
--- Day changed Fri Mar 20 2009
kanzure(12:01:38 AM) Amy Sun: nah, we had some lawyers craft a "ok for personal and experimental use" generic thing00:01
geneyou know I don't even know if afghanistan has IP laws yet00:02
kanzureI don't think you understand how backwards that is00:03
genehmmmm... I wonder if micronesia has IP laws00:06
fennwhat is wrong with standard licenses? why did they make their own license?00:06
kanzure(12:02:24 AM) Amy Sun: as far as i'm told by the smari's of the world, nothing comprehensive exists00:07
kanzure(12:05:27 AM) Amy Sun: no one i've ever met - that's academic, industry, defense, or hacker community - bats an eyelash to ask if they are allowed to use something00:07
kanzure(12:06:35 AM) Amy Sun: it's like having a rigid schedule to follow at burning man00:07
fennit matters if i'm going to share designs based on your work00:08
fenncopyright applies to publishing/distribution, not use00:09
kanzure(12:10:12 AM) Amy Sun: you either keep a idea completely secret 'cause you're a dumbass and think that no one else could have that idea, or you get over it and start engaging with others00:10
kanzureshe doesn't get it.00:10
fennit's about enabling people to take your idea and extend it00:11
fennif you have a custom license that restricts people's use to personal and experimental use only, you'll only get mediocre involvement from hobbyists (if that)00:11
fennit's really not even about ideas, it's infrastructure00:12
fenni can say "parametric associative solid modeler" but it doesn't mean I have one running in another window00:12
kanzure:11 < fenn> it's about enabling people to take your idea and extend it00:12
kanzure00:11 < fenn> it's about enabling people to take your idea and extend it00:12
kanzure(12:12:43 AM) Amy Sun: that'd be great if more than 3 people could agree on which license00:12
fennany license00:13
kanzureI told her that00:13
fennsorry to turn you into a transponder :\00:13
kanzure(12:13:27 AM) Amy Sun: which license, bryan00:13
kanzurewhat if I say GPL?00:13
genehey what chat app are you using kanzure?00:13
kanzurego away00:13
fenni think GPL is fine for fab lab's mission00:14
fenni dont understand MIT's insistence on non-commercial-use licenses for everything00:14
kanzure(12:14:53 AM) Amy Sun: not all people, and it turns out there are open * people that are vehemently against some part of the GPL00:15
kanzure(12:15:08 AM) Amy Sun: I can't tell you what, i just know they flooded my inbox and have all kinds of chats with each other about it00:15
fennyou can't please all of the people all of the time00:15
kanzure(12:15:35 AM) Amy Sun: no, i'm letting any maker chose their own thing00:15
kanzure(12:15:48 AM) Amy Sun: that's what's in our charter, if you come in a lab we don't inflict anything on you00:15
kanzure(12:16:04 AM) Amy Sun: if we fund your project, we give up the right to inflict anything on you00:16
fennok whatever, i'm talking about hired programmers that are writing fablab software00:16
fennis that different?00:16
fennstuff like cad.py00:17
fennor fablib00:17
kanzure(12:17:32 AM) Amy Sun: we don't have anything that we're releasing that's code only00:17
kanzure(12:17:40 AM) Amy Sun: we = larger fab projects00:17
kanzure(12:18:03 AM) Amy Sun: everything i know of, like cad.py or whatever, has been licensed however the author(s) wanted00:18
fenni want to force (yes force) anyone who creates a derivative of my mechanical designs to publish their code and/or cad files, but it's not possible in the current US legal system AFAIK00:21
fenni don't see why a circuit board should qualify but a laser cut piece of acrylic does not00:22
fennI want standard licenses for hardware designs just like in software00:23
fennhmm i worded that wrong , i dont care if someone makes things for personal use without redistributing their code, it's when they are redistributing the physical objects themselves that they have to redistribute the code00:23
kanzurefenn, why do they have to care about licenses?00:23
kanzureI mean, ultimately?00:24
fennthey == MIT and friends?00:24
kanzurewhy does anyone with a fablab have to care about licenses00:24
fennbecause it lets you know what you are allowed to do00:24
kanzurewhat if they just do it00:24
kanzureand then they build a super laser and kill you if you speak up00:24
fennthen you are at risk for getting sued and have no defense00:25
kanzuresued? they'll just build a machine gun and kill your lawyers00:25
fenntry building a machine gun, i dare you00:25
kanzurewell, suppose the design files are out there :)00:25
