
--- Day changed Fri Feb 27 2009
* katmeow1 waves gnites00:01
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worldpeacesingularity religion?  lol02:26
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kanzuregene: yes. I don't know if I'll post in the comments or not.02:52
geneI just don't believe it02:53
geneI can't believe you can make things like that using just a SMT robot and some injection molding capabilities02:53
genehow do they do the design?02:54
genewe need a molding machine for the fab02:54
kanzuredesign is EDAerized.02:57
geneall by program?02:59
geneso I want to make me a camera that sends wireless video to a receiver unit that hooks up via usb to my computer, how do I do that?02:59
kanzuremost EDA is limited to digital circuits for flipping bits and bytes, so at the moment you're not going to be able to ask the magic eight ball "how do I do that?" (for your wireless video streaming device)03:00
genein that case just make me a device that does this 110-> 011--> 101 loop03:02
kanzurewhat does that mean?03:03
genewhere each of the bits is a different out put03:03
kanzureoutput to what?03:03
geneto a pneumatic cylinder03:03
kanzurehow is that different than output down an insulated standard electrical wire?03:03
genedrive that03:04
genenot too much03:04
kanzuresounds like something more fitted for a controller program rather than a digital circuit.03:04
kanzurebut anyway,03:05
geneI want a digital fluidic circuit03:05
genefor a pneumatic steampunk robot03:05
genemaybe even one with sonic range sensors03:06
genelike those described in that paper I sent you03:06
kanzureanyway, it should be easy enough to write up some boolean algebra for that sequence of bits that you want to pulse down 3 wires, but I'm not really sure that's the most optimal way to go about doing what you want here.03:07
kanzurein this case, gEDA would be used actually to design, say, that PCI card that is in the diagram on that PneuStep page03:08
kanzurealso, I'm going to sleep 03:08
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap03:34
fennhrmph. 10 days of unattended operation and the server goes down03:36
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fennslept through shopbot camp.. guess i'll have to just stay up til 9 AM tomorrow this time18:26
xp_prgwhat is shipbot camp?18:29
fennbunch of old dudes with mustaches standing around talking about plywood18:29
xp_prgfenn I can't get adp118:32
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gene_so does the fablab have a name yet19:47
xp_prgwhat is the fablab?19:48
gene_we're starting a fablab19:49
fennles wants to call it 'myfab.org'19:49
xp_prgbut what is that?19:50
fennxp_prg: go away please19:50
gene_myfab sounds ok19:51
fenni keep saying "austin fabratory" in my head19:51
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-97-56.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]19:54
-!- gene_ is now known as gene19:55
fenni'd be at the lab right now but i dont have a key.. wah19:56
fennso i guess i'll read old posts to OM19:57
genethe lab needs a fingerprint scanner then19:57
fennwe're going to do some kind of card, probably RFID19:57
fennwtf are they thinking?20:00
fennPlease login in order to download your complimentary copy of the complete book, Winning the Oil Endgame, as a PDF20:00
genefinger print scanner is cooler20:01
genebonus points if you get in using somebody else's fingerprints20:01
fennyou get to clean the oil and half-cured epoxy off of the scanners then20:01
geneand admit20:01
genegood point20:02
generetina scanner?20:02
fennRFID is harder to dupilicate than magnetic card, which was a consideration20:02
geneRFID is more fun to duplicate.20:06
geneI'd like the fablab to do a project showing how insecure fingerprint scanners are20:08
fennwell, you can do that, but i'm not interested20:08
fennspeaking of ID cards; this is interesting: http://guptaoption.com/cheapid/20:35
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fenn"After my recent trip to Afghanistan, I am seriously considering that country as my base of operations."21:27
fenngonna have to get smari to explain that comment21:28
kanzurehi all22:05
kanzurefenn: I have a treat22:05
kanzure59 MB zip file version: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics_2009.zip22:06
kanzuredirectory w/ files and index: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/22:06
kanzureI was spazzing out for a few hours in the lab reading over these22:06
