
--- Day changed Sat Apr 04 2009
kanzuregeodesic distance from curvature extrema based on growing regions associated to local Gaussian curvatures on seed vertices00:09
kanzurean integral is the limit of the sum, is it really valid for them to call an integral a sum?00:14
kanzureit's something like: find the curvature extrema of a shape; then for each of those points, take the sum of the geodesic distances to those points. Regular intervals made up of those sums (for each of the points) are then defined as a 'region' and any touching 'region' becomes a node in the Reeb graph.00:19
kanzureI guess there's some threshold value that they're using for considering the mu function to be similar or something00:24
kanzureand then those are the 'region intervals'00:24
kanzure(the mu function is the sum of the geodesic distances at each of the selected points (local extrema))00:24
ybitfor the record: "being back" for me is following along with the community, i'm going to have time to contribute eventually, but when and how much i don't know. i can give you a better estimation of what and how much when this this calendar is created. 01:00
kanzurethis calendar thingy, is it real?01:19
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fennreminds me of "where's waldo" http://www.gigapan.org/viewGigapan.php?id=1721708:12
fennharuhi eat your heart out http://share.gigapan.org/viewGigapan.php?id=649908:41
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fenni think i want to make one of these http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/press_releases/2009/MFC_022609_LockheedMartinUnveilsExoskeleton.html10:23
fennwith spring stilts though, so i can run 30 mph10:24
-!- cis-action is now known as has100ideas10:25
fennanyone have numbers on power usage for various exoskeleton usage scenarios?10:28
kanzureno :(10:29
kanzurewasn't there a book that analyzed how much energy Superman and Goku would have to have in order to do the various things that they do?10:29
kanzuresuch as blowing up planets and crashing through mountains?10:29
fenni just want to throw some cop cars around.. not blow up mountains10:31
-!- has100ideas is now known as cowell10:33
kanzurehttp://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/04/04/1338228 <- I think this is a bad sign10:34
kanzurethere's so many people posting saying "You have no choice"10:34
fennTo help its engineers better understand the challenges that the elderly have behind the wheel (and feed the fears of Japan's midlife crisis population), Nissan has developed an "old suit" simulating stiff movements, blurred vision, bad balance and extra weight (probably to simulate weaker strength).10:34
kanzureopposite direction10:35
fenn"JUST publish it"10:35
cowellI think you really just want a couple of these (http://digg.com/d1m5SJ) instead of a suit10:36
fennhuh. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutory_invention_registration10:37
kanzureis that like statutory rape?10:37
fennall the pain of applying for a patent without actually getting a patent10:37
kanzure"dear mr. president, .."10:38
kanzurebasically the only way for this to get done is for something to get passed in the government I think10:38
fenngrrr flash video10:38
kanzurefight it with fire.10:38
fenni wish i had a command line flash extractor10:38
kanzure(the flash video, I mean)10:38
fennright now i have to use firefox to do it10:38
kanzureoh, there was something I saw on slashdot the other day10:39
kanzureit was a full javascript+HTML unit testing engine thingy for web scraping10:39
kanzureif you combine that with wireshark and a flash plugin, then you should be good to go10:39
kanzurewhy are we talking about DNA extraction on diybio again? What's wrong with the protocols that we talked about before?10:39
cowellprobably because it is the first thing everyone always things about and we got new members?10:43
fenntime to write a faq10:43
kanzurewhy haven't you assembled a FAQ yet?10:43
kanzureseriously though10:43
kanzureplease don't make me do it.10:43
kanzureI'll be all cranky for the rest of the day10:43
cowellwhy haven't *you* assembled a faq?  ha ha10:43
fennand it'll just be a huge pile of irrelevant links10:43
cowellha ha ha10:43
kanzurecome on10:43
cowellok I'll start a faq.  Jason Morrison and I actually started rebuilding the website and we've got FAQ on our list10:44
kanzurealso, can I say 'I told you so' about the multiple mailing lists deal?10:45
