
--- Day changed Tue Mar 10 2009
xp_prgI am going to read them right now with the phd guy00:00
xp_prgI will tell him you gave me them00:00
kanzuremeh, pull some bullshit up on google scholar about hox00:00
gene_look up xenopus morpholino00:01
gene_I can't see anything00:02
gene_crashed out00:02
xp_prgkanzure what was that link you gave me about how to get dna into xenopus?00:17
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kanzurehad to make pythonOCC/build as a dir, then chmod it appropriately, then I forgot to (re?)install python2.5 and python2.5-minimal, now trying scons again (it was last complaining about some Python.h headers that weren't existing)11:48
-!- kanzure-- [i=bbishop@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]11:48
kanzurewasn't that me?11:48
kanzurerequires swig to be run with the -classic -nomodern -nomodernargs options. blah.11:48
bkeroWhat's goin' on #hplusroadmap?11:48
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]11:55
kanzurefenn: line 284 of SConstruct, I think, is where swig flags go.12:09
kanzurebut then they don't show up in the swig line that is generated when 'scons' is executed12:10
kanzureah, the env line a few lines down is wrong. has a commented out thingy that is kinda important.12:10
fennoo nasty scons wont let me kill it with Ctrl-C12:10
kanzure"swig error : Unrecognized option -classic -nomoddern -nomodernargs"12:11
kanzurefuck, typo12:11
kanzureswig error : Unrecognized option -classic -nomodern -nomodernargs -python -modern -fcompact -c++ -DHAVE_LIMITS_H -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DCSFDB -DOCC_CONVERT_SIGNALS -DLIN -DLININTEL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -outdir /home/bryan/projects/gears/pythonOCC/src/../build/OCC12:11
kanzurewtf, why is it "-nomodern"12:11
kanzureand then "-modern"12:11
kanzureit specifically asked for -nomodern12:11
kanzureSWIG_src_modular_linux_darwin/AIS_wrap.cc:3294:3: error: #error "This python version requires swig to be run with the '-nomodern' option"12:12
fennSWIG_OPTS = ['-python','-modern' ...12:12
fennin two places even12:13
* kanzure trots off to class.12:13
fenni dont suppose you installed pyplusplus12:14
* kanzure is really gone now12:15
fennjeebus! pygccxml is 20MB?12:19
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:20
fennah it's just excessive amounts of unit test data12:25
kanzure-_fenn: get anywhere?13:58
fenncommenting out missing modules..14:12
fennsome of them certainly shouldn't be missing, like BRep14:14
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-24-60-81-53.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:18
wrldpcYo does anyone have the pdf for MIT's "A Robotics Primer"  http://books.google.com/books?id=WWJPjgz-jgEC14:18
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fennyou'd think scons would remember what it had already compiled14:55
fenninstead of making me wait a half hour before throwing a new error14:55
kanzure-_would it be simpler at this point to just configure our own automake script?15:00
fennsimpler for who? too many separate build systems will drive the devs crazy (and make it unmaintainable == more pain later)15:14
fenni dont see any pattern in the modules that dont work15:15
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kanzure-_fenn: woah, it's as awesome as it seems16:11
-!- any32300344 is now known as katsmeow16:11
kanzure-_it works well on windows.16:11
kanzure-_although "from OCC import *" does not work, and it's annoying to try to remember the weird opencascade API, but other than that, it works.16:12
fennis there even an OCC module? i thought there were like 20 or 100 modules16:12
-!- kanzure-- [i=bbishop@] has joined #hplusroadmap16:23
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk16:37
fennapparently it uses magnetic material to actually do the folding motion16:47
fennnot really origami either from the looks of it16:48
kanzure--http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/PythonOCC <- installation instructions for Windows whores.16:48
kanzure--blargh. copy+paste is broken on all systems.16:55