fennthey are, i almost bought the book00:25
geneI believe there is an open source machine gun00:25
geneno it's no the Ak4700:25
fennits a smooth bore SMG00:25
fennfires 22 caliber i believe00:26
genehmm... why no use a motor to spin the bullet up00:26
fennanyway, guns are not much use against tanks and cruise missiles00:26
fennand we dont really want to get into a war over copyrights do we?00:27
fenni mean really00:27
geneyeah but you could make a [REDACTED]00:27
kanzurewell supposedly the only people that would be involved would be those that are really into this 'just give it away' stuff00:27
fennyou dont get any advantage from copyright-free society until you have a whole heck of a lot of people participating00:27
fennkanzure: not everyone in a fablab will "just give everything away" as we've seen from amy's "non commercial use" license00:29
kanzure(12:30:12 AM) Amy Sun: i'm looking for hundreds of thousands of $ to send people off to do fabulous things in various ways, running a lab in a freaking war zone, and doing a phd...  licensing stuff is really really low on my list of thing I care about00:30
fennfair enough00:30
genestart development on laser force fields00:31
geneor AB domes00:31
kanzure(12:31:34 AM) Amy Sun: spekaing of which, we're funding undergrad proposals to have the mobile lab go to places in the lower 48 and do stuff00:31
genedomes for protection against missiles00:31
genereal easy and cheap to make00:32
kanzure(12:32:19 AM) Amy Sun: technically you'll have to find an mit undergrad collaborator 'cause most of tmoney will have "mit ugrad involvemnt" strings00:32
genewait, Amy's from Mit?00:33
kanzureall fablab people are00:33
kanzureheh: "come down here to austin so that we can rip off your epilog laser cutter"00:34
kanzure(12:34:17 AM) Amy Sun: oops did i fail to mention that we'll put priority on proposals that involve some audience/community and basically make it necessary for the lab to go to them instead of you to the lab00:34
fenni dont think mobile fablab can really help us, beyond showing how things should be done00:35
fennlimited time access to tools.. i can buy that locally from a job shop00:35
fenni would have a backlog of jobs for a laser cutter but I DONT HAVE THE SOFTWARE00:36
fennspecifically a timing pulley outline script00:37
fennnow that is cool00:39
fennprogress towards a self replicating fab (well, replicating from cheap commodities at least)00:39
genefabs that can build fabs that can build fabs00:40
fenni made some chip programmers for the robotics club and they were the single most useful project there00:40
kanzurethey didn't have burners/flashers?00:40
fenni guess that says more about how sucky the club was than anything :P00:41
fennthe commercial burners didnt work right00:41
fennthere were several models to choose from too00:41
kanzure(12:41:21 AM) Amy Sun: feel free to come to me with mostly-fully-baked ideas00:41
kanzure(12:41:39 AM) Amy Sun: if we can't help directly, we mightbe able to point you to grant sources00:41
genechip burners?00:42
geneburn wires into the chips?00:42
kanzureno, microcontroller programmers00:42
kanzureyou have to send the program to it00:42
geneit makes the program permanent correct?00:42
fennplz add http://www.ladyada.net/make/usbtinyisp/ to the DIY electronics bench00:43
generuns faster that way I hear00:43
fenngene you're thinking ASIC vs FPGA which is a totally different issue00:46
fennmicrocontrollers that use flash for program instructions are rate limited by the time to load data from the flash memory (compared to an equivalent ram-based processor)00:47
fennwhat does she mean 'come to me with ideas'?00:48
genebuild an AB dome!00:49
genelet me pull the paper from arxiv00:50
fennthe electron gas thing?00:50
geneno, but by the same guy00:51
fennoh yes i remember this00:52
fennball bearings right00:52
genethis might work better for protecting the fab lab00:52
genethis would work better for protecting the city around the fablab00:53
fenndifferent paper, same idea00:53
fenni was reading something about defense from nuclear ICBM's00:53
genevery different idea00:53
fennusing an inflatable dome with ball bearings attached00:54
genesame idea as last paper00:54
genewell on the the first paper you've got weird net things00:54
genenot inflatable00:54
geneor is it?00:54
fennhe doesnt say anything about nuclear weapons though00:54
genesame basic principle00:55
geneI love to see one of these IRL00:55
fenn1) get some tefzel film00:56
fenn2) inflate00:56
fenndid i miss anything?00:56
