
--- Day changed Fri Apr 10 2009
kanzurehm, the OCR isn't working for the 1970s Nature papers00:06
fennhehehe.. the-tan, scientology mascot01:01
fennplease tell anonymous01:02
genehackerscientology mascot?01:08
genehackeroh i get it01:09
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kanzurehurray, it's now separated into somewhat reasonably sized folders08:34
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* kanzure needs to hunt down "An information-bearing seed for nucleating algorithmic self-assembly" in the March 24th issue of PNAS09:08
kanzureoh boy. now diybio is turning into a job forum. ugh09:26
kanzurehttp://news.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1194963&cid=27530751 "Oh! I get it! Nice work."09:53
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bkerokanzure: are employers trolling it, or kids who just graduated?11:34
fennit was just two posts that ought to have been off-list11:35
kanzuretrue, but there has also been past occurences11:37
kanzurelet's all post our resumes, yay jobs for everyone11:37
kanzurehave any of you checked out mendeley yet?11:39
kanzureI want to try out the group sharing feature11:39
fenni looked, didnt see anything interesting11:40
fennhow does it 'extract' metadata anyway?11:44
kanzurewell after having it completely fail to OCR the Nature publications, I'm thinking now that maybe it doesn't11:45
kanzureit pays special attention to anything that has a DOI number11:45
kanzureit completely fails (like everything else) in reading 'fl' and 'fi' next to each other in the titles in the paper11:46
kanzurea clear sign that it's OCRing.11:46
fennof course it wouldn't do OCR11:46
fennoh, it does?11:46
* kanzure nods11:46
fennuh, why11:46
kanzureit would be amazingly useful if I could train it on datasets and draw rectangles of where a title is on a page that it doesn't know how to process..11:46
kanzurebecause people just keep PDF files on their hard drives and they don't have the metadata11:47
kanzureso it extracts it.11:47
fennso you download this application that runs and it uploads the metadata to the website?11:48
kanzureyes, but it has local export options as well11:48
kanzureit wants to synchronize paper collections between multiple computers and possibly different people ("group sharing")11:49
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fennuh.. no drag and drop, i can only add one document at a time?12:16
fennoh there it goes12:16
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fennthat 'do you want to save metadata?' dialog is really annoying12:29
fenn Referencer is a GNOME application to organise documents or references, and12:30
fenn ultimately generate a BibTeX bibliography file.12:31
fennoh this is handy http://www.zotero.org/support/pdf_fulltext_indexing12:32
fenni want a tagging metadata index with full text search12:35
fennnot more hierarchical crap.. i can do that with a filesystem12:35
kanzureare you "josef blousef"12:38
fennsupposedly zotero does "Automatic synchronization of collections among multiple computers."12:39
fennso why is mendeley interesting?12:39
fennwhy not just make a torrent with all the individual pdf's12:40
fennpeople can pick and choose what they want, or get the whole thing12:40
kanzuremostly for the automatic metadata extraction even if it does somewhat suck12:40
kanzuresucks less than tesseract12:40
fenncan't you just rename the files with the paper title?12:40
kanzureI do12:41
fennit doesn't do OCR btw12:41
kanzureit's also very painfully slow though to switch between reading a paper to figure out authors, publication, etc., to the file rename utility (whatever I happen to be using)12:41
fenni sniffed the binary, it doesnt have any ocr code12:41
fennwell, you wouldnt do it by hand12:41
fenndoes bibtex include the filename?12:42
kanzureat least zotero grabs metadata at point of download :)12:42
kanzureerm, wait12:42
fennthe problem with these things is they don't play well with existing organization schemes12:45
fennso every time you switch metatada managers you have to basically start over12:46
kanzurewtf is wrong with this woman12:47
kanzureshe calls me because she's throwing shit out of my room back at the death-house12:47
kanzureand she can't be bothered to do a full inventory? jebus12:47
kanzureanywho, the idea with zotero is that at least you can capture metadata at the time of download12:48
fennyour stuff doesn't matter because you're dead anyway, right?12:48
