
--- Day changed Thu Apr 16 2009
DrTreadmy bed time. zzzz00:06
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kanzureDrTread sleeps early :)00:12
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kanzureways to not feel stupid07:57
kanzureI think it's about time I wrote a bot to take papers referenced in this channel and automatically download them07:57
kanzurestill like this :)08:00
kanzurewait, no I don't. these should be programs. not something I have to remember..08:14
kanzurensh: did you once say you have experience with infiltrating and deconstructing cults? 08:40
kanzurensh: if so, could you infiltrate the group calling itself the "neurohackers"?08:40
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kanzurecis-action: there has been a lot of awesome discussion on diybio recently. neat.12:37
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kanzureHey anthonyl.12:46
cis-actionkanzure: yeah, for instance the OWW handle discussion13:06
kanzurewoah wtf is this crap13:07
kanzure"Anyone wanting to do wetwork in our space will have to provide evidence of training (such as a degree in bioscience) or undergo training by members who possess these skills. "13:07
kanzurethis is getting out of hand13:07
kanzureat what point can we tell them that they are not "diybio" ?13:08
kanzurerequirements about degrees are *not* amateur friendly at all13:09
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kanzurehttp://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/04/16/141211 "Quantum theory may explain wishful thinking!"14:33
kanzure"In other news: a recent study by the American Wave Mechanics Society suggests wishful thinking may explain quantum mechanics."14:33
UtopiahGHMLso "The Secret" is true after all...14:34
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splicer_... I had my money on Deepak Chopra15:41
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fenntwo computer programmers named meredith in diybio.. this is going to be annoying16:35
splicerit'll be ok.. one is a polite nerd16:36
splicer(not misoginy btw.. it's was what patterson said on her homepage I think)16:40
kanzurefenn: two female programmers is never terrible.16:45
kanzureI think some of the people there are actually posting from the googlegroups.com website interface16:46
kanzureit's scary.16:46
splicerI know I am16:47
spliceras opposed to reading it as mails?16:48
fenni just mean the name conflict16:48
fennlike bryan on pythonOCC list16:48
kanzureheh namespace conflicts.16:49
fennor nasa's orion rocket16:49
kanzurejelle was mean to me today16:49
kanzurefrom pythonocc.16:49
spliceri thought we were taling about the interface16:49
kanzurejust something that I remembered to complain about16:49
fennhe wasn't trying to be mean16:50
kanzuretrue, but still. he keeps trying to show that I'm wrong or something .. when I'm not.16:52
splicerremember the time when you wrote that the way to survive biology gone terribly wrong was brainuploading... and I tried to convince you for 20min that that was what you actually wrote?16:55
splicer(kopimi is a brainchild of 'the piracy bureau' btw: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piratbyr%C3%A5n )16:58
kanzurewhat be this? hrm..17:08
kanzurewhat's up with pythonocc?17:12
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kanzurethe third video has janet hope17:32
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kanzure'standards of conduct'17:36
kanzure24:34? and 23:20. eh. "hide the experience that you gain about your parts"17:41
kanzureblah, he talks about niche markets. "it's not valuable, so therefore it's ok to .. " stupid. informing open source legal stuff by economics?17:42
kanzurehow is that a big database of parts? it's only 4000 elements17:45
fenngod what a clusterfuck17:52
fennthe construction of DNA sequences using base pairs that do not exist in nature might allow significant room for expressive choice. Such DNA sequences might be protected by copyright, at least against verbatim copying. However, most synthetic biologists working today, including those at MIT, are working within the confines of the existing genetic code. This code constrains the expressive choices that they make, making copyright protect17:52
fennthat probably cut off the end eh17:53
fennso, arbitrary chemistry is subject to copyright but DNA code is not, because you're constrained to using the alphabet??17:53
