
--- Day changed Fri Apr 24 2009
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]01:14
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genehackerUS manufacturing is fucked01:39
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genehackerto hack02:20
genehackereven better02:23
UtopiahGHMLFesto iFab , http://www.festo.com/cms/de_de/11530_11534.htm (in german) makes me wonder, is there a comparative table somewhere regarding3D printer, fablab, reprap, ... projects? ongoing or "commercialy ready"?03:09
genehackerthe fablab guys made iFab03:19
genehackerno documentation though :(03:19
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-93-17.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]09:44
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kanzureinbox down from 89,000 to 51,20612:38
kanzurethat's a very well cited article. 142 references.13:02
kanzure-http://www.columbia.edu/~jpl2136/zotfile.html Zotero Plugin to automatically rename, move, and attach pdfs (or other) files to Zotero items by pressing a button.13:11
kanzure-http://www.box.net/shared/ot1jp9obk6 ZoteroRename.02.py - renames PDFs to be something reasonable in zotero13:18
kanzure-oh, it's just an sqlite database13:20
katsmeow-afkmplayer plays 4 frames then also quits13:24
kanzure-huh. 13:26
kanzure-august 2008?13:27
kanzuremay 18, jocelyn is coming in to town to do some interviews with austin people in here16:48
splicerwho is jocelyn?17:20
kanzuresome reporter17:22
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has joined #hplusroadmap17:30
kanzure-archives of RDF bibliographies plus the PDFs are now on the server19:38
kanzure-they are the .tar.gz files19:38
kanzure-most useful for importing into zotero in firefox, but maybe there's another way to make use of the files19:38
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap20:03
kanzure-hi fenn.20:08
fennhrmph. capaciflector maximum range is 0.5" for typical designs and 1 ft for specialized versions20:13
kanzure-so I wasn't understanding that entirely. why would you want to visualize only a single point source of ionizing radiation?20:14
fenni could think of lots of uses if it worked as he described (range > 1ft)20:16
fennfor instance when you spill some radioactive stuff and then track it around on the floor20:16
fenntakes for ever to find it all with a geiger counter20:16
fenncourse i dont understand how his radioscope would work anyway.. since the ionization cascade in a geiger tube is like a big cone20:17
kanzure-did you take down hologram-guy's name20:18
kanzure-or mr "blows les out of the water" I guess20:18
fennthe tech guy at texas state?20:18
kanzure-after looking over the list, there was no machining stuff20:19
kanzure-it was mostly just scientific instrumention20:19
kanzure-but he was talking about machining tools20:19
fenndan millican, km03@txstate.edu20:19
kanzure-guess I now know the type of person to try to find more of now. people who manage a university's scientific instrumentation. 20:25
fenn"Since every material has a unique permittivity, an object can be identified by scanning its permittivity curves vs. frequency information and matching its identity to that stored in a database."20:25
fennyeah i always admired lab techs20:25
fennthe guy that makes it all possible :)20:26
fennpermittivity -> frequency could be translated to a color spectrum to be applied as a shader to the 3D capacitance field measurement20:27
kanzure-if you're finding any papers or something, links would be nice20:29
kanzure-rather than random sourceless quotes :p20:29
kanzure-bah humbug20:29
fennpapers are 99% useless20:29
kanzure-true that.20:29
fenni just followed links from the first google hit20:30
fennso there20:30
fennnow you have enough info to make one20:31
kanzure-http://heybryan.org/books/papers/bibliographies/ I added .tar.gz files that include bibliographies plus PDFs, btw. it's in some weird RDF format. importing into zotero is the only way to make use of it at the moment.20:31
kanzure-but I still don't understand it. is the goal to get a 2D visualization of a radiation pattern, like a spill?20:31
fenni don't know or care what that guy's goal is20:31
fennsince i can't understand it from first principles and he can't explain it, why bother20:32
kanzure-but then what does it *do*20:32
kanzure-ok, so everyone is just as confused as I am20:32
kanzure-in firefox, why doesn't "view source" work for URIs like chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksPanel.xul20:33
kanzure-I don't want to go unjar the file. blah.20:33
fenni think motorola made a capaciflector-y sensor to detect the position of infants in a car seat20:37
fennfun page to look at http://techtransfer.gsfc.nasa.gov/technologies.html20:41
fenni wonder what happens to technologies that have been patented by nasa employees20:41
kanzure-they quit and then get hired again as a contractor with a contract paying 10x more20:42
fennbut still the patent was developed while employed at a government agency20:46
kanzure-"national secret"20:47
fenni wish i knew what the hell this was about http://techtransfer.gsfc.nasa.gov/ft-tech-gear-bearings.html20:48
