
--- Day changed Thu Mar 19 2009
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genebacteria in the stratosphere00:41
genewhat are bacteria  doing in the stratosphere?00:43
geneheck if there's bacteria in the stratosphere, why doesn't something feed off of them00:45
fenni wish they would do isotope analysis on them00:45
fennthe premise is that the bacteria come from interstellar space and drift down to earth00:46
genewhoa that'd be weird00:47
geneyou'd expect panspermia to be a rare event00:47
fennnot at all00:47
geneI doubt they're from intersteller space though00:47
fennscience is just a series of events showing how earth isn't the center of the universe00:48
genethey've got some similarity with life on earth00:48
fennhey dumbass, paradigm shift00:48
willPow3rwhat are you doing in the stratosphere bacteria? you don't belong there, you can't even breathe there bacteria00:48
fennif there's bacteria in outer space, life didn't originate on earth00:48
fennthat means life on earth was seeded by these bacteria drifting in00:48
genewell fenn, they found a genus of janibacter00:49
fennso that's why they are genetically similar00:49
geneyou want me to do a genetic comparison of janibacter genome to the human genome?00:49
genedo you?00:49
fennnot really00:49
genebut I don't get it what the heck are bacteria doing up there?00:50
genecarrying out photosynthesis00:50
fennthere aren't any air currents in the stratosphere so they couldnt be blown there by winds00:51
geneI wonder if they live there or just got carried there by say jet liners00:51
fennthe only way to get there is by volcano or from outer space00:51
geneI wonder if they came from enceladus00:51
fennand they are careful not to do sampling after a volcano eruption00:51
fenndid you know that the surface of comets are darker than photo copier toner?00:52
genewell you never know 00:52
genewell then, I think we found a new source of toner00:52
genedamn I wonder if there is life on enceladus or europa00:53
geneand if there isn't if we can solve that00:54
geneby shooting a bunch of bacteria into it00:54
geneI wonder if there are any clouds at 40 km00:57
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kanzuremeh, I had that paper on my server btw01:15
kanzureI don't know if he knows how to do genome analysis01:16
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fenndunno if i ever ranted about the red rain phenomenon: http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1526&category=Science01:19
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kanzuredon't know if we'll want to eventually make a similar announcement or not10:33
kanzurehttp://www.ist.caltech.edu/mpp/ molecular programming project (winfree/rothemund)10:44
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kanzurecontact electrochemical replication11:33
kanzureContact Electrochemical Replication of Hydrophilic−Hydrophobic Monolayer Patterns http://is.gd/o2Kq11:36
kanzurecrap. CyberKinetics (the MEA folks) are going out of business.11:49
kanzurefuck, it made wired? http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2009/03/open-source-har.html11:56
kanzure(the osh "bank" bullshit)11:56
kanzure"Huynh and Stack are managing the process through a Excel spreadsheet.11:56
kanzurewtf is wrong with this world11:56
kanzureyou make an excel spreadsheet and get in the news12:09
kanzureblah. I need to go punch a baby.12:09
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UtopiahGHMLregarding http://www.ist.caltech.edu/mpp http://www.jcheminf.com/ started recently AFAIK12:35
kanzurehttp://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/download/viewer.html 12:40
kanzurehave we gone over this 'pepakura design software' before?12:40
kanzurealso, 3d pokemon papercraft: http://paperpokes.blogspot.com/12:41
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kanzurefenn: the osh bank stuff made it to wired.com :(15:00
kanzureUTCS Distinguished Lecture Series: Richard Stallman/Free Software Foundation (gnu.org): "Copyright vs. Community in the Age of Computer Networks" WEL 1.308, Friday, April 24, 2009 2:15 p.m.15:46