kanzureI would like to implement something with zotero such that the downloaded PDFs are put into a tar file next to a dot bib or metadata thingy.12:48
kanzureoh right12:48
kanzurebut srsly. she scares me.12:48
kanzureis it reasonable to expect to be able to randomly call somebody and then go through their entire room asking them what can be thrown away?12:49
fennuh, no comment12:49
fenn'at time of download' means there's some microformatting on the download page?12:50
kanzurewell, it looks like zotero has some custom download templates for scraping certain publisher websites12:50
kanzureyeah :/12:50
kanzurebut zotero might have that critical mass variable for it12:50
kanzurei.e., with enough people using it, there's enough scraper-templates already implemented, or something12:50
fennthe great thing about standards is that nobody uses them12:51
kanzurehm, a large grasshopper just got on my window, 12 floors up12:51
fennthey can fly12:51
fennplagues of locusts12:52
kanzuredoes their flying ability automagically scale with body size?12:52
kanzureI think I invited you to a group in mendeley13:12
fennoh, i'm already over it :\13:25
fenni have enough projects to work on without reading obscure science papers13:26
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* kanzure waddles off to turn in paperwork by hand, because he's living in the stone age13:34
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kanzureyou take that back17:12
bkeroBut I have evidence!17:12
kanzurewtf mac, wtf17:14
kanzurenow when you want to talk to diy people you have to email nine different lists?17:14
kanzurediybio-nyc, diybio, diybio-boston, diybio--seattle, diybio-sf, diybio-announce, diybio-chicago17:14
* fenn wonders if that was directed at cis-action or not17:15
cis-actionwas that a faux pas17:16
cis-actionmaybe I should have just used the main diybio list.17:16
cis-actionI got a little excited, I admit it.17:16
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kanzurewell, if you want, I'll send all future emails to all mailing lists17:17
kanzureit's not a big deal for me, but most people hate crossposting17:17
kanzureI also don't know why anyone has taken up interest in the automatic safety protocol generator/instruction work re: MSDS and skdb17:17
kanzurebut that's another rant :-p17:17
fenni've been thinking about it17:18
cis-actionhey, I'm interested17:18
kanzurecis-action: do you remember it?17:18
kanzurefenn: but you don't count because nobody listens to you (or me)17:18
fennwell i havent really talked about it either17:18
cis-actionhmm, what I remember is wanting something like the cc licensing wizard to give you a safety badge for your digital lab notebook / website by asking a series of safety questions17:18
cis-actionobviously there would be liability issues there.17:19
kanzurecis-action: that's one idea, but here's specifically what the emails were about17:19
kanzurein particular, given diybio-certified "protocols" like pcr.xml, safety instructions could be automatically generated from a standard knowledge base of safety17:19
kanzureeven up to and including things like community checklists or something for various get-together occassions. I don't know how people would want to work that out17:19
fenn"safety" in gen-engineering goes beyond actual safety precautions17:20
kanzurebut the big deal is getting people to help work on protocol encoding in XML format17:20
fennit's more like "containment"17:20
kanzurethat's true17:20
kanzurea basic series of questions (FAQ) isn't enough IMHO- it's a good start but we already have that 17:20
kanzureit should be tailored to the experiment/instructable/thingy17:20
cis-actionPersonally, I like it, but I'm afraid it might be conceptual overhead when what we need right now is something simpler17:20
fennin my mind the only way to contain bacteria is with BSL ratings17:20
kanzurewhat overhead?17:21
cis-actionIf you think this would be a productive and fruitful avenue for helping address the safety concerns outsiders have with garage labs, please make it happen.17:21
kanzurewell, I already began to do it but nobody really seemed interested in helping as I said17:21
kanzureI spent a few hours on pcr.xml and nobody corrected my obvious errors17:21
fennyou can't have a safety wizard unless you already have a protocol wizard in place17:22
* kanzure nods17:22
kanzurewizards are easy to write- it's really not that much overhead- the only bottleneck is in encoding the information and knowledge17:22
