
--- Day changed Wed Mar 11 2009
kanzureBob Comer - Robots used at and info about the Computer Studies and Robotics and Automation program at ACC00:05
kanzure(dorkbot-austin 3/14 announcement)00:06
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-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:09
fennif you sed -i 's/.*include//' headers.txt you'll get a list which you can then diff to actuals.txt00:11
fennbut it doesn't match what I have, curiously00:11
fenn(mine is more complete?)00:11
kanzuremore files?00:12
fenni guess. its the same source right?00:12
fennneed to go to bed soon, i'm getting tired of this anyway00:12
* fenn finishes his primate duties on OM00:13
kanzureflinging poo at people?00:13
fennnot in the poo flinging mood, sorry00:19
fennsan antonio.. blegh00:20
kanzurewait, if you don't want to do that, don't00:21
kanzuresteve langford just randomly emailed me, I don't have much of an obligation to him00:21
kanzurealso you didn't go over how much time you think I should be spending at the fabratory, but that's another issue00:22
fenni have $40 and a nice odd-job is welcome right now00:22
fennLes is all booked up for the rest of the month with stupid woodworking jobs00:23
fennso i dont see how anything is going to happen there00:23
fenni told him the first week that he's the SPOF00:23
kanzuredo you have a key yet?00:23
fennhe seemed to think that was a good thing00:23
kanzureyep, he's definitely a spof then.00:23
fennhe wont give me a key until i sign a contract saying i have certain responsibilities etc which havent actually been thought through00:24
kanzurewell this sucks.00:25
fennanyway i couldnt build rooms and sort everything by myself00:27
fennsince i dont know what 80% of it is00:27
kanzureI have problems with visual identification00:27
kanzurealthough not with daily familiar things I guess00:27
fennno, most of these things are just boards with holes drilled in them, or pencil marks or something00:30
fennand i cant tell the difference between these important "references" and the piles of scrap right next to them00:31
fennthen there's stuff like "scrape the rust off the ceiling" which involves getting scaffolding etc00:32
fennbesides being a possibly worthless huge waste of time00:32
fennso.. one of these days i'll actually get around to doing some electronics development00:33
kanzureis there an internet connection yet?00:33
fennsomeone on craigslist has 1000's of laser printers so i'll be getting one of those for PCB stuff00:33
fennno net connection00:33
kanzurekinda hard to do programming without a net connection. it's possible, but a pain in the ass.00:34
fennnot too bad with microcontrollers, actually00:34
kanzuresay that when you're on line 13,000 of your assembly code :p00:34
fenni could do a lot of it here, i'm just lazy or something00:34
fenn"i have a perfectly good electronics bench at the shop, why would i take half of it back to the house?"00:35
fennsorta reminds me of school00:35
fennconstantly fiddling with schedules00:35
fenni'll just get up the electronics bench in my car00:38
fennthat way it'll be at the shop and the house :\00:38
kanzureI think *** glibc detected *** python: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0aa54c08 ***00:40
kanzure is why it freezes, when I comment out the import OCC.NIS line.00:41
fennit shouldnt do that if you're just missing a module00:41
kanzurethis is another additional error methinks.00:41
fennshould say something like undefined reference to OCC.NIS.blargh00:41
fennrun python in gdb and do a backtrace00:42
kanzurehow do I do that?00:42
fennget gdb, type gdb python foo.py00:42
fennthen type run00:42
kanzuregdb | python b ?00:42
fennthen when it breaks, type backtrace00:42
kanzure"/home/bryan/manufacturing/pythonocc/pythonOCC/Tools/InteractiveViewer/InteractiveViewer.py" is not a core dump: File format not recognized00:42
fennuh. maybe ./foo.py00:43
kanzurefile format not recognized00:43
fenngdb python00:44
fennimport foo00:45
kanzurehow do I write in non-DOS mode in vim?00:45
fennthere's some pdb thing too00:45
fennset fileformat=unix ?00:46
kanzurethank you00:46
kanzurehuh, I need to get TkOpenGL00:47
fennthe dreaded Togl?00:48
fennwhat's that?00:49
kanzureblah, wrong.00:49
fennTogl isnt packaged for debian, despite numerous apps relying on it00:49
fennnot sure why00:49
fenni could bt wrong, maybe its not togl00:49
fennok bedtime for me00:51
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]02:53
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-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:47
kanzuresamrose: Hey.09:47
kanzuresamrose: http://pythonocc.org/09:49
samroseholy fuck09:50
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit ["leaving"]10:53
