
--- Day changed Tue Apr 07 2009
kanzure"In 1921 in the city of Kane, Pennsylvania a doctor desperate to prove something to the medical establishment takes a knife and under local anesthetic cuts open his own abdomen. Dr. Evan O’Neill Kane a 60-year old Chief Surgeon “believed that ether was being used far too often when less dangerous local anesthetics could be used”. Dr. Kane propped up on the operating room table with a mirror over his abdomen successfully preformed a surgical procedure to remove his own appendix."00:26
bkeroReminds me of a story of a mexican woman giving herself a C-section since she was too far from a hospital.00:26
kanzureDamn straight.00:29
bkeroOr a dude who went to Ghana to get infected with hookworms to cure his asthma and allergies.00:31
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kanzure4 pm today (don't know if that's central or whatever time Boston is on) there's an interview with me, Mac, Bobe with singularityhub08:41
kanzureon skype08:41
kanzurehaha, just call us the freedo-manufacturers!08:53
nsh-i need about $30008:59
kanzuremechanical turk for a thousand years?09:00
* kanzure goes to class09:00
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kanzuremessages that you do not want to hear on your phone: "Hi, this is Dr. Ellis with infectious disease control calling for Michael Young, and we need to get you back here as soon as possible. It's Friday at 4:30 right now, please call me back at <number>, thanks."10:57
kanzurejust called her back telling her that she just might want to redial that number .. erm.. yeah.10:57
kanzurefenn: do you remember buttbot from omgwallhack?11:29
kanzureI'm tempted to write a mail bot that replies to OM and replaces every occurence of 'open' with 'butt'11:29
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/gears/CADgears/2009-04-07_2.png 12:35
kanzurebut the restrictions on the input are terrible, and they look nothing like gears12:36
kanzurewhy is it that I'm paid to make an array of objects?12:36
* fenn laughs12:37
fennyou could say they're gold coins for a super mario bros remake12:38
kanzuremy favorite super mario remake that isn't a remake is super mario arena.12:39
bkeroTry the Infinite Super Mario Brothers12:46
kanzureany thoughts on what format to export this thing to? STL will not work because it's not a single solid, the IGES exportation thingy crashes HeeksCAD, and I can't quite figure out how to export STEP yet12:56
kanzureI don't know why I thought gmsh would work .. especially since I compiled gmsh with OCC support, and that's what HeeksCAD is running on13:06
kanzurecan anybody tell me if this file is bullshit? http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/gears/CADgears/cylinder.iges13:07
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fennit's empty14:07
fennNanofarming technology harvest biofuel oils without harming algae15:07
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kanzurenow I just feel like an idiot15:23
kanzurecline just sent me this15:23
kanzurepage 3. figure 2b.15:23
kanzurePCR via a spiral design.. different quadrants with different temperatures due to different heating/cooling elements at the four corners of a bounding box of the spiral design15:24
fennso? that's the same as the $10 thermocycler15:24
fennbut on a chip15:24
kanzurethe $10 thermocycler was using some custom plastic part I thought?15:27
kanzurethere's also another paper in the parent directory that cline contributed (sort by date)15:27
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fennthey should call that 'millifluidics'15:40
fennor minifluidics15:40
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kanzureI find it weird that somebody from NY Times Magazine posted to the diybio-nyc group asking for people to interview with,17:45
kanzureespecially when I was able to tell her to go talk with Jack Hitt, the last NY Times Magazine guy who interviewed me 17:46
kanzure"oh, my editor transferred the project to me"17:46
* kanzure wonders why he knows more about internal NY Times Magazine politics than its own employees17:46
cis-actiondon't brag17:50
kanzurejust pointing out their own pitfalls :)17:51
kanzurefenn: how was the $10 thermocycler supposedly structured? 17:54
kanzureI remember reading the paper multiple times but I don't remember the shape17:54
fennthere was a triangular prism with a teflon tube wrapped around18:04
fennthen there's another version that's a square with teflon tube around it18:06
fennit's just a loop that goes around and around though, not a spiral18:07
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fenni wonder if i could swap framebuffers on the beagleboard s-video out and somehow mux 3D stereo video to the myvu20:27
fenntoday i saw that it does indeed have two video plugs (one for each side, yay!)20:27
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fennwow that really slims down nicely http://dailydiy.com/2009/01/13/myvu-display-in-a-wearable-computer/21:02
fennheh this is what the "solidoptex" marketspeak is about (at 4:30 in) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1WSxUXGXv8&feature=channel_page21:10
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kanzurehm, are tdebs just debs for translations?21:25
fennlooks like it21:27
kanzurehm, I found somebody posting to debian-dev with an @omgwallhack.org email address21:29
kanzurewell now I'm pissed, a levitating tetris block! gravity isn't implemented?21:33
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fennthis is funny; i'm talking to gregor in #beagle21:44
fennthe myvu hacker21:45
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