
--- Day changed Sat Mar 28 2009
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kanzurestreamlines didn't show anything O.o00:34
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kanzure"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it".03:35
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UtopiahGHMLsomeone came here few days ago discussing quantative vs qualitative method, http://www.methodspace.com/ could help debatting it06:12
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kanzureso let me get this straight, she wants me to write an essay to get into the home?08:21
kanzurewhy would I do that?08:21
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-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk09:05
kanzurehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPY84NelFO4 microfluidics T-junction video (now hosted on youtube)09:11
kanzurehey, what's this about? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-8Cm6Ycr8w09:16
kanzure"c-shaped sieve" any thoughts on how that works?09:16
kanzurehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kcxrqf6ounU another type09:17
kanzuretheir implementation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxcjhGwg97M&feature=PlayList&p=23E800AA6CD56F52&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=309:17
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kanzure^ that's the paper per those youtube videos09:20
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kanzureack, somehow my 3D model became 2D. that's not good.11:36
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kanzureblah. the model has intersecting triangles.12:19
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kanzuregene: can you possibly regenerate the STL file, and this time not include any holes?13:57
kanzureI think it's getting messed up. in that image, you see how the red lines don't really go all the way to the outlets. yeah, that's bad.13:57
kanzureand at the center of the spiral, there's no floor. this is after I ran it through 'netgen'- in an attempt to fix what's wrong with the stl file13:58
kanzurethere's something like an invalid triangle being generated or something13:58
kanzureso if you can give me the original CAD file in some format like IGES or STEP, I can then generate the proper STL stuff for CFD analysis voodoo magic.13:58
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap14:05
kanzure or in the mean time, until he gets around to showing up, does anyone know of anything that takes .sldprt files and converts it into anything useful?14:17
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geneI'm here14:30
kanzuregene: can you get me a model of our spiral filter without the holes that we don't want to simulate?14:37
kanzureand in a few different formats- like STL, STEP, IGES, that would be great.14:38
genetrying too14:38
kanzurethank you14:38
geneis that lip thing ok?14:38
kanzurewhat lip thing?14:39
kanzureis that at the center of the model?14:39
kanzurethen I guess it's ok14:41
geneexporting to .stl in14:41
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kanzuregene: have you sent them yet?14:51
genewait a minute, I have over 100 tabs open in firefox I'm scrolling over to my gmail tab14:52
kanzuretry vertical tabs.18:11
bkerokanzure: tabkit not good enough for you? :P18:27
kanzuretechnically I don't even use firefox any more18:30
kanzurecan anyone figure out how I can trick myself into writing this essay for the home ?18:30
kanzurethey have an application form apparently18:30
kanzureso if I fail the essay, do I get de-moted to something lesser than The Home?18:30
kanzureI don't understand18:30
* bkero doesn't understand.18:31
kanzurebkero: my mom is filling out an application form to put me into a home, so she sent me an email asking me to write an essay that they want "to help to get to know me"18:33
bkeroOh jesus, I had to do those things18:33
bkeroIf they ask you 'pirates or ninjas', FLEE as fast as your legs can carry you.18:33
bkeroCraigslist can find you a spot in a house in the worst case :)18:34
geneyou gonna be here next semester18:34
kanzureI don't know18:35
fennfrom the naruto costumes i'd guess ninjas18:36
* bkero gags18:36
genepirates or ninjas did I mis something18:38
kanzuregene: if I get a job over the summer, the chances increase that I'll be here next semester18:38
geneyou could also take advantage of the internet18:39
kanzurewtf is a spirain, btw?18:39
kanzurein the file name that you sent me18:40
kanzureoh crap, bad font. sorry.18:40
kanzureI misinterpreted it because it looked like 'spirain' instead of 'spiral'18:40
geneno that wasn't in the file18:41
kanzureelmergui crashes while meshing your stl file18:42
kanzure"WARNING: intersecting elements 2433 and 268"18:42
genethat's it we're using comsol18:43
kanzureor you just give me the iges and step file like I asked?18:43
kanzureif you hadn't used fucking proprietary software in the first place, we wouldn't have this problem18:43
kanzurelet's not repeat the same mistake.18:43
kanzurebtw, there's still a problem with the stl file18:44
kanzuredo you know what that is, and can you fix that?18:45
kanzure(that's at the center)18:45
genewell too bad proprietary software is easy to use18:45
kanzurebut that doesn't account for upstream effects.18:46
* kanzure takes out his compass18:47
fennyou guys get all confused because your stream is spiral-shaped18:47
kanzureisn't that what the cfd is supposed to help with18:47
kanzureeither of you see the youtube video?18:48
genedid you do that?18:49
genehold on18:50
kanzureerror: TRIG 1 has 2 neighbors (as does TRIG 40, TRIG 1359, 1362, 3224)19:06
kanzuresomeone's STL exporter utility must suck19:06
kanzuregene: do you know how to fix it?19:19
kanzurespecifically it has something to do with the triangles somewher near the bottom just at the origin (in the center) where it starts to curl, on the inner-edge.19:19
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genewell there's a build error there19:22
kanzureoh? what error in particular?19:23
geneI forgot19:23
kanzurebut you knew about it?19:23
genelet me rebuild it19:23
kanzureplease :(19:23
genewithout the circle in the middle19:24
kanzurewhat will be there instead?19:24
kanzurea wall?19:24
geneas there is no way I can get rid of the build error19:24
geneoh wait it could be the boundary between the bifurcation and the spiral19:27
bkerowhat http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/03/28/213421819:27
