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kanzureit looks like tito went off and started a company about his gel box12:01
kanzurewhich is interesting because it explains why we haven't seen the schematics from him on the project12:02
kanzureconflict of interest.12:02
kanzurelook how quickly people are to rush into commercialization of diybio without even having anything in the first place12:02
UtopiahGHML"exoskeleton for thinking" makes me think of William Ross Ashby's "intelligence amplification"12:16
UtopiahGHMLI personaly like thinking about affordances and the set of tools I can use as a kind of "cognitive swarm", kind of distributed intelligence or things like http://springerlink.com/content/w5656m501r410g26/ http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Philosophy/Mind/?view=usa&sf=toc&ci=978019533321312:18
UtopiahGHML(Clark also developped the idea of cognitive scaffolding)12:20
kanzureI don't know if an "exoskeleton for thinking" equates to the "cognitive swarm" that you've made wiht your web 2.0 apps12:26
kanzureit's certainly a way to leave cookie crumbs12:26
kanzurebut that's not the same thing12:26
fennlol $160 for a vaporware gelbox12:31
kanzureI sent an email to diybio about it12:36
kanzurewoot, "Talairach coordinates". best thing ever!12:49
kanzure"e Talairach coordinate system of the human brain, which is used to describe the location of brain structures independent from individual differences in the size and overall shape of the brain."12:50
fennthis is interesting in that it's so god damn unorganized http://openeverything.us/12:51
kanzureI think I'm going to become RMS' successor and start ranting about how you should all be careful about using the 'open' buzzword (an open buzzword)12:54
kanzureis the protocol creation wizard the same thing as an skdb package-maker-assistant wizard? the "how to build it" serializer works the same way for both, but (semantically) I don't know if that makes sense for the protocol one. For instance, consider PCR. You're not asking "how to build PCR"- you're asking how to build copies of the DNA. that's not a "package".13:02
kanzureoh, I guess the package is the "PCR machine black box" (or at least the steps that such a machine would carry out)13:03
fennprotocol would be a instructions that go to a machine or human13:07
fennblack box in this case is the lab13:08
fennor all the individual things in a lab13:08
kanzureI don't think that solves it. if the "protocol" is the instructions that go to the human- or to the machine- to perform PCR, then what is the package that had those instructions attached to it?13:09
kanzureis the package a 'PCR black box machine'? 13:09
fennwhy not13:10
kanzureagx-get install earth13:10
kanzuremaybe I just don't understand13:10
kanzurewhy lab?13:10
fennany random place on earth isnt guaranteed to have a scale, beakers, chemicals, pcr machine, etc13:10
kanzureI was expecting an skdb package would be a 'machine' or 'unit process'13:10
kanzurePCR is a unit process..13:10
kanzurelab is not13:10
fennthere's a minimal set of things you can expect to find in a biology lab13:11
kanzuregeneric lab would be a package, but it would have sub packages13:11
kanzureone sub package would be a computer13:11
fennyes of course13:11
kanzureanother would be "PCR machine" ??13:11
kanzureeven though PCR isn't done in a single machine13:11
kanzure(although it could be)13:12
fennpcr is only one step in the protocol13:12
fenndo_pcr(with these parameters)13:12
kanzureseems like this is the same problem of wondering about "how to build the machine" versus "instructions on how one would use it" 13:13
kanzureerm, that's a bad way to put it13:13
kanzurebecause instructions on how to use something, etc., would be involved in the "build instructions"13:14
kanzureotherwise how would you know how to build it? :p13:14
fennyou use other machines to build the machine (unless it's a gingery lathe)13:15
fennwell, even then13:15
fennonly replicators build themselves13:15
fennwhat's the problem?13:16
kanzurethe "function" of this PCR machine is to carry out PCR; the 'build instructions' would tell you how to use the other tools to make this PCR machine; 13:17
kanzureI see now13:17
kanzureI think the problem is that I don't know how to represent a "stopper" or "terminator"13:17
fennyou have to take the usage scenario into consideration when designing the machine, but not when building it13:17
kanzuresay that you want to do what a "PCR machine" would do13:17
kanzureyou could either use other tools to build the machine, or you could use your hands to build it / carry it out13:17
kanzureerm. that's two problems. How do you know if the instructions are "how to build it" versus "how to carry out PCR"? 13:18
kanzurea "DNA amplification machine" carries out the PCR protocol- building the "DNA amplification machine" does not equate to the protocol instructions on PCR13:18
fenn'how to carry out PCR' is a process13:19
fenn'how to build it' is a process that results in a PCR machine13:19
fennthe PCR process functionality is provided by the PCR machine (and by hand dipping in water baths)13:20
fennand taq polymerase and nucleotides and primers13:20
fennor maybe i should say: the function of DNA amplification is provided by the PCR process13:21
kanzureso there are some sequence of events that make up "PCR" which are "solved by" a package (the PCR machine); an instantiation of the PCR machine can be created by following the build instructions13:22
kanzureanother way to "solve" the sequence of events in PCR is via a protocol output (that a human would read)13:23
fenni dont know why you're saying "solve", the machine "does" something13:23
kanzureright, those "sequences" are "done by this machine"13:23
kanzurewhereas with hand tools, "that sequence is done by these hand tools"13:24
fennsequence = process, more or less13:24
fennprocess is what happens to the stuff; sequence is what you do to the stuff to make the process happen13:24
* fenn writes this down somewhere13:27