kanzuremaybe you could hook us up with somebody with some time and a good knowledge of protocols?17:22
kanzureand a good knowledge of XML.17:22
kanzureI mean, since it didn't really work when I posted to diybio17:22
fenndoesn't have to be xml17:22
cis-actionIt could be more general-purpose.  NIH guidelines don't look at protocol-level of detail to classify work as bl1, 2, etc17:22
kanzurecomputer-parseable is a mouthful17:23
kanzurebut then they will think of beauracracy17:23
fennit doesnt even need to be computer parseable is the point17:23
fennmassaging well structured text into XML-ish format is not difficult17:24
kanzurethat's parseable17:24
fennit can be delegated to a volunteer17:24
cis-actionhalf of the value comes from asking people to think about the safety concerns for themselves.  If it's all automated, people might actually become less safe because they use less common sense17:24
fennpeople have no common sense17:24
cis-actionbut I have to go now.  I would recommend looking at the contributors to protocols on OWW and finding someone who has put a lot of time into basic protocols17:24
fennoh nice, OWW actually has protocols17:25
kanzurein the typical overview-materials-procedure-notes-references format17:26
kanzurehm, you know, if I was a masochist17:26
fennyou'd massage that structured text into an xml-ish format?17:26
kanzureI might be inclined to believe that steps in a procedure could be parsed for physical units17:26
fennuh, of course they can17:26
fennthat's the whole point17:26
kanzurebut but it's never quite clear the relation between the physical units and the other words17:26
fenn"electroporate - 12.5 kV/cm, pulse number of 10, puse interval of 500 ms, plasmid DNA concentration of 25 ng/ul"17:27
fennthese are basically arguments to a function17:27
kanzure"2 volumes EtOH" <- what the *fuck*17:27
fennthat's badly written from any perspective17:27
kanzureoh, you know what would be even better17:28
kanzurehrm, okay I see now17:28
kanzurewe will have to define function signatures17:28
fennyeah i think so17:28
kanzureand then steps in a procedure formatted in a specific way will be parsed so that some parts are arguments and the other is the function name17:28
fennadd A to B17:29
fennsame crap different domain17:29
kanzurewell in particular I'm thinking of those tagging interfaces where they do character-by-character suggestion17:29
kanzurethus our 'protocol wizard' for parsing this shitty dataset17:29
kanzure"did you mean ____ ?"17:29
fennprotocol creation wizard17:29
* kanzure nods17:30
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fenni think there should also be another one for following the protocol17:30
kanzurethe reason I haven't written one is because I don't know enough about protocols17:30
kanzureI've read many of them, but that doesn't help me to figure out exactly how to write a good creation wizard17:30
fennexcuses excuses17:30
kanzureyeah I agree17:30
kanzure"did you mean to add water to acid, not acid to water? <paperclip>"17:30
fenni dont know the answer because i havent solved the problem yet17:30
fennother way around17:31
kanzurethe paperclip is the mischevious symbolifier17:31
kanzureso why isn't there a general "create an instance of an XML file from this given DTD" wizard app interface thingy? or anything for "creating an instantation of something that would conform to this given BNF grammar"17:32
fennbecause you dont know the search terms17:32
kanzure"AutoTag makes it easy for non-technical people to create XPath select statements "17:33
kanzureisn't this what code generation is about?17:33
kanzurealthough that's mostly translation.17:33
kanzure17:36 < sproingie> sure, just run the wizard wizard wizard and you'll get a wizard wizard for your wizards17:37
kanzurewhy did I bother with #python? surely I knew I was going to get a zen answer17:38
bkerokanzure: I put a wizard in your wizard so I can easy while you're easing.17:39
kanzureyou know, if I go ask the perlmonks, they'll give it to me in a single line17:39
* kanzure still likes txt2regex, a nice wizard. but for regexps.17:41
kanzurefenn: so how about this? a few lists would be made: physical quantities, equipment, materials; you just type in the procedures, or some preliminary notes; at the end, the wizard will ask you whether or not there is conservation of some material (in terms of stuff that you have to deal with), etc.17:42
