--- Day changed Sun Feb 22 2009 | ||
gene | The highest I've ever seen is 10,000 WTF per second | 00:00 |
kanzure | and it's been archived since 1996 by the Internet Archive, isn't that enough time to revert to plain text? | 00:00 |
kanzure | 10k WTF/sec is enough to go back in time! | 00:00 |
gene | and that's with a faulty meter! | 00:00 |
gene | http://www.google.com/search?q=beehivior&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a | 00:00 |
gene | click on the non corrected version | 00:00 |
gene | be prepared for the worst | 00:01 |
gene | http://taking-over-internet-search.com/Taking-Over-the-Childrens-Internet.html | 00:02 |
gene | this is better | 00:02 |
kanzure | one day I might break down and just try to become the most schizophrenic internet guy ever. | 00:02 |
kanzure | I think I've learned enough to make something that would register many millions of WTFs/sec | 00:02 |
gene | don't worry kanzure, I'll stop you if you do | 00:03 |
kanzure | "Children have the opportunity to awaken their parents from the | 00:03 |
kanzure | "Every One Dies, Eventually" Death Wish Psychical Modality Intentioning Karma Generator" | 00:03 |
kanzure | hahah | 00:03 |
gene | http://jesus-is-taking-over-the-internet-to-create-your-immortality.com/mysites.html | 00:08 |
gene | the crazy thing is that the guy behind this is level A10 batshit crazy and made a lot of websites | 00:09 |
gene | he's a psychic transhumanist | 00:09 |
gene | So I remind you that DNA is running the life animation context that you and I are a part of! | 00:10 |
gene | Dna, specifically, is a dynamic, responsive, adjusting, sensing, META-CHEMICAL phenomenon, that operates in the time domain with a prejudice toward LASTING! DNA is inherently Messiacal! | 00:10 |
gene | http://the-purpose-of-intent.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://createallchildrenjusttokillthem-opps.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://coldyahoodeleteshumanitarianwebsites.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://searchsyntheticinternetdiamonds.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=43285&l=5ed1e&id=788584341 | 00:11 |
gene | http://mykeywordtakeoverkeywordtakeover.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://searchmanipulationuniversityinternet.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://be-the-truth.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://childrens-immortality-rights.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://childrensimmortalitysedonadiamondkids.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://psychic-internet-takeover.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://googlesownkidstakeoverinternet.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://googleismyresume4childrensimmortality.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://psychic-internet-taking-overhumanmind.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://robertrayhedges.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://how-to-stop-lying-to-children.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://hawaiianvacationrentalsimmortality.blogspot.com/ | 00:11 |
gene | http://childrensuniversityofimmortality.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://childrensynchronoussearchenginecoup.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://spam--blogs.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://kidinterneteducationinconvenienttruth.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://mandatorygenomicphenomenonimmortality.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://groups.google.com/group/childrens-internet-education/web/respect-for-life-just-like-this | 00:12 |
gene | http://truthloveclaritychildrensimmortality.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://thediamondpsychicclarity.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://childrensinternet-education.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://childrensinternetruthmandatoryclarity.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://childrensinternetdominanceact.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://truth-internetedly-love-internetedly.blogspot.com | 00:12 |
gene | http://takingoverallchildrensminds.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://angelcunts.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://shesuschrist.com | 00:12 |
gene | http://howtotellkidstheyareheretodie.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://heavenlysearchmanipulation.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://immortality-internet-dominance.blogspot.com/" | 00:12 |