kanzure--huh, they closed the structures with the use of capillary force16:59
fenni thought it was magnets17:00
kanzure--magnets are also involved17:01
kanzure--hm, so I guess they claim that there is some collision imparted due to the capillary force of the liquid medium in the electroplating bath17:06
kanzure--and that this closes the sides via the degrees of freedom offered by the hinges17:06
kanzure--but what's to guarantee that they close? maybe a locking mechanism, I guess, but otherwise fluid flowing in the opposite direction should open it17:07
kanzure--collision of water molecules with some velocity and some mass = some momentum.17:07
fenneh, they're not that small17:07
kanzure--or is there some other mechanism involved here?17:07
fennits just surface tension17:07
kanzure--"directional wetting" heh17:07
fenni wonder if it has to be radially symmetric17:08
fennthey didnt complete the dodecahedron17:08
kanzure--check out page 4 second to last paragraph17:08
kanzure--so maybe I am not understanding how the folding is actually taking place her?17:09
kanzure--suppose there was a two-link hinge thingy, and it had two flaps, and the surface tension of the water on the flap would force it to move over its degrees of freedom?17:10
kanzure--does surface tension work when an object is submerged in a large volume of fluid?17:10
fennif it's just floating around then all the forces cancel out17:11
kanzure--so theoretically, a perfectly hydrophobic sphere released instantaneously into the center of the ocean should .. ?17:11
fennif it's asymmetric it'll fold up into a minimal energy configuration17:11
fennlikewise when up against a surface17:11
kanzure--pg 5 "Velev and others that when two hydrophilic structures are immersed in a liquid there is a net attractive force between those structures that increases inversely with the distance between those objects [8, 9]."17:12
kanzure--so it's interesting that evaporation is a mechanism of actuation as a way to get the objects into a minimal free energy configuration. but their fabrication technique sucks immensely.17:15
fennwhat's wrong with the technique?17:16
kanzure--mostly that the link is broken I guess :)17:21
kanzure--but I thought they were using some conventional photolithography method involving a billion dollar fab that is completely inaccessible,17:22
kanzure--but that was only because I assumed17:22
kanzure-- http://web.mit.edu/tinytech/Nanostructures/Spring2003/ABelcher/Science.pdf Ordering of quantum dots using genetically engineered viruses17:22
-!- splicer__ [n=patrik@h72n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]17:23
fenncool its like aptamers17:25
kanzure--http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Capillary pumps for autonomous capillary systems  (basically, obstacle courses)17:30
kanzure--http://fluids.snu.ac.kr/publication/cbv.pdf How the capillary burst microvalve works17:32
kanzure--while an interesting paper, note the snu.ac.kr ..17:32
fennheh you could make some kind of cellular automata out of those capillary pumps17:33
fennif they had movable elements17:34
fennhinges that would get stuck one way or the other17:34
kanzure--let's just make it easier on me: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&q=site%3Asnu.ac.kr&btnG=Search17:37
kanzure--revised search: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=site%3Asnu.ac.kr+seoul&btnG=Search&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a17:40
kanzure--they have web-to-micro-cnc? why doesn't ut have that? :(17:44
fenni gotta say these are quite pretty http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3195/2900951549_1a079b1550.jpg17:54
kanzurefenn, is that their web micromachining service?18:18
fennthat's reprap in metalab18:19
fenna hacker space in vienna18:21
kanzureso, I've discovered that the air conditioning control panel ("thermostat", if you can call it that) has been off this whole time18:21
kanzureI have now rediscovered AC18:21
kanzureand it's lovely.18:22
kanzureI wonder what a wrapper to opencascade might look/feel like. the API is way too hairy/messy, IMHO.18:34
fenna "pythonic" wrapper?18:37