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fennbleh. i hope bbf finishes their clickwrap thingy some time soon so we can all stop arguing about this18:07
kanzureso apparently you're not constrained to using the alphabet of chemistry (elements)18:08
kanzureor something?18:08
splicer( i didn't understand it either)18:08
fennclickwrap = electronic legal contract enforcing the equivalent of copyleft; it can apply to hardware or whatnot that isn't covered by copyright, with the downside that everyone has to sign a contract (well, clicking a checkbox)18:09
fennand i'm not clear about what happens in the case of 'stolen' information18:10
fenni.e. "i received this info without any legal agreement, so there!"18:10
spliceri guess what they're saying is that if it exists in nature it's 'prior art'... if it doesn't then it's copyrightable?18:10
fennsplicer no, it's nothing like that18:10
kanzureI'm afraid I've become the Paul Fernhout of DIYbio18:10
kanzurewhat do I do :(18:10
fennadd a 30 minute timer to every message that makes you look at what you wrote18:11
kanzureI hardly spend 30 minutes on a message ..18:11
* kanzure flexes his finger muscles18:11
fennsee http://bikeshed.com/18:11
* splicer nods enthusiastically18:11
fennkanzure: yes, it's apparent18:11
kanzurefenn: I still don't understand that18:12
fennwith a list like diybio though.. i mean, the signal to noise ratio is all over the place18:12
kanzurethe bikeshed site I mean18:12
kanzureit's weird18:12
fennscroll down to the warning boxes18:12
kanzuresometimes it's like the biologists want to stop stuff from happening18:12
kanzurethen jonathan cline insults the biologists (wtf?)18:12
kanzureand then weird stuff happens18:12
fennweird stuff?18:12
fennhe wasn't insulting anyone.. it was a joke18:13
fennhave you ever noticed that biologists all use macintosh?18:13
fenn(for the record, cline uses a mac too)18:13
kanzurereally? they do?18:13
fennum, the ones i've seen18:14
fenni dont know anyone that works at big evil corporations though18:14
spliceraren't most of them asian women btw?18:15
spliceryeah, it's like asian boys go into computer science.. and the girls into biology18:15
fennrelatively speaking, yes18:15
fennbut not on an absolute scale18:15
kanzurecis-action: did you get the gene engineering protocols thread into the FAQ?18:16
cis-actionno not yet18:16
kanzureI'll do it.18:16
kanzurewas just not wanting to duplicate work18:16
cis-actionmaybe we should actually start talking in the diybio room?18:16
kanzurewhy? we're all in here.18:16
cis-actionright; no, no need to worry about that18:16
cis-actionha ha true18:16
cis-actionwell, some people are in the diybio room.  lurkers.18:17
splicerinvite them18:17
kanzureI once looked at #diybio and everyone there was already in here or something18:17
kanzureit was sad18:17
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fennyou know it would be great if it were possible to go back and change the subject line of an email thread18:18
fennor at least annotate it18:18
kanzureso, in the google groups interface, that's how it works when your reply changes the subject line18:18
kanzureit displays in the thread list as the changed subject line18:18
kanzureeven though initially it was something different18:18
fennyes but in practice nobody ever changes the subject line18:19
kanzureoh, I see18:19
kanzurewell good luck getting mail servers to accept that standard18:19
fennwait you mean you can go back and change the subject line of a posted message?18:19
kanzuresubmit a patch to one of them :p18:19
kanzureso look here:18:19
kanzureif you replied to one of those threads and changed the subject, and went back to that link,18:20
kanzurethat new subject would be displayed18:20
kanzureinstead of the original18:20
kanzureit's weird functionality on behalf of Google..18:20
splicerit's something a moderator can usually do... not sure google groups have moderators, maybe they just have group owners.18:23
splicer(the feature seems to work well though)18:24
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kanzurecis-action: ok, I added it18:27
cis-actiongood enough18:31
cis-actionback later18:31
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cis-action_is the underscore suffix an indication that I'm away?18:32
fennit's what your irc client does if the nick you want is already taken18:34