kanzureaha export CSF_GraphicShr=/usr/local/lib/libTKOpenGl.so10:57
kanzure*gasp* it works!10:57
kanzureadded: http://pythonocc.org/wiki/index.php/InstallWindows12:03
kanzureother weird thingy on their wiki? http://pythonocc.org/wiki/index.php/DavesSlicerProject12:03
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has joined #hplusroadmap12:13
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fennwhere the hell is libTKOpenGl.so from?12:29
fennthat must be some library built by pythonOCC12:29
kanzureit might be from OCC12:31
kanzureit's *not* from TOGL.12:31
xp_prgfenn probably part of opengl12:32
kanzureOpencascade 6.3 hit Debian main three days ago, so installing OCC12:33
kanzureshould be considerably easier from now on."12:33
kanzurebtw, you might want to try checking out the latest version of pythonocc. that might have a few fixes, but it might also not. I did it this morning a few hours ago.12:36
fennhey he's right12:36
kanzureyes, I noticed it in apt-cache yesterday, but there were some conflicting packages with 6.2 or something?12:37
fenni must have apt-get updated at the same time i added opennovation.net repositories12:37
kanzurewould that have caused a problem?12:37
fennprobably not12:37
kanzureopennovation.org ?12:37
fennit's the same package maintainer12:37
fennthough you wouldnt know it from looking at the metadata12:38
kanzurewhen are you leaving for san antonio?12:39
kanzurehm, Todd Huffman is landing in Austin today12:40
kanzurehttp://www.genomicon.com/2009/03/theo-janssen-meets-segway-on-a-very-dark-night-indeed/ "theo janssen meets segway". oh god.12:41
kanzureisn't that going to be incredibly slow?12:41
fennsan antonio thing fell through today, postponed until tomorrow (not my fault)12:53
fennthey're sitting down on it because it doesn't actually balance like a segway would12:58
fenntodd++ http://www.flickr.com/photos/oddwick/3016657700/13:24
kanzuredoesn't he do contracting for DARPA? O.o13:28
kanzurehttp://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-austin ooh, 50 members13:29
bkerokanzure: LUG?13:30
kanzurebkero: There is an Austin LUG though, yes.13:31
kanzurefwd'd to fenn and robotgroup.13:31
* bkero shrugs13:33
bkeroBanging my head against this Analysis of Algorithms class13:33
kanzurethe answer is always O(nlog(n))13:34
bkeroExcept when it's not.13:34
samrosepython wrappers exist for brl-cad?13:34
kanzuresamrose: no, but brlcad has a Tcl/Tk scripting interface via mged13:34
* kanzure goes to class.13:36
fennlol python wrappers for brlcad! you must be joking13:39
fennthose guys would roll over and die if you made them use anything newer than 30 years old13:39
samrosefenn: I think they would be cool with someone else making it13:44
samrosepython wrappers for brl-cad that is13:44
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kanzure I'm so confused.16:39
kanzurefor instance, how do I go about figuring out where whatever's being currently selected is put? probably something to do with OCC.SelectMgr, but still..16:39
* fenn is still slogging through responding to paul's mail... :P16:44
kanzureugh, segfault16:53
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]17:03
fennhm so much for going to the scrapyard today17:04
fenndamn internet17:04
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kanzureso I'm trying to look at heekscad source in an attempt to figure out what OCC functions I'm supposed to be interested in17:13
kanzurebut SelectMode.cpp is entirely made up of calls to wx for x/y/mouse position, nothing about objects from OCC.17:14
kanzure                wxGetApp().FindMarkedObject(wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY()), &marked_object);17:14
kanzure                wxGetApp().FindMarkedObject(wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY()), &marked_object);17:14
kanzureall I want to figure out is how to select stuff :-/17:15
fennwhat are you looking for exactly?17:15
kanzuregrep -H -I "mouse" *17:15
kanzurewell, display.Context_handler.SelectModeEdge suggests that this might be the general area for where to find a reference to the object that I currently have selected/highlighted in pythonocc's display window (it has some edge highlighting thingy, you see)17:15
fenni think SelectModeEdge would pick an edge, not an object17:17
kanzurethat's fine, I'm able to highlight an edge17:17
fennok, great, what's the problem?17:17
kanzureI want to get that object into my python script :) so that I can mess with it :)17:17
kanzureSelectModeEdge sets mode.17:18
fennuh, where's the source you're running?17:18
fenn(on a side node, why is it Display2d.cpp and not Display2d.py?)17:19
kanzuresource? what?17:19
kanzureI just loaded up a random .stp file I had laying around17:19