kanzureI don't think that answers my question :)18:37
fennit wasn't an answer really18:37
kanzurebut yes.18:37
kanzureI wonder if this is worth installing everything through wine.18:38
fenni guess thomas has some ideas18:38
fennthere isnt much content though18:39
kanzurehah, I should get the Automated Design Lab to "sponsor" this to make it look like academic research (which I guess it could be)18:40
fennit should be18:40
kanzure"Testing whether a parameter is trimmed or not is certainly not a trivial task, and the above works well, even the code is even fairly readable. The big issue though is finding which classes / methods to call. Figuring out which of the thousands of available classes to use is the hard part. Though when condensed to a class method it is a perfectly encapsulated and relevant piece of API knowledge."18:40
fennwith so many classes i think it'll always be difficult just to figure out what's there18:41
fennwould be neat to have a tool that you could use to see what methods accept your object18:42
fennso like, i have a nurbs surface, what can i do with it18:42
fennand you get a list of operators18:42
kanzurethat would be an easy hack to the python system actually,18:42
kanzureI was once talking with so-and-so about function signature searching18:42
kanzurewho started python? G* something18:42
kanzureyes, so guido slapped up some python code for functional signature searching. 18:43
kanzureone moment.18:43
kanzure(that's for function overloading, of course)18:44
kanzureso, I thought ducktyping wouldn't easily allow this?18:44
fennmaybe, but it would be slow18:44
fennyou'd want to build some kind of lookup table first18:44
kanzurethat's not too painful.18:44
kanzurewhat I sent to guido: "18:45
kanzurewhat I sent to guido: "18:45
kanzureI was wondering if you had any thoughts on what I guess I'd call18:45
kanzure"significantly more dynamic overloading", and this is a result of me18:45
kanzureyak shaving for a very long time. To make it short, I'd like to *not*18:45
kanzurehave to import very large packages that might implement hundreds or18:45
kanzurethousands of different variations on a single function. "18:45
kanzuregah. I even specifically deleted the newlines from that paste.18:45
fennwill have to play around with pythonocc before i really understand what OCC can do18:47
fennbbiab getting my tools from shop for excursion to san antonio tomorrow (looking at steve langford's mess)18:47
kanzureheekscad is based off of occ.18:49
kanzure(I thought?)18:49
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/heekscad/  18:49
kanzureThe solid modelling is provided by Open CASCADE. http://www.opencascade.org The graphical user interface is made using wxWidgets. http://www.wxwidgets.org18:49
kanzurehm, both pythonocc and heekscad uses wxWidgets18:49
kanzureso a heekscad-like interface for pythonocc is possible- there's already a partial interface, but it sucks, i.e. only has a few viewing features, no grid, etc.18:50
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-178-69.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:56
kanzurehad to install python2.5-dev19:08
kanzurehm, I think thomas might be forgetting to link to python?19:10
kanzureah, OCC_LIB = '/usr/local/lib' whereas I think the default installation path in debian is /usr/lib/19:15
kanzure(line 116 of SConstruct)19:16
kanzureokay, fixed that particular problem I guess.19:18
kanzure--cache-force is my savior19:30
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kanzurecoalition of programmers against swig without caching.20:20
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kanzurescons: done building targets.20:31
kanzurehm, running python setup.py install -> runs gcc and swig (again). blah.20:34
kanzureit's possible though that I just didn't look hard enough for the compiled python files from scons20:35
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]20:53
fennwait a minute.. you got the scons build to work21:04
ybithaven't read the log yet, but i don't see a problem with scons21:07
ybitmaybe i should read the log though :)21:08
fennthe problem is it doesnt fucking compile21:08