kanzureoh snap15:46
bkerokanzure: do it15:46
bkeroHave a beard-off with RMS15:46
bkeroYou always lose, but it's always fun15:46
kanzuregah, but I shaved :(15:48
bkeroGlue it back on?15:52
-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:38
kanzurecould a burning a CD be used as a way to make a mask for photolithography? :/16:55
fennffs this secrecy crap pisses me off17:17
fenn"Bre Pettis demonstrated the prototype device during SxSW Festival"17:17
kanzureone of the daves I know was there and chatted with bre for a while (not the one you know)17:19
fennya treadwell17:19
kanzureoh crap17:19
kanzureoh, I forwarded his message to om17:19
kanzurethat's right.17:19
kanzureI sent a massive email to BRLCAD about their GSoC involvement. I offered to put graphsynth under the hood for the constraints satisfaction engine17:20
fennand now i find out the book i'm reading (title Themepunks) is going to be re-titled "Makers" - dammit!17:20
kanzuresucks how much things suck, eh?17:20
fenngraphsynth isn't a constraints engine17:20
fennwhat are you thinking?17:20
kanzureho ho ho, but it can solve the same problems17:20
fennnot quantitatively17:20
kanzurethat's not entirely true17:21
fenneducate me17:21
fennalso, graphsynth is c#17:21
fenni doubt brl-cad would go for that17:21
kanzureright, that's definitely an issue17:21
kanzureum, so, the same way that the gears are generated quantitatively :)17:21
fenniirc the gears were all spinning the wrong speeds17:22
kanzurethat had nothing to do with graphsynth17:22
fennit was just random numbers right?17:22
kanzureyep, everything to do with glxgears17:22
kanzurethere's probably something better than graphsynth for a real constraints engine that is already implemented somewhere of course17:23
kanzurebut their previous constraints attempt was the boost graph library17:23
kanzureand if they want to do graphs, let's do graphs :p17:23
kanzuretodo: write up an article on how to convert a CD drive into an optical data link (I guess just a PCB with the right interconnects)17:39
fennfirst you gotta figure out how to do that17:44
fennnot like i see the point though17:44
kanzurethere's not much of one, I just ran into a random paper while I was searching for references to this other paper thingy about CDs apparently having spiral microchannels17:45
kanzure(but now that I look at it, it's apparent that they fabricated that pattern on to the CDs via PDMS)17:45
fennthey use laser engraved glass i think17:48
fennreprap is on-par with commercial RP machines now: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Cii6PZ78wNc/ScD8n-LvOhI/AAAAAAAAAFE/6-o4ezLUsuI/s1600-h/WineG_ABS.jpg17:49
fennassuming someone can duplicate this person's methods17:50
kanzurescotch tape can transfer layers of sharpie circuits to the polycarbonate surface of a CD (where there are microchannels) and thus creating wells, where fluid can flow over into the next microchannel/groove, but not going to the sides (where sharpie markings would be located, supposedly)18:08
geneI'm working on a fluidic amplifier right now19:23
genefenn, more info on that19:23
geneis that nophead?19:23
geneif so, then reprap is not on par19:23
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fennno it's tony fletcher19:39
fennsee builders.reprap.org19:39
genenever heard of him19:39
fennme either19:39
geneis that with a reprap?19:40
fenni guess he is associated with bfb somehow19:41
genethat is with a reprap?19:42
geneif it is, holy shit19:42
fennwell, RapMan but close enough19:42
geneoh that guy19:44
genethe guy who's also building some sort of fusion reactor I believe19:44
genethat is a reprap19:46
generapman=reprap kit19:46
geneoriginal website19:47
fennyou're thinking of famulus == http://prometheusfusionperfection.wordpress.com/19:50
geneyeah I am19:51
genenow why the heck is my caliper flashin?19:51
fennheh the old dodacahedral hamiltonian path problem19:54
fennhere's one solution http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~sequin/SCULPTS/CHS_miniSculpts/HamiltonianPaths/DodHpFDiagD.JPG19:54
genenever heard of it19:54