kanzurepcr.skdb is the "PCR machine"- it contains the instructions to build/assemble the machine, which implements PCR. But you don't necessarily have the tools to build/assemble the machine (let's imagine it involves a 6-axis CNC machine, and you don't have that); instead of building the machine, you want SKDB-software to spit out instructions on how to perform PCR with hand tools. 13:29
fenncall it 'thermocycler' for less confusion13:29
kanzuresome set of hand tools, in some sequence of events, do indeed perform PCR13:29
fenni hate to break it to you but humans are machines13:30
kanzurethat's right13:30
kanzurethat's why I said something about "terminators" or "stoppers"13:30
fennstopping what?13:30
fenngraph traversal?13:31
kanzuretrying to make a tool to make a tool to make a tool; whereas at level=1 deep you really could have just used a human hand13:31
kanzurebut I don't care about that- that's an easier problem-13:31
kanzureI'm preoccupied with wondering how to use pcr.skdb to generate instructions to perform PCR13:31
kanzureversus instructions to build the PCR machine.13:31
kanzure(the PCR machine implements the PCR process; so, hand-tools would have to 'implement' the PCR process as well)13:32
kanzurebut I'm having some trouble thinking of how those two sets of instructions are distinguished, or something13:32
kanzureoh, maybe I'm assuming too much13:34
kanzurewhat "PCR machine"? (I don't mean just a thermocycler)13:34
fennno sense in defining it13:34
fennit's trivial; PCR machine is a machine that carries out the PCR process13:34
kanzure"converts mechanical energy to electrical energy" 13:35
kanzurethat's a simple 'function structure graph' of sorts13:35
fenndunno what you're on about13:35
kanzureand different components can 'solve' or 'implement' it, i.e. make it a reality13:35
fennPCR machine doesn't convert anything to anything13:35
kanzurethere's a difference between asking the skdb package how to build it (the pcr machine) versus how to carry out what the machine does13:35
fennexcept perhaps as a requirement of changing the temperature13:36
fennlook, different thermocyclers will have different programming interfaces13:37
kanzuretwo solutions on "how to implement the PCR process" would pop out from SKDB (tentatively): (1) a sequence of hand tool manipulations; (2) an assembly of other parts that make up that "PCR machine". 13:37
fenna human doing a waterbath protocol is a thermocycling machine, get over it13:37
kanzurebut "how to build the machine" is not the same type of information of "how to perform PCR"13:37
kanzureoh, I agree that it's true13:37
kanzureI just don't know how to represent that13:37
fennbuild a thermocycling machine by adding a human, a lab, some water baths, tubes, etc13:38
kanzurethat machine needs instructions though13:38
fennnow your scratch-build thermocycling machine is ready to rumble!13:38
fennthen you follow the human thermocycler protocol13:38
kanzurewhere the hell did that come from?13:38
fennit's written in pcr.xml13:39
fennor generated by that haskell script from yesterday13:39
kanzuremy point though is that they are the same things13:39
fennif there's no info on how to do it in the database, skdb can't help you13:39
kanzurea human machine versus a pcr machine of other components, those are the same things13:40
fennyou can't just say 'amplify me somem DNA' and expect SKDB to magically know how13:40
kanzureno, of course not13:40
fennyes, the process is the same, but the sequence of instructions is different13:40
kanzurebut PCR is ultimately just a collection of parameters to different machines, involving only (1) volumes and (2) temperatures13:41
fennthis is the reality of CAM13:41
kanzurein one case, the machine is a PCR machine; in the other, it's a human13:41
fenndifferent machines require different instructions13:41
kanzureand a human can do a lot of stuff, so it's nice and all13:41
fenntoo expensive for my taste13:41
fennand error prone13:42
kanzurethe original idea was that if you had something like origami_machine.skdb, you could either build the origami machine and fold origami crease patterns, or give humans instructions on how to fold the crease patterns (CAM that both humans and the machine could read)13:42
fennbtw it's a human + waterbaths + tubes n stuff13:42
fennok, but if there's no CAM software available your only choice is to write instructions by hand13:43
kanzurein the case of the virtual character animation videos, the CAM commands that a human would get for the PCR protocol (or whatever), would be carried out via trajectories and the 3D char13:44
kanzurethe point was that there was supposed to be some way that you could say "well, thanks for the build instructions, but I don't have $expensive_machine, and apparently I can implement that same functionality by doing it through this different set of tools"13:47
kanzurethe build instructions being abstracted. and implementations/solutions consisting of different sets of machines/tools.13:48
fennyes but that's not always the case13:48
fennyou can't forge steel without a hammer13:48
fennyou can't compile matter without a matter compiler..13:49
fennit's easier for people to think in terms of sequences of instructions than build processes13:49
fennbecause we're hard wired for that13:49
fennso i think it'd be worth thinking about how to reverse engineer instruction sequences into the processes that happen to materials, energy, information13:50
kanzureso one particular process is where you lift up water 8 ft into the air, and then drop it; there is one machine that implements this (inputs: 20 gallons of water, electrical energy), various components and gears and lifting apparatus and ropes and other parts like that are involved13:53
kanzurenow, a human could perform the same task13:53
kanzurewith a ladder and a bucket13:53
fennyes, but would it be art?13:54
kanzureassembly instructions are not execution instructions13:55
kanzureand yet shouldn't they be?13:55
fennyes they are13:55
