
--- Day changed Fri Apr 03 2009
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn00:12
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fennUSB cigarette...01:55
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facefacehi 03:09
facefaceThe House Mouse03:10
facefaceAtlas of Embryonic Development03:10
faceface(free download) http://genex.hgu.mrc.ac.uk/Atlas/Theiler_book_download.html03:10
facefaceemap could be interesting for you 03:10
facefaceComputer modeling of stages of mouse embryogenesis to map the expression of different genes.03:10
facefaceI attended a lecture of foam, and wanted to use 'surface evolver' as a simulation of embryo genisis03:11
facefaceCell adhesion and cortex contractility determine cell patterning in the Drosophilaretina03:12
facefaceBecause of the resemblance of many epithelial tissues to densely packed soap bubbles, it has been suggested that surface minimization, which drives soap bubble packing, could be governing cell packing as welln03:13
facefaceSorry if I'm about a year behind you guys (as it usually turns out)03:14
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kanzurehuh, that's odd, that's actually something that I might have seen before re: surface minimization of bubbles and cells08:42
kanzureybit: 08:43
kanzureoops, nevermind. false alarm.08:43
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fenni should have done this a long time ago http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/battery-comparison.png09:21
fenni cant believe people actually use spreadsheets09:26
kanzureyay for a battery comparison chart09:26
fennit's just barely workable09:26
kanzureI'm still attempting to heal from the shock of learning that "most engineers just use spreadsheets"09:27
fennwell, what else would they use? there's no good KBE tools09:28
kanzurethat's because there's no good knowledge base.09:28
facefacekanzure: usefull?09:28
fenntrue that09:28
facefacefoam links / surface evolver09:28
fenntook 2 hours to assemble the battery data :\09:28
fennideally every piece of data would have a url source09:29
fenncan't figure out how to do that with a spreadsheet09:29
facefacefenn: start a Semantic MW09:29
facefacemedia wiki09:29
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fennlast thing i need is wiki bullshit09:29
fennseriously, wiki is 90% display/format09:29
fennthis is an associative database09:30
facefacefenn smw is also data09:30
fennit's focused around building a "page" though09:30
kanzurefenn: do you have the URL sources?09:30
fenni dont want a page, i want functions and views of data09:30
facefaceright, the page name is part of the triple09:30
fennkanzure: no, not really09:30
facefacefenn: page <=> data, you need to accept that concept when building a DB in SMW, but its not that much of a stretch tbh09:31
kanzurefenn: I think some of that data should be in our skdb metadata format. you can pre-emptively set the CAD to just be a cylinder from pythonOCC :-p09:31
fennfaceface: i have no experience with SMW, only regular mediawiki09:31
fennso i dont know how it's really done09:31
kanzure(there's an example script on pythonocc for generating cylinders, something like BRepPrim_API.BRepPrimAPI_Cylinder())09:31
facefacefenn: you can start one up on refereata.com09:31
fenni dont want to start one up09:31
facefaceI have prodstat.referata.com and a couple others.09:31
fennshow me something you consider 'good form' if you want to convince me09:31
kanzuregod, have I honestly memorized an OCC API call? that thing looks gross09:32
facefacethere are some better examples out there than mine.09:32
facefaceI don't want to convice you of anything, I just think SMW is going to be big09:32
fennkanzure: yes of course09:32
fennthe API will change soon anyway to reduce redundundancy09:32
kanzure"sit back and wait" never works09:32
kanzureI don't know if that will actually happen, but I hope it will of course09:32
kanzurehow long did you spend assembling battery data?09:33
fenn^^ 2hr09:33
facefacefenn: here is an example where I 'query' all countries in the triple store... http://prodstat.referata.com/wiki/Concept:Country09:33
kanzurewhy did you give it to me in a png09:33
fenni'm thinking about a few different things09:33
fennbecause i dont think everyone on the channel has kspread09:33
kanzurekde spreadsheet?09:33
kanzurewhat format is the output?09:34
fenn.ods, .csv, gnumeric09:34
kanzureI would be surprised if OpenOffice.org Calc does not import it09:34
facefacehere is an example data point http://prodstat.referata.com/wiki/DataPoint:0002:0116:031:196509:34
kanzure.csv would be nice09:34
fenni was surprised it didnt export .xls09:34
kanzure.ods is OO.o Calc09:34
facefaceThis data point describes the Area Harvested for Potatoes in Afghanistan in the year 1965. 09:34