gene | http://googlebombchildrensimmortalitystyle.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://internationalinternetpsychicnetworks.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://shesusdarwinianmetachrist.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://how-timeslips-away.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://hopiprophecy.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://childrensinterneteducation.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://childrenspsychicreadings.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://thechildrenspsychic.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://childrenspsychicsearchengine.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://searchmanagement.co.cc | 00:12 |
gene | http://searchengineresultmanagement.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://useyourintentforlifeextention.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://googleismyresumerobertrayhedges.blogspot.com/ | 00:12 |
gene | http://www.holybibletruth.com/chat/chat2.cgi | 00:12 |
gene | http://useyourintenttoextendlife.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://howtostoplyingtochildren.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://harold-david-hedges.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://psychically-trapped-mind-modality.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://sedona-psychic-readings.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://childrens-genomic-inferentiality.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://web.petabox.bibalex.org/web/20040813000614/http://cunt-healer.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://web.archive.org/web/20040813000614/cunt-healer.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/search-engine-results-management-193957/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://childrensinternationaltruthuniversity.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://robert-ray-hedgesinternetphenomenon.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://double--vision.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://childrens-psychic-readings.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://hydrogen-disassociation-from-h20.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://gravity-fluxing-electromagnetism.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://search-engineresultsmanagement.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://synchronous-keyword-strategy.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://searchengineresultsmanagement.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://web.petabox.bibalex.org/web/20040612071154/http://taking-over-the-internet.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://childrenssearchresultscontrol.12gbfree.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://godhasbeenreplacedbysomeonewhocares.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://synchronous-search-manipulation.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://community.webshots.com/user/searchengineresults | 00:13 |
gene | http://uploading-search-pages-forimmortality.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://search-engine-latency.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://taking-over-algorithms-forimmortality.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://eric-schmidts-first-computer.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://synchronous-keyword-strategies.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://childrens-search-engine-management.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://taking-over-internet-networks.blogspot.com/ | 00:13 |
gene | http://matt-cutts-spam-serp.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://childrens-internet-education.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://rechargingalkalinenonrechargables.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://kids-psychicmanipulationby-illuminati.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://the-online-university-of-immortality.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://passw0rd.i8.com | 00:14 |
