
--- Day changed Sat Mar 14 2009
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-175-60.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap00:05
kanzurethat was fun.00:10
kanzurewhat the fuck is this bullshit00:21
kanzurelooks like a front for liquidware00:22
kanzurethis is gaytarded.00:22
geneso I want to do FEM modeling00:23
geneany good starting points?00:23
kanzure(also called "elmer")00:23
kanzurefenn and I were both able to get it running on our systems00:24
genehey kanzure is most of the stuff on that open hardware place SMT?00:24
geneand is there some sort of standard SMT component location data?00:25
kanzurebasically, the other open source hardware initiatives we're involved with seem to be more mature.00:25
kanzureyes, there is actually00:25
kanzurelook up gEDA00:25
geneholy shit00:26
geneso that means I can go ThingForge(don't tell anyone, but I go to The Treasure Chest for getting the good stuff), download the data send a BOM to mouser00:27
kanzurea BOM does not contain SMT component location data00:28
kanzureyou'll have to look it up. as I said, gEDA will probably have the information.00:28
genehave the components packaged into nice standard SMT reel mounts that I put into my home Pick'n Place equipped home Reprap00:29
kanzuredo you know where the dimensions are recorded for those standard SMT reels and reel mounts?00:29
geneand have a new remote control ready waiting for me in the morning00:29
geneI want to know00:29
geneI made a Pick and Place head for reprap00:30
genebut I got lazy and never made the part bay00:30
kanzure"JEDEC's adoption of open industry standards (i.e., standards that permit any and all interested companies to freely manufacture in compliance with adopted standards) serves several vital functions for the advancement of electronic technologies. First and foremost, such standards allow for interoperability between different electrical components."00:31
kanzureblah, they require registration00:31
geneat the end of spring break I want Reprap to have a printable pneumatic stepper or a working PNP toolset00:32
kanzureand of course their registration form doesn't work in opera.00:33
geneholy cow00:34
geneI don't believe it00:34
genepage 500:34
kanzureieeexplore blocks me :(00:35
* kanzure has to ssh into the lab computers to get ieee xplore papers00:35
kanzurehm, I've seen this before00:35
kanzurewasn't this in a James Bond movie?00:35
geneI'm going to be home and not have this awesome internet acess00:35
genepage 500:35
genespec for wobble motor00:36
gene9 mm in diameter00:36
gene420 steps per revolution00:36
kanzureI wonder what happens when hair is frozen.00:38
genethe reprap steppers are 400 per revolution00:38
genehair can be sonicated you know00:38
kanzureno, it was just me thinking about microchannels drawn by hair.00:38
geneyou know that big LN2 tank by WEL, it looks like its leaking00:39
geneyou might test it out00:39
kanzureuhh isn't that something you should report?00:39
genethey are made to leak00:39
kanzureah right, the tops?00:40
geneon the bottom00:40
geneby the heat exchanger, which is BTW covered in ice00:40
genethey had some guy by it earlier, so it can't be much of a problem00:40
geneanyway, a leak is less worrysome than the container not being able to leak00:41
kanzuremeh, what's the worst that pressure can do :p00:41
genehuh, the sink isn't working when I turn the handle00:43
geneI'd better take a look around00:43
kanzurehm, so there's about 160 lines of heekscad that need to be written up for pythonocc00:44
kanzurecode vs. sleep00:44
kanzuremaybe I'll do both simultaneously.00:45
kanzureit's an air vent.00:45
genethat's why it isn't working00:45
geneI would like to see this on mythbusters00:46
-!- splicer_ [n=patrik@h72n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:46
fenn"gene> so I want to do FEM modeling"  caelinux.org00:49
genewell I don't know if that's the right thing to do00:49
geneI want to make a pneumatic stepper motor that's easy to print off a reprap00:50
geneone of the ways to do this is with a wobble motor00:50
fenndan heeks was saying he wanted to re-do large parts of heekscad in python (with pythonocc presumable)00:52
fennbut his python wasn't up to speed :)00:52
fenner, i mean his ability in python00:52