fennor at least some kind of plain .xml, not gzipped directory full of files .xml09:34
facefaceThat text is generated from teh underlying data and associations09:35
fennods is open document spreadsheet; there's a separate option for ooo specifically, not sure what the diff is09:35
kanzureyou know there's a command to check the diff09:35
kanzureI think it's called `diff`09:35
facefacetry xmldiff09:35
kanzurethere's an xmldiff? does it do what it says it does?09:36
fenni don't really care that much as i hate spreadsheets09:36
fenni was hoping to find a simple way to convert to yaml09:36
facefaceI think it does what it can09:36
kanzurefenn: well at least so that I don't have to type up the data if I want to go play around with it09:36
kanzurefenn: oh, take the first row of column names and covert that to variable names in a python class09:36
facefacei.e. send me a text file ;-)09:36
kanzureso you can write a csv2python-class generator: the first row of a .csv file determines the members of the class09:36
fennkanzure: that's the simple way09:36
kanzurewhat's wrong with it?09:37
kanzureor, what's better?09:37
fenni really want to subclass the 18650 battery type and overwrite various values in specific instances09:37
kanzuredo you have the dataset describing the 18650 battery types?09:37
fennonly a couple09:37
fennthere are a zillion different batteries out there09:37
fennthat all roughly correspond to the same type of battery compatibility09:38
fennmaybe it's hopeless to try to classify them09:38
kanzurebattery compatibility does seem to be slightly more documented than other types of compatibilities09:38
fenninstead do a compatibility checker function that looks at the actual data09:38
fennwell, putting 3.6V 14500 lithium cells in a device for AA's would probably kill it09:39
fennthey are exact same size you see09:39
fenn(thats the point)09:39
kanzuredidn't know that. don't have a compatibility checker function.09:39
fennso, 18650's are much better in terms of Wh/kg Wh/$ and Wh/l, but they dont make battery holders for them09:40
fennweird eh09:40
fenni want AA form factor compatibility so i think i'm going to go with 14500 in the initial design09:40
fennit's probably a terrible mistake though09:41
kanzurewhat are the AA/AAA battery connections? the ones with springs. does this have a special fit name?09:41
fenn"battery contact"?09:41
fenn|country code=209:42
fenn|item code=11609:42
fenn|element code=3109:42
fenn|value flag=* 09:42
fennfaceface: are you fucking kidding me?09:42
facefacefenn: you add the data programatically, or through a form09:43
facefaceinsert into table values () ()... 09:43
fennwhat's the point of using mediawiki then09:43
facefacethats just as ugly 09:43
facefacefenn: it can integrate your data with a remote ontology and publish it on teh semantic web09:44
facefacealso its a common platform for communty integration, i.e. using various 'results formats'09:44
fennhow do i edit that datapoint "the right way"?09:44
kanzureso I was putting some thought into an automatic density profile optimization partial differential equation function thingy for arbitrary 2D channel geometries; such that I can solve for a continuous function that outputs channel geometries. I'm thinking that the function that I want is a NURBS curve or Belzier curve that makes up a smooth curve plotted through a set of points. (and then the parallel side of the geometry is either the same geometry, or a straight line- I haven't decided). Then look for a 'target density profile' and do rating for the solutions.09:44
facefacei.e. I can plot my prodstat data using googlecharts, serve it up as an RSS, query it off the semantic web ...09:44
kanzurefaceface: it's not 'typed'.09:45
facefacefenn: click edit with form09:45
facefacekanzure: its deeply typed, as in ontologically09:45
kanzureonly if you know the ontology09:45
facefacefenn: click "edit with form"09:45
fennwhere is that?09:45
facefacekanzure: the ontology can be imported into the wiki, and URI's are linked09:46
faceface(I think... tbh I haven't got into teh ontolgy side yet)09:46
facefaceoh your right, the link is missing!09:46
facefaceone moment09:46
facefacethe link is missing from my site for technical reasons... 09:47
facefacehere is what it would look like http://prodstat.referata.com/wiki/Special:EditData/DataPoint/DataPoint:2:515:31:196809:47
facefaceother sites are much better organized (wrt the data) than mine09:47
fennwell that's even worse09:47
fenni'm expecting something like <country>Afghanistan</country>09:48
facefacekanzure: the typing also happens here http://prodstat.referata.com/wiki/Property:Has_element_code09:48
kanzuresay, is there a way to get django to be running in the background constantly so that you don't have to reload imported libraries on each page call?09:48
facefacefenn: sorry to dissapoint ;-)09:48