gene | http://aa-aa-c-d-alkalines-recharging.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://universityoftheinternet.spaces.live.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://blog.rapleaf.com/2008/03/17/emily-leathers-has-joined-the-rapleaf-engineering-ranks/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://htmhtml.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://pyromid.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://istopdeath-com.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://childrens-internet-rights-university.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://searchresultsmanagement.spaces.live.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://childrenstruth.livejournal.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://grey--hound.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://childrensinternetcontrolstrategy.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://control-search-engine-results.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://childrens-search-manipulationstrategy.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://intention-relevance-quotient.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://newhtml.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://indigo--children.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://rebuild-search-pages.blogspot.com/ michelles | 00:14 |
gene | http://kidsimmortality.livejournal.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://taking-over-thehumanmind.blogspot.com/ http://taking-over-thehumanmind.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://tag--cloud.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://smokingopium.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://childrens-immortality-genius.blogspot.com/ | 00:14 |
gene | http://come.to/your-senses | 00:14 |
gene | http://au.messages.yahoo.com/lifestyle/pets/20/#msg_20 search.results_management@y7mail.com | 00:14 |
gene | http://digital-messiah.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://ym56fn39.spaces.live.com/ michelle tiger pages | 00:15 |
gene | http://childrenssearchengineresults.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2317073510103396471umhILc | 00:15 |
gene | http://community.webshots.com/user/kidssearchengineresults | 00:15 |
gene | http://travel.webshots.com/album/3929107uMxxYaDqhR | 00:15 |
gene | http://beehiviour.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://maidensheart.tripod.com/midnight.mp3 | 00:15 |
gene | http://blue-springs.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://robhed.100webspace.net/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://virtuebios.topvaluefreehost.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://childrenssearchengineresults.runhost.net/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://truthloveclarity.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://thepurposeofintent.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://seooes.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://googleismyresume.blogspot.com | 00:15 |
gene | http://istopdeath.diaryland.com/shesus.html | 00:15 |
gene | http://takingoverourhumanmind.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://howkidswilltakeovertheinternet.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://kidssearchengineresultsmanipulation.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://takingoverthehumanmind.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://istopdeath.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
gene | http://indigochildrensinterneteducation.blogspot.com/ | 00:15 |
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-69.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Excess Flood] | 00:15 | |
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-69.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap | 00:16 | |
gene | oops | 00:16 |
gene | sorry about that | 00:16 |
gene | I didn't mean to | 00:16 |
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-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has quit [] | 01:00 | |
gene | http://www.artseenalliance.com/Make-Out-Sessions/Upcoming-Events/make-out-session-0209.html | 01:14 |
fenn | nice logo, too bad my time machine's busted | 01:20 |
kanzure | it says 7 pm 'til " " | 01:40 |
kanzure | I would qualify this as " " | 01:40 |
kanzure | wtf has been up with Nathan? he has been writing nonsense emails, and is now forcing p2pfoundation.net's wiki on us? | 01:41 |
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-69.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] | 03:04 | |
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has quit [] | 03:29 | |
fenn | blarg: http://fennetic.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=skdb.git;a=blob_plain;f=inventory/bench.yaml;h=6ab4e625ae3a096decf23cb55b39a555ef1ef769 | 05:23 |
