever)22:20
kanzuremaybe we can ask nicely.22:20
fennybit: blender does nurbs already, tons of them22:20
kanzureI can't believe blender doesn't have csg ops22:21
fennit's lacking parametric dimensioning (or any dimensioning really)22:21
kanzurethat sounds wrong22:21
fennit has mesh CSG22:21
kanzurethat's just point substraction22:21
fennand mesh primitives, i dont really see the difference22:21
kanzureis that not enough?22:21
fennif you have feature based CAM it's enough22:21
fennthat's sort of "black magic" though22:21
kanzurefeature manufacturing?22:21
fenn>$10k black magic22:21
fennfeature recognition22:22
kanzure"it's a knob! do something special because it's a knob" sorta thingy?22:22
fennlike "this looks like a cylindrical hole, i'll drill it"22:22
kanzureooOooo. (an ooh of awe)22:22
kanzurethat sounds like CSG could work there too,22:22
ybitfenn: with nurbs patches you build an object out of planier 'patches' similar to meshes22:22
kanzureif you wanted to be lame make it out of a GA for an optimal number of different manufacturing techniques to make the same internal model22:22
fennif you keep track of the implicit geometry (cylinder or whatever) it's much easier to recognize a cylinder :P22:23
kanzureand then whichever one matches the best (or, perfectly), is the one that has the list of manufacturing techniques- like drilling22:23
kanzurebut maybe there's an analytical way to do it22:23
fennybit: maybe i dont understand what's missing, but i'm pretty sure blender has NURBS patches22:23
kanzurehm, les and I were talking about how clean the blender api may or may not be22:24
kanzureor maybe that was with dave22:24
kanzuregah, why am I talking to all of you separately22:24
kanzurenot found22:24
fenner, try again22:24
kanzureblack magic!22:25
fennthe nurbs sphere could become just about any shape, since you can add or remove control points22:26
fenni remember something not cool about that22:29
fennlike you had to use rhino or something22:29
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fennit seems to be mainly for importing/exporting rhino files22:30
kanzureso I wonder where in blender you'd even begin to put dimensioning information.22:30
kanzurevisual annotation is something to consider later. for the moment, python/api-accessible dimensioning tools and information on the objects would be fine22:31
fennyou mean where in the UI?22:31
kanzureand then a popup wizard demanding you insert dimensions (solidworks does this) (kind of annoying, but you get used to expecting it to happen)22:31
kanzureI mean where in blender's object data model.22:31
fennthere is no "file format" really, .blend is just a memory dump22:31
kanzureis blender OOPerized, or is it a giant version 2.0 of nethack?22:32
fenni dont know.. it's mostly C22:32
kanzuresounds dangerous22:32
kanzurestructs I guess22:32
fenni think there have been numerous efforts to "clean up" the code, probably making it more OOP-ish22:32
fennmost of C++ is glorified function pointers22:33
kanzureIt has a strictly organised 'Data Oriented' structure, almost like a database, but with some Object Oriented aspects in it. It was entirely written in plain C. In designing Blender, an attempt was made to define structures as uniformly as possible, for all the possible 3D representations and for all the universal tools that perform data(base) work."22:34
kanzureAlthough some jokingly called Blender a 'struct visualizer', the name is actually quite accurate. During the first month's of Blender's development, we did little but devise structures and write include files. During the years that followed, mostly tools and visualisation methods were worked out."22:34
kanzurewell at least that sounds promising22:34
ybiti wonder why there hasn't been anything on /. digg or reddit on the ES OS developed by google22:35
fennwhat's the fuss about ES?22:35
ybitthere isn't a fuss, i'm wondering why there isn't one :P22:36
ybitit's an actual google os that has always been rumored about22:36
fenn"lets make an entire operating system in java! whee"22:36
fenner s/java/javascript/22:36
fennand then call it ECMAScript to confuse people22:36
ybitactually it's written mostly in c++22:37
ybit^ description of the os22:37