kanzureI know you said that the execution instructions would be given by pcr.xml13:55
kanzurebut that's in terms of actions, whereas the "PCR machine" is in terms of different volumes passing from interface to interface between its parts13:56
fennyou're playing games with me13:56
fennthe assembly process is carried out by executing assembly instructions13:56
kanzurebut "execution instructions" are like human-readable PCR protocol thingy13:57
kanzureand yet that's not the same thing as assembling a PCR machine13:57
fennno, they aren't even instructions for the same process13:57
fennone process amplifies DNA, the other builds a PCR machine13:57
kanzurebut the PCR machine is an implementation of a process that amplifies DNA13:58
fennthe machine is a machine, not a process!13:58
kanzureit implements a process13:59
fenna process is what happens to matter/energy/information to result in a new state13:59
fenni dont know wtf "implements" is supposed to me13:59
fennok let's say the pcr machine is totally self contained, no input parameters or anything14:01
fennthen the instructions are encoded into its design14:01
fennthe same way you can make a mechanical computer14:01
kanzurethe machine executes the CAM instructions or is equivalent to executing the CAM instructions. that's "implements".14:01
kanzureCAM instructions represent a process14:02
fennno, they represent a sequence of actions14:02
fennor a sequence of processes if you want14:02
fennif it's only one instruction, fine, that's a process14:02
fennthere comes a point when the complexity of the process is too much for our database to model in one step, and it has to be broken down into a sequence14:03
fennbecause i'm sure as hell not writing a new class for every set of build instructions14:04
fennthe thing is, cam instructions are not only information, they're also energy which results in things actually happening14:05
fenn(under certain circumstances)14:05
fennso in addition to representing things, they are actions which cause the things represented to happen14:06
fenndoesn't this seem overly philosophical to you?14:07
fenni feel like korzybski is going to come out of the wall and bludgeon me with a dictionary14:08
kanzuremy point is that pcr.skdb has assembly/build instructions (CAM) ( a sequence of processes, if you want ) that make the PCR machine. that PCR machine is made up of components passing volumes of stuff between one another (oh, and temperatures). other components, that satisfy the same constraints, could be assembled and interchanged (theoretically, if they are available etc.) the same sequence of passing volumes and such between one another- that can be "implemented" by a human with tubs and such14:08
fennthat can be ...14:08
kanzureI don't know where my cutoff is, but the end was "that can be 'implemented' by a human with tubes and such"14:09
fennok, where 'constraints' is the PCR process14:10
* kanzure nods14:10
fenn'implemented' is a buzzword14:11
kanzurethe machine executes the CAM instructions or is equivalent to executing the CAM instructions. that's "implements".14:11
kanzure(in this case, the human machine)14:12
kanzureso if the PCR process is a set of constraints on states or pre/post-conditions after each action that is taken (expressed in the CAM, etc.)14:14
kanzurethen that might make it easier?14:14
fenneasier than what?14:15
kanzureI mean to say, "then it would be possible to find equivalencies between a collection of parts passing volumes and temperatures around (etc.) and other parts or other tools (like a human) doing the same thing, satisfying the same constraints"14:16
fenni had always intended to include tolerances along with the ideal values14:16
fennthat'd be a hell of a constraints engine14:17
kanzurefor PCR, honestly the constraints aren't too rough14:18
fennwolfram's schtick was that it was much easier to create simple systems than to solve for constraints14:18
kanzurehell, you have people bobbing tubes in tubs of hot water14:18
kanzurehow constrained could that be? heh'14:19
fennit doesn't matter what the margin is14:19
fennit's that there's a constraint at all14:19
fennyou know the line about the singing bear14:20
fenner, frog14:20
kanzurethese constraints aren't the same type of constraints that you are used to though14:20
kanzureI mean, it's much simpler.14:20
fennit doesn't matter that he sings poorly, what's amazing is that he sings at all14:20
fennwhat do you mean, not the same?14:21
kanzurePCR is a sequence of constraints like "within this temperature for this period of time with this much volume of xyz"14:21
fennit's a range of physical quantities14:21
kanzureso find something that has interfaces of those types of physical quantities in the database14:21
fennyeah that's the hard part14:21
kanzurein this case we'd have some tubes, tubs, a thermocycler with little slots for liquid volumes14:21
kanzurenope, the interfaces are explicitly listed14:21
fennif you have a pcr machine already tagged then it's easy14:22
kanzuretrue that. 14:22
kanzurebut let's say that you didn't have a pcr machine in the db14:22
kanzurebut you had a number of tubes, tubs, etc.14:22
kanzurethe tub can hold 20 gallons of water14:22
fennsay you have some heating element, some laws of physics that tell you about heat conduction and heat capacity vs temperature and energy input14:22
fennand a positioner14:22
kanzurethe human satisfies the positioner14:23
kanzurethe human is a magical element in all of this sort of :-/ but whatever14:23
fennbut have you encoded the parameters of the human into the database yet?14:23
kanzurea kind of "well, we don't have anything that does that, maybe we can say a human does it" 14:23
kanzureyeah yeah shut up :p14:23
fenn'tagged' the human so to speak14:23
fennit's a big problem14:23
kanzuresshhh. 14:23
kanzureI don't want to have to do a model of the range of possible motions of humans (quite yet)14:23
fennmodeling a human will take lots of time and effort and probably real experimentation14:23