fenn | you wouldnt think that took two hours | 05:25 |
fenn | obviously i'm doing something wrong | 05:25 |
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9FCC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [] | 05:45 | |
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9FCC0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap | 05:55 | |
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-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has joined #hplusroadmap | 11:03 | |
-!- davidnunez [n=davidnun@209-6-203-217.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit [] | 11:06 | |
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kanzure | http://debategraph.org/ | 11:38 |
kanzure | debian 3.1 pack/dev=5.8 | 11:57 |
kanzure | debian 2.0 pack/dev=6.0 for 727 packages | 11:57 |
kanzure | (deb 3.1 had 3258 packages) | 11:57 |
kanzure | heh, predicated half-life of debian maintainers: 7.5 years | 11:57 |
kanzure | http://pascal.case.unibz.it/retrieve/2357/52Pres.pdf Evolution of Volunteer | 11:58 |
kanzure | Participation | 11:58 |
kanzure | in Libre Software Projects: | 11:58 |
kanzure | Evidence from Debian | 11:58 |
kanzure | http://www.lameter.com/tokyo/ | 11:59 |
kanzure | weird, they predicted 100,000 packages by 2006? | 11:59 |
kanzure | and 9 packages per maintainer in 2003. | 11:59 |
kanzure | "Slink saw the addition of apt by Jason Gunthorpe which tremendously simplified the managing of dependencies of Debian packages and automatized the whole process of downloading and installing software." | 12:02 |
kanzure | huh, Jason is at ualberta.ca | 12:02 |
-!- davidnunez [n=davidnun@209-6-203-217.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap | 12:02 | |
kanzure | http://www.advogato.org/person/jgg/ | 12:03 |
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has quit [] | 12:05 | |
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has joined #hplusroadmap | 12:06 | |
UtopiahGHML | (debategraph.org looks like TruthMapping.com just much better) | 12:19 |
kanzure | hm, for some reason eco00010.cpd doesn't contain C00011, even though C00011 is required for R00014, which is mentioned in eco00010.rn (the assumption is that the dot rn file lists reactions necessary for this pathway, and the .cpd file lists compounds necessary, but if C00011 isn't listed (carbon dioxide), then I must be wrong or they leave out really common stuff and fail to mention this fact) | 12:27 |
kanzure | but then how is it that it is displayed on their web interface then? | 12:27 |
kanzure | thus I'm probably misinterpreting what this data is supposed to mean. | 12:27 |
kanzure | http://www.genome.jp/kegg/docs/keggapi_manual.html#label:88 get_genes_by_pathway(string:pathway_id) | 12:30 |
kanzure | get_genes_by_pathway('path:eco00020') | 12:30 |
kanzure | These are all bidirectional links. In other words, in this API documentation, there is no differentiation between a link because something else casually references it, or a link that is required. | 12:44 |
kanzure | "get compounds by reaction" -> geeze, doesn't tell us on which side of the reaction equation the compounds are.. thanks a lot. | 12:45 |
-!- splicer_ [n=patrik@h71n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit ["Ex-Chat"] | 13:26 | |
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-69.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap | 14:11 | |
-!- wrldpc [n=ben@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] | 14:16 | |
kanzure | what is the relationship between these two reactions? | 14:35 |
kanzure | http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?rn+R00623 | 14:35 |
kanzure | http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?rn+R07362 | 14:36 |
kanzure | fenn: do you want to meet up with jonathan cline? | 14:58 |
kanzure | so it turns out the ligand.tar.gz file was the only one that I actually needed to download from KEGG's ftp server. | 15:09 |
* kanzure looks at the other 20 GB of data. | 15:09 | |
-!- ferrouswheel [n=jp@121-73-144-159.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #hplusroadmap | 15:27 | |
fenn | do you think johnathan cline would be interested in fablab stuffs? | 16:20 |
fenn | i see he has done some hobby robotics so probably yes | 16:31 |
fenn | though those were class projects, might have had the life squashed out of him by school | 16:32 |
kanzure | he and I talked more about diybio and igem | 16:42 |
kanzure | apparently igem is a sham too, all of the projects are shelved and go nowhere | 16:42 |