kanzurediybio-nyc, diybio-sf, diybio-chicago, diybio-london, and nobody knows to post to the other lists or what's going on at the other places, when it's better if they did10:45
fennah the old "to crosspost or not to crosspost" argument10:46
kanzurecowell: I think a good start to the FAQ would just be to go through the archives and categorize posts into different threads10:47
kanzurethat's what I did for the openmanufacturing list10:47
kanzureit's not quite a FAQ10:47
cowellno, I'm not sure an I-told-you-so is a good idea10:47
cowellI agree with you10:47
cowellBobe does not - he actually wanted to scold you for cross posting10:48
cowellso I don't know what is better10:48
cowelllet's not have a holy war about it10:48
kanzureyou're about to get yourself a holy war with the forum idea too :p10:48
kanzurebut one step at a time I guess10:48
cowellso do you have a similar list of links at heybryan.org/diybio.html?10:49
fennforums are evil10:49
kanzurecowell: no :(10:49
cowellwell, here's the goal10:49
cowellwith the forum10:49
fennallow people to use animated avatars and smiley icons?10:49
kanzurecowell: IT'S ON MY TODO LIST10:49
cowellbasically, there are about 1000 undergraduate igem students actually building biological systems for iGEM right now10:49
kanzureoh, sorry, caps10:49
kanzuredidn't mean to yell that10:49
fennwtf does iGEM have to do with diybio10:49
fennthey have an entire lab just offered to them10:50
fennwith access to professional staff10:50
fennthat's not DIY10:50
cowelllots of things.  but in particular, they practically have a lot of the same technical problems anyone starting with bio101 and trying to do bioengineering has.  So they get help from their local experts, and that's it.10:51
cowellThe idea is that we also have the same problems, and we could tap into their expertise by helping bridging the two communities to share technical help and tips10:51
cowelland iGEM HQ isn't going to start them a mailing list or forum.10:51
kanzurebut there already is an igem mailing list10:52
kanzurewhat are you talking about?10:52
cowelloh really10:52
kanzureigem-interest is a completely legit list10:52
cowelldoes anyone ever ask questions on it?10:52
kanzureno, nobody uses email10:52
fennso let's make a forum for them! :(10:52
kanzurefenn: so basically the way that I've approached this10:52
cowellstop being so negative10:52
kanzureis that I've scolded them for wanting to use forums10:52
kanzureif they implement a mail2forum gateway, I will not be as negative10:53
fenncowell: i can't help it, i'm trapped on this planet10:53
kanzureif they won't use a mailing list, why would they use a forum?10:53
cowellI'm leaving and going to the diybio room.  thanks for the talk.  bryan, if you want to constructively help me figure out how to engage the large igem biohacking community to help us do diybio sb work, come on over10:53
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* fenn shrugs10:54
kanzureI don't think engaging the igem people is the way to go though10:54
kanzureI mean, there are alternatives that are more related to diybio10:54
fenni think these boston people dont understand what the rest of the country is like10:56
kanzuretime warp bubble manifold around boston dealy?10:56
fennthere's just so much wealth spilling out the seams there it's a different world10:56
fenntechnical know-how and access to tools and materials10:57
fennand money10:57
fennbut there's money lots of places10:57
kanzureI'm still trying to transition to university life10:57
kanzure"oh, we just spent a thousand dollars on a bullshit filter design? no big deal, btw do you want a job? ok, great!"10:58
fenndont get too comfy :)10:58
kanzureactually I'm getting to stay another year10:58
kanzurethese two semesters "never happened"10:58
fennwhat does that mean exactly?10:58
kanzuremy record is reset to zero10:58
fennhow did you manage that?10:59
kanzuredad died10:59
fennooo sneaky10:59
kanzuremischevious of me, eh?10:59
kanzurealso, the psychiatrist (pre-scheduled visit yesterday) was able to convince mom not to put me into the home10:59
fenndont waste another $1e4 +- 50%11:00
kanzurehe has patients that go to that program and he thinks I'm too functional to get anything of value out of it11:00
kanzureI'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to take a ridiculously small course load11:00
kanzuremaybe something like 2 classes?11:00
kanzureand with the income from the two labs, things might be good11:00