geneI don't know if I can scale something as small as 6 mm in diameter to something that'd work with reprap00:52
kanzurefenn, if you can decypher how heekscad is keeping track of mouse -> OCC xyz coord translation, that would be awesome. grep for "OnLeftDown" in the src dir, but I just don't see enough code for it to make sense :/00:53
geneI need to figure out the displacement of this: http://www.act.sys.okayama-u.ac.jp/kouseigaku/research/okamoto_wobble_06/english.files/image003.gif00:53
geneand if I could do so with thicker silcone00:53
fennthat looks suspiciously like a wankel engine00:54
geneit's different from a wankel00:54
kanzure(there's also an OnLeftDown handler in wxDisplay.py in pythonOCC/Tools/InteractiveVisualizer/ of course, and even a "selected_shape" variable that I've been trying to wrestle with- presumably the CShape.cpp source from HeeksCAD will help)00:55
fenncertainly looks rep-rappable00:55
kanzure((in particular, that excerpt I linked to)00:55
kanzuregah, a parenthetical mismatch! I have failed you, oh internets00:55
genebut I want to make a big one00:55
geneholy crap00:55
geneI know solids00:56
fennshow me00:56
geneI might be able to do this without that fancy fem crap00:56
kanzureyou that is a solid undergoing dynamics?00:56
geneuh it's not that important00:56
kanzurejust go along with the reference.00:56
genei know solids for flat bars00:57
fennthe wobble motor could have built-in silicone valves to commutate00:57
fennbecause you have to make valves somewhere in the system?00:59
kanzurefrom twitter: "lessig Arrived austin sxsw speaking in 11 hrs"01:00
genewho's lessig?01:00
kanzureyour lord and savior01:00
kanzurein other words, he's kind of the guy behind the shadows of creative commons01:02
kanzureinterview: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/12/21/15522101:02
fennkanzure: i dont see OnLeftDown in HeeksCAD anywhere01:03
genehuh guess the Pirate bay won't ever start a Treasure Chest, a website where you can illegally download booty that an autofac can make01:03
geneyou going to SXSW kanzure?01:03
kanzuregene: I don't know what going to SXSW involves01:05
kanzurebut there's a barcamp coming up, maybe I'll spontaneously show up01:05
genethe free stuff01:05
geneI also believe they have a large pit of lego bricks01:06
fennhuh. sxsw has 1400 musicians and 12000 attendees - which one's a typo?01:07
kanzurefenn: uh, sorry. it was 'EVT_LEFT_DOWN'01:07
fennits more like 120000 i bet01:07
kanzure(a wx-defined constant)01:07
gene"the required output stall force of the J-2 actuator is 42,000 lbs" that seems like a bit more than reprap would need01:10
kanzurefenn, does it make sense that occ wouldn't automatically split up a model into its constituent parts when it loads it up? say a typical iges, or stl file01:12
fennvoid Drawing::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent& event )01:12
fennin Drawing.cpp01:12
fennis the select code01:12
kanzurethere's a _3dDisplay.Selection(x, y) class from occ01:13
kanzurewhich takes wxMouseEvent event.GetX() and event.GetY() IIRC01:13
kanzureok, I need sleep.01:15
fennhm nope, dont sees that anywhere\01:16
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-175-60.public.utexas.edu] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.7/2009021910]"]03:24
wrldpcdoes anyone in here still visit 4chan?03:27
bkerochizu doe s:P04:23
ybithappy π day05:10
-!- willPow3r_ [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:07
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bkerohttp://staff.osuosl.org/~bkero/newmonitor.jpg :)  yays07:17
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:00
-!- kanzure-- [i=bbishop@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]09:18
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kanzurefenn: you don't see EVT_LEFT_DOWN anywhere? are you using grep incorrectly?12:29
kanzurehm. I need to eat. the cafeteria is closed until after spring break. what do I do?12:42
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:49
fennyou're staying in the dorms over spring break?13:18
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kanzurefenn: is that bad?13:43
fennshrug.. at IU it was only allowed if you're an international student or something13:47