gene | ??? | 16:43 |
kanzure | not even the melamine sensor group got anything done. | 16:43 |
fenn | igem is typical academic bullshit | 16:45 |
fenn | hurriedly throw some crap together and hope it works, then publish and forget about it | 16:45 |
fenn | A+ | 16:45 |
kanzure | so I have jonathan's hard drive, what do I do to mount it again? I don't know the file system. | 16:46 |
kanzure | nevermind. | 16:47 |
fenn | cookie for whoever can spot the error: All content is Copyright 1997,1998,1999 by Jonathan Cline under GNU Copyleft as created by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and only those rights covered under the GNU General Public License are granted; the content (including software) is not in the public domain. Read the GNU Manifesto for more information. This means the content is NOT to be sold for PROFIT, it is non-waranteed, and you m | 17:00 |
fenn | the debian analysis was interesting.. i didnt know the package/maintainer ratio was so low | 17:03 |
fenn | daniel baumann has a large number of packages, which is was i based my estimate on (he s the only debian developer i've had contact with) see his list here http://archive.daniel-baumann.ch/debian/packages/ | 17:04 |
kanzure | there are too many errors in that. | 17:18 |
kanzure | well now. daniel baumann kicks my ass. | 17:19 |
kanzure | also, what argument can I use to tell nick how wrong he is? | 17:19 |
kanzure | on om. he says "if you want memes to propagate through humans, it's video v. your microformats" (more or less) | 17:19 |
kanzure | but since when are we trying to do meme propagation algorithms? | 17:19 |
fenn | it's a subgoal of taking over the world | 17:23 |
kanzure | yeah, but he's an idiot | 17:23 |
kanzure | rawr. | 17:23 |
* fenn looks | 17:24 | |
kanzure | http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_frm/thread/b1e0ecfb717a7e8c | 17:25 |
kanzure | my point was something like "your dna doesn't watch videos to figure out how to replicate" (though your brain might watch instructional intercourse videos I guess, yeah, that's what they call them these days?) | 17:27 |
kanzure | so I think he's missing the point. | 17:27 |
kanzure | how do I fix this? | 17:33 |
kanzure | http://www.oekonux-conference.org/program/events/37.en.html | 17:41 |
fenn | heh "fabritory" | 17:41 |
fenn | or should it be spelled faboratory? | 17:42 |
fenn | fix what? | 17:42 |
fenn | oh, nick taylor boondoggle | 17:42 |
fenn | i dont think there's anything to fix, besides "someone on the internet is WRONG" | 17:43 |
kanzure | I was thinking about that spelling issue as well. no clue.. but I first thought 'fabritory' and then realized the spelling error | 17:43 |
* kanzure wonders where he put his brainstorming list | 17:44 | |
kanzure | fabtree, fablab, fabuntu, xfabuntu, fabritory, fabratory, faboratory, fabber, fabshack, fabhut, fabnu, "myfab", generic "Austin Fab Lab" please, fabr, | 17:45 |
kanzure | or as les says, "fab-lab-blah-blah-blah" | 17:46 |
kanzure | I guess it's more fab-la-blah-blah-blah | 17:46 |
kanzure | http://www.fabbaloo.com/ | 17:47 |
fenn | hm i guess i like fabratory best | 17:47 |
fenn | as a descriptor, not a name | 17:48 |
fenn | since Fab Lab is intellectually squatted or whatever | 17:48 |
kanzure | I'd prefer "fabme" over "myfab" | 17:50 |
kanzure | do we want to grab the dot com and dot net for fabuntu? | 17:56 |
fenn | it's a bit late for that | 18:00 |
kanzure | really? | 18:01 |
fenn | no | 18:01 |
kanzure | then why say that? | 18:01 |
fenn | i can't read :P | 18:01 |
fenn | thought you meant fabuntu.or | 18:02 |
fenn | g | 18:02 |
kanzure | you also can't type. | 18:02 |
fenn | wah | 18:02 |
fenn | i can thrash around fitfully in my dark dark world | 18:02 |
kanzure | what? | 18:02 |
* fenn struggles to finish reading nathan craven's email | 18:03 | |
kanzure | the one that makes no sense? | 18:04 |
kanzure | http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_frm/thread/04e156048f6870ad Open Manufacturing List Now Officially Pro-Development | 18:05 |
kanzure | I have no idea what he's smoking | 18:05 |
fenn | fabratory.* is open | 18:06 |
kanzure | you really want it? | 18:06 |
kanzure | (oh, and "fabpal"- to add to the brainstorming list) | 18:06 |
fenn | fabpal sounds like some kind of cnc kit | 18:06 |
fenn | or dating service :P | 18:07 |
kanzure | "I like long cuts across the sagital midsections of ANSI 901-10 steel in ISO 9001 organizations" | 18:07 |
kanzure | fabpal was kind of based off of paypal | 18:07 |