* kanzure goes down to eat11:01
fennnetlist import for stripboard cad http://jukumagic.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/screenshot-r36.png11:02
fennstick that in your graph minimization algorithm11:03
kanzuremy what minimization?11:04
kanzuredoesn't geda do netlists?11:04
fenngeda doesn't do stripboard11:05
fennall electronics cad software does netlists (unless it really really sucks)11:05
fennnot sure what sort of netlist this is importing11:05
fennprobably gEDA though, knowing the dev11:05
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macowellha ha, so much for making a point.11:06
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fennmy beagleboard showed up today11:11
fennwaiting on SD card and serial cable11:11
fennguess i could use the microsd in an adapter11:11
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fennlooks like berkeley exoskeleton averages 250W11:16
kanzurecowell: what were you laughing about? just wondering11:16
fennthat's only ... 70 lithium batteries :\11:16
cowellthat I left in a huff and then came back.  I am kind of grouchy today11:17
kanzurefenn: did you see the virus-assembly-electrodes papers I added?11:17
fenn$300 bucks worth.. not as bad as i thought11:17
kanzurecowell: happens to the rest of us.11:17
fennno, i've read about that before though. angela belcher right?11:17
fenncowell: my 10-minute impression of igem is that they almost never finish anything11:19
fennso good luck getting them to actually document anything, if they can't even finish the project in time11:20
kanzurethat's what jonathan cline argues, fenn11:20
kanzurehe's here in austin, we should meet up with him sometime11:20
fennwhat's he doing in austin?11:20
kanzurehe moved here11:20
fennoh. why?11:20
cowellfenn: ok.  it sounds like you're trying to convince me not to deal with igem.11:20
kanzureI think it might be okay to deal with igem, I don't see too much harm coming from being friendly11:21
fenncowell: i just think they're the wrong place to invest a lot of effort, when you should be focusing on the needs of "real" diy-bio people11:21
kanzureisn't there other things to be doing?11:21
fennwhere you = diybio people11:22
cowellfenn: how many "real" diy people are there?  10?  700?11:22
fenni have no idea11:22
fennat least 20 looking at the mailing list11:22
cowellI would estimate 20-ish as well11:22
fennso by the 80/20 rule that means you have 100 "active" members :)11:23
fennand that aint bad11:23
fennkanzure: somehow i doubt gold nanowires are going to be cost effective11:24
kanzurehow much gold is in the ambient environment? in such a way that cells could find it, and then offload it to viruses11:25
cowellfenn: cool igem projects from last year11:25
cowell1. http://2008.igem.org/Team:BCCS-Bristol/Modeling11:26
fennkanzure: ambient environment? there's a sizable concentration in seawater, it's not falling out of the sky though11:26
cowell2. http://2008.igem.org/Team:Slovenia11:26
cowell3. http://2008.igem.org/Team:Imperial_College/Project11:27
cowell4. http://2008.igem.org/Team:MIT/Lactobacillus11:27
cowell5. read this:  http://www.the-scientist.com/blog/display/55178/http://2008.igem.org/Team:BCCS-Bristol/Modeling11:27
fennpretty computer11:28
fenntoo bad they are running matlab and java on it..11:29
fennthis doesn't seems like a supercomputer-class problem to me11:30
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cowellwell, you could have told them that using the igem-discuss list.  Oh wait, it's moderated, so no you couldn't11:32
fennmoderated or closed to outsiders?11:33
fenntheir simulations look more like gas dynamics than blobs of goo11:33
fennwas expecting something like myxobacteria11:33
kanzurecowell: it's simply that there are some people who do not know how to communicate using computers11:34
kanzureor don't understand the importance of it11:34
fennok, vaccines; can DIYers actually do this? won't we get arrested for "practicing medicine without a license"?11:34
fennbiofabricator subtilis makes what? or is it just a general platform for making other stuff?11:37
fennseems kind of strange to build a factory without a general idea of what sort of product you'll be making11:38
splicer_There is probably a division of labor... some build the organism and others test it in the target. 11:39
fennChloramphenicol Acetyltransferase (antibiotic resistance enzyme) was their "biomaterial"?11:40