fennhe has to wrap a wire around each loop exactly once (preferably)19:55
geneoh cool19:56
genedo you mind sending me the link to the original webpage for that19:56
fenn 19:56
fennyuck http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~sequin/SCULPTS/CHS_miniSculpts/HamiltonianPaths/DodHamPathB.JPG19:57
fennbathsheba kicks this guy's ass19:57
genedamn that famulus guy made some progress19:58
geneartists are begining to think 3d printed art is noobish19:59
fennthat's good19:59
fennmaybe we'll see some real art now19:59
fenni mean, more than just "look ma, VR!"19:59
genewell one of the art groups I met with on campus recently wants to do 3d printer art too20:00
genebut I have other ideas20:00
geneexpect something interesting....20:00
fenni'd like to see FDM where the grain follows the actual shape, like isolines on those mathematical surfaces20:00
fenninstead of just raster scan20:01
geneoh damn20:01
fennwhat art group? actlab?20:01
genesomeone else20:01
geneart and science group20:01
geneopen to everyone if you want in20:04
genelet me see if they have a site yet20:10
fenndo you know anywhere i can go that has HDMI monitors that i can hook a beagleboard to?20:10
genewhat's a beagleboard?20:11
fenna toy20:11
genetry fry's they won't mind20:11
fenni wonder how to fake out a computer into thinking my AVR is a keyboard20:12
geneoh yes they got a site now20:13
fennhm is this some kind of steampunk club :)20:14
geneart group20:14
geneyou know the "BEWARE OF ZOMBIES" sign hack? well someone 'knows the person who did it' if you know what I mean20:15
fennPotentially new resources for group20:15
fenn3-D printer in Engineering20:15
fenn3-D printer in Architecture20:15
fennLaser cutter in Architecture 20:15
gene3-D printer in geology20:15
fennis that like "REJECT CHRIST RECEIVE BACON"?20:15
geneargh, how the heck do I use Qcad20:18
fennwith lots of clicking20:19
fennare you drawing a gear? :)20:19
genetrying to draw a template for a cover plate for a fluidic amplifier20:20
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geneso I can electroetch it20:21
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fennomg <3 eric hunting21:38
kanzurewe all do :)21:45
kanzurebut, out of curiosity, what did he do this time?21:46
fennput a troll in his place21:54
kanzurewas this the "cult" thread?21:55
kanzureah, no, the funeral thread21:56
fennsame thing really21:56
kanzureI wonder how terrible it would be to be in an eric hunting cult21:58
fennprobably not too bad22:00
kanzuremulti-volume manifestos every Tuesday and Thursday22:00
fennrequired zen classes22:00
kanzurethe zen-kinda meaning of "required" ? heh22:00
fennscroll down to "Tjan opened the door": http://dir.salon.com/story/tech/feature/2005/10/10/themepunks_5/index2.html22:02
fennthat's how i want the lab to work22:02
kanzurethere's an ad22:03
kanzuregood god what is this crap22:03
kanzureah, the link was offset from the "close this ad" text22:03
kanzureI guess it's better than what we currently have22:08
fenncurrently = what?22:08
kanzureit doesn't raelly fix the problems of organization22:09
kanzureso your stuff goes into random folders now, big deal?22:09
fennsure we still need an ontology for "browsing" and the tub labeling/sorting would reflect this22:10
fennbut a search engine sidesteps the problems of ontologies and miscategorization22:10
fennand RFID fixes the inventory "is it there?" problem22:11
fennwhich i was going to try to do with digital weight scales22:11
kanzure"is the right amount of mass there" ?22:11
fenni think we'll still have to do something like that for qty items like hardware or consumables22:12
fennbut really an accurate mass is a pretty good identifier22:12
kanzureif we're going to bother to implement all of the typical hard drive file system tools and standards, we might as well just be serious about it and implement it in terms of FUSE or something22:13
kanzurethe light-up-the-box model is basically like running `which` or `locate`22:14
kanzure(locate runs off of a cache, `find` is the one that is a snail)22:14
fenni'm not going to fall into the filesystem trap22:14
kanzurebut that's what this is, no?22:14