fennok so basically you need to specify a grammar and then prompt the user for valid choices from that grammar17:43
fenni notice protocols leave out a lot of information17:43
fennlike "add this TO a 50mL beaker"17:43
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kanzureand then at the end you have no more of "this"17:44
fennwithout that info your wizard/converter will have to use common sense, which has historically been difficult to program17:44
fennno you still have it, it's in the beaker17:44
kanzureso it's hard to distinguish between empty beakers and bottles too sometimes17:45
kanzureI heart perl: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=wizard&mode=all17:45
fennif you're doing automatic safety checking, you need to have a chemical reaction simulation17:45
kanzureI think safety starts with cleanliness17:45
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kanzurebut chemical reaction checking should be implemented17:45
kanzure(perhaps as a future thingy to implement as a plugin)17:46
fennno xml creation wizard tho17:46
fennah well, i'm sort of over DTD's anyway17:47
kanzureText, TextArea17:47
kanzuregah, those are defined by the HTML DTD17:47
kanzurewhy isn't this abstracted17:47
fennwhat does Wizard do?17:47
kanzureI don't know, but they do stuff like: "use Wizard(); my $wiz = Wizard->new(%attr); my $form = $wiz->Form(%attr); $wiz->Run($form);"17:48
kanzureI'm not sure what benefit this adds..17:48
fenn#   Wizard - A Perl package for implementing system administration17:48
fenn#            applications in the style of Windows wizards.17:48
kanzurethere's also a shell version though17:48
kanzureoh look17:49
kanzure"PROMPT=>VARNAME, LEN=16 chars; ONLYVALID=>regexp here"17:49
kanzurethat's close.17:49
kanzureooh, what if onlyvalid can be sent to a function?17:50
kanzurethat would be really nice.17:50
kanzurehttp://search.cpan.org/~zim/Tk-XML-WizardMaker-0.91/WizardMaker.pm "Tk::XML::WizardMaker - easy way to build the Software Assistants and Installation Wizards based on XML description."17:52
kanzurehm, not quite.17:53
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kanzurensh: know of any wizard wizards?17:56
kanzurehm, yep, Term::Screen::Wizard allows validator functions17:58
kanzurehm, that grasshopper is still there17:59
kanzureI'm not sure what to ask the user18:08
kanzuredo we care about where to put stuff?18:08
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kanzurethis is interesting: http://www.protocol-online.org/latest_breakthroughs.html19:54
kanzureI have some of those papers19:54
kanzurecis-action: you around?19:59
kanzurecis-action: I was wondering if you could tell me what EXACT is19:59
cis-actionMore context please.20:00
kanzurewhere did EXACT come from? it's not exactly easy to search for20:00
kanzurethat link.20:00
kanzurehm, there's this I guess: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/24/13/i29520:02
kanzureoh. http://www.aber.ac.uk/compsci/Research/bio/dss/EXACT/20:03
cis-actionhmm ok good20:04
cis-actionI was searching for it20:04
cis-actionso it was mentioned in that bioinformatics article?  I just scanned it again and missed it.20:05
kanzureExamples of how parts of the Competant Cells protocol could be implemented in a programming language for validation/simulation purposes."20:05
kanzureLarisa Soldatova just earned a new fan20:06
cis-actionHa ha.  I like the human-friendly syntax20:06
* wrldpc is looking for website with .rar text book rapidshare links .. bio, robo, w/e20:10
kanzurewrldpc: http://heybryan.org/docs/ check the .txt file with a list of book sharing sites20:11
kanzurealso, see http://heybryan.org/books/ since I probably have everything already anyway20:12
kanzureI like the list of pre-conditions20:12
fennthe haskell is the best parseable protocol i've seen so far20:31
fenni probably would have chosen "From" and "To" instead of "Start" and "End"20:32
kanzureI'm not able to tell whether or not that haskell script (the first one (not Actions.hs)) generated that yeast protocol example file20:33
kanzureI think it did, but if so, I'm not accustomed to how haskell works- I see no main()20:33
kanzureI see a runState() actually20:33
fennwhich example file?20:34
kanzurethe yeast competent cells file20:34
fenni dont know what that is20:35
kanzureit looks like the output log of the file20:35
kanzuresee Actions.hs, there's a logging flag or somethign20:35