kanzurecowell: another idea for the FAQ would be to post and ask people for which threads they found the most helpful in the past11:41
fennregistration required to the-scientist.com11:41
fennah the lactobacillus thing is cool11:42
fenni had the same idea like 10 years ago11:42
fennthen school beat the interest in genetic engineering out of me11:43
fennanother idea in similar vein is an anti-stinky-fart culture11:43
fennselectively favor anaerobic bacteria that don't produce H2S11:44
fennso, now i'm wondering why i read all that11:45
kanzurecowell was trying to convince you that igem was so cool that it made it diybio11:46
fennigem is a great idea and i wish it were around when i was in school11:47
fennbut it's like comparing computer science projects to open source development11:47
fennexcept.. less so11:48
fennbecause even the poorest programmer has a (theoretically equivalent) computer11:48
fennanti-pimple culture (kill staph aureus)11:50
fennwell, not kill it, but out-compete it with non-pathogenic varieties11:50
cowellI hold a different perspective than you, fenn. I like igem.  I think igem projects are an existence proof of the viability of small teams of relative newcomers with a "small" amount of capital and access to some kind of mentorship repeatably accomplishing interesting results with synthetic biology.11:52
fennthey still have the institutional public image though11:53
cowellwho cares!11:54
fenn"students from <prestigious university> did such n such cool thing" is totally different from "students from <underfunded high school> did cool thing"11:54
fennregardless how much money they actually have11:54
cowellpublic image is a means to an end11:54
fennmost of the stuff that comes out of MIT is totally doable by the amateur basement hacker11:55
cowellyay!  we agree.11:55
cowelland by MIT, do you mean iGEM?  or actually all of MIT?11:56
fennbut the way it's framed, and the lack of funding sources and infrastructure for amateur research make it much more difficult11:56
fennwell, mostly i was thinking of the media lab11:56
fenni realize it's a huge place11:57
fenni'd like to see some sort of community science labs, open to people without credentials for a small fee11:57
cowell[working on it]11:58
kanzureI thought we were already working on that?11:58
* fenn grumbles11:58
kanzurecowell: could you send me an email to bug me to write the diybio.html page or diybio FAQ? if you send me an email, I'll get around to it later today maybe, or something11:58
cowellseattle open labs, noisebridge/langton labs in SF, whatever we can build here in boston11:58
kanzureI'm about to go apartment hunting11:58
cowellgood luke, kanzure 11:58
fennthere's only so many different directions i can gallop at once; personally i won't be collecting any bio equipment any time soon11:58
kanzurefenn: cline wants to though, so I mentioned that I know of a good place to put the equipment if he wants.11:59
fennah, cline would be welcome11:59
kanzureyou really need to meet up with him.11:59
kanzurejust because.11:59
fenni wasn't really impressed by his student projects :x11:59
kanzurehm? his what? where?11:59
fennum, on the internet somewhere11:59
kanzurecowell: so anyway, did you recently see the physicaldesignco company?12:00
fennanyway i doubt my student projects were very impressive either12:00
kanzurebasically what they are is a group out of MIT from the Digital Design Lab (or something) in the architecture department12:00
kanzurePhysical Design Co. allows users to upload drawings of buildings12:00
kanzureneed to go, but please do check out my post to OM about it12:01
kanzureautomatic instruction generation and such, kind of important for diybio12:01
fennphysical design co is basically a shape grammar interfaced to a cnc plywood router12:01
kanzureright right12:01
fenntheir grammar could be useful for a lot of other things besides houses12:01
fennlike, that lasercut acrylic stuff, for example12:01
cowellhey fenn, who are you anyway?12:02
fennsome mad scientist12:02
fennben lipkowitz12:02
cowellkiko gels?12:02
kanzureoh, I have two more minutes12:02
fennyeah i posted in that thread12:02
cowellfablab austin?12:03
fenni think everyone missed the point of what i was saying though12:03
fenn"fablab" or something like it12:03
kanzureit's not quite the same thing though.12:04
cowellI met one of the guys who flies around and helps boot-up fablabs recently, and he and I were thinking about approaching the fablab group formally about establishing some kind of basic biotech module for fablabs12:04