fennunix tools are nice22:14
fennbut it's a database, not a filesystem22:14
kanzureoh look, 22:14
kanzure"a semantic filesystem for Linux and BSD kernels"22:15
* kanzure rolls his eyes22:15
fennsure, filesystems are convenient22:16
fennbut that's only because unix has totally perverted the meaning of "file"22:16
fennsomething like /proc would be useful22:16
fenni proposed this for emc2's HAL22:17
kanzureisn't /proc just some extra information about /dev ?22:17
kanzurei.e., i've retried processor temperatures from /proc 22:17
fenn /proc is a view into the kernel's status22:17
fennsee man proc22:18
fennrun proc run22:18
kanzureI wish objects weren't so dead.22:19
kanzureok, anyway, yeah, it's an ok idea22:21
kanzureI should only complain about objects if I have the solution these days :) and I don't.22:21
fenni was just surprised at how close doctorow was to my thinking22:21
kanzureI do like the feature of being able to put anything anywhere22:22
kanzurein the sense that it's "just out of the way"22:22
fennyeah, optimal close packing of "stuff"22:22
kanzureUnified Theory of Stuff22:22
kanzure"stuff flows to fill all available niches"22:22
fennyou do need some sort of backup organization scheme though in case your computers all die22:22
kanzure"stuff takes shape in the eye of the coder"22:22
kanzurefenn: weekly print-outs from the server's cache?22:23
fenn"stuff expands to fill available capacity"22:23
fennkanzure: i'm thinking disaster readiness22:23
fennnot backup22:23
kanzurekeep small backpacks of disaster prepardness kits?22:24
fenninsufficient functionality22:24
fennyou dont go to a fablab in a disaster for a backpack22:24
kanzureI've failed to think.22:25
kanzurewhat are we talking about?22:25
fenninventory systems22:25
kanzureminimal things that you need in case you are about to die?22:25
kanzureoptimal functionality when nothing is working?22:25
fennno, just maximizing functionality in a variety of circumstances22:25
fennnot any sort of single mindedness22:26
kanzure"gee, if only during spring cleaning I truly did an N^N categorization of everything" ?22:26
fennno single point of failure, basically22:26
fenncategorization doesn't have to be perfect because you have a search engine22:27
fennsearch engine doesn't have to be 100% reliable because you have an ontology22:27
fennwe won't have all the possible tags/keywords people will think of, for example AC/DC adapter, wall-wart, power supply, little black box, etc22:28
kanzureI don't see how a search engine solves that22:28
fennbut they could probably find it in "electrical->power supplies"22:28
kanzureif they knew it22:28
fennit doesn't, that's the point22:28
fennbah, you dont have to know an ontology if it's well thought out22:28
fenncan do multiple categories too, so computer->peripherals->scanner->scanner power supply22:29
fennthat's a lot of work though, and should be distributed run-time fixing22:30
fennlike "it wasnt there, would you like to add it?"22:30
kanzureso, RFID v. take a picture of the ISBN-equiavalent barcode ?22:34
fenntools dont have barcodes22:38
fennor at least mine dont22:38
fennmaybe the ones at the store do, but the packages are all long gone22:38
fennor are you talking about a cheaper method of GUID than RFID?22:39
fenn(my experience with grocery stores is that barcodes are a pain in the ass)22:40
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fennso RFID tags are approx. $1-2 and readers are $25-10023:02
fenni think that rules out putting a reader in every tub, at least for the near future23:03
genefablab for making autoturrets for fending off hordes of undead?23:03
genedataglyphs might work23:04
fenndataglyph requires line of sight, which doesn't work in a tub packed full of crap23:04
genethen have a bunch of tubs full of individual things23:04
fennone tub per thing? that's ridiculous23:05
geneone tub per bunch of things23:05
fennwhat's a bunch of things23:06
kanzurefenn: amy is asking me for an itunes app store for hardware23:06
kanzureI'm asking if she has design files..23:06
geneso are we setting up a super auto inventory system for the fablab?23:06
