
--- Day changed Mon Apr 27 2009
* fenn goes to spend the last of his money00:03
kanzure-on what?00:03
fenngroceries, and a brake caliper00:03
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kanzure-"optical atomic magnetometer"00:19
kanzure-Neuronal current detection with low-field magnetic resonance00:25
kanzure-Where are all of those portable MRI devices that I was promised?00:29
kanzure-specifically so that I might be able to do transgenic mice with MRI of gene regulation networks in different regions of the brain00:30
kanzure-(so, there's many thousands of genes specific to the brain, so it would either take many thousands of mice, or some cleverness in switching of which circuit is being regulated at what time)00:31
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kanzure-hrm. multiphoton fluorescence microscopy with GFP up to 1 mm into the rat cortex. 00:52
kanzure-Theer et al. 200300:52
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fenn"portable MRI" just sounds like it's not going to happen any time soon01:21
fennat least until we get low temp superconductors01:21
fenner, room temp superconductors01:21
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fennthe ATM had a feature i've never seen before.. you shove in a wad of bills and it scans them01:29
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kanzurethere was something about non-superconductor MRI stuff.01:40
fennwell then you need a bigass battery to keep the field strength up01:44
kanzurehrm. no thanks.01:44
fennor a generator or something like a semi trailer01:44
kanzurecan you show your work?01:44
fennbeta = 7T = 6320MA*turn*2m^2*pi*Eo01:46
fennEo = 8.8541878e-12 A^2 s^4 / kg m^301:47
fenntesla = 1 kg / A s^201:48
fennso, fudge those to get the units right and you're probably in the ballpark01:48
kanzureI don't like seeing mega-amps in my units.01:50
kanzureor for the actual news: http://www.uhn.ca/news/Index.asp?crypt=%D3%EA%E1%B2%08Q%25D%B1%0Es%1F%5C%E7E%E4%FF%3B%DE01:54
fenndont we have artificial lungs yet? like dialysis machine but for oxygen01:55
kanzureI'm also reminded of the heart-in-a-jar work: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2008/01/i_want_a_heart_in_a_jar.php01:57
spliceri want one to extract oxygen from water01:57
kanzurefenn, out of curiosity, did you try the 5 mg adderall?01:58
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genehacker_we have artificial lungs02:17
kanzure-that's not artificial.02:18
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genehacker_no sleep too eh?02:21
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facefacere: artificial lungs, interesting is mimetic haemoglobin03:38
facefacestill nothing beats the original03:38
genehacker_devices that infuse oxygen directly into ones blood have a major advantage in dangerous environments03:42
genehacker_say a carbon monoxide filled mine03:42
facefacewhy not use an air tank03:44
facefacescuba gear03:44
genehacker_that's why03:46
facefacegenehacker_: what does that say?03:47
genehacker_read the paper03:47
facefaceI'm at work03:48
facefacebut I'm just curious03:48
facefacei.e. what is wrong with a CO filter?03:48
facefaceanyway, I just thought that if you were interested in artificial lungs, you may be interested in Heamoglobin mimetics03:49
genehacker_yes very much so03:49
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kanzureDing and his colleagues show that mouse cells can be reprogrammed to09:57
kanzureform stem cells with a combination of purified proteins and a chemical09:57
kanzureadditive, thus avoiding the use of genetic material."09:57
kanzure"purely protein pluripotency"09:58
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kanzureposted some more to http://postbiota.org/mailman/listinfo/papers10:38
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kanzureHow much anxiety should I have over the swine flu stuff in the news?11:50
facefacekanzure: just talking about that in #bioinformatics11:51
kanzureI have renewed faith in humanity.12:45
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kanzure-using picosecond or nanosecond pulsing of lasers in water to generate bubbles, the shockwaves from cavitation (bubble break down) travel 0.1225 mm. 14:19
kanzure-the pressure at the plasma rim ranges from a few thousand megapascals to almost ten thousand megapascals14:19
kanzure-the pressure decays (after shock front formation) roughly proporational to 1/r^214:19
kanzure-maximum bubble wall velocity ranges from 390 to 2450 m/sec. 14:20
kanzure-waterjet cutting, for comparison, is done at 620 MPa. 14:20
kanzure-blah- so almost :) you can almost do light-induced waterjet cutting via popping bubbles with ridiculously small orifices14:21
kanzure-off by a factor of ~1514:21
bkeroI keep getting red-numbered in here for the word 'bubbles'14:22
kanzure-oh, you highlight the word still?14:23
kanzure-also, the laser cavitation stuff (for pumping droplets and stuff) was 10 to 40 atm.14:28
kanzure-which is 4 MPa.14:28
kanzure-hrm. cell lysis done with 120 MPa with a laser and cavitation .. there has been some low-pressure waterjet cutting/machining with only 35 MPa. so, there you have it. 14:39
kanzure-It would have to be very close to the site of shockwave generation though- the work piece material, I mean14:39
kanzure-yay, somebody thought of this. "Possibility of Metal Processing Using Ultrasonic Cavitation Jet."14:40
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kanzureneat, some postdoc emailed me- he has a biobrick of MagA15:41
kanzurehah! 15:43
kanzuredoes anyone else see the irony in the google logo today being braille?15:44
kanzureerm, morse code15:44
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kanzureguess who.17:04
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kanzureso er, does he have any .. actual hardware?17:06
fenni thought he looked familiar17:07
kanzureso he has some wrenches17:08
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kanzureapparently I like chargrilled pork.17:50
kanzure-GraphScholar http://hublog.hubmed.org/archives/001002.html18:18
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kanzure-this is terrible documentation18:38
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kanzure-somewhat better: http://www.xul.fr/tutorial/tree.html18:52
fennwhile sorting papers i found this one which was sort of what i was talking about the other day with hyperbolic and conformal mappings for a wearable interface: http://graphics.uni-konstanz.de/publikationen/2006/complex_logarithmic_views/Boettger et al. -- Complex Logarithmic Views for Small Details in Large Contexts.pdf19:05
fennadd %20's as necessary19:05
kanzure-irssi adds in \t's. blah.19:11
kanzure-    if(doc.location.href.search("forum") > -1)19:16
kanzure-      alert("a forum page is loaded");19:16
kanzure-welcome to bad coding 10119:16
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kanzure-interesting, sbcglobal.net's mail system backend is perl22:05
kanzure-see /home/y/bin/ymail_sbc_localdot.pl22:06
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genehackerhey kanzure, could you find some shikimic acid production pathways?23:08
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genehackerwould you beliece they make tamiflu from some chinese spice?23:11
genehackerI though this was the year 200023:12
genehackerand we didn't need to do that23:12
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kanzure-foxtab ? 3D tabs?? hrm.23:35
kanzure-oh, it sucks23:35

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