kanzurethis is a private dorm14:00
fennyou going to barcamp?14:13
kanzuremaybe. I haven't figured out where it is, or when, or anything like that14:20
kanzureso probably not, unless I get off my lazy ass14:20
kanzure311 East 5th Street14:22
kanzureblah, I don't want to walk to 5th :/14:22
fenntoday 9am-9pm14:35
fenni might go show off heekscad on my pitiful laptop14:35
kanzureif you want to pick me up, that would be neat, but I don't know about staying until 9 pm. I was planning on trying to act productive today.14:36
fennyeah 6 hours is probably a bit much14:37
fennthis is pretty fucking awesome http://gtrebaol.free.fr/doc/catia/spur_gear.html14:49
kanzure "Start and configure the generative shape design workshop"14:51
kanzurehm, vrml14:51
fennthe fact that you can just throw in some arbitrary equations and it turns into a solid14:52
fennand it even looks pretty14:53
kanzureyeah, equation plotting is definitely something that we need to implement14:54
kanzureI'm not really sure what to do first.14:58
kanzureI have some code pulled up to import STEP models and extract faces14:59
kanzureand then some other code to add a vertex to a face - http://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_13595/14:59
kanzurebut it will probably work, so I don't know to bother or not14:59
fenni dont even know what you're trying to do15:04
kanzurejust trying to keep myself occupied with pythonocc15:08
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@adsl-70-231-235-143.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:16
fennfigure out how to draw a nurbs curve with a wire15:20
fennlike what you'd get from an autocad dxf15:20
fennthe "SPLINE" entity15:20
fennalso try converting an edge of a solid to a wire15:21
kanzureis a wire not an edge?15:24
kanzureand what's a nurbs curve? is it a bezier curve?15:24
fennit's like a bezier but you can overlap splines and weight them15:27
fenni don't really understand all the details actually15:28
fenna bezier is a specific class of nurbs15:28
fennusing cubic polynomials as the basis functions15:28
kanzurecubic polynomials. okay. so there must be a domain restriction specified somehow somewhere?15:28
fennthis might be a good starting point http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NURBS15:30
kanzuremaybe I'll just hammer heekscad's interface into pythonocc's interactiveviewer.py15:30
* kanzure goes down for some food15:32
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@adsl-70-231-235-143.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]15:34
fennsomehow they manage to give entirely the wrong spin to this: "Max is concerned that our rapidly developing technological capabilities are racing far ahead of our standard ways of thinking about future possibilities. His work aims to improve our ability to anticipate, adapt to, and shape the future for the better."15:37
fenn(max more)15:38
kanzurewho's they?15:42
kanzuremax should stick to being the pusher for 'the proactionary principle'15:42
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@dsl092-008-180.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:43
fennplutopia.org promotional people15:46
kanzureah, yeah, jon lebkowsky (plutopia pusher) and I talked last at max's birthday party15:46
kanzureso now mom wants me to go to the community college16:29
kanzureI don't like this. why does she get to decide?16:29
fennif you arent getting much out of college then community college will be even worse16:38
kanzuredid I mention that she wants to put me in a home?16:49
kanzurein other words "hi, we're the men in the white suites, and your schedule is now our property"16:50
fennfuck that16:53
kanzurebasically this has been "happy birthday bryan, oh look your dad died, ok let's put you in a home"16:54
fenngroup outings to facilitate the development of social skills and instruction in independent living, such as grocery shopping, cooking and paying bills.16:54
kanzurefuck that indeed.16:54
fennthis is all the shit you don't learn living in a dorm16:55
kanzureit seems I'm being raped into doing things I don't want to do16:57
kanzureis there a patch for this?16:57
fenni believe it's called financial independence16:57
fennsomewhat expensive in terms of time and bullshit tolerance though16:58