ybithaha, damn. you guys have been working on it all day21:09
fennmultiple days21:09
ybiti see21:10
ybiti'll take a stab at it after installing gentoo on this machine21:12
ybitin the middle of compiling the kernel currently, so it shouldn't be too much longer21:12
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kanzurefenn: yes, I did21:27
kanzurefenn: thanks for taking care of Nathan there (wtf though?)21:27
fennany special pointers?21:27
fenni think he's trying too hard to be "fair"21:28
kanzureever get the feeling that he might be a pussy?21:28
fennnaw :)21:29
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/scons_notes.txt <- what I did to make it work21:30
fennok how do i get scons to actually use the damn cache21:30
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/pythonocc/scons_notes.txt <- what I did to make it work21:30
kanzurealso, use: scons --cache-force21:30
kanzurealso, #scons recommends upgrading to scons 1.2 (debian's repo has 1.0.0), but I haven't tried that21:31
fennok i'm missing a lot more modules than those three21:31
fennand it takes like 12 minutes per compile so i can see what the next one is21:31
fennwhich is why this is taking all day21:32
kanzureoh? what errors are you getting?21:33
kanzureI only started taking notes after a while :/21:33
fennmissing dependencies.i file usually21:33
kanzurealso, finds of the day (only because I was in a lab and not able to easily upload properly):21:33
kanzurefenn: there should only be 3 or 4 of those21:33
kanzurewhich I list in the .txt, so go fix.21:33
fenni guess after a while i just stopped looking at the error message and blindly commented them out21:34
fennanyway I have: AlienImage BRep BRepFeat Image ShapeAnalysis ShapeBuild ShapeConstruct ShapeFix ShapeProcess ShapeProcessAPI ShapeUpgrade21:34
fennthose are the modules i've commented out so far in Modules.py21:34
kanzurewhy are you commenting things out in Modules.py ?21:35
kanzureI mean, what led you to do that?21:35
fenn"Something you can try is to comment out the modules that halt your compilation process."21:35
kanzurewhere is the std namespace?21:36
kanzureI thought it'd be #include <stdlib> but that's apparently not it21:36
kanzureah, cstdlib21:37
kanzure(I'm compiling via "python build install" at the moment (after the scons bullshit))21:38
kanzure(so I've included cstdlib in src/Visualization/Visualization.h)21:38
fennwhich OCC packages do you have installed?21:39
fennor are you using the source from opencascade.org?21:39
kanzurethat's a good question. um.21:40
kanzureI have 6.3.0 headers it seems21:40
fennplease just dpkg -la | grep opencascade21:40
kanzureI commented last night about which one I was using, so it's at least in the logs21:40
kanzureyeah, I have some 6.3.0 stuff installed, but also 6.2-7 for libopencascade6.2 and opencascade-examples and opencascade-tools21:41
kanzure error: ‘WDF_NOERASEBKGRND’ was not declared in this scope <--- this would seem to suggest that I don't have the OCC headers? hrm.21:41
fennyou wouldnt have gotten this far without the headers21:42
fennIOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device:21:42
fenni wish opencascade werent so huge21:43
kanzurewhy is it that this was all so much easier on Windows? even though I had to download a bajillion packages21:43
fennbecause it was actually supposed to work?21:44
fennarent there even binaries for windows?21:44
kanzurethere were binaries for python, wxpython, pycom or whatever, opencascade, etc. etc.21:45
fennalright i want to reproduce whatever it is you've done21:46
fennso could you tar up your src/ directory for me?21:46
kanzureso how hah21:46
kanzuregrumble grumble, unedited line21:46
* fenn squints21:46
fennis that really 400MB?21:46
fenni dont recall downloading 400MB of source21:46
kanzureit generates lots of bullshit21:47
fenn2076    pythonOCC-md0.1.tar.gz21:47
fennwhy is it fucking up the src directory?21:47
kanzureshould I just zip up the changes I made?21:47
fennyeh i guess21:47
kanzureisn't there a way to compare from a .tar.gz what differences exist in a directory based off of md5 hashsum magic?21:48