fenncan i have a 2 sentence summary?22:38
kanzureit's starting to look like adding a list of parametric definitions (strings?) would be ok, just throw that in to the 'object' thingy. And then just have a tool to hook into check it each time a modification is made (a callback) (or we can go edit all of the functions and cry)22:38
fennkanzure: have you looked at heekscad yet?22:39
kanzurewell, not codewise and I haven't downloaded it22:39
kanzureI guess I should go do that now, while I'm avoiding homework22:39
fennoh crap is that still public?22:40
fenndamn symlinks :)22:40
kanzureseems to not be anything private22:41
kanzureoh, you posted that22:41
kanzurethat's why it looks so familiar.22:41
fennyes, i was annoyed by http://code.google.com/p/heekscad/wiki/CompilingForUbuntu22:42
fenndan is a windows user22:42
kanzureholy crap22:43
kanzureI wonder how much trouble he went to when coming up with that22:44
fennanyway, my point is that opencascade is designed for CAD already, and blender is not, and multiple past attempts at CAD-izing blender have failed, so why mess with blender when there are real FOSS cad programs being developed22:46
ybitanyone tried salome?22:46
kanzureI think I almost tried salome once :)22:46
fennrawr try it out and tell us22:46
kanzuresomething about a huge download22:46
kanzurelarger than openfoam22:46
kanzureyep, 1 GB22:47
kanzureor 96 MB of sources22:47
fenni bet they just package the whole opencascade build..22:47
fenni'm amazed that debian got libopencascade down to 27MB22:47
fennit needs like 2GB disk space to compile22:47
fennpain in the ass22:48
fenn#make sure you have at least 7GB available, maybe more22:49
fenntime make22:49
fenn#real    568m35.068s22:49
kanzureweird, in heekscad drawing a sketch doesn't show up until you are done drawing your lines.22:50
kanzurewhich is kind of hard to do when you don't know where your last point was22:50
fennif you're going to try salome check opennovation.org first, that's the guy who packages things for debian (he seems to do a good job)22:50
fennthe lines are black22:50
kanzureonly once I click "finish drawing"22:50
kanzureor "finish sketch"22:50
fennuh, maybe they're white22:50
fenni use a gray background22:50
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kanzureah, I was drawing on a surface22:51
fennybit:  better yet, download caelinux.com and boot the DVD22:51
kanzureok, just extruded a sketch in heekscad22:51
kanzurewhat's missing here?22:52
fennwhat's missing what?22:52
geneopensource cad?22:52
kanzureit's conceivable that I don't know what features to be looking for22:53
fennoh, what's missing from "fully functional cad program"?22:53
kanzurehm, scripting?22:53
ybitfenn: woah, caelinux is pretty neat22:53
kanzureybit: :)22:53
kanzureI was going to install that today, but the guy who was going to do it crapped out (giving somebody something to do)22:54
fennit needs parametric dimensioning, better support for grouping/modifying objects and feature trees, instantiation, and the sketcher sucks22:54
kanzurewait, have I not used parametric dimensioning before?22:54
fennbetter snap-to UI (the functionality is there, under "selection filter" and "digitizing" but it is too hard to use in practice)22:54
kanzurebecause I just dimensioned a few edges ok,22:54
kanzuredoes it not scale or something?22:54
fennhang on lemme svn up22:55
kanzureI downloaded this version a few days ago and just didn't compile22:55
fennhe's surprisingly fast at implementing feature requests22:55
fenni wish pythonizer.org would release his source22:56
fennsix years and nothing happened, why not release it?22:57
ybitthere's something very similar to pythonizer for ruby22:57
kanzurewonder if it does some BNF grammar comparison trick or something22:57
ybitit isn't up-to-date though22:58
fennbah i dont want to call python from ruby, i want to call c++ from python22:58
ybit(off-topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAwR6w2TgxY )22:59
* fenn braces for philosophizing23:04
* kanzure is hooked on heekscad23:08
fennopencascade imports STEP which means it's automatically compatible with all "professional" cad programs23:09
fennand IGES23:09
fennand it's Free!23:10