kanzureat the end? I don't know if that's what's causing the problems.19:27
kanzurerefresh for some more information on what I at least suspect it might be19:30
kanzurealthough that might not be it- since there are some weird things you can do in netgen and zooming in starts to make it look like it's doing some impossible manifold shape19:30
genewhat file type do you want it in?19:32
kanzurestl, iges and step please19:32
genebkero that shit is scary19:32
fennnext up: UN decrees criticism of UN policies as a human rights violation19:35
genehow are we gonna to fend off the UN spacefleet?19:36
fennwith your plasma cannons19:36
geneoh yeah that's right19:37
genewhich step type?19:38
geneI've got several, alibre19:39
geneAcis 19:39
geneACIS RX19:39
fennstep should all be the same19:39
fennap203 or 21419:39
genealibre thene19:39
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fennum, 209 not 21419:41
kanzurejust as long as you get me two versions of the same thing- one that is saved to STL, and another straight from the CAD model to something that isn't STL but is fairly common19:42
geneI sent you three19:43
genesaved as .stp alibre because it said alibre19:44
geneand alibre is bound to export it best19:44
genespeaking of plasma guns19:46
genesupposedly these plasmoid things can EMP things like missiles19:48
geneI wonder how though, as aren't missiles fairly EMP proof?19:48
genesomething about braking radiation?19:48
fenninduced current19:48
fennmissiles would need a lot of shielding (mass) to re-route the induced current19:48
genethen I need to make me a plasmoid gun19:49
fennunless you're talking about brehmsstrahlung19:49
genepapers I read talked about brehmsstrahlung19:49
fennthat's just x-rays, not likely to stop a missile (except for when the plasmoid collides with something)19:50
fennoh, actually, the plasmoid is neutrally charged isn't it?19:51
fennso it wouldn't induce a current19:51
fennif it collides with something and the magnetic fields collapse, that energy has to go somewhere19:51
genethey say the magnetic field is 0.5 tesla19:53
fennthat's just the flux density19:53
fennit's a tiny speck so that's not surprising19:54
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geneFigure 12 is a color copy of a painting rendered by an artist from his own19:57
genememory which clearly shows a Ball Lightning at the moment of disruption. It s19:57
geneforce balance is achieved by the net inward force of the toroidal field with19:57
geneplasma hows two tangential sheets or beams pouring out in opposing directions19:57
genefrom a hows two tangential sheets or beams pouring out in opposing directions19:57
genefrom a longitudinal rent in the Mantle. The longer beam corresponds19:57
geneto dumping of the Mantle energetic electron sheet that is focused at the vacuum19:57
genefield-Mantle boundary. Here the electron currents confine most of the19:57
genemagnetic energy internally within the Ball Lightning and maintain a net longitudinal19:57
geneorbit as they do so. The focusing at the boundary comes from a balance19:57
genebetween inward electric field pressure by a sharp boundary sheath that19:57
geneforms at the vacuum field-plasma interface, and the outward pressure of the19:57
genemagnetic field. Of course, overall inward f ring acting upon the vacuum flux as19:57
geneit links through the "hole" of the ring. In addition the external pressure of the19:57
geneatmosphere results in fluid pressure through the plasma layer to the field via19:57
genethe current/fields interaction. The painting also depicts the much shorter but19:57
geneoppositely directed sheet of ions (probably mixed species) which are much19:57
geneheavier with opposite charge and circulation direction to electrons. Such an19:57
geneobservation (as well as other "beamed Ball Lightning") can provide some important19:57
genees timates on the energetics of the currents in Ball Lightning. This can be done19:57
geneheh interesting 'evidence'19:57
genekanzure you there?20:17
kanzurejust got done eating, am testing out the stl file in elmergui once I alt+tab away20:17
genecome over to #reprap20:17
genediscussing automatic design20:17
kanzuregene: hey, check out the model near the beginning of the bifurcation (at the pointy tip)20:34
kanzureon the inner wall of the channel at that point, it looks like there's a flap there20:34
kanzure ERROR: Give up because of too many trials. Meshing aborted!20:36
kanzure Meshing done, time = 305.44 sec20:36
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geneI knew it20:42
kanzuregene: still borkored I think.20:58
kanzureis there a spray-paint-a-bucket-of-pooints mode in blender?21:00
genedon't know I don't use blender21:09
kanzuregene, is there a way you can get rid of the curl next to the input? I think that's causing problems when it's in STL21:15
geneit's a spiral, I can't remove the curl21:15
kanzurewhat the hell? I thought you were using a CAD program?21:16
genehold on21:22
genei'll get rid of bifurcation21:22
kanzureI don't think that's the problem, but if you want, how about you get rid of the bifurcation, then make an STL file; then also try adding filler in between the very curved edge and the input wall21:23
kanzureand make an STL of that too. we can try both.21:23
kanzurethe problem might be that the wall at that point is going past the concavity due to the curl21:36
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/bioreactor/membraneless_filtration/2009-03-28_2_problem2.png (bottom image)21:37
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genei don't know what you want22:09
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kanzuredo'h, a 2d image works.23:17
geneit does?23:24
genefor what23:24
genemust know23:24
kanzurefor the simulations.23:24
genethat's all we need to do then23:25
kanzureyeah .. but the issue is that the image has to be very detailed otherwise it becomes pixelated and that's not really good23:25
kanzurebut other than that, yeah.23:25
kanzurealso, for the record, blender has a plugin to generate spirals and then export into stl23:25
kanzureI was thinking of just generating the image with gnuplot and use a ridiculously large number of points to get a fine detailed image23:27
genewait a second23:36
genedid you just say image?23:36
geneas in .jpg .bmp and such?23:37
genecan I simulate a flow around mario?23:38
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genedo it23:52
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