kanzure(just thinking of pythonOCC+django.)09:48
facefacefenn: check the RDF feed for the semantic web version09:48
facefacethe URIs can be configured to be more generic, but I haven't done that yet09:49
fennwhich URI?09:49
facefacethe URI in the RDF09:50
facefacethe real semantic annotation happens here fyi, http://prodstat.referata.com/w/index.php?title=Template:DataPoint&action=edit09:50
facefacefenn: I don't understand the question09:51
kanzure http://search.cpan.org/search?query=dependency&mode=all hrm. there's an Algorithm::Dependency module09:51
facefacehere is a slightly better organized SMW, with an example of analysis over the data... http://discoursedb.org/wiki/Topic_breakdown09:53
facefacealso check this if your interested http://discoursedb.org/wiki/Special:BrowseData09:54
facefacebut the point is that none of teh stuff I've been pointing you at is 'hard coded' into the wiki, its all user editable. So people can add and edit data, queries, forms etc. etc.09:55
kanzurehm. http://pypi.python.org/pypi/topsort/0.909:55
kanzurecode: http://www.radlogic.com/releases/topsort.py09:55
facefaceso once you have data for 50 batteries, other people may come to add more data 09:55
fennok, discoursedb is structured a little better09:55
facefaceits kind of an exemplar site09:56
fennit makes my browser sad though :(09:57
facefacetoo much js? it uses the yahoo library09:57
facefacethe 'semantic forms' SMW extension I mean09:57
fennit's not really clear where the info displayed on the page comes from09:58
facefacealso 'semantic drilldown' which tries to build a navigation system that is aware of the structure implicit in the data.09:58
facefacethere will be a MW template call somewhere down theres09:58
facefacewhich page?09:58
fennlike on this page http://discoursedb.org/wiki/North_Korean_nuclear_crisis_/_Economic_sanctions_should_be_placed_on_North_Korea09:58
fennwhere do all these positions come from?09:59
facefaceOK, the text in that page is a 'template call' - kind of mehod call in MW09:59
kanzurefenn, is your git repository on fennetic.net still? and if so where?09:59
fennkanzure: no, one moment09:59
* fenn shifts desktops.. too much battery crap :)10:00
facefacefor the position method, see http://discoursedb.org/wiki/Template:Position10:00
facefaceit uses the magic word 'PAGENAME' so that putting the text {{Position}} in a different page will have a different output10:01
facefaceso the position template placed on the North Korean page produces output for North Korea10:02
facefacethe "{{#ask:" parts are queries for data10:03
facefaceI made the ask queries a bit easier to read... http://discoursedb.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Position&action=edit10:07
fenni need to do some kind of .htaccess directive to run the .cgi, but i forget how10:08
facefaceI think you need to set that globally10:08
facefacewon't work in .htaccess iirc10:09
fenni can't do global config10:09
facefaceperhaps the global config has that option enabled in .htaccess... can you read the global config?10:09
faceface(I don't think its enabled by default)10:09
kanzureit works in .htaccess IIRC10:09
kanzureor you have to put it in /var/lib/cgi-bin/ or something silly like that10:09
kanzureah, /usr/lib/cgi-bin/10:10
fenni dont want to do that10:10
fennahOptions +ExecCGI10:13
fennAddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl10:13
fennok, formattings kinda weird but gitweb works now10:17
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kanzurehttp://www.scribd.com/doc/6793556/Assembly-Mates milling machine assembly mates10:52
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kanzurehttp://www.theswgeek.com/2008/08/18/design-faster-with-design-library-and-mate-references-pt1/  so here they just use tagging. bleh.10:55
kanzurethere used to be part mating in OCC 5.1 or something.10:55
kanzurethe class no longer exists in the latest releases10:55
kanzuresay, http://designrepository.org/ works10:58
kanzureoh. I've already ripped that dataset. drats.10:58
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kanzurehm, I like: http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/Workshops/CompAided/slides/shokoufandeh.ppt11:08
kanzurenon-ppt version: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/Scale-Space%20Representations%20and%20their%20Applications%20to%203D%20Matching%20of%20Solid%20Models.ppt.pdf11:09
kanzurethose algorithms can be implemented with OCC11:12
fennsays "thanks to matra datavision/opencascade" on designrepository.org11:16
fennhuh. Thomas Kramer is one of the guys who made EMC11:17
kanzuredesignrepository.org is just Regli in disguise11:23
kanzurewhere do you see the "thanks to" and Thomas Kramer?11:23
* kanzure goes to look at a lot of screens for a few hours11:25
fennya, there.11:26
fennhave fun 11:27
kanzureI think I will :)11:27