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kanzurekatsmeow-afk: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics_2009.zip22:14
kanzureor, see it online: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/22:14
* katsmeow-afk peeks22:15
katsmeow-afklota stuff thee22:16
kanzureJust some stuff I was reading today.22:16
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katsmeow1i can't stay connected, i'll be back tomorrow maybe22:19
katsmeow1thanke for the url kanzure22:19
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kanzureaptitude + sudoko :-)22:26
kanzurefenn: hm. 3D structures from drinking straws.22:37
kanzuresome scissors could come in handy. Make slots and attach them in various ways.22:37
kanzurein fact, straws might be a rapid prototyping method for the automatic linkage design tools.22:38
fenni dont want 59MB of scanned images22:39
kanzuremost aren't.22:39
fennoh, thought that was gene's fluidics journals22:40
kanzureoh, I have that too.22:40
kanzurefenn: if you give me an ssh key, I'd like to send it to Joe so that you can log into their server sometime and hang out in their custom chatroom.22:40
fennok, emailed.22:41
kanzuretodo: web crawler for the journal "Lab on a Chip".22:41
fennjoe == joseph jackson?22:42
fennthe third :)22:42
kanzurejoe = joe rayhawk22:42
fennrelated to steve and anna i presume22:43
fennthis is the guy with too many computer monitors in his basement?22:43
fenni'd like more computer programs to have a "visualization mode" so you can see wtf the algorithm is doing22:44
fennghost diagrams does this in a pleasing way22:44
fennre: the sudoku link22:44
kanzurethe sodoku link comes from joe, btw.22:44
fennyeah, it's a clever hack but SFW22:45
kanzureI was complaining about debian and the package system being too tightly integrated22:45
kanzureso I mentioned I wanted one for pokemon22:45
kanzureand so he brought up dan's sudoku-via-apt-dependency-resolution-algorithms.22:45
fenndo pokemonsters have dependencies?22:46
kanzureno. it was probably a terrible request.22:46
fenni've only played magic: the gathering, which has very simple dependencies most of the time (red mana, blue mana, etc)22:46
kanzuressh -i /your/key/here/ fenn@neuroblastoma.omgwallhack.org22:46
kanzurethen run: chat.rb22:46
kanzurethen type: /join omg22:46
kanzureto send messages, type: omg message here22:47
kanzureerm, not your key, sorry22:48
kanzurebut you get the idea.22:48
fennit's asking me for a password22:48
kanzuredid you send the correct -i parameter?22:49
fennoh i was supposed to -i my private key i guess22:49
fennwhatever.. i only have one key so i dont need -i22:49
kanzureAnyway, I'm going to go back to oggling over the microfluidics/ directory.22:53
kanzurefor instance, the wax printer- why didn't I just melt some wax and draw the spiral filter thingy?22:53
kanzureomg there was another good paper (they are all good) on gravity-based sedimentation22:54
fennso, how do i say something on omg/?22:54
kanzurefenn: just type: "omg hi"22:54
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/A%20microfluidic%20bioreactor%20for%20increased%20active%20retrovirus%20output.pdf 22:56
kanzureA microfluidic bioreactor for increased active retrovirus output22:56
kanzureand then one on "ice fabrication"-22:57
kanzureIce-lithographic fabrication of concave microwells and a microfluidic network - ice droplets for structure formation in PDMS22:58
fenn403 (forbidden)23:07
kanzuretry now?23:09
fennwell, i dont see what's new about freezing ice droplets on a slide23:15
kanzurejust, lots of people have ice laying around23:16
kanzureso if you were to freeze ice droplets, and then pour hot wax from a candle or something, I don't know, something.23:16
fennit would melt the ice?23:16
kanzurebut apparently this is a case where the ice retains the correct shape for just enough time for it to matter23:17
fennsounds finicky23:17
kanzureif you print water droplets on a slide, and then freeze them, is there any likelihood that the surface area properties of water would retain the shape of the circular droplet, so that you could then pour hot wax over it?23:18
fennif you get it cold enough, anything will freeze on contact23:18
kanzurenot necessarily on contact.23:19
kanzureI was thinking dot matrix printers.23:19
kanzureand then freeze the substrate on which you were printing.23:19
fenndot matrix printers use tiny needles to press an ink ribbon onto paper.. i dont see the link23:19
kanzureoh, sorry23:19
kanzureum. 23:19
