
--- Day changed Sat Feb 21 2009
fenni'm not convinced the author has anything at alll00:00
genewhat's a UHV00:00
kanzureultra-high vacuum00:00
genescroll down and read it fenn00:00
kanzurestart at the part that mentions 'vacuum'00:00
genethe basic idea00:00
fenngene: i read it.00:00
genethe whole damn thing?00:00
fennyes the whole damn thing00:00
fennbecause it's interesting00:01
geneI don't think you could use thin films00:01
fennbut i think the electrons would just recombine with the positive charges in the walls00:01
kanzuremagnetic confinement?00:01
genethat's why you insulate them00:01
fennit reminds me of the space fountain for some reason00:01
fenndynamic compression members00:02
geneBECAUSE IT IS00:02
fennnot exactly00:02
fennthere's no current necessarily00:02
fennwith a space fountain you need a return circuit00:02
fenn"a circuit"00:02
geneso here's the basic idea behind the AB tube00:03
fennbtw gene while you're still young i'd suggest making a well sorted index of interesting papers/ideas00:03
fennso that 20 years down the road you dont have a huge pile of ccrap to sort through00:03
kanzurebibtex for every paper you've ever read00:03
* kanzure glances at his archive of every paper he's ever read00:03
geneyou charge the outside of a well insulated rod positively and get electrons inside of it somehow00:04
genebecause it's round it means the electrons on the inside experience no force at all attracting them to the walls00:04
geneif your tube is infinitely long and uniform...00:05
geneI think00:05
fenni dont buy the "electrons experience no force at all attracting them to the walls"00:05
fennits like the ringworld goofup00:06
geneyou must be kidding me00:06
fenneverything's fine when you look at the equations, but when you run the numerical simulation it goes to shit00:06
genedidn't you take highschool physics00:06
fennyes, equal potential inside of a conductor00:06
geneever heard of the hollow planet problem?00:06
fennmathematical masturbation00:06
* fenn flings poo!00:07
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/ede.html math god00:07
genenow now00:07
geneBut really I don't see why it wouldn't00:07
kanzure"I learned-if that is the right word for knowledge which comes in a00:08
kanzuresudden flash of insight-I was given to understand that She manipulated00:08
kanzurewhole sciences and thought systems as I might string words into a00:08
kanzuresentence. But her "sentences" were as huge and profound as the00:08
kanzureutterances of the universe itself She had reached truths and ways of00:08
kanzureknowing far beyond even the meta-philosophies of the alien Fravashi."00:08
* kanzure digresses00:08
fennbetter without that last random sentence00:08
genecan we at least try to make one?00:08
fenn"who are the fravashi"00:08
genejust for the heck of it?00:08
fennsure, please go ahead, try  not to kill yourself or any bystanders00:09
geneI am having trouble figuring out how one would get electrons into it00:09
fennan electron gun00:09
genethat you shoot through the positively charged outer wall?00:10
fennseriously though, this shouldnt be your first HV or vacuum project00:10
genebecause it isn't00:10
fennah the real world intrudes00:10
fennthe math god is displeased00:10
genemade a weak vacuum pump00:10
fennwith silicone tubing?00:11
genein fact, if I don't my job becomes a lot harder00:11
fennwha'ts your job? believing whatever you read? :P00:11
geneI'm an engineer00:11
genein training00:11
fennO RLY00:11
geneyou know all those big buildings?00:12
fenndamn lag.. making me look like an ass00:12
genemath helps00:12
geneok so first fab lab project00:14
genemake this:00:14
kanzureelectrostatic recipricator00:14
genenah how about kinetic antigravitators00:15
kanzurebecause les would like an electrostatic recipricator00:15
kanzurebut also because it sounds like a good idea- "not dying" and stuff00:15
fennOMFG i just realized i forgot the PCB drills00:15
kanzuresystem failure after all this?00:15
* fenn faints dramatically00:15
kanzurehow'd that happen.00:15
fennby shuffling lots of stuff around between fishtubs (because i couldnt just take them all)00:16
genefenn I'm sure a drill press will do just fine00:16
geneelectrostatic recipricator00:16
fenncutters/tooling and chucks/fixtures/accessories got sifted and mergedinto "machinist stuff"00:17
geneless chance of sappin00:17
fenngene: i mean the drill bits00:17
fennsee, there's nothing more fab-lab than PCB drill bits00:18
fennit's the icon of post-industrial commodity00:18
fennbecause they're basically impossible to make on your own00:19
genewhat are they made from?00:19
fenntungsten carbide00:19
fennum, actually iron carbide with tungsten added00:20
kanzureI saw a cool use of tungsten carbide the other day00:20
kanzureI think it was on how it's made season 10 episode blah, 00:20
kanzureit was probably drill bits.00:20