kanzurehave I done something wrong?16:58
kanzurewell it just seems like not everyone is put into a home16:59
kanzuremaybe I've said something that I shouldn't have? or maybe I've done something I shouldn't have?16:59
fennyou spend too much time on the computer17:00
kanzureas opposed to doing what?17:00
fennfrolicking, engaging in primate activities17:00
fennfor example, when's the last time you participated in a sports activity?17:01
kanzurea little less than a year.17:01
fenncompare and contrast17:01
fennso according to this chart you should be watching more TV17:02
kanzurereading, communication, and computation seem to all be grouped together17:02
kanzuremaybe if I watch more TV that will fix things?17:02
kanzureI can always start memorizing answers to "Jeopardy" I guess17:02
fenni wasn't serious17:02
kanzurewell, she seems to be serious about putting me in a home :(17:03
fennwhat is her reasoning?17:03
kanzureshe's not quite the type to use reasoning17:03
kanzurebut apparently it's that I'm making bad grades17:04
fennwell, how did she get this idea then17:04
fennhow many credit hours are you taking?17:05
kanzureit's theoretically possible to still pass this semester I think17:05
kanzureand I'm passing two classes (at least 5 hours)17:05
kanzurethe other two I'm not entirely sure about (the physics disaster recently, for instance)17:06
kanzure(erm, and a third- the lab- which I'll probably pass)17:06
fennas always in life, you have to stop doing one thing to excel in another17:06
kanzurewhat she wants me to do is withdraw from this semester17:06
fennso what is it you want to excel at?17:07
kanzureavoiding bullshit17:07
fenni suggest becoming a tour guide17:07
kanzureI don't actually go anywhere17:08
fennor a camp counsellor for a troubled youths "scared straight" program :\17:08
kanzurebut then I'd be bullshiting them?17:08
fennseriously i can't think of many professions that don't have a lot of bullshit involved17:08
kanzureI have to get a profession?17:08
fennin this world, yes, apparently17:09
fennnow that i'm thinking about it, the higher up the "white collar" food chain you go, the higher the concentration of bullshit17:10
fenna principle investigator has to deal with more BS than a postdoc, for example17:11
kanzureit's not like I'm not a hard worker17:12
kanzurebut apparently I don't work hard enough? or something? or am useless?17:12
kanzureI don't even know what the problem is17:12
kanzuream I not kissing enough ass?17:12
fennthe problem is you get bad grades?17:14
fennif you feel you receive an unfair grade, and you haven't talked with the teacher about it, then you're doing something wrong17:15
kanzurebut I got the answer wrong (apparently)17:15
kanzureisn't there some sort of implicit agreement to answer the question when the teacher assigns it?17:15
kanzureotherwise you wouldn't be in that situation in the first place?17:15
kanzurebut I wouldn't know if it's unfair or not. I know grades are stupid, if that counts.17:16
fennif you don't understand the subject well enough to answer the question correctly, you probably aren't spending enough time on it17:17
fennfigure out where your time goes17:18
kanzureI've noticed that I am unable to partition my time when it comes to homework17:18
kanzureif I'm given a stack of work to do, like on a saturday morning, I can plow through it for 12 or 14 hours17:18
kanzure(which has been historically confirmed in the past)17:18
kanzurebut on the other hand, doing one or two hours of homework at weird hours over the week tends to be somewhat of a problem17:18
kanzureefficient partitioning algorithms. blah.17:18
fennyeah the military schedule thing is stupid17:20
fennit has no place in university from any perspective17:21
kanzureI've never found a school that lets you do bulkwokr17:21
fennask if you can get the homework assignments early17:21
kanzuresure. 17:21
fenn"so you have longer to do them" hah17:21
kanzurewould that keep me out of a home though?17:22
fennthe only thing that will keep you out of an institution is standing up for yourself17:22
kanzurebwahah: mymenu = wx.Menu() ; mymenu.Append(1, "Huh") ; self.MenuBar.Append(mymenu, "Superfilemenu")17:22
kanzurewell, I can certainly say "I shouldn't be in a home"17:23