fenni wish someone had told me two years ago23:10
kanzureso, I've never come across a really awesome way to do 3D point/object/face selection23:13
kanzureI looked into it many years ago for my 3D video game map editors and so on23:13
kanzureI'm sure there's some really fancy trig that you can make up23:13
fennhilight the edge as you mouse over, click to select23:14
fenncenter points for faces23:14
fennanywhere else selects the object23:14
fennright now you have to click exactly on the edge pixel23:15
kanzurehm, might as well submit a bug about not being able to select faces to draw on23:15
fenni think edges could be fatter fwiw23:15
kanzurealthough it's not a big deal23:15
fennyou can select faces23:15
fennbut i dont think you can draw on them23:15
kanzurecan't seem to draw on them (which again doesn't matter)23:15
fenni think it does matter23:15
kanzurejust drag your structure over to the right location and do a subtraction23:15
fennyou should be able to go back and edit the sketch to change the final object23:16
kanzureack, error on taking the "common" between a thin cylinder and some weird extruded combined sketch. no particular error, just frozen.23:17
fennjeez either my computer is dirt slow or yours is really fast (still compiling heekscad)23:17
fenncombined sketch was funky last i tried it23:17
kanzurequadcore 2.6 GHz 4 GB RAM 2 TB hdd.23:19
* kanzure hears a "fuck you" coming on.23:19
fennwhere's my internetified distcc23:20
fenn+ ccache23:21
fenn== gentoo with the convenience of debian23:21
fenndistributed compiler and compiler cache23:21
fennso you hash the src and if it has been compiled somewhere already you just download the binary23:21
fennif it hasnt been compiled already you farm it out23:21
fenn9m37.466s i shouldnt whine i guess23:22
fenndunno why it's segfaulting now though23:22
kanzureare you using that pipe monitor trick from linux magazine that I linked to a few days ago?23:23
kanzureor is there some other timing mechanism that I am unaware of?23:23
kanzurethat pipe trick was for percent complete / size of pipe transfers within the shell, so nevermind on that23:23
fenndying at clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {1346750, 278695719})23:24
fenntype this at a terminal23:25
fenntime sleep 123:25
kanzurehm, selecting two different sketches, and moving them around simultaneously, and clicking around a lot (as if you're trying to submerge one just below the face of the other so that you can subtract), makes it segfault. These segfaults are very nondescriptive.23:25
fennyeah that's the problem with C++23:26
fenn(a problem)23:26
fenni think you're supposed to use gdb to figure out what's going on; i never got the hang of it though23:26
* fenn hides under the bed23:38
genejust kidding23:39
genewatch for space debris though23:39
geneI hear they look quite cool23:39
fennand you get a free wish23:40
fennno sacrificing of goats necessary23:40
genemaybe even a fuel tank with fuel in it!23:41
geneKanzure I need to send you some cool pics of what a falling o'neill cylinder might look like23:41
fennoh i saw that on gundam23:44
geneso that's where that is from23:44
genenever seen gundam23:44
genemaybe just a couple frame of gundam and SD gundam but that's it 23:45
geneSD gundam23:45
kanzurehm, maybe I'll work on a part fitting (geometric) algorithm for heekscad23:46
kanzureI have this large repository of lego parts.23:46
kanzurein .stp23:46
fennhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6_Tk5ySAIM <- colony drop23:47
kanzurehm, I have model parts for a laser?23:47
fennrealistically it would splash like a water balloon though23:49
fennthe nuclear bomb-ish flash is correct23:49
fenncool painting http://miotd.com/images/20080620.jpg23:50
genewhy does it still stand up?23:56
geneI'd expect a falling colony to do a lot more damage23:56
genenow let's see how high is L123:56
geneand how high much a space colony weighs23:58
fennhm. is an elliptical orbit faster at perigee than a circular low orbit?23:58
fennanyway figure mach 30 as a minimum velocity23:58
fennit would have to be faster but i dont know how to calculate how much faster since the gravity drops off with height23:59

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