fenngene how do you drill through the pcb?00:21
fenni guess a laser could work.. wonder why nobody's doing that00:21
geneyou make your own damn drill00:21
genemake the drill bit via ECM00:21
kanzuregene: do you have a bookmarks file?00:22
genea big one00:22
kanzurewould you email it to me?00:22
kanzureyeah, we all have big ones00:22
kanzuremy bookmarks file is 15,000 and 3.2 MB, but it's in Opera's ADR format00:22
kanzureI'd like to see yours00:22
geneo shit00:22
kanzureI collect them, harvest them00:22
fennyou will be assimilated. resistance is futile.00:23
kanzure<linkdump spam>00:23
geneI wonder if I have my old bookmarks folder00:23
genethough I suspect that my old one suffers from a bit of link rot00:23
kanzurethe wayback machine knows all00:23
kanzureyeah, so anyway, a zip file would be neat.00:24
genewell I don't know if it is as big00:25
geneit's not sorted00:25
kanzurethat's fine00:25
geneyou might find it interesting00:29
kanzurethat's why I want it00:29
geneenjoy this for now00:32
genewhile I figure out how to send you my bookmarks00:32
kanzurezip file?00:33
kanzurewhy don't you have a server yet anyway?00:33
geneit's too bad all my flashloop links have rotted though00:33
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geneI don't think it will be too bad00:49
genebtw, how much americium is there in a smoke detector?00:49
fennit says right on the device00:50
genein grams not curies00:50
fennxx microcuries00:50
kanzurefenn: when you said 1 am, you meant in general, right?00:51
fennprobably about 1 gram00:51
gene1 gram?00:51
fennnot enriched or anything00:51
fenni mean not purified00:51
genewhat do you mean not enriched?00:51
fenni mean the pellet isn't all americium00:52
fennits some other element that's been bombarded00:52
geneI've heard it's fairly pure00:53
fennkanzure: either way.. i'm feeling tired now though00:53
genesame here00:53
kanzureit's totally up to you.00:54
fennok i'm going to take a shower00:54
kanzurethat doesn't tell me00:54
fenndoesnt tell you what?00:54
genethe critical mass of americium is 60 kg so it takes about 60000 smoke detectors to make a nuclear bomb00:54
kanzurewhether or not the shower is because you want to go out and about, or if it's because you tend to shower before sleeping00:54
fennit's because i need a shower00:54
kanzureyou sir play a tough game00:55
fenni'm going to take a shower and then go to bed00:55
geneI should have gone to bed an hour ago00:55
fennthere's a cat in heat that woke me up early00:56
fennsounds like she's dying right now00:56
* kanzure used to have a kitten that would chase him (playfully) at night00:56
geneI have a dog, a deviously smart dog00:57
kanzurewas not a tiger.00:57
genenot here00:57
fenni know about you anime freaks00:58
fennI KNOW00:58
kanzureI must be missing a reference00:58
genepineapple salad fenn00:59
kanzurecats -> dogs -> anime?00:59
fenndeculture! yakk00:59
genepineapple salad00:59
geneI just don't understand why01:00
geneall for that pineapple salad01:00
* fenn goes hunting in the car for a can of pineapples, now that you mention it01:01
kanzurehttp://www.yakkdeculture.com/music/ hm.01:02
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kanzureyay, ted hall posts again to om07:48
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kanzurehm, marcin just called me12:25
kanzurehad a good talk12:25
kanzuregood thing to wake up to.12:25
* kanzure goes down for breakfast12:26
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kanzurewhat is it?13:55
kanzureah, ray's movie13:55
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kanzuregene: bookmarks?14:40
geneok Now I just need to figure out where I exported them to and remove all my passwords from it14:41
geneI don't keep my passwords on my computer14:42
kanzure:p why would they be in the bookmarks anyway?14:50
geneso How do I send them to you?14:54
genegoogle talk14:54
genehow about via rocket?14:55
fennlighttpd is about a minute's worth of setup time14:56
geneKanzure can you give me your coordinates to with 3 feet?14:56
genenow listen lulzy muzak15:01
gene*listen to lulzy muzak15:01
geneI dare you15:02
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kanzureupdated the index of interesting threads.15:34
kanzurean attempt was made to keep it in order of interestingness, but it also happens to somewhat match chronological descending order.15:34
fenn"Everyone I know can shit out a government consortium"?15:36
kanzureor humor, it's kind of a mix15:37
fennthanks for the index; i doubt i'll ever actually go back and read every message15:38
kanzurefenn: I don't expect you to go back and read every message15:39
kanzureor anyone for that matter15:39
kanzureit's more so that we can show newbies this index.15:39
kanzure"just look here for interesting stuff to read."15:39