kanzureright, in the mean time we have a 'doll model'14:24
fennforget about the human14:24
kanzureor we kind of assume the human can do it (otherwise, the package creation wizard would have complained there's no way to do something)14:24
fennyou have a robot, with 20mm/s positioning in x/y/z with 2mm/s^2 accel and a 5kg payload14:24
fennthe gripper looks like this: (cad file)14:24
fennnow what14:25
kanzureit has xyz surfaces for gripping: <tags> <data>14:25
kanzureerm, s/xyz/these/14:25
kanzureum. 14:26
kanzurewhat are you asking?14:26
kanzurewhy is that in the database?14:26
fennthere's this jumble of mathematical equivalence laws, simple machines (a resistor, positioner), and a process defined as a set of constraints14:26
kanzureI mean, are we doing PCR?14:26
kanzureok, so there's no human? 14:26
fennno, the human just causes trouble because it's "magic"14:27
fennyou're permitted to use the human for assembly of the pcr machine14:27
kanzurebut not for the execution of PCR?14:27
kanzureok so it's conceivable to imagine some collection of parts that are capable of transferring volumes between each other14:28
kanzurea piping system maybe14:28
kanzurebut you want me to use the gripper somehow, for some reason14:28
fennit's just there, you dont have to use it14:28
fennlikewise for the piping system14:29
kanzurethe majority of actions that have to be performed in a biology lab bench protocol are trivial: usually it's just move different pipettes to different places14:29
kanzureheh while thinking of how to check whether or not the constraints are satisfied with a database of tubes, tubs, and a positioner,14:31
kanzureI started thinking "gee, skdb would be nice for this"14:31
kanzureoh wait. :(14:31
fennok what is your desired interface14:31
fennto check whether the constraints are satisfied14:32
kanzureI have selected a group of parts from the database14:32
kanzureor a program has returned a list of parts for me14:32
fennhow did you select them? randomly?14:32
kanzurethey each have interfaces that accept the physical quantities that have to be strummed together for the PCR protocol14:32
fennok so now you have 9 million results from your query14:32
kanzurewell, select one of each type14:33
fennsorry, "over 9 thousand"14:33
kanzurealso, it's legit if there's a saved set that somebody else has attached to the skdb file14:33
fennok, a helium tank, a celeron processor, and an apache helicopter landing strut have been returned from your query14:33
kanzureand let's assume that you happen to have all of those, in that set that was previously found14:33
kanzuredoes a celeron processor have the capacity to hold 20 microL of liquid?14:34
fennbecause the tank has the right volume, the processor the right wattage, and the landing strut the right inner diameter14:34
kanzureremember, this was constrained by the PCR process14:34
kanzureoh, I guess the processor could be used as a heating element14:34
kanzurebut let's say that somebody already attached a set of equipment parts that he feels are useful14:35
kanzureand they happen to be the vials and tubs scenario14:35
kanzurebecause people (who make skdb packages) happen to not be idiots14:35
fennok fine, a tub, an eppendorf tube, and an aquarium heater14:35
kanzureand a human? or a positioner?14:35
kanzurehow exactly were state transitions satisfied by those parts?14:36
fennand a reprap stage14:36
kanzurestage = xyz positioner?14:36
kanzureoh right, as in 'microscope slide stage'14:36
fennwell, the parts don't actually satisfy the constraints, that's the point14:36
fennyou have to use some mathematical mojo to figure out how to solve the constraints, given physical laws and available quantities like wattage and heat capacity14:37
fennthat's the part i'm stuck on14:37
fennwell, not really stuck on, it's your problem14:37
fennsort of a reverse engineering project14:38
fenni'd just write the protocol and get it over with14:38
fennyou know, ants will never build a bridge, even if you give them all the materials they need14:39
kanzurehave you ever seen an ant bridge?14:39
kanzureit's quite impressive14:39
fennit's made of ants14:39
fennum, there are limitations to ant construction methodology14:39
kanzureoh :(14:39
fennheh. "ANTS is an "autonomous nano technology swarm" developed by NASA for possible use in the "lunar base infrastructure" of tomorrow. 14:41
fennANTS consist of "highly reconfigurable networks of struts, acting as 3D mesh or 2D fabric to perform a range of functions on demand."14:41
kanzurepositional/movement-constraints suck. 14:41
kanzurea system of pipes and tubes is easier14:42
fennok pipes and tubes then14:43
fennhow does your automatic solver figure out that pipes are better14:43
kanzurethen you just ask skdb to bring up thingies that can fit together nad have physical quantities14:43
kanzureoh, well, it doesn't14:43
fennactually i dont care about better14:44
fenni just want to know how it knows that it will work at all14:44
kanzureif the constraints are satisfied, then there you go.14:44
fennbut you'd have to go through a near infinite number of combinations before you happen on a system that works14:45
kanzureI think that might be okay because you can constrain the set of possible components to select from / check with14:46
kanzureyou would constrain it to those components/parts that you have in your inventory, no?14:46
kanzureor something that you could make in a reasonable amount of time14:46
fenni dont believe it, but since there's no way to know, i guess we'll just agree to disagree14:46
kanzureand besides, what's more important is that you have a way for the wizard to tell a person whether or not what they are encoding is impossible14:47
kanzureI think that, like with CAD constraints on weird geometries, super constraint problems should be left to external super constraint solvers; just like FEM/FEA.14:47
kanzureok I've dug myself into a hole14:48
kanzurewtf am I am on about?14:48
fenntrying to create a system from components14:49