fenntry maximizing a window with google earth11:28
kanzuredoes Google Earth run under wine?11:28
kanzurehrm, does wine work with x forwarding?11:28
fennuh, dunno11:28
* kanzure leaves11:28
bkerokanzure: yes11:31
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anthonyli thought there was a linux google earth client now13:06
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kanzurewell that was fairly neat13:21
kanzurechromium + opengl + magic-carpet + kde13:22
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UtopiahGHML(for "log of my life" fans : http://zealog.com/ posted in RWW)13:35
fenncertainly more appropriate than twitter13:48
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fenncould use an API13:53
kanzureso the visualization lab is sort of the type where "you shouldn't reboot any of the machines because nobody knows how to set up the configuration the right way again"14:10
kanzurebut otherwise it's great.14:11
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kanzurehm, so how am I supposed to get done 8 hours of matrix math in less than 2?14:46
kanzureI guess I can get creative with the machines that I have ssh access to14:46
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ybithah, what was the 5 second false alarm?17:25
kanzureaccidentally had your name in the queue and didn't actually type anything17:26
xp_prgin tcp/ip what is a keep alive packet?17:28
xp_prgis it just some random thing you send every so often?17:28
kanzureit's just the ACK flagged to on17:38
kanzurehttp://gicl.cs.drexel.edu/wiki/William_C._Regli 18:03
kanzureRegli's academic ancestry can be traced back to Leibniz, via Euler, the Bernoullis and Poisson."18:04
kanzureblah. why can't *my* academic ancestry be traced back to Leibniz? waah.18:04
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kanzurefenn: http://packages.python.org/quantities/user/tutorial.html19:17
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kanzureanother one: http://juanreyero.com/magnitude/19:21
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ybitat 11:44 http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/pw_singer_on_robots_of_war.html20:34
ybitwhat is that?20:34
ybitit looks like something is being screwed into the guy's head20:35
ybithttp://www.gizmag.com/go/4004/ :: "The Land Walker: the world's first 340cm bipedal exoskeleton"20:39
ybitwondered how i missed teh bipedal20:47
kanzureis that Sacros?20:49
ybitlink 1 or 2?20:52
kanzureum, neither, haven't checked them yet20:55
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kanzurehttp://opencascade.blogspot.com/ nice blog.21:06
genespeaking of exoskeletons has anyone seen lockheedmartin's new exoskeleton?21:08
kanzurehttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=103393 anyone ever play around with Reeb graphs?21:23
genecheck it out21:30
geneflat motoro21:30
geneultrasonic motor stages that are accurate to 50 nm21:32
kanzurehttp://graphics.cs.ucdavis.edu/~sdillard/libtourtre/doc/html/ contour tree library21:40
genehow do they make piezoelectric elements?21:59
kanzurethey aren't elements. they are crystals.22:05
kanzurealso, piezoelectricity is very close to god's gift to man22:05
kanzurefenn: I'm thinking there's more to Regli's work than I originally thought- the Reeb graph stuff is impressive22:06
geneindeed they are22:07
genelink to diy electron microscope that used a piezo buzzer?22:07
geneI'd like to make a nanometer accurate positioning stage22:07
genethat is cheap to make22:08
geneI want damn tiny milling machine22:09
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kanzure".. and is defined as the sum of the geodesic distances g(v, p) from v to the other points {p|p in S}: integral of g(v,p)dS (v is a point in shape S)22:14
kanzuredid they fail their latex or do they really mean sum and then mean to show an integral?22:14
kanzureoh, a geodesic distance integral22:18
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kanzureblender implements reebgraphs22:37
kanzurebwahah: https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/branches/harmonic-skeleton/release/scripts/reeb.py22:40
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kanzuredoesn't seem to be the same type of Reeb graph22:55
fennreeb graph is a way to represent topology?23:19
fennpq looks halfway decent23:24
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kanzurereeb graph is apparently the way that blender generates skeletons23:56
kanzureregli was using reeb graphs for part matching, similarity search and apparently part mating (I guess symmetry in the reeb graph would indicate a way to connect the two graphs together?)23:57
kanzuregene- that piezo thingy was just a buzzer from a headphone cut into four sections with a knife.23:58

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