kanzuregene: http://www.rsc.org/publishing/journals/LC/article.asp?doi=b805137b microfluidic assembly blocks15:41
kanzuresee, this is why I wanted your bookmarks,15:41
kanzureyou probably totally forgot about that15:41
kanzure{" 15:42
kanzureOne of the runners-up for the biobricks lifeform category of our Mad Science Contest was Jonathan Cline who described what"15:42
kanzurebtw, Jonathan Cline has moved to Austin as well, he and I are lunching some time soon15:42
kanzureheh, eric suggests installing some beds on a second floor in the fablab15:46
kanzurebecause it takes a few hours to get there even for people like me, letting some people stay the weekend to work on projects would be ideal15:46
kanzureI'd pay premium for a fablab hotel15:46
geneyou know in japan, they have beds in the macdonalds16:05
genepics so it happend16:10
kanzurefenn: eh. I've screwed up. natasha is going to stop by the fab lab today. I don't know what you should say to her, since she's more into arts. I think "$225, 80x10, transhumans encouraged". 16:19
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genewho is natasha?16:42
kanzuretranshumanist, she helped to co-found the Extropy Institute from the 80s16:50
kanzurethink: jupiter brains, wearables, etc.16:50
kanzurefenn: how much is a hobby man year? is that "The Weekend Engineer tinkering in his shed" sort of stuff?16:53
fennheheh "transhumans encouraged"16:53
kanzureokay, she might not be stopping by, but has offered to do dinnre with me and max, so I might take her up on that deal16:54
fenni cant seem to get any better data than that, since nobody really works on it full time16:54
kanzuresounds like something an academic study should have already covered (but I know they haven't)16:54
kanzure"should have" in the sense of an ideal world where people study reasonably important stuff16:54
fennfreitas set the replication time at 1 year16:56
fennapparently it's somewhat arbitrary, depending on how much mass you want to ship as the seed16:56
* kanzure was just writing a rant in response to your email16:56
kanzureabout mass as the basis for replication time16:56
fennrant away16:56
kanzurepregnancy trimester length for humans versus whales16:56
kanzureversus amount of time to make a cruise ship versus erect a skyscraper16:57
fennuh, which is faster?16:57
fennhow about amish barn vs skyscraper16:57
kanzurewhales: 14 months. humans: 9 months. skyscraper: 106 days16:58
kanzure106 days: http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/ups/curriculum2001/construction/phase2narr.html16:58
kanzurewtf? that might be a bad ref on the skyscraper..16:58
kanzureoops, mathematical masturbation16:59
fennthat problem should have started with "If the time it takes..."17:00
kanzureI see the question "how long does it take to build a skyscraper" in "exercises for elementary students" pages,17:04
kanzurebut no information on the internet17:04
kanzurethat's one hard "search the internet" assignment.17:04
fennquestion "How do you make a window? Is it easy or hard?"  answer "A company makes them. They send them to the construction"  ahh modern education..17:04
* kanzure twitches17:04
kanzuretower of london: 4 years17:05
kanzureeiffel tower: 2 years17:06
kanzuresears tower: 2 years, 9 months17:06
fenni would like to have a shared transhumanist literature bookshelf17:09
fennbecause i can't bring myself to buy this stuff and find out it's just crap17:09
kanzureat the shop?17:11
kanzureor do you mean a "stuff to read" list? because anders has one, max has one, and I think there was even one with a few transhuman FAQs17:12
fennat the shop17:12
kanzureokay. I'll bring transhuman-related books, scifi, etc., if les is okay with me storing them there17:12
fenn"stuff to read" lists have a habit of getting unreasonably large and unfeasible17:12
kanzureum. another source says the blue whale has a 2 yr pregnancy.17:12
kanzurewhich is 10 more months than the previous source.17:13
kanzure"The Death Star Costs $15.6 Septillion"17:20
kanzure"First you'll need about 1.71 quadrillion cubic meters of steel, or, 134 quadrillion tons. That's about $12.95 quintillion (I had no ideas these numbers even existed) by modern day prices. Then, you need to get that into your construction site all the way out there in space, which, costs about $95 million per ton, which adds up to $12.79 septillion just to move your metal."17:20
kanzurehahah, why would you not have it in orbit already17:20
fennyou should become a death star construction consultant "i can save you 90% of death star construction costs!@"17:21
geneI want a wearable17:30
genehey ask the guys who built isenhorn fortress17:30
genethey'll give you a good estimat17:30
geneit's too obscure17:32
genecan't find a google image of it17:32
genegiant self-sustaining fortress with liquid metal covering17:34