kanzure | fabratory, http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=fabratory&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 | 18:09 |
kanzure | NonSecurePowerShopperExe=http://fabratory.org:80/cgi-bin/pwrbld/cgi-bin/ PowerShopper.cgi | 18:09 |
kanzure | huh? | 18:09 |
kanzure | fabrazyme.com hah | 18:10 |
kanzure | fabalyst | 18:10 |
fenn | i'd like to get fabratory.org and faboratory.org (redirecting to the first) | 18:14 |
fenn | then if it franchises you can do i.e. austin.fabratory.org etc | 18:15 |
kanzure | so: fabuntu .com/.net, fabratory and faboratory .org, anything else while I'm spending a fortune? | 18:15 |
kanzure | a small fortune though :) | 18:16 |
kanzure | (we also have austinbrains.org available) | 18:16 |
kanzure | fabpod? | 18:24 |
fenn | "Did you mean: FapPod?" | 18:25 |
kanzure | http://qwertykitchen.com/ | 18:28 |
* kanzure is acquiring a database dump of qwertykitchen | 18:28 | |
kanzure | why is fabs.org registered to "The Foundation for the Advancement of Blount County Schools" by "Patricia Bell" ? | 18:41 |
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-69.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] | 18:46 | |
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kanzure | git://git.debian.org/debian-science/packages/brlcad.git | 19:02 |
kanzure | woot, debian-science team is doing a brlcad package. | 19:02 |
fenn | so i've started doing inventory; any comments? | 19:13 |
fenn | there are pictures too i just havent renamed the files | 19:13 |
kanzure | pictures where? | 19:14 |
kanzure | the inventory link you gave earlier today? | 19:14 |
kanzure | or, erm, yesterday I guess | 19:14 |
kanzure | (what about fabdev?) | 19:14 |
kanzure | http://fennetic.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=skdb.git;a=blob_plain;f=inventory/bench.yaml;hb=HEAD | 19:18 |
fenn | yes, that | 19:18 |
fenn | what is fabdev? | 19:19 |
fenn | a name? | 19:19 |
kanzure | yes | 19:19 |
fenn | ok toss it on the name pile :) | 19:19 |
fenn | are you keeping track of these? | 19:19 |
kanzure | I am now :/ | 19:20 |
fenn | could you add it to the skdb repo? | 19:20 |
kanzure | maybe, I'm not sure how to properly configure git any more. | 19:20 |
kanzure | maybe I should spend some time to make sure everything is properly set up | 19:20 |
kanzure | I just cloned it again, but this isn't web accessible | 19:20 |
kanzure | erm, not cloned, sorry, pulled | 19:21 |
fenn | oh damn this update server thing | 19:21 |
fenn | use git:// | 19:21 |
fenn | btw while browsing baumann's list of packages i noticed a package called "gitosis" which is supposed to ease this sort of problem | 19:21 |
gene | Kanzure, do you know if there are any book scanners on campus? | 19:21 |
kanzure | gene: I asked the librarians, apparently they do it manually | 19:21 |
kanzure | so no, I don't think so | 19:21 |
gene | ugh | 19:22 |
kanzure | dark ages. | 19:22 |
gene | I found a book full of forgotten technology that exist only in meatspace | 19:22 |
kanzure | yeah? | 19:22 |
gene | yeah | 19:22 |
kanzure | anything in particular? | 19:22 |
gene | fluidics | 19:22 |
fenn | i think i'm abusing my own ontology with the values: field | 19:22 |
fenn | oh well | 19:22 |
kanzure | it's an anything goes field :/ | 19:23 |
kanzure | thickness, diameter, that's dimensions/parametric, don't know if that should go there or not | 19:23 |
gene | hmm... there are a couple kurzweil text to speech units though... | 19:23 |
kanzure | input/output is sketchy too, "which" input? and "which" output? :) | 19:23 |
kanzure | but you don't have CAD models, so I can't hold you to the "which" issue | 19:23 |
kanzure | unless you want to do a numbering scheme | 19:23 |
kanzure | gitosis: command not found | 19:24 |
fenn | i think the problem is i'm trying to include engineering info in the inventory, and that's not what the inventory is supposed to be | 19:24 |
kanzure | ideally though the inventory would reference packages of course | 19:24 |
fenn | apt-get install gitosis | 19:24 |
kanzure | that's after I did that. | 19:24 |
fenn | well, so? | 19:25 |
fenn | it creates a user and sets up ssh access, so no need for a command | 19:25 |
kanzure | there's nothing new in /home | 19:26 |
kanzure | ah, /srv/gitosis | 19:26 |
fenn | this seems to do something: sudo -H -u gitosis gitosis-init < ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub | 19:26 |
fenn | anyway that seems to be more for CVS-style central repository crap | 19:27 |
kanzure | gitosis is still not found. | 19:29 |
kanzure | http://ldd.lego.com/ "There you can build models, generate instructions for them as HTML pages, | 19:30 |