geneI don't think so00:57
genethat's the basic Idea00:57
geneor something like that00:58
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fennhuh? fablab.af projects is password protected?01:00
fennheh "undo send" for gmail01:05
fennnow THAT's innovation!01:05
fennnow we just need an undo for CNC01:06
fennand trailer parks01:07
geneundo CNC is what some reprap people are trying to do01:09
fennsweet, the new pythonocc script caches swig operations01:11
kanzurefenn: I sent an email about how to implement that to the mailing list01:16
kanzureso yeah.01:16
genehmmmm... it's early in afghanistan01:17
fennnow the build is dying on g++ BRepBlend_wrap.cc and i cant seem to get an error message out of g++01:23
fennit just dies silently01:23
fennoh heh, no space left on device01:24
fenni guess i should buy a hard drive now that i have some money01:25
fennoh sure now it gives me the error01:27
kanzureheh. I've found a good use for all of those finger prints on scotch tape.01:37
kanzureI wonder how wide these lines are.01:37
fennnow you just need to genetically engineer fluidic fingerprints01:38
fenn...or something01:38
kanzureI'm not sure if CD patterning works.01:41
kanzureI mean, with the 0.2 micron microchannels01:42
kanzureguess I'll have to bring in this piece of tape+sharpie+CD thingy to the lab's scope01:42
kanzureoh, an original01:50
kanzure"The goal is to get an exact image of the fingerprint, for further use as mold, out of which the dummy is made. The easiest way is to print the image on a transparency slide (the ones normally used for an overhead projector) with a laser printer. The toner forms a relief, which is later used similar to letter press printing. Wood glue is suitable for producing the dummy (Figure 7)"01:50
kanzureso you're printing it out anyway01:52
geneoh saw that01:55
genethinking of making me some ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US PRINTS just for the lulz01:55
gene0.2 micron eh?02:00
genehmmm.... I'd like to see how small one could make a fluidic amplifier with channels that size....02:01
gene0.2 micron is about the size of old transistors on an old IC02:01
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kanzure"the google founder's wife started 23andme, Esther is the venture capitalist who invested in them + she is behind space commercialization efforts/some of Diamandis projects"09:16
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bkeroYou didn't know that?11:37
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kanzure_Hello world.16:12
kanzure_Geir Helleloid suggests looking into 'convergence accelerators' but otherwise keeps away from partial differential equations.16:12
genehey kanzure figure out what this means:16:14
genepart of an ARG16:14
kanzure_gah, a triple integral?16:15
kanzure_do I have to?16:15
geneis it really a triple integral?16:15
genefrom -n to n?16:15
geneor is it technobabble?16:15
kanzure_yes, there is such thing as a triple integral if that's what you ask16:15
genethe ABS things and -n to n freaked me out though16:16
generelated to this16:16
genewww.whatsinthebox.nl 16:17
geneall links are somehow related16:19
geneit could be an ARG16:20
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fenninteresting way to make a TV display http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nipkow_disk17:07
fennperhaps a good use for photochemical milling?17:07
gene_make a nipkow disk with a nipkow disk?17:08
fennnot enough resolution17:12
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kanzure_Any help on gnome themes? I'm trying to get the taskbar to work like it does on my KDE installations, but the font isn't easily configurable via gconftools-2 or the other obvious configuration panels.18:45
kanzure_heh. watching some television. one of the commercials was for a vehicle, and they were demonstrating musical notes being played by traveling down a road with bumps at specific intervals19:23
kanzure_I guess that says more about their crappy suspension than anything else?19:23
kanzure_but still, that does sound like a fun hack to do. i.e., making different sounds based off of gratings but tuned to different types of tires or crappy cars?19:34
kanzure_"warning: your car sucks"19:34
bkeroUntil the car rattles apart19:41
fenni wish les' cat had a RFID tag19:50
fennthere was a strip of highway in new mexico (?) that played a song as you drove on it, but eventually the neighbors went crazy and got it removed19:51
kanzure_how hard is potassium hydroxide (KOH) to obtain?19:53