fenni started but only got like 20 things done, it takes a lot of work23:07
genemaybe something like a kiva robot23:07
genebins of unsorted stuff that the human can select23:08
fennok what should i work on today23:09
genewell you only have one hour until the day ends so....23:09
fenni'm on mars time23:09
geneoh ok23:10
genehmmmm... take pictures of lab, draw out floor plan?23:10
kanzurewe already have a floor plan23:10
kanzureno link23:11
fennit's not public for some reason23:11
geneok, that's fine23:11
fenni think les is stuck in "business" mindset23:11
genehey if we sell food we could make a profit maybe23:12
fennif you sell anything you should be making a profit23:12
fennme, i'd rather not sell food if i can help it23:13
* fenn tries compiling pythonocc again23:13
geneoh, you know what we need to do if we ever get a stratasys?23:15
geneif we ever get a stratasys we need to figure out how to hack the cartridges23:16
fenni dont want a stratasys23:17
genemaybe an SLS machine?23:18
genethose accept ground up plastic bits23:19
geneinvented here23:19
genecrazy rez23:19
kanzureamy's telling me a diesel engine should only have to be represented by STL23:19
geneI learned to hate those things23:20
geneno dimensions23:20
geneI wish there was some sort of SVG for cad files23:20
fenna diesel engine in STL? what about different materials, tolerances, processes23:21
fennat least STEP contains useful info (even if its a closed standard)23:22
fennAP203 and 209 are just geometry though, like stl23:22
fenni dont know of any widely accepted formats that include material info23:23
fennat the very least you will need a separate file describing the materials and process to manufacture the geometry23:24
fennand dont tell me you're going to SLS a diesel engine23:24
kanzurewtf, she wrote a mechanical VHDL to STL compiler23:26
genehahahaha, they already did23:26
geneexcept it doesn't work23:26
kanzurefenn: you know what,23:26
kanzurefenn: it occurs to me that people that run fablabs might not actually know what the fuck CAD is all about23:26
geneand it's made of plastic23:26
kanzurethis is scaring me23:27
genewho's amy again?23:27
fennkanzure: you're just now realizing this?23:27
kanzureshe runs the afghanistan fab lab23:27
kanzurefenn: I assumed they knew what they were doing, yes :(23:27
fennwell, it's not all doom and gloom23:28
fennthey know quite a lot about engineering23:28
kanzurelike, this is to the point of23:28
kanzure"I don't care about CAD, just give me a PNG of the design and our laser cutter will do it"23:28
* kanzure twitches23:28
fennthere are a lot of those sort of files in the git repo's23:28
fennit's all craft crap though so go figure23:28
kanzure"yay I made the 5 billionth star with a laser cutter"23:29
kanzure(ok, I knew that a long time ago, but still)23:29
kanzurehm. facebook plugin.23:30
fenncut faces on your laser cutter?23:30
* kanzure twitches again, but in the opposite direction23:30
genehey did you see that company that is using SLS prints to make lithopanes?23:31
kanzurewhy doesn't ponoko have a facebook plugin23:31
fenn"That's where AP224 comes in. Officially the Mechanical Product Definition for Process Planning Using Machining Features, this AP is `owned' by Team SCRA (as its lead developer and international advocate). It provides not only the geometry of a part, but also the part features, dimensions and tolerances, material requirements, and notational information. In other words, everything a manufacturer needs to know in order to efficiently p23:32
kanzurefenn: is that behind a paywall?23:32
kanzureand if so, do you want me to grab it?23:32
fennyou dont have access to ISO documents, dont even bother23:32
fennunless you do, in which case i will shit a uranium brick23:33
fennInternational Standards (ISO, IEC, ITU, DIN, etc.) are not collected or purchased by the University of Texas Libraries.  For purchase information go to the individual standards organization web site or Global Engineering Documents  to purchase copies of standards from all national or international organizations and many companies.23:33