fennlast night we were discussing market segments for sex robots12:04
kanzurecowell: Todd?12:04
fennthe MIT fablab (i say MIT to distinguish it from a generic hacker space) approach is to throw a bunch of money at something and hope it works12:05
* kanzure turns the key12:05
fenninstead of letting things grow organically12:05
kanzurea good cite on that would be eric's post12:05
fennnow, i'm not sure which is better :\12:05
fennbut if you don't have people throwing money at you, there's not much choice12:05
cowellkanzure: no, it was an amateur biohacker working at microsoft redmond named mez. (twitter: @ramez)12:06
fennso when i talk about a fablab on every block, i'm not considering the MIT approach as feasible12:06
kanzureok, I think fenn can handle this for now12:06
fenncowell: if you are at all interested in openmanufacturing, at least read all the posts by eric hunting12:07
cowellI think community is important.  1:1 person-fabricator is a fine long-term goal, but there are strong economical and pedagogical reasons for building semi-sentralized fablabs, right?12:07
cowellI read one by erc.12:07
fennpedagogical, no12:07
fennthat's just academia not "getting it"12:08
cowellI disagree12:08
cowellthere is an educational compenent - you have to teach users how to use the equipment12:08
fennmass production is going to always benefit from centralization; simple geometry12:08
fennof course you have to teach users to use it12:08
cowellsmall communities formed around common workshops seems like a great way to do that12:09
fennbut you might have missed the fact that we're living in the future.. we can stream video on demand, auto-generate 3d VR animations12:09
cowellinstead of a basement lab for everyone12:09
fennand we're talking in real time several thousand miles apart12:09
fennwell, 1.5k12:09
cowellit's not technological, it's societal12:09
fenni didn't say basement, btw12:09
fennfablab on every block was meant to imply a community space12:10
cowellI think that is a great plan12:10
fenneric always talks about how you have to design for urban environments if you want something to be scalable12:11
fennso expecting everyone to have a fully equipped machine shop in their apartment is not scalable12:11
fenneven though there are people with private machine shops12:11
fenni'm dismayed by how few people are even thinking about automation12:12
fennwhen you can buy an automated printing robot for $30, manual pipetting is a crime12:13
fennbenefits from automation extend to so many different areas it's impossible to even think of it all at once12:14
cowellI agree!12:15
fennare there any standard formats for pipetting procedures?12:15
fenni remember seeing some files on oww but couldnt download them or something12:15
fennmore important is that the format is open and extensible12:15
fennkanzure: the amp*hour numbers on those nanowire papers are insane, if the electrode is a significant portion of battery mass12:21
fennthe gold/cobalt ones12:23
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fenni've only read the "power armor" article but it looks like a good index of interesting articles: http://www.dcr.net/~stickmak/JOHT/13:03
cowellhey, I'm giving a talk on diybio right now with kay aull and jason morrison for xorcon.org13:16
cowellhere's the streaming video13:16
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wrldpcGO DIYBIO GO!13:53
fennhuh. "Several chemical research companies are experimenting with diamond-coating fine wires. Tests have shown that the resulting diamond coating approaches the strength of perfect diamond whiskers. All we have to do is set up a process to make these diamond-coated wires in continuous lengths, with the metal substrate etched out, and we have Beanstalk material."13:55
fennthis was written before space elevators started being hyped13:56
wrldpcis this being archived? (the diybio berkman center feed?)13:56
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willPow3rlol wtf14:09
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kanzurefound something16:14
kanzurefenn, insane in a good way?16:15
kanzurethe prices are kind of outrageous for apartments, but I guess I can afford something halfway decent16:18
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kanzureso I was up until 3 am finishing some work for Campbell, it's not particularly interesting work, but if anyone is interested in glancing over it, check out this: http://sata.serveftp.org/~bryan/3000CFGs_complete.zip17:59