kanzureit's like an option. :/21:48
fennlike diff -r?21:48
kanzurewell, yes, but explicitly for tar and listing out which files are different21:48
fennit wouldnt work because there isnt 400MB of source in that .tgz21:48
* kanzure compresses21:48
fennthat's why i edited Modules.py21:48
fennbecause it's a source file21:49
fenni fucking hate generated code21:49
kanzure235 MB zip file21:49
fennok so now for a dilemma21:49
fenndo i delete what i have so i can download yours?21:49
kanzurehow much disk space do you have?21:50
fennits a 40GB disk21:50
fennpacked full of precious treasures21:50
kanzureyou've been living off of 40 GB? wtf mate21:50
kanzurewell. hm.21:51
fennthe sad thing is 40GB ought to be plenty21:51
fennbut everything is so stupid and bloated21:51
kanzureI'm up to something like 600 GB of usage on the server.21:51
fenndata expands to fill available capacity21:52
kanzureoh, do you have the ability to wire up a SATA drive?21:52
fenni suppose so21:52
kanzureI have two spare 500 GB SATA disks, and I'd be willing to let you use/have one21:52
fennwell i can't turn that down21:52
kanzureI bought four, but there were only two ports on my motherboard because I was an idiot21:53
kanzureanyway, for the record- http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/pythoncc/ has the zip file.21:54
kanzuregah, 321 GB of used disk on this box?21:54
kanzure489 GB used on the server.21:55
kanzureokay, just commented out the lines that were bitching to me. (iiiiiiiiiiiit was just a flag for the window anyway, not like it can do anything terrible)22:01
kanzure"import wx.au" no module named wx.aui22:02
kanzureguess that's wxpython22:03
fenni thought BRep might be important :x22:03
kanzuremaybe :)22:03
kanzurepython-wxgtk2.4, 2.6, or 2.8? hrm.22:04
fenni wish the stupid cache feature would work22:04
fennit generates 400MB of cache and takes the exact same amount of time to compile22:04
kanzureswig is the culprit. it works for gcc.22:04
fenn(i am using ccache btw)22:04
kanzureI mean, when --cache-force is thrown at it, gcc or g++ doesn't seem to compile in between swig calls22:04
kanzurethere apparently is a ccache system for swig, but I didn't try to get it to work22:05
kanzurebecause I'd have to edit the SConstruct file or something22:05
fennjust add a "use cache" directive pretty much22:05
kanzureor if you do the python setup.py install method, there's another way you'd have to edit the swig call obviously. (but then how do you pass the cache force param?)22:05
fennoh wait swig, not scons22:05
fenni'm not familiar with any of this stuff22:05
kanzureapt-get install pythoncard <- didn't do what I needed.22:05
kanzureeasily googleable though.22:06
fennwell it sounds cool22:06
fennhey this src zip is taking too long22:07
kanzureokay, trying wxgtk 2.822:07
kanzurehrm, would you like something else?22:07
fenncould you cd SWIG*linux*/ and rm *.cc *.os22:07
kanzurewhat files do you want? the *.i's ?22:08
fennthose are what you modified right?22:08
kanzureI only modified four, you can go do it manually :)22:08
kanzureAlienImage.i, BRepFeat.i, Image.i, and22:08
fenni dont believe it22:08
kanzureurhg, one that begins with an x22:09
* fenn starts over with a fresh checkout22:10
fenngrumble grumble22:10
fenndont they teach you the value of replicability in school?22:10
fennyou know, scientific method and all that22:10
kanzurewell, I must have been so overjoyed that it worked, that I forgot to record which file I edited :/22:11
kanzureand no, I'm really not learning much of anything22:11
fennhey at least you're busy getting the Fab Lab going right? :P22:11
kanzureexcept maybe how to be raped22:11
kanzurehaha, didn't Paul say that in a recent email?22:12
kanzureI'm so glad I'm able to be in two places at once22:12
fennso i was talking to les today22:13
kanzurebut really, I hope you understand why I'm not there22:13
fennnot really22:13
kanzurewhat do you suggest?22:13
fennyou have to take tests or something?22:13
fennwell there isnt anything going on there anyway22:13
fennpart of why i'm grumpy22:13
kanzurewhat did you and les talk about today?22:14
fennabout idealism and infrastructure and "what to do"22:14