kanzuregimme an ISO standard to look up23:33
kanzurefuck this23:33
genelook up the ISO standard on milling machine punched tape23:34
fennyou mean IEC-RS274D?23:35
fenn(not ISO)23:35
geneall be23:36
fennsorry, EIA23:36
fennsame thing23:36
kanzurebwaha, memorizing international standard codes23:36
genethat's photoplotter code23:37
kanzurehow much does an iphone cost per month?23:38
geneI want milling machine code23:38
genekanzure go with a kindle23:38
genefree internet23:38
kanzureI don't care23:38
kanzuregimme a number23:38
fennhmm i guess there is ISO 6983 but it's just a copy of DIN 6602523:38
fennone zillion dollars23:38
geneis that punched tape standards23:38
fennit could be on punched tape, yes23:39
fennsome people still use tape actually23:40
fennbut in general the standard isn't really a "standard" because they're all different23:40
geneheh I want to design a replicator with a fluidic control system that lives in the rings of saturn23:41
fennhow about this http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~jsm28/ECMA-10/23:41
fennbtw how are you going to find paper on saturn23:41
geneI'm not23:42
genespun basalt tape perhaps?23:42
kanzure(11:42:41 PM) Amy Sun: good god i can't remember my freshman year.23:43
kanzure(11:42:49 PM) Amy Sun: something about the number of people that would bail before the end of it23:43
kanzure(11:42:56 PM) Amy Sun: and the cold weather putting hair on your chest23:43
kanzurethose afghans.23:43
kanzurewhy didn't fablab apply for gsoc?23:44
kanzuregoogle summer of code23:44
genebtw you gonna see the Stallman's talk?23:46
kanzurehell yes?23:46
fennkanzure: tell amy to check out heekscad23:46
fennand heekscnc23:46
genecan heekscad do 2d?23:47
genelike dxf?23:47
fennyes, no splines yet though23:47
fennit can import splines but they are ugly line segments23:47
geneI don't care about splines23:47
fennwell i do23:47
genein .dxf?23:47
fennright now you have to split a sketch and then extrude the different closed contours separately ( havent figured out why yet)23:47
fenngene: i just added circle import to dxf last week23:48
geneis it easy to use?23:48
fennsure, it's easy to use when it's not crashing23:48
fennthe snapping ("digitizing") doesn't really work right all the time23:48
fennand there's no feature tree so you're stuck with what you did23:48
fennbut all these will change23:49
geneI'll just stick with qcad for now23:49
fennqcad is good for 2d23:49
fenni dont think heekscad should try to duplicate its functionality23:50
fennone of the perils of working as an employee: you get awful oldies radio songs stuck in your head23:51
genewell I have the crappy version of qcad23:51
fennwhat's the crappy version?23:51
fenn"community edition"?23:51
geneonly works for 10 minutes and 100 hrs23:51
fenni've never used the for-pay version so i cant comment23:51
fenndont do that23:51
fenngo to qcadbin-win.sf.net23:51
kanzurewas gene not running the compiled version?23:52
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@pool-173-48-214-204.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:53
genelet's see if this works23:53
generight now qcad is crashing on me when I try to save23:54
kanzure that would bail before the end of it23:54
genedamn my computer is running hot23:54
kanzure(11:54:38 PM) Amy Sun: i was hoping that vista wasn't so broken that we could use it for the lab machiens...23:54
geneand loud23:55
geneI'm running boinc23:55
fennwhat is she thinking?23:55
genekanzure you should run boinc23:55
kanzurethis *hurts*23:55
fenndo they actually use any programs that require windows?23:55
kanzureshe's complaining about vista stability issues23:56
kanzurebecause her keyboard is acting up23:56
geneI still need to install ubuntu23:56
fennprobably the CIA keylogger is interfering with the microsoft keylogger23:56
kanzure(11:57:12 PM) Amy Sun: a later arm of fabfolk is goign to be able to pay coders salaries to write and finish stuff for open source community23:57
fennjust make sure they get the license right, none of this "no commercial or military stuff" license crap23:58

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