fenngiven the end result and the components14:49
fennhey i have a solution14:49
kanzureso why did you disallow my use of a human?14:49
fennwe'll just farm it out to unwitting humans on the intarweb in the form of addictive flash puzzle games14:50
kanzureI think that it would be somewhat reasonable for some constraints to be satisfied by the Magical Human14:50
kanzurefor instance, moving pipettes around14:51
fennafter all "80% of innovation is provided by users" right? :P14:51
kanzurethe "PCR machine" though would have something else entirely- whatever the designer came up with in all of its brilliance14:51
kanzurethe wizard would have to just make sure that what the human is doing isn't going to be impossible, so there will be some constraints on what you're allowed to offload to the Magical Human14:52
fenni dont like including the human because it causes problems that are not relevant to building a system (problems are related to modeling existing artifacts)14:52
fenni mean we know already that it can be done with a robot, so why complicate the problem unnecessarily14:52
kanzureI know we can spit out instructions telling the human what to do- we could even spit out standard instructions telling a lab bot what to do with different vials and tubes and jars14:53
kanzurebut what I don't know how to do is encode "motional performance requirements" with PCR or something14:54
kanzure"you must be able to stretch this far with this many fingers" heh' (they *never* say that in those crafts packets where you have to become a super-person to put something together)14:54
fennlaws of motion14:54
fennallows you to transform acceleration into velocity and from there to position and time14:55
fennpcr doesn't involve lots of complicated forces and vectors14:55
kanzureok. I can see that.14:55
fennthe motion is really only doing temperature regulation14:56
kanzurewait, what? 14:56
kanzuredumping ice or something?14:56
kanzureI thought it was moving vials around to another location14:56
fenni'm just thinking of a robot moving one tube back and forth14:56
kanzureyeah ok14:56
kanzureso why not say that a human can satisfy that constraint too? say that a human has about "these degrees of freedom, and this range of force vectors, being safe assumptions" - and something that a handicapped person would be able to do or something heh'14:57
fennbecause the problem isn't about what the human can do14:57
kanzurehaha. "welcome to skdb9000. please enter your strength in Newtons"14:57
fennit's about linking up already entered metadata14:57
kanzureit is if they want to know how to do something without building more tools14:57
fenni'm sure there will be all sorts of wizards for modeling your own capabilities14:58
fennand most people won't use them at all14:58
kanzurethat's why I said a 'doll model' would be ok14:58
kanzureI mean, at the very least, there are some basic assumptions we can make about their ability to bootstrap14:59
fenn1) they can read14:59
fenn2) they have a computer14:59
fennum. what else?14:59
kanzureand thou shalt read and then implement by the divine grace of yer eyes moving across the magical pages!14:59
kanzurethey have an inventory, and supposedly can assemble some things from it14:59
kanzurei.e., we're going to have to be able to assume that they can do *some* things14:59
fennoo lots of assumptions14:59
fennwhat if they are prisoners of war15:00
kanzureso they have an inventory of like, a pair of underwair and a bible?15:00
fennand a paperclip15:00
kanzuredamn it man, I'm not MacGuyver!15:00
kanzurehehe, but why did you ask that?15:01
kanzuregasp, I misspelled his name!. MacGyver.15:01
fennone of the dave gingery-related legends is about prisoners in a WWII japanese camp15:01
kanzureI remember something about that15:02
kanzurethey made a tool somehow15:02
fennthey actually cast a lathe out of discarded tin cans, and built a radio transmitter15:02
kanzuredid it work?15:02
kanzureoh shit15:02
bkerottThat's pretty fucking cool15:02
fennafter every work session they had to disassemble everything and hide it in various places15:03
fenniirc the batteries went inside a hollow table leg15:03
kanzureah, so they did have batteries15:04
kanzureand somewhat of an inventory15:04
kanzuresee? see?15:04
kanzureand they did actually have a few arms, see?15:04
kanzureone problem I see is that everyone would want to make everything rely on a human or something15:05
kanzureand not encode constraints in a way that automation solutions can later come in and pick up15:05
kanzurewell that's not true I guess15:05
kanzuremost of the basic force vectors *are* easily automatable15:05
fennbut they aren't encoded in the first place15:05
kanzurewhy not?15:05
kanzureI mean, didn't I say they would be?15:06
fenn'2 volumes EtOH'15:06
kanzurethis is why I failed in the ellington lab15:06
fenni really dont want to have to guess at what the person who wrote the protocol meant15:07
kanzureI agree15:07
kanzurebut let's say that they encode a requirement to be able to move something 2 meters 15:07
kanzureplus or minus some tolerance15:07
kanzurethe typical "doll human model" satisfies that (or it should?)15:07
kanzurewhich I haven't come up with yet15:07
kanzurethe way I see it happening, as we add a package, in the wizard, we will say, "geeze, the doll human can be reasonably expected to be able to do this-or-that" and add it in.15:08
fennerror: insufficient mana15:08
kanzureI'm trying to remember if there is a reference from the SoM games that I could use here15:09
kanzureSecret of Mana15:09
fennmana was used in RPG's to represent a store of magical or mental energy15:10
kanzureoooh crap15:10
kanzurethere's no way I'm going to program an exercise physiology model of burning calories versus at what point a human might pass out or whatever15:11
fennseems fairly straightforward to me15:11
fennmodeling mental capabilities is harder15:12
kanzuresure. 15:12
kanzuredid you see emlyn's recent post? complaining about how most exercise models "assert that humans have all the systematic complexity of a bucket: in, and out"15:12