kanzuresounds like a good start22:14
kanzureanything in particular?22:15
fennhe wouldn't believe me when i said that if you start a for profit company and try to grow as big as possible while excluding all competitors you'll just turn into another Dell or GE22:15
fennregardless whether your intentions were good to start out with22:15
fennso i'm just wondering if he's playing devil's advocate or what22:15
kanzureI'm missing context22:16
fennbut anyway he said he wouldn't give people the plans for the "open source washing machine"22:16
fennso WTF is that22:16
kanzurewtf indeed?22:16
fennsome more context was that he wanted to sell picture frames to artists, all good and fine right?22:17
fennand to grow that business he'd invest in special purpose machines to make the job easier and faster etc22:17
fennbut here's the kicker22:17
fennit has to be so expensive and hard to get started that none of his employees would start their own business22:18
fennotherwise they'd "divide the market"22:18
fennso i was trying to show him that that was evil22:18
kanzureerror error market definition22:18
* kanzure installs wx from the wxpython repos. http://wiki.wxpython.org/InstallingOnUbuntuOrDebian22:19
kanzure    import OCC.NIS22:22
kanzureImportError: No module named NIS22:22
kanzure*** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x091f54c0 ***22:22
kanzurecommented out that line.22:23
kanzurewell, it's running. sort of.22:23
kanzurethe window immediately freezes. 22:24
fenncant you just apt-get install python-wxgtk2.622:24
kanzureno. 22:25
fennit has to be 2.8?22:25
kanzureI tried that, and it failed. latest version is 2.8.blah.22:25
kanzureyes, but debian does have 2.8 packaged, but it seems to fail? or something? it installs successfully, but it didn't help22:25
kanzureanyway, earlier today I had to obviously download the latest wx version for the Windows install, and that worked, so..22:25
kanzureuh, didn't see a -dev for python-wxgtk2.822:25
fennhm i guess it wouldnt22:26
kanzureImportError: No module named NIS22:26
fennwhat is NIS?22:26
kanzureOCC.NIS; I suspect that it's the visualization thingy, because when I comment out that import line in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OCC/Display/OCCViewer.py , the wx gui boots up properly, but then nothing is clickable, and there's no visualization widget like I saw on my Windows version22:27
fenni should have done a fresh checkout after i got the rest of the OCC libraries (WOK and draw)22:28
fenndunno what it is22:28
fennWOK (Workshop Organization Kit) is Open CASCADE development environment, which allows a large numbers of developers to work on a variety of products22:29
kanzurehttp://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_14292/ OCC NIS22:29
fennhmm scons still doesn't see TKWOK or TKDraw22:29
kanzureI never had it complain about those two packages, or even mention them22:30
fennit's not an error22:31
fennin the list of "Checking for..." at the beginning22:31
kanzurehah. 22:31
kanzureyeah, I had some issues with tk/tcl a while back for some package I was installing and must have done something special to get it to work back then?22:32
fennalmost all the opencascade libs start with TK22:32
kanzureany thoughts on where I should check for NIC? maybe I missed it somewhere in my steps? which is more like random spagetti steps.22:33
fennweird now i am getting a bunch of "NOTHING!!!"22:33
fennif you don't know what you did, I certainly dont know what you did22:33
fennor why you're trying to import it22:34
kanzureit's from pythonOCC/Tools/InteractiveViewer/InteractiveViewer.py22:34
-!- fenn_ [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:36
kanzureit's from pythonOCC/Tools/InteractiveViewer/InteractiveViewer.py22:36
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Nick collision from services.]22:36
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn22:37
fennhmm now it's not even whining about AlienImage23:17
fenni wonder where it even gets this name "BRepTest"23:18
kanzurehah, Nathan officially uber-sucks.23:45

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