kanzure | and even use that model to place an order with LEGO for all the parts in | 19:30 |
kanzure | your design (it gives you pricing data). The designs can be shared through | 19:30 |
kanzure | that site." | 19:30 |
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gene | Kanzure lego sucks at selling individual parts | 19:32 |
gene | really they do | 19:32 |
gene | they either sell packets of parts you need with some you don't and sell all the cool parts in expensive model kits | 19:33 |
kanzure | even with the ldd interface? | 19:34 |
fenn | pretture sure i remember an individual lego piece website; otherwise how would people get 9 zillion gray bricks to make an elephant or whatever | 19:36 |
kanzure | gene: quick! generate names for the austin fab lab! | 19:37 |
gene | Stalin's fablab | 19:37 |
gene | Super fun happy fablab | 19:37 |
gene | Fablab ATX | 19:37 |
kanzure | I'd be ok for superfab :p | 19:37 |
gene | Universal Fabrication Center 04 | 19:38 |
gene | The Swisher | 19:38 |
gene | GENE WAS HERE! | 19:38 |
gene | Fabchan | 19:39 |
gene | Fabtastic! | 19:39 |
fenn | right, well, i'm going to go do some more inventorying | 19:40 |
gene | HELP I'M STUCK IN A SIGN FACTORY! | 19:40 |
gene | The Von Neumann Machine | 19:41 |
kanzure | vonfab? | 19:41 |
gene | VonFab | 19:41 |
gene | something labs | 19:43 |
gene | http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/List_of_Hacker_Spaces | 19:43 |
gene | The Making Place | 19:44 |
* fenn smites gene | 19:44 | |
fenn | ye dare not say that word again, brigand! | 19:44 |
gene | HakAustin | 19:44 |
gene | Austin Institute Of Technology | 19:45 |
kanzure | I was at one time thinking of getting "openmanu dot org" but. | 19:45 |
kanzure | hm. | 19:45 |
kanzure | yeah, a more formal name might be interesting | 19:45 |
gene | The Fabrication Foundation | 19:45 |
gene | SEELE | 19:46 |
kanzure | but sucks for branding. | 19:46 |
gene | NERV | 19:46 |
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)] | 19:46 | |
gene | Austin Amplifier | 19:46 |
fenn | institude for applied autonomy sounds cool, unfortunately it seems to be mostly about graffiti? | 19:46 |
fenn | s/d/t/ | 19:47 |
kanzure | autofab? | 19:47 |
kanzure | (wait, no) | 19:47 |
gene | AutoFac 1 | 19:47 |
gene | Austin AutoFac | 19:47 |
fenn | hah | 19:47 |
fenn | i like it | 19:48 |
kanzure | fabfrak | 19:48 |
fenn | leaving for real now.. please compile these name ideas into a persistent document | 19:48 |
kanzure | even the bad ones? | 19:49 |
gene | Customized Organisms | 19:51 |
gene | The Thingatorium | 19:55 |
gene | Weird Laboratories | 19:56 |
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-69.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] | 21:18 | |
kanzure | seizougyou.org | 21:19 |
kanzure | seizounin is probably better. | 21:20 |
kanzure | ooh! | 21:55 |
kanzure | automatory | 21:55 |
kanzure | (in the sense of automatorium) | 22:03 |
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-183-69.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap | 22:05 | |
kanzure | gene: how about "automatorium" or "automatory" ? | 22:07 |
gene | automat already took that | 22:08 |
kanzure | nope | 22:08 |
gene | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automat | 22:08 |
kanzure | this is 'automat', not 'automatory' or 'automatorium' | 22:08 |
gene | people live in that thing | 22:09 |
gene | they have an autocoffee | 22:09 |
kanzure | http://www.bamnfood.com/ | 22:09 |
kanzure | haha | 22:09 |
kanzure | "satisfaction is automatic!" | 22:09 |
gene | why not an autopizza or autoramen? | 22:10 |
gene | hmmm... | 22:10 |
gene | ramen comes in for the most part standard containers | 22:10 |
gene | Automatorium sounds better | 22:11 |
gene | http://www.fahad.com/pics/wonder_pizza_vending.jpg | 22:12 |
gene | autopizza | 22:12 |
kanzure | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F202CznuqIo Bamn's commercial? wtf? japanese company in disguise | 22:12 |
gene | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ramen_Noodles_by_David_Shankbone.jpg | 22:13 |
gene | a ramen machine! | 22:13 |
gene | the greatest creation of man | 22:16 |
kanzure | does it cook the ramen? | 22:16 |
kanzure | I suppose it can be microwaved isnide. | 22:16 |
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kanzure | No longer a Harvard student, I see. | 22:18 |
gene | http://www.space.com/spacewatch/090220-comet-lulin.html | 22:19 |
gene | COMET ALERT! | 22:19 |
gene | I'm going outside right now | 22:20 |
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