kanzure(there's a button to "load file")17:20
kanzureactually. one moment.17:20
fennis it OCCviewer.py?17:20
fenncos i dont see SelectModeEdge anywhere in there17:20
kanzureheh, it won't be17:20
kanzure"display" is the main object for the Display3d thingy, it's how you access mostly everything17:20
fennoh it's new, not in the md0.1 release17:21
kanzurewell the title on the window says md0.117:21
kanzureanyway, a script that I was playing with for STEP import: http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/pythonocc/scripts/test_STEP_import.py17:21
* kanzure goes down to eat17:22
fennwell that looks pretty good.. wish i had pythonOCC :)17:24
kanzureby now you must have downloaded everything that you need at least once17:45
kanzureso now the trick is doing everything in the right order or in the right location?17:45
kanzurehuh, my /home/bryan/manufacturing/opencascade/OpenCASCADE6.3.0/ros/ dir is the for-Windows OCC distribution. 17:46
kanzurefenn: I'd offer to wipe my install and start fresh and document for you, but it's not clear how to uninstall as well as revert to a state where I didn't have everything laying around17:46
fennyeah i hate the 'sudo python setup.py install' crap17:47
kanzurewell, no, since I don't remember which OCC package I installed17:48
kanzureI ran the scons crap before I did 'python setup.py install' and I didn't run "python setup.py build' in between scons and the 'install' call17:50
kanzuretodo: Electrically Conductive Thin Films Prepared from Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Graphite Platelets (p NA)18:10
* bkero trolls the moblin folks18:10
kanzureDensification of Oxide Nanoparticle Thin Films by Irradiation with Visible Light18:10
kanzurebkero: ?18:10
kanzureNacre in Mollusk Shells as a Multilayered Structure with Strain Gradient18:11
kanzureBifurcated Mechanical Behavior of Deformed Periodic Porous Solids18:11
kanzureGuided Cell Migration on Microtextured Substrates with Variable Local Density and Anisotropy18:13
kanzureuh well now I feel stupid. the actual paper that I was looking for wasn't in that index.18:13
kanzureah here we go: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/Multifunctional%20Nanobiomaterials%20for%20Neural%20Interfaces%20-%202009.pdf18:15
fennnow this is a gear generator script! http://decidedlyodd.com/cw/cs285/18:24
fennhaha "My primary goals for the software were:18:26
fennStay as far away as humanly possible from TCL. I've had dealings with frustrating languages, but this one certainly takes first prize for the worst."18:26
kanzurebtw, the reason why I found pythonocc was because I was fed up with the solidworks api so I went off hunting for something else.18:30
kanzurethe reason I was working with the solidworks api was because I'm redoing the gear visualizer thingy so that graphsynth exports CAD files18:30
* kanzure goes to a physics test.18:30
fennwhat is it?18:55
-!- gene_ [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-179-57.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:29
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katsmeow-afkfenn ?21:10
katsmeow-afkmaking a lost foam boat prop, will the foam bend in doing cnc, being that the blades are so thin?21:11
fennhow thin?21:12
fennif they're too thin your metal won't make it to the edges of the mold21:12
katsmeow-afk1/2 inch at root, tapering to nothing in 12 inches21:12
fennprobably too thin for casting21:13
katsmeow-afkso i'd be better off just milling the block of Al ?21:13
katsmeow-afkor cast a block i can mill the blade from, since i can get bricks of Al21:14
katsmeow-afkstart at the narrow edges, and mill towards the root21:14
fennif you're going to cast, you might as well make it roughtly the correct shape21:14
katsmeow-afkok, thanks, fenn :-)21:14
fennmaybe a belt sander is more appropriate than CNC21:14
fennfor trimming the last little bit off, yes21:15
katsmeow-afkhmm, ok21:15
katsmeow-afki may haveto try everything21:15
fennnot sanding the foam, the aluminum21:15
kanzurehow degrading. calculator dies in the middle of a physics test, and you're fucked since you're calculating 9 digit variables in the middle of a 4-step problem or something21:17
kanzureso rounding off by four digits or something isn't really useful21:17
kanzureand then of course they don't give you enough time if you had to manually do the calculations. blah.21:18
fenndid you ask for a calculator?21:21
kanzurein some of the classes, calculators and pencils are advertized as being available, and this one wasn't- maybe they actually had some?21:23
fennwell even cell phones have primitive calculators21:24
fennthey'd be lying if they said there were no calculators available, if you actually brought a calculator and it died21:24
