
--- Day changed Tue Apr 28 2009
fenngenehacker: seriously, talke to superkuh about tamiflu synthesis00:02
genehackerwell I'm not super swine flu paranoid00:03
genehackeris he?00:04
fennnot swine flu in particular, but flu pandemics in general00:04
fennhe's sort of taken it upon himself to be prepared for a flu pandemic00:05
genehackeroh cool00:05
fennand it's 2009 btw00:05
genehacker2009 and we still make it from a chinese spice00:05
genehackerguess it's effective00:06
fenni guess00:06
kanzure-I was asking superkuh about that earlier today actually00:06
kanzure-for someone who is online all the time, he's not always responsive, and in this case not at all00:06
genehackerwell there is also this one competition00:06
kanzure-apparently he was spazzing out about the flu a few years ago00:07
fenndoes he still have a website? the damn thing moves around so much i cant keep track00:07
genehackerwhat happened a few years ago?00:07
fennhm that looks old00:08
kanzure-some of the files are from a few days ago00:08
kanzure-I don't know how he is the way he is00:09
genehackera new a genetic code table00:09
genehackeroh no00:09
genehackerdon't tell me00:09
genehackerSuperkuh actually buy some of that nonsense00:09
kanzure-buy what nonsense?00:09
genehackerabout DNA being some sort of weird holographic representation of us00:10
genehackercornstarch and water basically00:10
genehackerexcept with silica00:10
fennand PEG00:10
genehackercrystal growth?00:10
genehackersounds like he wants to grow his own pyroelectrics00:11
kanzure-bonus points for anyone who gets him to come in here00:11
genehackerhey he built a blue ray laser00:12
genehackerlike I did00:12
genehackerhe used more expensive diodes though00:12
fenn... they used to cost more you know00:12
kanzure-genehacker: so today I was doing the calculations for acoustic cavitation of water00:12
kanzure-to produce a laminar waterjet cutter00:12
kanzure-via laser-induced cavitation00:12
kanzure-blinky LED -> waterjet00:13
genehackeryou have my full attention00:13
kanzure-cavitation shockwaves are very high pressure00:13
genehackeryes indeed00:13
genehackerI know that00:13
kanzure-so, if you put it close to the piece that you want to work, I'm figuring that it's basically a waterjet00:13
kanzure-if it's in some sort of capillary tube00:13
genehackercavitation eats away propellors very slowly...00:14
fennwhat's to keep the bubble from eating away at the sides of the cut?00:14
kanzure-well I'm actually not thinking of this quite well00:14
kanzure-what I want to have happen is a literal waterjet 00:15
kanzure-squirt out of the end of a small hole00:15
kanzure-but that's not a bubble, is it.00:15
fennum, that's been done. and it's expensive00:15
kanzure-it hasn't been done with LEDs.00:15
kanzure-it's been done with big expensive water compressors00:15
fennled's dont have enough power to do that realistically00:15
kanzure-high pressure shit00:15
fennyes, multi-kW pumps00:15
kanzure-femtosecond pulsing of LEDs of water.00:15
kanzure-*over water00:15
fennyou'd need multi-kW LED's to achieve the same rate of flow00:15
kanzure-or however you want to say that.00:15
fennat least00:16
kanzure-still need to think about this some more00:16
genehackerhow about a high power argon laser?00:16
fennmost of the light would just go into heating the water00:16
genehackerlike the ones on floor 7 of the etc00:16
genehackerwell if it works you've found a new way to form metal00:17
genehackerphotoacoustohydraulic cutting00:17
fennaka "mikuru-beam"00:18
kanzure-treadwell was talking to me the other day about wanting to do a laminar flow fountain, and for some reason I thought waterjet cutter.00:18
genehackerlaminar flow is cool00:19
kanzure-fenn: I'm sure we could do crazy DBZ-like effects with lasers and plasma or something00:19
genehackerwell I did a calculation the other day00:19
kanzure-stuff that would probably also kill you00:19
fennparabolic lasers00:20
genehackerwith EEstor's ultracapacitors we could make a plasma gun that could shoot thousands of plasma balls00:20
fennover 9 thousand?00:20
kanzure-aha, here we go: 00:21
fennthat is definitely not all of it00:21
kanzure-haha, synthesis of oseltamivir00:21
genehackerlike 3600000:23
genehackerand that's with one $40(OR SO THEY SAY) capacitor pack and a decent power setting00:23
genehackerplasmoids won't last that long though00:24
fenni think you have to be either zenn-motors or lockheed-martin to actually buy one00:24
genehackeryou could shoot 3 really long lasting ones00:24
genehackersigh, so true fenn00:24
genehackerI want one so bad!00:24
genehackera 1 kwh one that is00:25
fennyep that'd be plenty for various mischief00:25
fenner, you know kanzure-, people probably have no idea wtf oseltamivir is00:26
genehackermore than enough to EMP a bunch of things00:26
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kanzure-it's not like it's quickly become the most popular compound in the news or anything00:27
genehackerit is00:28
kanzure-fenn, is there some trick to writing firefox extensions?00:39
kanzure-it's like this documentation is cryptic or something00:39
fennmost documentation is00:42
fennin such a situation the best thing to do is look at example code00:42
fennor just google for the answer00:42
kanzure-this is why I hate this sort of programming though00:44
kanzure-everything I know about it is just a matter of previous queries I have put into google00:44