katsmeow-afkhttp://techtransfer.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/GB-roller-gear2.jpg  explains it20:54
kanzure-gene's been trying to reverse engineer those actually20:54
fenni don't get the 'rifle true anti-backlash'20:55
fennobviously those are spur gears, so how could it be rifled?20:55
fenn(no i'm not being dense)20:55
kanzure-apparently treadwell is meeting lunch for les tomorrow at 1 pm20:56
kanzure-he asked if I wanted to come along and get lunch with him.20:56
katsmeow-afkit's a metaphor, it's not rifled20:56
kanzure-I don't know if I want to go through les' whole spiell again. I could be more useful sitting around at home programming20:56
kanzure-although it is free food. hrm.20:56
katsmeow-afki have seen gearboxes where the input gearshaft floats free in the carrier gears20:57
katsmeow-afkand as for the 2000:1 reduction ratio, most chinese winches use a 2-tooth offset and two ring gears to get huge gear ratios20:58
kanzure-there are these diagrams where I see gears inside of a circle20:58
kanzure-a "gear within a gear"20:58
kanzure-is that what this is about?20:58
fennwhy 2-tooth and not just 1-tooth/20:58
fennkanzure-: no20:58
katsmeow-afkin theory, this paper describes a perfectly machined gearset, but how to make it is a different story20:59
fennno, otherwise they wouldn't need an anti-backlash mechanism20:59
katsmeow-afkwell, the antibacklash is for the way teeth meet differently, and wear difefrently, as they move past each other20:59
katsmeow-afkby using a 50% phase offset, you have mid-tooth to mid-tooth as well as tooth-tip to tooth-root happening at the same time21:00
fennok that sounds like a reasonable explanation21:00
katsmeow-afkif you herrinbone them, one gearset will be pulling one way with torque applied, the otehr set herererngboned int he opposite dir will pull the otehr way21:01
katsmeow-afkthe combination tends to take up all the slack, and screw up mechanicnal harmonics so it runs with less vibration, they claim21:02
katsmeow-afki suspect each roller-gear may need to be made as 3 pieces, complicating how true the gear part vs roller part are aligned, etc21:03
katsmeow-afkas you can see in http://techtransfer.gsfc.nasa.gov/ft-tech-gearbearings-animation.html , it's a normal planetary system, with rollers applied, and herringbones, and offset parallel gearsets, etc etc21:04
drazakyo guys21:05
drazakhave any of you seen this flu thing?21:05
katsmeow-afkswine + bird + human flu?21:06
fenni guess i can't play that animation21:06
drazakit would be a great thing for diybio to get involved in21:06
drazakif they got organized21:06
katsmeow-afkfenn, it's a plain ordinary planetary gear box, and jerky and poorly made,, it shows only the addition of the rolelrs at the ends of the gears21:06
kanzure-drazak: what?21:08
drazakkanzure-: well, if some of diybio had their stuff together yet, they could start working on the treatment/analysis of this new flu thing21:09
kanzure-new flu?21:09
kanzure-what's wrong with the old flu?21:09
drazakin new mexico21:09
drazaker, in mexico21:09
katsmeow-afktis been spotted in the usa too21:10
drazakthe only problem is with actually handling hazardous samples21:11
drazakmost people would need actual lab training for that21:11
kanzure-programming for firefox is mostly just hunting down XUL/GUI stuff. this isn't fun.21:50
fenni wish i could zoom in to gdmap with a scroll wheel and see tiny preview images22:13
fennas it is right now, when you double-click to move to a new level, everything gets scrambled22:14
fennreally now, it's 2009 and there are _still_ no zooming file managers?22:17
kanzure-wait, it gets scrambled?22:19
kanzure-I don't remember that.22:19
kanzure-konqueror and some other apps have somewhat of a preview mode of some sort or another22:20
kanzure-you might want to see how they generate those pictures22:20
kanzure-and then map those as textures to rectangular blocks in some opengl mode that imitates gdmap22:20
kanzure-since gdmap is basically just parsing some shell results more than anything else.22:20
fennyes konqueror preview works great but only at one level of hierarchy at a time (as far as i can tell)22:22
fenni'd probably do a lot of things differently than gdmap does anyway22:22
fennextending fsv seems like the logical choice22:22
kanzure-there's a 3d file viewer but you were the one who told me about it, so nevermind22:23
fennadd textures and voila22:24
kanzure-depends. they might be doing something custom/stupid for 3D stuff.22:24
fennpretty sure it's opengl22:24
fennsomeone needs to tell these guys about graph layout algorithms http://fsv.sourceforge.net/screenshots/12.png22:25
kanzure-how would thumbnails help anyway?22:25
kanzure-that's not a bad algorithm though22:25
kanzure-er, I'm not sure what's going on though22:25
fennit's bad because you can barely fit anything on the screen at once22:25
fenni mean, maybe if you had a really long skinny screen22:26
kanzure-heh, accelerometers hooked up to a head tilt for 3D file viewing22:28
kanzure-useless though.22:29