kanzurebut I don't know what she's going to do. if I'm at the community college, I don't really have much tools accessible to me17:24
kanzurewhen I was simultaneously enrolled at the community college before, their paper access was *crap*17:24
kanzureand is basically completely useless. not sure how empowering that's going to be..17:24
fennhow are papers empowering to you?17:25
kanzurewell, I don't have to spend time hunting down passwords to ezproxy gateways17:25
kanzureI meant paper access17:25
kanzureliterature access17:25
xp_prganyone know of a usb servo?17:27
fennwell, that seems to be a different conversation17:28
kanzurewhat? lag in usb servos?17:28
fennuh, no, i mean papers and "doing stuff"17:28
kanzuremy plan has been to piggyback all of my other interesting-stuff on to the machine shop here on campus and so on17:29
kanzureor as research projects etc.,17:29
kanzurebut that's not going to happen if I'm not actually, uh, here17:29
fennwhereas the immediate goal is to stay out of prison17:29
fennwell, what about this fab lab you abandoned?17:29
kanzureI abandoned?17:29
fennwell didnt you?17:29
fennso you're getting dumped into "the real world" a little earlier than expected17:30
kanzureit's not like I can afford $225/mo at this point17:30
kanzurealthough I'm of course willing to do what I can17:32
kanzureone thing that andrew hessel pointed out as that most universities allow you to do independent research projects for credit17:39
kanzureI'm still looking around for that of co urse.17:39
fennits usually a high level course which you need a faculty member's approval17:40
fennnot something to do in your freshman year17:40
kanzureoh, senior design projects?17:40
fennya same thing17:40
fennand it should have some relation to whatever the faculty member is doing in their lab17:41
fennit's not just "here's some money and credits for whatever you think is interesting"17:41
kanzureright, I wouldn't mind having to have it approved first17:41
UtopiahGHML(not sure that can help http://bbs.techyou.org/ http://www.passfans.com/ )17:42
kanzurehah, passfans :)17:43
kanzurewho spends only 21 minutes per day reading, anyway?17:46
fennit's average17:47
fennwhich makes the TV watching all the scarier17:47
kanzuresometimes I've wondered about other people17:48
kanzureI mean, what do they *do* with their time17:48
kanzurewhen I get to know them, it seems like they might as well just *not* have 24 hours in their days17:48
kanzureI found out in my senior year of high school that "what do these people *do* with their time" is usually answered by "drugs"17:49
kanzuredon't know what kind of drugs they're on though :)17:49
fenntelevision, apparently17:50
fennoff to barcamp, let's hope it doesnt suck and my car doesnt get ticketed17:52
* fenn grumbles17:52
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/pythonocc/scripts/ new scripts added20:24
kanzureneat, mom's paying the food bills for spring break20:32
kanzurewho wants to go eat out with me?20:32
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@pool-173-48-214-204.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:10
fennso i guess the barcamp people got confused about how it's not supposed to actually be in a bar..21:38
fenni puttered around for a while, wincing at the noise, and eventually found a decently quiet room and did a little presentation on heekscad (it was terrible)21:39
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:40
fennthen there were breakdancers in the way when i was trying to leave..21:40
fennso, that was weird21:40
fenni mean the whole thing was weird21:40
kanzurewas this at "idea city" ?21:46
kanzureanyway, I should have pointed you to some individuals that I commonly find at the barcamp-like events here in austin. there's blanu (freenet guy), the microsoft pusher, Paul I think, and a few others.21:50
fennno, it was at what used to be paradox night club but now has a big "for lease" sign on the side21:51
fennit was sort of confusing because they only had a tiny little sign on the door and all the windows were blacked out21:51
fenntodd huffman gave a seession on 'slicing brains rapidly' but it was before i got there and i never saw him21:52
kanzurehe was probably talking about his diamond slicer.21:52