fennno i never saw that15:13
kanzure(it was on the extropy-chat list)15:13
kanzureI guess cooking instructions/recipes were going to be something else to include originally as well, so that would go under human maintenance instructions heh15:15
kanzurethis is turning kind of weird.15:15
fennyou mean awesome?15:15
fennpeople have been fumbling around for centuries with the question of "how to live"15:16
fennif we can provide some basic analysis of the cost of living, that would certainly help out15:18
kanzureyes, I mean 'awesome'- I forgot my words again15:20
katsmeow-afkthe cost as how rich usa-iams live, or how poor usa-ians live?15:21
fennthe cost of living a certain way15:21
fennexcept turned into physical quantities15:21
kanzurein other words, an aspies' dream computer15:21
fennnot some arbitrary number that changes based on chaos effects15:21
katsmeow-afkheh@ kanzure15:22
fenni mean really, who bases their planning on a chaotic function? wtf!15:22
kanzurearguably it's not much of a plan15:22
fenndon't worry, magic will take care of it15:22
katsmeow-afkyou may haveto plan on chaos, i find little rational thinking going on in humans15:22
kanzuredon't rely on them15:23
kanzurewhat's so hard about that?15:23
kanzurebesides the knowledge issue15:23
katsmeow-afki, for instance, am using a 15 watt incandescent  bulb where a 2watt led wold be fine, and prolly cheaper upfront, and certainly cheaper in power use15:23
kanzuresay, do you know about skdb?15:24
fenn15 watt isnt very bright15:24
kanzureI mean, do you follow what we're talking about?15:24
katsmeow-afkfenn, it lites only the keybd15:24
katsmeow-afkit's the only lite on in the room, save the monitor15:24
fenndo you have a white on black color scheme?15:24
katsmeow-afkno, why?15:24
fenndoesn't the contrast bother your eyes?15:25
katsmeow-afkheh, the keybd is black on white, sorta15:25
fenni mean the bright glowing monitor in darkness15:25
katsmeow-afki keep my eyes moving, and often look away15:25
katsmeow-afkbesides, it's daylite out, i am here only a few moments to check on stuff running15:25
katsmeow-afkthe 15 watt keybd lamp is brighter15:26
fennkatsmeow-afk: skdb is about technological dependencies, in order to let you know whether it's possible to build something given what you have, or that you'll need to build/buy a certain set of tools to do it efficiently15:26
katsmeow-afkkanzure asked about skdb15:27
kanzureyes, we're explaining it to you15:27
katsmeow-afkkool, thanks15:27
kanzuredid I just misunderstand something?15:27
fennand also to provide instructions on how to build it15:27
katsmeow-afki think maybe i missed something, but i am always glad to learn new stuff,, mostly15:28
kanzureit's the context that we were talking within when you joined in, in other words15:28
katsmeow-afkok, proceed15:28
kanzureO.o well er um15:29
kanzurebasic human capabilities model, in terms of basic physical quantities15:30
kanzureI'm sure the army has something like that? how long a soldier can run (before dying)15:30
* fenn takes a chocolate induced nap/coma15:30
katsmeow-afkthey prolly do, which is why they want exoskeletons, butlikewise, i expect the data is a national secret15:31
kanzurebasically it'd be nice to know whether or not an average person is going to be able to do some certain task, like lifting a heavy engine block into place, or doing enough of the things to mount a chain to lift the engine block into place, or something15:32
kanzureif you're not able to execute some of the actions required to build the chain mount, then you're not going to be able to lift the heavy engine block, unless you have enough muscle to do that in the first place15:32
kanzureI don't actually know how heavy an engine block is15:32
katsmeow-afkwhat i find a lil scarey is the possibilty the exoskeleton may be merged with BigDog, so the soldier can sleep in the exoskeleton in route to the fight15:32
kanzureso this example probably sucks15:32
kanzureheh, that reminds me of Zoids15:33
kanzuredoes anyone remember zoids? gah15:33
katsmeow-afkdepends on engine size and coposition, Tiggr has actual engine weights of common car engines15:33
kanzurehttp://smilykid.com/black%20impact%20blade%20liger.jpg (the face is the cockpit)15:33
katsmeow-afkbasically 150 - 350lbs, stripped of all addons15:34
kanzure150 is a common weight that some body lifters can do15:34
kanzureI think I can lift 150, though I don't know if I can bench it15:34
katsmeow-afkyeas, 150 is lower than some bigger autotrannies15:34
katsmeow-afkthe only steel in some engines is the crank, valves, camshaft, and some bolts15:35
katsmeow-afkthe rest is aluminum/alloys15:35
katsmeow-afkcylinder liner15:36
kanzurehm so if you consider a stationary human, various stances allow various ranges of forces to be projected across different regions of space15:36
* katsmeow-afk nods15:37
kanzureI feel like I'm making a street fighter game engine15:37
kanzureand considering the entire range of motions might be a bit much.. hrm..15:37
fennfor human physiological models, i bet nasa has lots of good and publicly available data15:39
katsmeow-afki believe they do, within spaceflight / aircraft domain15:40
fennkatsmeow-afk: why bother putting a solder in it in the first place15:40
katsmeow-afkfenn, dynamic responce and autonomous control15:41
katsmeow-afktill 2012, at  least15:41
fennkatsmeow-afk: you can't pull a 150 pound engine out of a car by hand, even if you can lift that much15:41
fennthis is why we need a human kinematics model (remember i was talking about ergonomics)15:41
fenner, 15:41
katsmeow-afkyou don't want to  send in 10 robots, and they suddenly don't recognise each other and all die by friendly fire15:42
katsmeow-afkyou cannot pull it out by hand?15:42
katsmeow-afkteleoperated can be broken by interferrence15:42
fennangles are all wrong15:42
katsmeow-afkwhat angles? it's ^up^15:42
fennhum, seems to work good enough for SWORDS and UAV drones15:43