kanzurehah, they would never let us use cell phones :)21:24
fennanyway how hard could it be for a TA to dig up a calculator21:28
fennshouldnt that be "\$$bribe"21:30
kanzurewhat syntax is $bribe$ ?21:30
kanzure$$bribe is a variable variable. "\$$bribe" is an escape character plus the value of a bribe variable. but '$bribe'?21:31
fenni think you messed up21:31
fennit's ok, man21:31
kanzureomg 1 s/but \'\$bribe\'/but \'\$bribe\$\'/21:32
kanzureor however that weird chat.rb regexp system works :/21:32
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gene_lost foam?21:45
fennone of les's roomate's friends is building a furnace for casting aluminum21:46
kanzureles has another roommate?21:48
gene_kanzure, do you think anything of significance will happen with the fablab over spring break?21:49
fennkanzure: there's a cat, a bird, and a guy named doug21:50
fenngene_: you really ought to be asking me, since kanzure hasnt been there for 3 weeks21:50
gene_so what do you think fenn?21:50
fenni dont think a whole lot will happen at least until march 25 or so21:51
gene_what happens on the 25th?21:51
fenndeadline for les' projects21:51
gene_which would be?21:51
fennuh, bunch of stupid jobs he got himself obligated to do21:52
gene_so 1. when can we get a CNC machine21:52
fennmagically self-supporting bookshelves for Dell's lobby.. i forget what the others are21:52
gene_2. when can we get a lasercutter21:52
fenn2. whenever you come up wiht $10k21:53
gene_they have ones for $250021:53
gene_I believe21:53
fenn1. I really dont know what the hold up on this is21:53
gene_what is there something moderately like a CNC machine ?21:53
fennit's an exceptionally beefy 5'x10' router that's about 90% completed21:54
gene_what needs to be done to complete it?21:54
gene_can it cut metal?21:54
fennuh, probably light milling on aluminum but i doubt les will be happy about that21:55
fennthere's some slight warpage in the table from when it was welded (big surprise~) so we're going to un-warp it by welding on the other side21:55
gene_you got welding supplies?21:56
fennand then we have to weld the gear racks into one piece (they come in 5 ft sections or something like that)21:56
fennyes there's a mig welder, but i think he wanted to use an acetylene torch21:56
gene_sounds like it isn't a particulary accurate mill21:57
fennneed to get motor mounts laser cut (dont ask me why) and drill holes for limit switch sensors21:57
fennand then build the z axis, which i have no idea how it's supposed to work21:57
fennreally i'd rather have something smaller and simpler to start with21:57
gene_gear motor mount laser cut?21:57
gene_got a part file?21:58
gene_what material?21:58
fenni dont have any cad files for this21:58
fennbut they exist21:58
fenn1/4" steel21:58
gene_uh, I don't think you can laser cut that21:58
gene_hmmmm... does it need crazy tolerances?21:58
fenni'd just drill the damn thing on the drill press, but les has silly ideas about productivity21:58
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gene_is it all 2D?21:58
fennno it just some plate you put a bolt and nut on21:59
fennway too many laser cut parts in that machine21:59
gene_do you have some sharpies, a DC power source, some tape, salt, water, and a big plastic container?21:59
fenndude, be realistic22:00
fenn1/4" steel22:00
gene_it can be done22:00
* fenn gives gene_ "the look"22:00
gene_you'd be surprised22:01
kanzurefenn: how would that 3rd axis be too hard? I mean, you'd have to redo the xy metal contraption thingy, but what's the big deal? take a look at oomlout's mdf 3-axis thingy.22:02
gene_you can drill nice pretty holes with ECM22:03
gene_if I can only find the site though...22:04
fennkanzure: it's been engineered to death, that's the problem22:06
fennthere's this pyramid shaped thing with ovals cut out all over the place, and somehow this pringles chip thing with tabs sticking out everywhere moves up and down inside the pyramid22:07
fennit's not just a nice flat surface you bolt another axis on22:08
fennhere's the Z http://www.mechlift.com/2008.jpg22:09
fennand this is how it fits in the machine http://www.turningaround.org/Images3/CNC3.jpg22:10
gene_I found a really cool website about using piezos as a micropositioner, but it's dead :(22:11
kanzure" 22:11
kanzure"Alright, so, let's start with NR2B. Also known as GRIN2B and glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2B. One of the search results on Google for GRIN2B agonists is my own 2008-03-31 page on increasing repetitive behaviors, so evidently I am going in circles again. On that other page, GRIN2B was being studied in a thalamocortical study of OCD. See also "Association of the glutamate receptor subunit gene GRIN2B with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder"."22:11