splicerI noticed an anomaly with the nicks today. It seems if I'm logged in on two servers with my client one server gets the primary nick and the other gets the secondary.18:45
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splicer...and I can't change my nick to the primary one on the first server cause 'that nick is in use'.18:47
fennwhat client?18:47
splicerxchat-gnome... It's sort of true too ... it's in use by me... on another server18:48
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-96-137.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:14
kanzuregenehacker: reverse DNA translocation.19:27
kanzureremember nanopore sequencing? recently there was a paper complaining about how to draw a DNA strand through the pore19:27
genehackerdefine translocation19:27
kanzureor something- it was actually complaining about how dropping nucleotides won't really work19:27
kanzureanyway, one method is to pull the strand through19:27
kanzureno 19:27
kanzureattach the DNA to a magnetic bead19:27
kanzurewith strepavidin19:27
kanzureor biotin19:28
kanzureand then use electrophoresis to get the DNA straightened out, or whatever19:28
kanzurethen use a magnet to move the bead closer to the magnet19:28
kanzureat some slow rate19:28
kanzureslow enough to detect the current that passes through whatever nucleotide is in the pore19:28
fenni think you'd have to thread the strand through the pore first, then attach the bead19:28
fennor forget about the bead entirely and just pull the strand through with some kind of gradient19:29
fenndepartment of physics eh19:30
genehackercheck this out19:31
genehackeralso my sound isn't working?19:32
fenni think it'll be funny if nanotech ends up using DNA19:33
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kanzurefenn: winfree.19:33
* kanzure waits for laughter19:33
fenni mean as information storage medium19:33
fenngene wat was the point of that video19:34
genehackerit's a robot assembling a camera19:35
genehackerit looks like it's getting visual feedback19:36
fenni'm all for robot porn but that just wasn't very impressive19:37
genehackerso me something impressive then19:37
fennfesto air manta ray was cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxPzodKQays19:38
fennthere's a water version too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzd9KA8heXE19:38
genehackerI've seen that19:39
kanzureblah. 19:41
genehackerit's ionically driven19:42
kanzurerecipes are not copyrightable?19:42
genehackerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL6yB8-dgsI check this out too19:43
fennairfish kind of reminds me of 'flight of the navigator" but really slow and boring19:44
kanzurehttp://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl122.html re: copyright about recipes19:44
kanzureI fear I'm morphing into RMS19:45
kanzurewhat do I do?19:45
kanzure"roar you can't call this open source"19:45
fennwow lemur kinda sucks19:46
kanzurelemur is a monkey?19:46
genehackera robot19:46
fennit's slow, jerky, and poor positioning19:46
genehackerit's doing it autonomously19:46
kanzureodd. "freebeer.org" says it's CC-licensed19:46
fennwell, ok, that makes up for some of it19:47
kanzureI don't think CC is equivalent to "open source"19:47
kanzureI mean, people are getting all of these words mixed up19:47
kanzureand just trying to be funny social-actvists19:47
kanzurewhen in truth they are just bullshit artists19:47
genehackeranyway,  it has a fuckton of degrees of freedom19:47
genehackerit's legs are it's arms19:47
genehackerit has tools on it's legs19:48
fennreminds me of one of those skull-eating slugs from the new king kong movie19:49
genehackerI wish I could find where they documented these thigns19:51
fennok so that bead+nanopore setup looks like it would actually work19:52
genehackercould we build one though?19:52
fenndoes it have to be a hole or just a slit? because you could just etch a slit by etching two triangles on a piece of silicon19:53
fennthe triangles would be touching at the corner, and then slow dissolve away until they don't conduct anymore19:53
fenni spose a piece of metal foil would work too19:54
fennscore foil, electroplate away19:54
fennhard to get it even across the length though19:54
fenndown to a zillimeter19:55
kanzure-fenn: I think I actually have some papers on this19:55
kanzure-because I was spazzing out on nanopores a while back19:55
kanzure-I also have some notes on the wiki:http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/DNA_sequencing#Nanopores19:57
