
--- Day changed Wed Feb 25 2009
kanzureyay for duplicating work.00:02
kanzurehttp://kobas.cbi.pku.edu.cn/files/kobas-1.0.3/module/kobas/enzyme_format.py   hm.00:11
kanzureperhaps a better view: http://cvs.biopython.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/biopython/Bio/KEGG/Enzyme/Attic/enzyme_format.py?rev=HEAD&cvsroot=biopython&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup00:12
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bkeroHm, I need to come up with some sort of equation for finding the number of flips to solve a problem of n size.01:54
gene_ans = 42 for all n02:05
bkeroLooks like I was stupid and it's just n!02:09
bkeroEvil homework: http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~tadepall/cs325/hw5.html 02:09
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fennso after puttering around with artsy wannabe people at the welding demo i went back to the shop and convinced les to get the mig welder out and did some real welding06:06
fenner, not that it was a big deal, just glad to finally do something productive (it was parts for the mechmate)06:07
fenni think it has flux core wire in it, so it's kinda messy.. brown/black dust all over the piece you're welding06:11
kanzure"(02:40:34 AM) smarimc@gmail.com: Tell me... is Nathan really as stupid as he often appears, or is it just an illusion? :)"06:57
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kanzurebkero: I envy your homework.07:40
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nshis WHUTPLS07:46
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kanzurensh: http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~tadepall/cs325/hw5.html08:11
nshwhy the hell would the msd be the top of the stack?08:30
nshthat's just confusing08:30
nshdoes make me want pancakes though08:31
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kanzureme talking with the bioperl people.10:04
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kanzurehttp://www.me.utexas.edu/~adl/IMG_0436.JPG   new lab group photo16:03
kanzureC# GUI, nothing, automated gear train design and optimization, automated disassembly, graph theory nonsense, everything under the sun, some random PE going for her PhD, automated mechanism design16:04
bkerokanzure: You're a big, hairy guy. :)16:04
bkeroNo, no, maybe IRC, no, no, IRC, no, no16:05
bkeroPlausability of being on IRC16:05
bkeroIn order from left to right.16:05
kanzureit's actually more like: no, no, no, maybe (anime geek), no, IRC, no, maybe16:06
bkeroI see16:06
bkeroIt appears I can't diagnose Texans.16:06
kanzureMeh, we're all full of shit.16:07
bkeroI could spot that right off the bat.16:07
kanzureSo, I started doing some math for automated linkage design- mostly for "figuring out a motion profile for a given design".16:42
kanzureI'm trying to figure out a way to implicitly derive a motion profile without having to simulate the application of torque- because then the set of "instant center" points is discrete, instead of described by an equation.16:42
kanzurehttp://esciencenews.com/articles/2009/02/25/researchers.show.small.robots.can.prepare.lunar.surface.nasa.outpost 16:44
kanzurefenn: nice find (re: the fwd)17:03
fennsounds like you are doing kinematics17:05
kanzuresomebody told me that this was "dynamics" and that I should wait 2 years until I'm in the class.17:06
kanzure(I was doing some of the math on paper while sitting in ADL)17:06
kanzureI was thinking of making a program that will construct a design for a given path/profile, in particular my name,17:07
kanzureand then attach a laser pointer and do some time-elapse photography17:07
kanzure(my name in cursive, clearly)17:07
kanzure(the laser pointer would draw out the path.)17:07
fennoh bullshit.. "wait til you take a class" never goes anywhere17:17
fennit's why les hasn't finished the mechmate17:18
fennhe was afraid to learn welding wrong17:18
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fennThe Future17:28
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bkerofenn: mechmate?18:22
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fennbkero: http://fennetic.net/pub/camera/inventory/shop_northeast.jpg http://fennetic.net/pub/camera/inventory/shop_northwest.jpg18:44
fennCNC router18:44
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kanzurefenn: hah, shop_northeast has a random guy waving on the other side.21:15
kanzureI can easily envision an OS Fab Lab where I live in Nacogdoches, Texas. There's university departments and people to tap here. The ground is ready, we just need the leadership of Marcin, Bryan, and others to build and show us how to build for ourselves the base for further development, the present focus of which includes facility production."21:19
kanzurethis is a load of fucking shit21:19
kanzurewhat does he think we've been doing21:19
kanzurejust pissing in the snow?21:19
kanzurealso, him requesting us to hold his hand through reading programming tutorials is rather silly. I'm not opposed to helping others learn, but he should just grow some balls and admit it when he needs help finding links to tutorials.21:25
kanzureinstead of making it sound like programmers are supposedly morons and don't know how to do that.21:26
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kanzure" 23:10
kanzureI remember a story about someone who used a certain modern "scientific" technique to provide a guarantee of baby's gender. If he was wrong he promised the money back. Of course he got to keep the money in about 50% of the time."23:10
kanzurehttp://www.gender-selection.com/?gclid=CO241JaH-JgCFRxNagodVX7DnA  "The Fertility Institute" "sex selection"23:11
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