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kanzure_huh, nevermind19:56
kanzure_I'm reading a paper on carbon nanotube actuators19:56
kanzure_in electrolyte solutions. one of the solutions that they worked with was just salt.19:57
kanzure_and then a sheet (3 mm x 20 mm x 20 to 50 microns thick) of carbon nanotube paper (obtained via vacuum filtration of an item bought from some random CNT provider company)19:57
kanzure_they apparently worked with some scotch tape on that step19:58
kanzure_anywho, when you run a dc potential of about ~1 volt, "a deflection of about a centimeter was observed"19:58
gene_potassium hydroxide19:59
gene_it's easy to obtain in nature, but IRL there are some issues19:59
kanzure_"when a square wave potential was applied, oscillation was visually observed up to at least 15 Hz as the actuator pushed the electrolyte back and forth"19:59
kanzure_it's ok, salt will do fine19:59
kanzure_screw the KOH19:59
gene_15 HZ wow!19:59
kanzure_"up to at least" :)20:00
kanzure_how is that "up to"20:00
kanzure_if they mean to say "at least"20:00
kanzure_that's with graphite nanotubes, btw. which sounds promising to me, except that most nanotube synthesis formulas that I remember reading are hideously complex in the sense that they require gas chambers and gas chambers tend to explode if you're an idiot20:01
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kanzure_Jonah Lehrer, "The Brain, Revealed: With Custom Built Robots and Assembly-Line20:17
kanzure_Efficiency, Scientists at the Allen Brain Institute Are Creating an Atlas of the Human Mind,20:17
kanzure_Mapping Every Gene and Neuron in Our Most Complex Organ," Wired Magazine,20:17
kanzure_Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 88-95,118 (April 2009).20:17
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kanzure_someone with too much money: "rapid prototyping of 3D structures from multiwalled carbon nanotube forests by selective laser sintering"20:51
fennwhy is that too much money? sounds like a good idea to me20:56
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kanzure_I guess I'm just seeing a lot of buzzword papers21:00
kanzure_people like to jump on the CNT bandwagon21:00
fennCNT's are pretty amazing21:00
kanzure_back in 2007 I knew more about CNTs than I do now21:01
kanzure_do you remember the list of different manufacturing processes?21:01
fenni wouldnt call what they did "rapid prototyping" or "selective laser sintering"21:01
kanzure_all I'm seeing now is chemical vapor deposition processes, but I'm sure there's more21:01
fennthere used to be some soot-purification methods but i guess they're too expensive and yield the same result21:02
fennlots of ways to make soot21:02
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kanzure_oh, there was one way that I remember reading about using STMs to manufacture single CNTs between the tip and the surface21:08
kanzure_but that was for making a single nanotube at a time.21:08
kanzure_I guess if you have an array of tips and you run a current through all of them at once you can do it in parallel21:08
kanzure_but you'd really have to have a lot of tips :/21:08
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kanzure_there was another recent paper that I read where someone (probably Kuhp) assembled nanopillars by a monolayer array of somewhat larger nanospheres21:09
kanzure_so in between the nanospheres were the areas that the pillars would emerge or be layered (etc.)21:09
kanzure_however, I don't think this is all electrically active since you'd need a separate way of addressing all of them to turn them into a giant parallel STM tip surface thingy for the CNT synthesis method21:10
fennwhat if you had a nanotube forest instead of one tip21:18
fennor does the tip have to be a certain material?21:19
fennFebruary 8, 2005 - Lamina Ceramics today announced it has developed an ultra-high lumen LED white light engine 14 times brighter than any previously demonstrated white light LED array. The 28,000 lumen solid-state device is 5 inches square and is powered by 1,400 watts.21:24
fennmust be water cooled21:24
gene_what's a light engine?22:04
gene_heck if they make LED arrays that bright I want em in something that can pump a laser22:04
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fennjust use a diode laser22:12
gene_diode laser?22:14
fennthat's right22:15
gene_well you see lockheed martin made a super high power laser using a LED array pumped block of YAG22:16
fennsweet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Laser_diode_array.jpg22:18