kanzure-"if you tilt your head just right, your file suddenly becomes apparent"22:29
fennnot useless22:31
fennthat's exactly what i'm planning on, actually22:31
fennnot like flipping through a book.. remember the hyperbolic transform (is that what it was called?)22:32
kanzure-it might be nice to map head gestures to shortcuts I guess22:33
fennconformal mapping maybe is what i'm thinking? http://www.flickr.com/photos/sbprzd/sets/72157594172266668/22:33
fennthat's the opposite what you want for a mobile head-tracking app though22:34
kanzure-did I show you that program thingy that takes string grammars and makes beautiful graphs? 22:34
kanzure-something showing simple grammars and generating ridiculously awesome graphs22:34
fennoh maybe i am thinking hyperbolic mapping: http://neurovia.umn.edu/home/kelly/BPhySem99/angel_w.gif22:35
fennstupid words22:35
fennwhat is a 'string grammar'?22:36
kanzure-a list of things to do in sequential order22:37
-!- fenn_ [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:43
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-52-180.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Nick collision from services.]22:44
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn22:44
fennman i love this stuff, why can't we have more user interfaces like this? http://www.davemc.net/GenArt/Gallery/22:45
fennexcept the parameters would be real meaningful values blah blah blah22:45
kanzure-"genetic art" brings new meaning to "high class art". damn genetic elitists.22:46
fennlooks like disk fragmentation http://www.davemc.net/GenArt/Gallery/images/g00776340.jpg22:47
fennknow any good tools for merging (possibly) forked filesystems?22:55
fennfor example i have a dir with pdf's on the laptop and i try to 'archive' them on the desktop22:55
fenni'd like to copy the folder over and compare to see what's already in the hierarchy somewhere22:56
fennseems shell doesn't lend itself to 'set operations' very well22:56
fennmaybe i'm just spoiled22:56
kanzurefinding out how long RNA polymerase spends at each monomer base22:59
kanzurefenn: rsync?22:59
kanzureor maybe some sort of tar-related tool22:59
kanzureif you just want to compare hierarchy file names, I have a script for that. /me digs23:00
fennrsync wants a network connection and client/server which is just silly (since all this is on a local filesystem)23:00
kanzureor possibly this one: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/scripts/tree23:00
fennuhm.. are you aware of the 'tree' command?23:00
kanzure"tree: command not found"23:01
fennls -R is good; didnt want to have to split up path/filename23:01
fenntree is a debian package23:02
kanzureoh, btw, before I forget, jocelyn, some NYC reporter wants to come down next month23:09
kanzurearound the 18th, to talk with diybio people23:09
fennum, all three of us?23:11
fenni mean, i just post to a mailing list occasionally.. that's hardly newsworthy23:11
kanzurewhat is "newsworthy"?23:12
kanzuregah, that sounds philosophical but it's not, it's a genuine question23:13
kanzurethere's at least four I count here, btw.23:13
fennantony (?) drazak, you, splicer ... anyone else?23:14
kanzurethey aren't local23:14
fenner, yeah.23:14
kanzureyou, me, gene, cline.23:14
kanzurefour locals.23:14
* fenn is suffering from a chocolate deficiency23:15
fennyou can see where my thought process derailed23:15
kanzurebut it's still funny.23:16
fenndoes gene follow diybio?23:16
kanzurehe's definitely on the list23:16
kanzurebut he doesn't do much following to my knowledge23:16
kanzureso I got the plugin to "work" somewhat23:17
kanzurebut I can't seem to get an overlay properly working for a tree-based viewer thingy23:17
kanzurein firefox23:18
fennwhat sort of plugin are you writing?23:19
kanzuregoogle scholar search assistant23:19
kanzurewow. I did this? http://heybryan.org/projects/calxism/my.xul23:19
kanzurehahah. that's right.. this is the "chat thingy in a browser"23:20
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-98-195.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:21
kanzurethe search assistant is just meant to keep track of searching more than anything at first23:21
kanzureand then eventually also automagical search term permutation23:21
kanzureideally this is something that google should already be doing. but it's not done.23:22
kanzurefor instance, I find myself doing 5-word queries and then changing one word somehow, and then permutating the query in another way23:23
kanzureand then loosing track of the hierarchy of changes or something23:23
kanzurebecause there are certain routes that I was going to explore at some later time but then completely forgot about23:23
kanzurebecause the tree/stack is too large for me to mentally remember23:23
fennthe traditional solution to this problem is to get some graduate students23:26
fenncow is there; sort by 'genes' you will see Bos taurus several times down the list a ways23:44
fennit's listed per chromosome btw23:44
kanzure-ah. the system works.23:46
genehackerwhat does?23:51
* drazak so confuzzed23:53
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