kanzurebasically it's the thousand-by-thousand matrix of distances between different designs, where a distance is defined as the euclidean norm of a 'component matrix' (actually, what's called a 'dsm' where array[i][j] represents the number of connections between components of type [i] and of type [j])18:00
kanzureand then some extra stuff like sorting for the top 50 "most different designs"18:00
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kanzureso I sent out the email about the diybio faq, please don't kill me18:56
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/papers/Using%20assembly%20representations%20to%20enable%20evolutionary%20design%20of%20Lego%20structures%20-%20Regli.pdf 19:59
kanzureUsing assembly representations to enable evolutionary design of Lego structures 19:59
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kanzurehuh, they have a shape grammar for lego assemblies. how nice of them.20:01
kanzureheh, 'for now our program can only operate on 3 types of legos: beam, brick and plate' 20:02
geneis this the evolutionary algorithm that made a bridge?20:02
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kanzuregah, success! the correct keyword to search for is "compliant mechanisms"20:24
kanzureoops, nevermind. those are just for elastic deformation.20:26
genewhat are you searching for?20:26
kanzuretopology decomposition and evaluation of male/female connection geometries20:27
genethat sounds sort of funny20:48
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kanzureyeah, lots of papers have funny sounding papers21:05
kanzure*funny sounding titles21:05
kanzureI guess I can just use the Reeb graph method except take the CSG subtraction of a port in a prism and then compute the Reeb graph of that inverted structure, and then check for geometrically compatible thingies21:06
kanzureThe analysis of potential mating trajectories and grasp sites21:20
genewhat discipline is this under?21:21
kanzurehm, there seem to be a few trajectory planners in the literature21:24
kanzurenot what I'm looking for. you need to answer "what to target"21:24
kanzureoh, one method might be to analyze interfences between two parts and find the least-volume combination of the two parts with zero interferences.21:27
kanzuredoes that make sense to anyone but me?21:27
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/papers/Geometric%20reasoning%20about%20assembly%20tools.pdf Geometric reasoning about assembly tools (also good)21:31
willPow3rare there any good note-taking apps for linux?21:40
willPow3ri'm looking for something that could be used in a lecture21:40
geneCO2 turns into a liquid at 75 PSI21:48
kanzurewillPow3r: I just use kwrite or whatever I have installed21:52
kanzurehowever, I hear LyX is useful for latex notes (especially math)21:52
kanzureit's not optimized for lecture note taking, however21:52
willPow3rtomboy looks good but its so slow for some reason21:54
willPow3rlyx == 231 MB download?? i hope its good21:56
kanzuredon't count on it21:59
kanzureargh, why is Elsevier down?21:59
* kanzure wants to get "A gap-based approach to capture fitting conditions for mechanical assembly"21:59
kanzure"Assembly-part automatic positioning using high-level entities of mating features"22:01
willPow3rvym looks promising22:05
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kanzurehrm. another method would be to define a bounding box for a given model, and then volumes are defined for regions that extend from the model to the bounding box as regions for inputs/connectors/thingies- much like styrofoam protection in packaging I guess22:12
kanzureor maybe there's a way to specify it in OCC.22:12
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kanzurehttp://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~peyre/numerical-tour/tours/fastmarching_mesh/ geodesic meshes with scilab22:17
kanzurehttp://www.cs.jhu.edu/~misha/Fall04/ good papers on shape analysis and retrieval22:23
kanzure"Spatial reasoning for the automatic recognition of machinable features in solid models"22:35
kanzurehttp://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/twod293.html Use of Skeletons for Recognition and Representation (all hail Keith Price)22:41
drazakkanzure: hey23:38
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willPow3rLyX is pretty damn good.23:51

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