katsmeow-afkso far it works, i agree15:43
katsmeow-afk"not enough data" can be used to resolve how you use a nuke attack sub to gut a troop transport tho15:44
katsmeow-afki can't open a browser atm15:44
fennthe kinematic model would generate a graph like this in 34+ dimensions15:44
fennor however many degrees of freedom a human has15:45
fennthe process of lifting an engine means the engine mass goes through this 34-dimensional trajectory15:45
katsmeow-afkheh, i was just trying to figure if those Lexus steering units would work on a hip joint last nite, and how to reduce the dof to 2 there,a nd if there was enough speed and force, etc15:46
fennif it's below the limit at any point, you can't lift it15:46
katsmeow-afkbut fenn, the basic vector is up, and the resistance is gravity15:46
kanzurefenn: where did that graph magically come from?15:47
fenneven if you could pick up an engine off the ground, it's not guaranteed you can pull it out of a car15:47
katsmeow-afkgranted, there's limits in the human structure, but not in a exosuit designed to overcome those limits15:47
fennkanzure: i think it was a mother earth news article about building stone fences15:47
kanzureThe strength of the lifting action in man15:48
kanzureRJ Whitney - Ergonomics, 1958 - Taylor & Francis15:48
kanzure"The anthropometry of the manual work space for the seated subject "15:48
kanzure"Toward a quantitative definition of manual lifting postures "15:48
kanzure"This article reviews the empirical and theoretical bases for recommendations 15:48
katsmeow-afknew olympics game: seated engine lifting15:48
kanzureregarding lifting technique"15:48
* kanzure fails15:48
kanzure"Representing and identifying alternative movement techniques for goal-directed manual tasks"15:49
kanzure"The stability provided by the feet during manoeuvres whilst standing"15:49
kanzureI'm glad there are people that have actually thought about this15:49
fenni bet their models suck balls15:49
katsmeow-afkthat usa business efficency expert that wrote and lectured in the 1950's used data like that, the Japanese ate it up15:49
fenntaylor and gilbreth?15:50
katsmeow-afkfenn, doesn't sound right15:50
kanzure"joint contribution vector" (JCV)15:50
kanzure"this study introduces a quantitative index termed joint contribution vector (JCV) representing a motion in terms of contributions of individual joint degrees-of-freedom to the achievement of the task goal"15:50
katsmeow-afkhe was derided in the usa15:50
kanzureoh, it's motion capture data15:50
kanzure"the JCV and statistical clustering methods enable automated motion classification to uncover a taxonomy of alternative movement techniques."15:51
kanzureyep, sucks balls15:51
katsmeow-afkhe preached kenematics and just-in-time delivery etc etc15:51
fennseems to work for the japanese15:51
fennJIT i mean15:51
katsmeow-afki agree, to a point, the usa system isn't/wasn't set up for it15:51
kanzure"Fig. 1. five-segment five-angle kinematic chain representing the human body" 15:52
kanzureis that legit?15:52
katsmeow-afkordering a million widgets *now* to get bulk price beats ordering 10k widgets a month JIT in the usa financial model15:52
fennprobably easier to deal with than this; http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/hostings/cescg/CESCG-2000/RFilkorn/Image15.gif15:52
kanzureinteresting, they did k-means analysis of the clustering of motion15:53
fennoh, fascinating15:53
katsmeow-afkbut the usa scheme is hard on factories and people15:53
katsmeow-afkanyhoo, i gotta go, bbl15:53
kanzure" 15:55
kanzureIdentification of alternative movement techniques during the car entering movement"15:55
kanzure" 15:55
kanzureWITHDRAWN: Obesity does not reduce maximum acceptable weights of lift"15:55
kanzurehuh? How did the idea of "JCV" get "Devender Singh" a masters of sciences in Industrial Engineering?15:56
kanzureit's as if these people figure out how to write a formula and are given a masters degree15:56
kanzurewhat kind of crap is this?15:56
fennit's bullshit, and it fuels the american economy15:57
fennyou know, all this stuff might as well not exist if they aren't going to make the code freely available15:58
fennthat's how i see things anyway15:58
kanzureyet-another-thesis-that-bryan-gets-to-reverse-engineer (a.k.a. repeat)15:59
kanzure" 15:59
kanzureThe axial torque of the lumbar back muscles: torsion strength of the back muscles"15:59
kanzurethis probably is going to lead me back to FEM of human bones and muscles16:00
kanzureis there a way to avoid that?16:00
fennthis looks fairly relevant http://ralyx.inrialpes.fr/2006/Raweb/bunraku/uid63.html16:00
fennyes, you can set the desired level of abstraction to whatever you want16:01
fennso you can model bones as one element, with a perfect hinge joint for example16:01
kanzurewe don't need to max out the human model obviously, just have reasonable limits and so on16:02
kanzureafter all, "simple machines" are supposed to help when you start reaching human maximums16:02
kanzurea lot of these studies seem to be on degrees of freedom (which is fine), though not maximum limits on strength exerted on any of those DOFs16:03
kanzureas you said, you might be able to lift it, but with your arms stretched out, reaching into a car's front hood, you might not be able to lift an engine block16:03
fennOROCOS describes this as 'wrench space'16:03
kanzurefrom ut?16:04
kanzureah yeah16:04
kanzuredifferent standing stances (like they teach in martial arts) allow for different postures and different lifting or manipulation16:04
kanzurealthough that might be an issue of balance rather than force exertion16:05
fennstanding up is force exertion16:05
fennlots of martial arts is about dynamics16:05
fennbut i think we can get away with simple static analysis16:05
fennof course i'd like the simulators to be as accurate as possible, but better to error on the side of possibility16:06
kanzureaha, found something16:06
kanzurecan't read it, but otherwise looks like it has an actually clear diagram (gasp)16:07