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]21:52
kanzurehe also offered me a job back in the day, if you want to follow that up with him, I'd suggest it21:53
kanzureespecially since he's heavily involved with fablabs21:53
kanzureand apparently also heavily involved with the crew from the minduploading.org/research.htm days (might have a +l at the end there)21:53
fennhttp://www.visiato.com/austin/paradoxnightclub.htm  ... yeah, like that but without the gogo girls21:54
kanzureheh, barcamp at a night club.21:55
fenni'd say about 30% of the people had some sort of alcoholic beverage21:56
fenni was talking to this british guy who does geolocated movies on "fire eagle" whatever that is, "oh this is your local pub then eh?"21:56
kanzuresounds stupid.21:57
kanzurehm. it just occured to me why you're unable to write on surfaces in heekscad.21:59
fennbecause it wasnt intended to do that?22:00
kanzureit seems to me that heeks isn't actually keeping track of surfaces, faces, edges and points for models in the system, at least after you've turned them into a shape22:00
kanzurewell, right, but I mean it's a memory management issue22:00
fennit's missing the whole feature tree concept, unfortunately22:00
kanzuresomethng that occ leaves up to an implementation detail22:00
fennreally more like a mesh modeler22:00
fennit shouldnt be like that22:00
kanzurewait, is a feature tree anything like "here's a base shape, and this second shape is dependent on this first shape" ?22:00
fennits on the wishlist22:00
fennyeah, sort of22:00
fennlike if you do a CSG operation you'll lose the original shapes22:01
kanzuredunno if occ implements that22:01
kanzurebut heeks implements undo at least22:01
fennsure but not branching undo with rebasing22:01
kanzurean "event queue" or "history queue" for actions taken would fix that I think22:02
kanzurejust copy the history to make a new branch in the tree,22:02
kanzurethen modify a particular step to some new parameter or replace it entirely22:03
kanzureand then run through the subsequent actions22:03
fennnah that's a piss poor way to do it22:03
kanzureI think that's how it's traditionally done at lea--22:03
fennyou shouldnt have to undo22:03
kanzureis there a better way?22:03
fennyeah just keep track of everything that goes into a shape22:03
fennthen rebuild it from scratch when you load the file22:03
kanzureoh, I see, keeping pointers22:04
fennso like if i want to make a cube with rounded corners, i should have a feature tree with a cube and a fillet operation22:04
fennthen when i want my rounded cube to be bigger i just increase the size of the cube22:04
kanzuredoes an enum structure automatically assign ascending values to the variables defined in the enum {} ?22:23
fennit's just syntactic sugar22:23
kanzureheh, I gave up looking for the definition of some constants in heekscad because I saw no '=' in the results of my grepping over heekscad src.22:23
fennFOO = 0; BAR = 1 etc22:23
kanzurethinking they were wx constants. oops :/22:24
kanzurehah, the toolbar image filenames are just the name given in the source code plus dot png in the /bitmaps/ dir. how nice of him.22:35
kanzurewx.Image("/home/bryan/manufacturing/pythonocc/pythonOCC/Tools/InteractiveViewer/bitmaps/" + "new" + ".png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)23:07
kanzurehm, so I get a wxImage type from that,23:07
kanzureand a method complains that it wants wxBitmap instead23:08
kanzureso much for "if it walks like a bitmap and quacks like a bitmap" theory23:09
kanzureah, at least there's wx.Bitmap(filename)23:09
kanzuredef ToolImage(name): return wx.Bitmap("/home/bryan/manufacturing/pythonocc/pythonOCC/Tools/InteractiveViewer/bitmaps/" + name + ".png")23:10
kanzurehrm, "expected argument 4 of type wxBitmap const &" in ToolBarBase_DoAddTool23:10
kanzuregah, even something of type "wx._gdi.Bitmap" is not "wxBitmap const &"23:11
-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:27
* fenn blinks23:58
fenngdi.bitmap is a gtk thing23:59
fennbecause you're using wxgtk23:59
kanzureno no, I was going about things wrong23:59
kanzureand only playing with other functions led me to the True Proper Way23:59

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