kanzure-including a youtube video19:57
kanzure-cyclodextrin + alpha-hemolysin nanopore. but this is for "dropping" nucleotides through- don't know if this same type of (biological) nanopore works for running the strand through it19:58
fenngenehacker: also i spose you could do something with radiation or particle accelerators, to punch holes in the foil19:58
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fenni think the hemolysin pore would work, its just more finicky because it's held together with duct tape, like all biological parts19:59
fenn"scanning tunneling microscopy technique which relies on quantum tunneling of electrons that pass through the nucleotide within the nanopore" is what i keep thinking about20:00
kanzure-there's also some people who have done it with AFMs20:00
kanzure-(instead of STMs)20:00
fennhow many base pairs?20:00
kanzure-blah. /me looks it up20:01
fenni'm not talking about just scanning the dna with a STM microscope20:01
kanzure-wow I have no paper20:01
fenni mean 'feeling' the dna go by, by measuring conductance between the two sides of the slit20:01
kanzure-Rapid Sequencing of Individual DNA Molecules in Graphene Nanogaps http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/Rapid%20Sequencing%20of%20Individual%20DNA%20Molecules%20in%20Graphene%20Nanogaps%20-%202008.pdf20:02
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kanzure-fenn: oh, I thought that's what they usually do with these nanopore methods?20:02
kanzure-by measuring conductance or current flow through the pore when 'clogged'20:02
fennno, they measure the amount of ions flowing through the pore20:02
fenni'm talking about measuring current between two electrodes20:02
kanzure-they do that though ..20:02
kanzure-I could have sworn.20:02
fennno they dont20:02
fennone goes up/down, the other goes left/right20:02
kanzure-what goes up/down etc.?20:03
fennwell, assuming your pore is pointed up/down, the ion flow through the pore would be up/down20:03
kanzure-blah, there's a paper. I know they've done this. (and the STM paper too)20:06
kanzure-if I find the paper, will I get a cookie?20:09
kanzure-1991: Can STM sequence DNA? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/204338320:09
kanzure-way too old..20:09
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kanzure-Direct Electronic Identification of Oligonucleotides with Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy20:16
fennthe graphene paper is almost exactly what i was thinking20:17
kanzure-neat: "Images of the DNA double helix in water"20:18
kanzure-1990: Atomic-scale imaging of DNA using scanning tunnelling microscopy20:21
kanzure-well this is disappointing. I thought there were more papers on STM/AFM DNA sequencing.20:29
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* fenn thinks about how to make a machine to quantify avocado hardness20:48
kanzure-avocado hardness?20:49
kanzure-oh, the vegetable?20:49
fenngene get this for me when you find access to the journal http://www.actahort.org/members/showpdf?booknrarnr=517_5220:50
kanzure-I don't have access20:50
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kanzure-5-mC is a natural DNA base?21:03
kanzure-paper: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/The%20nuclear%20DNA%20base%205-hydroxymethylcytosine%20is%20present%20in%20purkinje%20neurons%20and%20the%20brain.pdf21:04
fenner, methylation21:04
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kanzure-oh. I guess I still have yet to think about some timeline of skdb work if I am to be paid for it21:20
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kanzurehm, articles of incorporation for diybio-nyc22:24
kanzureyay, sudo !! works.22:26
splicerapparently they are planning for iGEM too22:50
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kanzure-even though igem said no.22:59
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splicermaybe the team is made up of students23:07
splicer(...and they found a supervisor somewhere)23:08
kanzure-fenn: did you find the OCC 5.2 docs in some linux-friendly format? or was it only the CHM stuff23:14
fennthere's a .chm and a .HLP and some .pdf's23:26
fennthe .HLP is by far the largest file, at about 90MB (but somehow all this compresses to 11MB)23:26
fenni'm not sure what to do with it, it uses "RoboHelp" functions from RoboEx32.dll 23:28
fenn(which is included)23:28
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