fennoh look, a pdf16:08
fennyou mean i get to reverse engineer what these briliant scientists have done? and then i get to write a complex math-intensive program? wow!16:08
kanzurehow fun!16:08
fenni know this software exists as open source version in some form16:10
fennjust have to find it16:10
kanzure"Development of computerized human static strength simulation model for job design "16:11
kanzuremaybe opensim has something16:11
kanzureerm, nevermind16:12
fennisnt opensim a virtual avatar thingy like SL?16:12
fennwell, ok, but what does it do16:14
fennmust create accounts to look at tutorials?16:15
fenni bet 'freely available' means "you can download it"16:16
fennThis project uses Simtk's  subversion code repository, but has restricted access to project members.16:17
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kanzuresee this: https://simtk.org/docman/view.php/91/1022/OpenSim_UsersGuide.1.01.pdf16:20
kanzurethat pdf seems to say that forces are included in the model (search for 'forces')16:20
kanzurethe last few chapters talk about the file formats involved16:20
kanzureI wouldn't mind seeing an FEA analysis of a weight lifter doing a bench press or something. 16:22
fennthat's super duper detailed16:22
kanzureor of goku16:22
fenni think the kinematics would break upon transforming into a were-monkey16:24
fenni dont really get the high resolution skeleton16:26
fennbah. konqueror crash16:31
fenni think that's my cue to do something else16:31
kanzurebah why is this information so hard to find16:38
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katsmeow-afkbecause people want to make animation from it, ergo it's proprietary17:28
katsmeow-afkthat company that makes PBS sience kid anime has used that to jump into animated commercials17:29
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bkeroThe internet is falling apart at the seams.21:57
fennbkero: you're a python wizard right?21:59
fennhow do put a reference to an object in a dict?21:59
fennsuch that i can then get the object out of the dict and assign something to it22:00
bkeroa = socket.socket();  b = dict();  b[1] = a22:03
fennthat just assigns the value of socket to b[1]22:09
fennat least it does when a is a number type22:10
fenn>>> b[1]=foo.bar.x22:11
fenn>>> b22:11
fenn{1: 20}22:11
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fennthis would be really easy in C22:15
kanzurehm. so I found something that described exactly what we were looking for22:40
kanzurethen emil stopped by and I booted into Windows to watch Slumdog Millionaire, and now I don't know what paper it was22:41
kanzure(that's it)23:03
kanzurehrm, this is going to produce weird results like "of course the human can do it ... by swaying the hips in tune to the mambo dance!"23:08
fennwe can only hope23:13
kanzureI don't know if that would be a good thing or not23:14
kanzurewhat type of model am I actually looking for? I think I want some sort of fancy n-dimensional volume where I could query whether or not some trajectory can be performed in a single motion23:20
kanzureor something23:20
kanzureand it would check whether or not that amount of force (equivalent to some weight) can be exerted in the direction of that trajectory, given that required motion23:20
kanzurethis sucks23:20
fennyep, sounds about right23:21
fennand an inverse kinematics solver (or is it forward? i always get confused)23:21
fennso you can find the minimum energy path23:21
kanzureI found one of those that provided pseudocode and nice animations in a phd thesis paper23:21
fennthis is too much to write23:22
fennwe'd have to use an existing framework like orocos supposedly provides23:22
kanzure(also, I can't find this, but it sounds nice: "Development of a Female Atlas of Strengths")23:22
fennAtlas of Strengths? sounds like an item from an RPG23:22
kanzurewas for the military :)23:23
kanzureah, here's that thesis: "Interactive reach planning for animated characters using hardware acceleration" (Liu, Y.)23:23
kanzurean easy way to do this would be to have the reach/grasp points encoded in the PCR protocol itself23:26
kanzureor encoded in the knowledge of what a test tube is23:27
kanzureerm, I was going somewhere with that23:27
kanzuresomething about exporting all of the effort somewhere else23:27
kanzure*to somewhere else23:27
fennsome objects have natural grasp points23:27
fenn'handles' they call them23:28
kanzureyou mean "breakpoints"? :-/23:28
kanzureI find it weird that this doesn't exist yet23:29
* fenn eventually filed that paper under computers/cadcam/constraint-solving/23:29
kanzurewhich of the three?23:30
fennit's a hierarchy23:30
kanzureof the three papers..23:30
fennCalculation and visualization of the dynamic ability of the human body23:30
kanzurethis is like the one time that I've got an exact match of something in the literature compared to something I was vaguely thinking of23:30
kanzureenjoy it while it lasts.23:31
kanzureit would be easier though if I could just make up a reasonable approximation of something less than what I am capable of doing23:32
kanzurea "doll model" as I was originally thinking.23:32
kanzureoh wait.23:33
kanzurehrm, it has to be n-dimensional with "all possible variations on joint positions for those DOFs and all calculations performed on them" so that you can do something like lifting from awkward postures23:33
kanzureblah. why can't we just do this in the opposite way and reduce all motions to "simple machines" ?23:33
kanzuretoo heavy? add a few hundred circular thingies that string can be pulled around23:34
kanzureerm, pullies.23:34
fennsimple machines like robots with only 6 degrees of freedom? :P23:38
fennyou run into a lot of the same problems, that's why23:39
fennhow dare they charge for phd theses!23:42
fennaha http://cg.cis.upenn.edu/hms/research/archive/NASA/LiuThesis.pdf23:47
fennnow to ferret it away in the bowels of the hard drive never to be looked at again23:48

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