
--- Day changed Sat Mar 21 2009
gene_I may look like a scientist but I'm actually a pirate00:09
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-178-69.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:10
-!- wrldpc_ [n=worldpea@c-98-217-178-69.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:21
kanzure_"Obtaining carbon nanotubes from grass"00:27
kanzure_rapid heat treatment to 600 degrees celsius. CNTs have widths between 30 and 50 nm.00:28
kanzure_god this method sucks00:31
kanzure_50 steps of the 600 deg-C heat treatment procedure, plus "15 m l of oxygen" (but not liquid oxygen??)00:31
kanzure_and then drying at 90 degrees celsius for 5 hours00:31
kanzure_and then at the end, the estimated average yield is 15%00:32
gene_wow I would expect ten percent00:32
gene_I mean 500:32
kanzure_well I think rolling your fingers around on graphite has a better yield rate of CNTs than this method00:32
kanzure_but I'm not entirely sure yet00:32
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-178-69.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:38
-!- kanzure_ [n=bryan@user-0vvd95g.cable.mindspring.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]00:51
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-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-178-69.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:25
-!- gene_ [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]02:40
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@c-98-217-178-69.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit []02:53
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]04:52
-!- samrose [n=samrose@oh-69-69-33-40.sta.embarqhsd.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]05:38
-!- kanzure_ [n=bryan@user-0vvd95g.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:22
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-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9D9AE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:05
-!- kanzure_ [n=bryan@user-0vvd95g.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:46
-!- gene [n=chatzill@pool-71-164-238-185.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:32
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-!- kanzure- [i=bryan@dhcp-84-113.me.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]13:11
kanzure_I don't like my machines randomly going offline.13:14
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-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@c-24-130-14-113.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:51
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-!- meoblast001 [n=meoblast@dynamic-acs-24-101-148-112.zoominternet.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:00
-!- meoblast001 [n=meoblast@dynamic-acs-24-101-148-112.zoominternet.net] has left #hplusroadmap ["meoleave"]18:00
ybiti like google voice, it's highly convenient18:05
bkerokanzure_: PING18:12
bkeroBleh, not that important, downgrade that to a ping18:12
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@pool-173-48-214-204.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:13
kanzure_you interrupt an amazing game of tetris, speak!18:31
kanzure_bkero: ?18:31
bkeroYou do some crazy OCR stuff, yes?18:34
kanzure_Sometimes. No.18:42
kanzure_The crazy OCR stuff I use tends to suck.18:43
bkeroI'm looking for some ocr software18:46
bkeroocropus wouldn't compile18:46
kanzure_but it sucks. they all suck.18:48
bkeroI was going to try to get some OCR for kana, but I figured I'd start with english first18:57
bkerogocr is pretty terrible18:57
kanzure_it's very specieist (i.e., claiming "it's a new species!")19:09
bkerogocr is gnu ocr, it's really shitty19:15
kanzure_"Jamie Ward" is apparently hunting down genes for synthesia19:36
ybitwhat's the error you receive when compiling octopussy bkero?19:41
ybit(i know it's not the name, but i like using that one better :)19:42
kanzure_huh, they actually say LSD has a legitimate role in synthesthesia19:44
kanzure_not sure how much I believe that. LSD happening to have the same exact effect as some genetic irregularity or crosswiring?19:44
kanzure_"(2) We encountered two subjects in whom Prozac inhibited synesthesia. Prozac being an SSRI increases serotonin and activates S1 receptors – hyperactivation of which is known to inhibit S2a [7]."19:45
kanzure_"implicates gene HTR2A on chromosome 13q as the underlying cause of synesthesia."19:46
kanzure_well that's highly specific..19:46
fenni thought i had it bad with the missing cat.. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/picturegalleries/signlanguage/5015586/Sign-language-week-41.html?image=1320:16
kanzure_"I had let him off his lead for a run"20:25
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]21:40
kanzure_I think I've underestimated just how accessible ubuntu has made it for developers to work with linux22:43
kanzure_I'm starting to notice much more linux support in random projects since it's as simple as burning a CD22:43
kanzure_although live CDs have been around for a while before ubuntu22:43
-!- meoblast001 [n=meoblast@dynamic-acs-24-101-148-112.zoominternet.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:51
kanzure_aloha, I see you're also in #wrongplanet22:51
meoblast001i'm everywhere22:52
kanzure_did you see the list of channels that I monitor on my home page?22:52
meoblast001no i didn't see that22:52
meoblast001i skimmed over your page22:52
meoblast001there was a lot of material22:52
meoblast001i've been in a lot of those22:53
meoblast001kanzure_: thebolt said it was a driver issue22:53
kanzure_so it sounds like we've just not run into each other before22:53
meoblast001i've been in #linux #debian #ubuntu #osdev #electronics and that's about it22:54
meoblast001my "personal" page is www.meoblast001.mysticgalaxies.com22:55
kanzure_what is JBED?22:56
kanzure_huh, crystalspace installed correctly on my debian box including the libraries22:57
kanzure_so maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow to run grandwing22:58
meoblast001oh JBED is something a few friends of mine set up22:59
meoblast001kanzure_: do any of the CS tests run?22:59
meoblast001try running simptest or whatever it's called22:59
meoblast001i think it's simple122:59
kanzure_I'm not sure how I will confirm whether or not they work unless I remember how to do X forwarding23:00