kanzureblah. My life is just this one big giant circle.22:12
fennis that your first search result for GRIN2B?22:12
fennyou just need to set up some google alerts instead of actively searching22:12
fennmore Z complexity http://www.turningaround.org/Images3/CNC4.jpg22:13
kanzurewas just reading through intense_world_syndrome.html again because I linked somebody on an AGI list to it when they discovered the Henry Markram video22:14
kanzurethey went a little far and said that Henry deserves a Nobel Prize, but for making up statistical bullshit on the prefrontal cortex's connectivity? I don't think so :/22:14
kanzure(but otherwise he's of course, awesome)22:14
gene_found a russian CNC machine that cost $42822:20
kanzurewhere are you getting that money?22:21
kanzurefenn: can we get dan heeks, thomas paviot, jelle feringa into this channel or om by any chance? the likelihood seems slim :/22:23
gene_that's what ECM is capable of22:25
fennkanzure: heeks certainly, other guys probably not22:26
fennthat is the longest, ugliest URL ever22:27
kanzurehuh, appropedia is one of the top 10 most followed twitter accounts in North America22:27
kanzuregene_: http://tinyurl.com/22:27
gene_I don't do tinyurl22:27
kanzurethen do something else22:28
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap22:28
kanzurefenn: paul puts it well in his latest email: "a conflict of interest" in those who are hoping to make OM deliver them goods *right now*22:29
fenni already put my 4 hours of openmanufacturing in today22:29
* fenn cries22:29
kanzure4 hours?22:30
kanzuregene_: please run that through javascript:urldecode() before pasting again.22:31
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]22:32
gene_hahaha, this russian CNC machine I'm looking into can operate in sub-zero conditions22:33
fennnow google doesnt even AND all the search results together22:38
fennthey just couldn't let it be..22:38
fenni give it another 3 months before they remove the functionality entirely in the name of stupidity22:39
fennfoo +bar22:40
fennresults won't necessarily have bar unless you add +22:41
kanzureI think Google transitions certain users over in bulk or something, but in batches22:44
kanzurebecause some people experience new features, others don't22:44
kanzurefoo +bar insensitivity happens for me too.22:44
fennyeah did you know amazon price is different depending where your ISP is?22:44
fennso they can extract the most money out of you22:45
kanzurebut that could just be done by currencies.22:46
fenni mean it changes by zip code22:46
gene_looks like we have a way to make sharpie microfluidics acurately22:47
fenngene a couple days ago you were in #emc asking about something.. what was that about?22:48
fennthat ball guide is icky22:49
fenncorners don't make good bearing surfaces22:49
gene_that's not a ball guide22:50
fennwell whatever it is22:50
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit ["Lost terminal"]22:52
fenni like this construction method (perhaps not suitable for just scratching in sharpie ink) http://buildyourcnc.com/mickhcnc.aspx22:52
gene_it's some sort of reconfigurable russian CNC machine22:52
gene_wait a second22:53
gene_you see a ballguide22:53
fennBy developing low-cost linear guide for the designer "Kulibin" We try a lot of designs.  On one of them we describe in this article, because  It seems that this is an easy-to-manufacture design of ball guide22:53
gene_that's not what I wanted to show you22:54
fennpic of sandwiched acrylic and aluminum with ball bearings in the gaps22:54
gene_well what I wanted to show you was a DIY micromanipulator22:55
gene_this is better, it's the russian CNC machine22:57
gene_real cheap $428 for a kit22:57
fennthey use stepper motors as thrust bearings. not good22:58
fennsee how the threaded rod goes right onto the stepper with nothing between22:59
fennthat means it's pushing on the motor's bearings23:00
fennthey arent designed for that, and will give a lot of slop (backlash)23:00
fennwhich is a big deal if you are trying to do things at small scales23:00
fennespecially because it's not predictable with plain bearings (bushings)23:00
fennwould you really pay $428 for that?23:01
gene_I see you have a point there23:01
gene_it looks like the type of thing you could make from parts from home depot23:01
gene_oh wait, home depot doesn't sell metric parts23:02
fenndon't use metric parts then23:02
fenni'd at least want proper square grid beam23:02
gene_the thing that is cool about this russian design is it's versatility23:03
gene_and that it breaks down quite easily23:03
fennwhat is the foil supposed to do?23:03
fennfor the probe23:04
gene_russian design what do you expect23:05
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