fennit would generate lines like this "Incubate " ++ name ++ " in " ++ equipment ++ " at " ++ (show temp) ++ " degC, " ++ (show rpm) ++ "rpm in order " ++ goal20:35
kanzureinstead I see: "experiment action: incubate \n object: competent cell culture flask\n equipment: shaking incubator \n rpm: 200 \n temp: 30C \n time: 30 mins"20:37
fennit does seem like that's in some kind of format20:37
fennyou'd think they would say what format..20:37
kanzureI like the list of equipment at the end of the yeast_Competent_cells_v1.txt file20:38
kanzurepre/post conditions are awesome too.20:38
kanzurethe extra \n's at the end make me wonder20:39
fennthose should be automatically generated20:39
fenni dont want to have to go through and count the number of different beakers20:39
kanzure(that's what I had to do anyway..)20:39
fennit should just count the number of beaker references20:39
kanzureI mean, that's what it ended up turning into20:39
kanzureerm, you should separately label all of your objects 20:39
kanzureand then declare the labels at the beginning20:39
fennoh pff20:40
fenndid you learn that in C++ class?20:40
kanzureyou just need to distinguish between beakerA and beakerB in your protocol, is all I mean20:40
fennso what if some evil hacker inserts a step where you need a clean spork right in the middle of your protocol20:40
kanzureerror undefined reference? wizard failed.20:40
fennno, it's defined right there, myspork = Spork()20:41
kanzuredid you add the myspork object to @listofobjects?20:41
fennno, why would i do that20:41
kanzurebecause you're *not* an evil hacker?20:41
fennsez who20:42
kanzurejust because you can read the wireshark man pages doesn't mean you're a leet hax0r20:42
fennanyway do you see what i'm getting at20:42
kanzureno, would Spork's constructor add itself to the global list?20:42
fennum, maybe20:42
fenni think if you instantiate a physical object it should get counted somehow20:43
fennwhether that's at creation or deletion doesn't really matter20:43
fennin C++ does a derived object call its parent class's constructor?20:45
kanzureonly if you don't provide your own constructor20:50
kanzureor something20:50
kanzureit's different with a virtual class (?)20:50
* fenn is writing a DXF parser for some odd reason20:54
kanzurehuh, that grasshopper wasn't dead20:58
kanzurejust decided to stay put for 8 hours?20:59
kanzureI like its style.21:00
kanzuredoesn't OCC have a DXF importer?21:01
kanzurehm, I think I can do "all that" iff I am allowed to constrain the domain to volumetric-related lab protocols (i.e., moving volumes of liquid around)21:10
kanzurewhat percentage or how many protocols would that give me access to? I figure it would give me at least a few21:10
kanzurepipetting grammar heh21:10
kanzurebecause volumes are easy to represent with pq21:12
kanzure(and check/evaluate/expressions tags conditional checkies thingers)21:12
kanzureyou know, that really is a good domain constraint problem-wise I mean for skdb21:22
kanzurewhat other physical quantities are you going to have, really? besides volumes. 21:22
kanzuremaybe some temperatures, or something, but that's not a quantity21:22
kanzureerm, I don't know how to say that. 21:22
fenntemperature is a physical quantity22:05
fennpython is pissing me off22:06
fenni can't figure out how to do a simple pointer22:06
kanzurewhy are you using a pointer?22:32
* fenn grumbles something about alligators and swamps22:34
fenni dont know how to do that in this case22:35
fenni have a line defined by start and end points22:35
fennif i try to get a reference to myline.start.x i just get the value22:37
fennif i try to set parameters[' 10'] it just changes the entry in parameters22:37
fennwhen i want to change myline.start.x22:38
fenni'm sure this is super interesting22:39
fenni bet it would work fine if i had a set() method22:41
fennbut that gets old after the zillionth time22:41
kanzurefenn, did we ever put some thought into the wizard interface to help package maintainers use skdb to find compatible components? I was always thinking of something like apt-cache search, and just adding parameters as we add new ways to search the metadata, does that still fly?23:21
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fenndunno. brain fried. bbiab or tomorrow23:29
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-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-99-202.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:41
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