gene_that's not it22:18
fenni don't care22:19
fennYAG is YAG22:19
fennit's either arc pumped or diode pumped22:19
fennthey use HID lamps right?22:20
fennfor some reason you need RF current22:20
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fenni will ask next time i talk to the laser guy22:22
fennRF Excited Krypton Arc Lamps for Pumping Nd: YAG Lasers22:23
fennthe answers are within your reach22:23
fennah here we go22:24
fennThe baseline assumption is that an electrodeless lamp should exhibit substantially improved lifetime and reliability over a dc arc lamp22:24
fennRadio frequency energy is coupled into the annular lamp from an induction coil22:24
fennthat was from 197422:25
fennso it would make sense that an old laser cutter would use that technology22:25
gene_heh ruby lasers are cool22:26
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kanzure_whee, I like how I get no support from ##gnome22:54
kanzure_(it's probably not the official channel, but still)22:54
fennirc is useless for anything moderately popular22:55
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kanzure_it's just very idle tonight23:22
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fenni'm feeling the same way23:29
fenndammit why don't i have a fab lab yet23:29
gene_hmmm... I wonder if I could get away with electroetching in my dorm room....23:32
gene_kanzure could you find out if sharpie ink is nonconductive?23:32
kanzure_drat, I don't have my ohm meter with me23:41
gene_I need to find mine so I can carry it around in my back pack23:41
kanzure_hm. carbon arc plasma via sucrose + 30 volts + 20 amps over a 0.5 mm gap between two copper electrodes.23:41
kanzure_(to produce CNTs)23:41
kanzure_(acqueous sucrose)23:42
kanzure_20% purity yielding 7 mg/min when the medium is salt instead of sucrose23:43
kanzure_that doesn't really say much on efficiency though23:43
kanzure_what is your measure/definition of efficiency in this situation?23:43
gene_mass in vs mass nanotubes out23:43
gene_IE how much crap isn't nanotubes23:43
kanzure_fenn: I'm still surprised that the osh bank stuff got into wired23:43
kanzure_the urge to just bullshit my way on to wired.com is very strong23:44
kanzure_but it's kind of pointless without having substantial that actaully works23:44
kanzure_gene_: a lot of the crap isn't going to be nanotubes.23:44
kanzure_they sometimes call these things "carbon onions"23:44
gene_is 20% of the stuff that's with the nanotubes nanotubes?23:44
fenn20% isnt that good23:45
kanzure_"we found that a 90 degree angle between the two electrodes produces the highest yield"23:45
fennreally, that's weird23:45
gene_very odd23:45
kanzure_"The highest yield and the best quality were obtained when a mixture of ferrocene–nickelocene was used as catalyst and xylene as carbon source."23:45
fennmaybe there's some kind of vortex that's created23:46
fennlike a z-pinch electrode23:46
kanzure_plasma vortex dynamics!23:46
kanzure_quick, write a draft and submit it to arxiv!23:46
fennmaybe we'll make it to wired23:46
gene_plasma vortex amplifier?23:46
gene_osh bank?23:46
kanzure_I wouldn't bother asking about the osh bank23:46
fennnickelocene sounds dangerous23:46
kanzure_why, because of the -cene ?23:46
gene_it is23:46
fenndunno, reminds me of nickel carbonyl23:47
gene_You know many organic chemists tend to die of horrible nasty cancers23:48
gene_I think they are one and the same fenn23:48
kanzure_another way that they do the arc-discharge-in-water method for CNT synthesis is by using two graphite electrodes23:48
kanzure_so the carbon is supplied by the graphite electrodes23:48
kanzure_it's too bad that I'm not as hip on my electronics as I should be23:48
kanzure_how am I going to come up with 30 volts and 20 amps in a circuit?23:48
gene_oops they aren't fenn my bad23:49
gene_cool molecule23:49
fennwell at least it doesn't have carbon monoxide groups stuck to it23:50
kanzure_"Carbon onions with hydrophilic characteristics were synthesized through irradiating carbon black suspension using millisecond pulsed laser at room temperature. Laser energy absorption resulted in the structure transformation of carbon black and the formation of hydrophilic groups on the surface of carbon onion. Carbon onions with hollow cores and the incomplete graphitic shells were produced from the starting materials under high 23:51
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fenn “I may look like a scientist but I’m actually also a ninja”23:59

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