kanzure_ssh -X is enough, right?23:00
-!- gene [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-182-222.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:00
genekanzure are you awake?23:00
kanzure_gene: yes23:00
meoblast001i've never done xforwarding23:01
genehave you seen it?23:07
geneHaidingers brush?23:08
meoblast001Haidingers brush?23:14
fennoften i see things i can't explain23:15
geneI saw a statistical anomaly today23:15
fenn..and what was that?23:15
fennall the tea molecules in your teacup just spontaneously moved in the same direction?23:16
meoblast001wow i just did something i've always wanted to do23:16
fennyou guys are so vague23:17
kanzure_I'm not, I'm not!23:17
kanzure_I seem to have the direct opposite problem23:17
kanzure_which side of the CD is the non-shiny side again? :/23:17
geneI saw the end of the bell curve23:17
kanzure_really? how'd it look?23:17
geneI saw a man in a digg t-shirt dating a girl23:17
fennare you sure it was a girl?23:18
kanzure_digg is popular these days, that's not an anomaly23:18
geneit's a running joke on digg that everyone on digg lives in the basement23:18
kanzure_that's the internet, you mean23:18
geneoh and vote for moot23:19
genekanzure do you have a constant voltage power supply I could borrow?23:21
kanzure_I have two computers that I'm giving away23:22
kanzure_both have power supplies23:23
geneI don't care that they're from a computer23:24
geneI just care that they supply electricity23:24
geneI want to see if I can't get away with electroetching in my dorm room23:24
kanzure_how will you do this?23:25
genetupperware+salt+paperclip+wire+aluminum+ paint23:26
gene+ stainless steel23:27
geneif the coop has it23:27
kanzure_stainless steel in what form? not the paperclip?23:27
genenot the paper clip23:27
genecoop sells stainless steel23:27
genewhen it's in stock23:27
geneif it's in stock23:27
kanzure_you go up to their desk and ask for stainless steel?23:27
geneno you go to the back where the balsa wood is23:28
meoblast001what's this place about?23:29
genethey sell sheets of plastic too, you might find those useful for sharpie microfluidics...23:29
kanzure_meoblast001: on the UT Austin campus, there's a co-op store that sells stuff for ridiculously marked up prices, and I guess they also sell materials23:30
meoblast001that's what this channel is about?23:30
generidicoulusly marked up prices shit23:31
kanzure_oh, well, the channel's name is derived from some thinking about transhuman technologies23:31
geneI should have brought my aluminum from home...23:31
kanzure_but more recently we've been working on some open manufacturing initiatives23:31
kanzure_fenn's been working at an up-and-coming fablab, for instance23:31
kanzure_but mostly we sit around and complain about debian packages :)23:31
kanzure_don't know if you know about transhumanism.23:32
meoblast001speaking of complaining about debian packages23:32
meoblast001i made a few23:32
kanzure_were you able to get debian developer status?23:32
meoblast001haha no23:32
genekanzure so what paper mentioned making microfluidic channels with 0.2 micron channel sizes23:33
kanzure_gene: the CD paper.23:33
kanzure_one sec.23:33
kanzure_meoblast001: this stuff about sharpie microfluidics is related to 'diybio', or doing genetic engineering at home23:34
kanzure_the idea there being that it may somehow be helpful for transhuman technologies, or something23:34
kanzure_i.e., purifying insulin or something at home by drawing circuits with sharpies.. maybe.23:34
genewell I hope the end result is a DNA synth anyone can make23:35
kanzure_did you read the document on the source of oligonucleotide synthesis errors, gene?23:35
geneso you can download and compile say insulin gene23:35
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/DNA_synthesizer <- I listed the sources and some references from a good paper/thesis I read.23:35
kanzure_ah, here we go: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/DNA_synthesizer#Origin_of_oligonucleotide_impurities_and_errors23:36
kanzure_it was funny, the other night I had my grandmother and sister sitting down at the dinner table doing sharpie microfluidics23:37
ybitheh, now that is funny. a little off though, typically the grandmother is sharing a tradition with the youngsters at the dinner table :)23:40
kanzure_grandma ain't wanting to die23:41
kanzure_(this is the same one that sent me some "Vernor Vinge literature" to "educate" me)23:41
meoblast001 programming is fun :P23:42
kanzure_meoblast001: yes :)23:42
kanzure_as it happens, programming organisms is also fun23:42
geneso in this CD paper they burn some data too it, take it apart and use it as a mold23:43
kanzure_wait, what?23:43
fennrainbows end? :)23:43
kanzure_that might be the wrong paper then23:43
kanzure_this is the one where they press the CD down into sharpie ink blotch23:43
kanzure_and are able to get 0.2 micron microchannels23:43
kanzure_which one are you thinking of, gene?23:44
geneno that's the right paper23:45
geneis it just sharpie ink23:45
kanzure_I thought so23:45
kanzure_if you burn data to a CD, you're just making it like a photomask basically23:45
kanzure_and I'm not even sure if it's a good photomask23:45
kanzure_because the dye becomes non-transparent to the light that the CD reading laser uses23:46
kanzure_(it's a photoactive dye thingy)23:46
genewell they said something about aluminum foil23:46
kanzure_lemme go re-read23:47
kanzure_sounds kind of important23:47
genedoesn't sound very useful23:48
genecan only be used to make paralell lines23:48
kanzure_better than nothing.23:48
kanzure_I would like to try a burned CD as a photomask sometime though23:49
kanzure_I'm not even sure if that's a stupid idea or not23:49
genewell um....23:50
genehow do you get a consistent pattern on a cd23:50
kanzure_you burn data at specific points on the disk23:50
kanzure_it's all "zeroes and ones" (masked or unmasked)23:51
kanzure_so you just need to do the right radial point conversion formula, I guess23:51
kanzure_to map your image to the physical structure of the disk.23:51
kanzure_this is usually called an ISO file23:51
genesome one did that23:51
geneyeah saw it on hackaday23:51
genea while back23:51
kanzure_well, link?23:51
genethis might take awhile23:52

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