kanzure"Eric and I are in broad agreement on how this should be done. He is an extremely intelligent guy." - les17:35
kanzurethat's an understatement. I keep wondering "who the fuck is this guy" because he seems to continue to impress..17:36
kanzurehttp://yousuckatwebsites.com/web-trends/the-most-infamous-girl-in-the-history-of-the-internet  <- so they claim it's not the UT tower because the number of windows is wrong17:43
kanzurebut if you look out the window here, there's only three windows per row on the tower17:43
fennso.. think i could join y'all for dinner tonight?17:44
kanzurejust got an email, it's not happening.17:44
kanzuregene: do you want to eat tonight?17:44
geneyeah I saw that one17:45
geneof course I want to eat tonight17:45
kanzuredo you want to hang out with fenn and I?17:45
geneAh sure why not17:45
kanzureum. 17:47
kanzurethere's a restuarant in front of the noodle house (where we ate with dave)17:48
kanzureit happens to also serve chinese food.17:48
kanzurethere's also kerbey lane.17:49
fennoh no not kerbey lane again17:50
kanzure(I think the place in front of the Noodle House is Ming's Cafe)17:50
kanzureis it possible to send a link to google streetview?17:52
fennyes there's a "link" button in the upper right17:52
kanzurenope, that sends you to the map17:52
genehuh what's this kerbey lane place that everyone talks about ALL THE TIME17:53
kanzuream I missing a ref?17:53
genearound here people go there all the time17:53
kanzurethere's also the castilian cafe, but it closes at 6:30~, and is likely crowded by this time17:54
kanzure(and I get free food here, more or less)17:54
kanzureyou're practically right across the street from kerbey lane, gene17:54
kanzurewhich would explain it.17:54
geneI don't want school food17:54
fennmagnolia cafe has really awesome food btw17:55
fennbut that's the only two restaurants i know in town17:55
fennit's kinda loud unfortunately17:55
kanzureone's off of South Congress, and the other's off of Lake Austin.17:55
genewe could choose some random barbecue17:56
kanzurehow about Madam Mam's?17:57
geneor I could use MOZILLA'S FOODFINDER!17:57
kanzureguess I should be looking for a place that doesn't only serve things fenn won't eat.17:57
kanzure"food near 24th and guadalupe, austin tx" is about the right query.17:57
fennyou'd think they could overlay the map markers on street view17:58
genehmmm... since your in town fenn, you might actually get an algae steak after all17:58
genewhat else are we to do with a tank full of algae?18:00
geneveggie heaven?18:00
kanzureI'd like to try ming's.18:00
genelet's do this18:00
fennhuh kerbey lane is a franchise18:02
kanzureit's right after the seven eleven gas station, with some amount of parking right next door at kerbey lane.18:02
genehey fenn, want to see some reprap parts?18:02
fennyou betcha18:03
fenndo you have the electronics?18:03
fennsteppers etc18:03
fennaw. that' the hard part18:03
genebut somebody else from actlab might18:03
genewho I emailed and didn't email me back18:03
fennwell, half a reprap is no good18:04
fennanyway i'd like to see one just to get a feel for it18:04
geneI got some of the reprapable parts18:04
geneand I would have more right now, if the damn printer got fixed18:05
fenn"if i only had a lathe"18:06
fennming's is under the big tree?18:07
genewhat time?18:07
kanzurewhenever fenn gets here I guess18:08
fennok I'm off!18:08
genecall me18:08
fennheh 'one block after the church of scientology'18:11
fennyou can't miss it! :\18:11
geneyeah well within range of bombardment...18:12
geneIRC while driving?18:12
kanzurethat block *is* my block :(18:12
genebut how?18:12
genewifi or fancy 3g shit18:13
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kanzureHey cis-action.21:47
cis-actionhey kanzure 21:48
kanzureYou're a Harvard student?21:54
cis-actionha ha misinformation22:20
genehow'd ya do that?22:21
geneare you sitting in an unmarked van on the campus?22:21
cis-actionberkman center22:22
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kanzurewhere should I go to get a listing of all genes in a given organism, cross-referenced to all other possible names of each gene?22:37
kanzurea list.22:47
kanzureis there something specific from NCBI, or am I going to have to scrape some nasty page22:47
kanzurehm, the kegg genes.tar.gz file actually has a good number of organisms, nevermind22:50
kanzurewill just have to parse the file. somehow.22:50
kanzure(the .tar.gz was 14 GB.)22:51
genelook up biology data formats23:08
genewhy not?23:09
kanzurewell, because I've done that before?23:09
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kanzurewtf is this shit?23:47
geneI'm watching the fountain23:55
genemy WTFometer is reading at least 100 per second23:55
generoboeco reads at 9230, I've never seen anything like this!23:58
kanzurewhy all of the weird colors23:59

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