fenn"waterjet" is taken :{23:20
kanzureI was thinking about the resulting dot matrix, an array of dots23:20
kanzurebut yes, inkjets, whatever.23:20
fenni guess i need sunglasses if i'm gonna wear a mustache 8{)23:20
kanzureanyway, I don't know iiif the drops would freeze.23:21
kanzuredo small droplets freeze easily?23:21
kanzurehttp://home.att.net/~rpml/p02b/p02b.htm  hm, nice index23:23
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-97-56.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:26
genekanzure can you put that thing I sent you somewhere nice and safe on your website?23:27
kanzureoh, yes, sorry, one moment23:29
kanzureum, what were the filenames again?23:29
kanzureokay, added23:29
kanzureadded this one too: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/Rapid%20prototyping%20of%20micropatterned%20substrates%20using%20conventional%20laser%20printers.PDF23:31
kanzurerapid prototyping of micropatterned substrates using conventional laser printers23:31
kanzuremaskless photolithography using UV LEDs23:34
genemeeting6 and seven23:34
geneHOLY SHIT23:34
geneI sent them to you23:35
kanzureyeah, I put them in the directory23:36
kanzurehave you looked at the paper index yet?23:36
genethe microfluidics index23:37
geneWANT MOAR23:38
genethe vinyl plotter one could be useful23:39
geneyou know what I want to do?23:39
geneI want to build me a fluidic graphing calculator23:39
kanzureyou know how everybody is pissing and moaning about gel electrophoresis on the diybio list?23:40
kanzurethere's a few electrophoresis alternatives in the index.23:40
kanzurewhich could be patterned on hot wax, or with laser printers and lamination, or whatever23:40
genewe can't use other electronic devices on tests23:40
genehot wax?23:40
kanzurelook at the paper that has 'wax printer' in its title23:41
kanzurebut really, just use hot wax and draw in it.23:41
genesolid ink printer23:41
genereal cheap23:41
kanzureor a pen.23:41
geneoff of craigslist23:42
genenow if we could only figure out how to make em print on not a print roller23:42
generight now I want to design me a fluidic stepper motor23:43
genethat can be 3d printed and is compatible with reprap23:43
genefree 3d prints remember?23:43
geneso I want to generate a gear profile23:44
kanzurewhat does that mean? (terminology, sorry)23:45
genelet me show you23:45
geneI'm trying to make a wobble motor23:45
genemems pinball machine23:46
kanzureare the UV LEDs cheap?23:46
kanzureerm, -the23:46
fenni dont see why the obsession with stepper motors..23:47
fennwhat you really want is controlled movement23:48
kanzureisoborynl acrylate, tetraethylenegylcol dimethacrylate, 2,2'-dimethoxy-2-phenyl-acetophenone. <-- blah, this sucks.23:48
fennmuch easier to simply make a fluidic motor and control it somehow23:48
kanzurethat list is from the materials section of http://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/Ultra%20rapid%20prototyping%20of%20microfluidic%20systems%20using%20liquid%20phase%20photopolymerization%20(5%20min).pdf23:48
kanzurebasically: microscope slides + mask + UV LEDs + that "prepolymer liquid" concoction listed above.23:49
genefluidics has lot's of "potential" for reprap23:49
fennhttp://heybryan.org/books/papers/microfluidics/Fluidics%20quaterly%207/22.jpg has the right idea23:51
genethat's what got me interested23:52
fenni'd start with an electronic encoder though, just because building a fluidic computer is a huge task23:53
fennand unrelated to the problem of controlling a fluidic positioning system23:53
geneelectronic encoder?23:53
fennoptical encoder, like in a ball mouse23:54
geneelectronic encoder? Fenn, you don't need an electronic encoder, when you have a fluidic one23:54
genedisk with holes in it23:54
kanzurehrm, I wonder if there's mask lithography method with wax. 23:55
geneI want to generate a gear profile for that23:55
fenngene: if you have a fluidic encoder you have to monitor those fluidic signals and get them into a computer somehow23:56
genewho says you need a computer?23:56
genewhen you can have paper tape23:56
fennoh ffs take it one step at a time23:57
geneI can't figure out how they get it to move to a certain position23:57
genehow do they input coordinates23:58
fennsee the diagram, counter (error register) -> logic to select actuator mode23:59
fennthere's an arrow going into the counter, presumably that's where you put the desired coordinates23:59
genewhat's a counter?23:59

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