kanzure-for hours on end trying to come up with some mundane solution to a stupid problem that shouldn't be there in the first place00:44
kanzure-most firefox extensions are dull or don't do what I want. it's odd. but otherwise, yeah, pick-and-steal is the method of choice00:45
kanzure-ok, maybe I'll just give up on the GUI part of this00:51
fennsounds like programming, yep01:03
splicerI'm sitting with a big chunk of code I'm afraid to touch even though I wrote it myself... I've got to start doing TDD.01:08
splicer(there is something beautiful in having the system test itself while I'm sleeping)01:16
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kanzurehttp://www.citeulike.org/groupfunc/8132/home BCI paper reading group01:28
kanzureunfortunately none of the papers look worthwhile01:28
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facefacere above bubbles, you can use sono-poration to  kill cancer cells or to specifically inject medicine03:05
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* kanzure reads08:17
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kanzurehttp://www.aleph.se/Trans/Org/zyvexmail.txt zyvex listserv ?08:54
kanzurethat singularityhub article was poorly written.09:04
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kanzureso why haven't I been focusing on agrobacterium11:10
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kanzurehrm. need to increase the expression of lactifiers.12:29
kanzure"Lactifiers secrete latex and are dispersed throughout most plant tissues."12:29
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kanzurea protocol for the production of transgenic tea12:35
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kanzure-I really really like freeze-thaw genetic transformation of agrobacterium13:18
kanzure-hrm. I wonder if we could do photolithography of latex from dandelions.13:20
kanzure-does latex polymerize? isn't it polymerizable in the presence of heat or something?13:20
kanzure-ah, nanosphere lithography (NIL) using nm-diameter latex spheres. eh.13:22
kanzure-"latex particle lithography"13:22
kanzure-there's a patent for UV curable latexes13:23
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kanzurethat article was so terrible that drew endy emailed me to complain17:14
kanzurehttp://epicycle.org/ campbell's blog17:17
kanzureplanetary gear?17:18
kanzureah, read this one, fenn: http://epicycle.org/2006_06_01_archive.html17:19
kanzurepneumatic bicycle17:20
kanzurewho would want compressed air between their knees17:20
kanzuresounds like a bad idea17:20
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kanzurehey cis-action 17:35
kanzureso, agrobacterium17:35
cis-action(btw Aaron updated the article, not sure if that was clear)17:36
kanzureI think Superkuh did this project a while back17:36
kanzureanyway, what he did in particular was hunt down agrobacterium in his forests17:36
kanzureand then cultivated some strains17:36
kanzureand in particular, potted some dandelions17:36
kanzuredandelions and lettuce produce a sappy substance of latex17:36
kanzureand in particular, dandelions can be made to produce specific proteins in the latex matrix17:37
kanzureso I think he was using it to produce some particular proteins (I'm not sure though)17:37
kanzure(it's probably a project sitting in a corner of his basement, to be honest)17:37
kanzureTaraxacum officinale (Dandelion) as an expression system for recombinant proteins17:37
kanzureI think diybio-boston should go on a nature hike with a biologist from a university to go find some agrobacterium samples17:38
cis-actionthat would be very awesome17:39
cis-actiondo you have any pointers to superkuhs work?17:39
kanzuresearch for 'taraxacum'17:39
cis-actionalso, do we log hplusroadmap?  that seems like it would be useful17:40
kanzureyes, we log17:40
kanzurehowever, I insult you all the time in here so I don't know if that'd be cool or not17:40
cis-actionha ha ha17:40
cis-actionI don't care17:40
kanzurealso, another recent paper that I was reading17:41
cis-actionI'll just leave in a huff and then come back 15 minutes later17:41
kanzurewas about coconut water17:41
kanzureif you insert plasmids into coconut water (directly), the nuclei in the coconut milk will take up the DNA and express the proteins17:41
kanzureunfortunately I do not have a coconut tree :(17:41
kanzuremore stuff here: http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/meh/agrobacterium/17:42
kanzurethe agar substitute he was using was laundry starch + potato powder + semolina (2:1:1)17:43
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kanzurehm he was planning the coconut experiment17:46
kanzureI like the "BLOW UP LAB ?" crossed out on the page17:46
kanzureor this: http://superkuh.ath.cx/users/superkuh/PROJECTS/PROJECT_Coconut/bioreactor_01.jpg17:47
kanzureheh he was going to do 20 micron ultrafiltration17:48
cis-actionone sec17:51
cis-actionI have to step out for a pre-dinner errand18:05
cis-actionI'll come back to this discussion18:05
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kanzurecis-action: hey19:17
kanzuresorry, I had a meeting with someone19:17
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kanzure-I}ruid: hey.19:22
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--- Log opened Wed May 06 08:46:50 2009
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fennhah. chopped all those knobbly things off my bike tire, now it works08:53
kanzureerm, how long did you spend on that08:56
kanzuremaybe you shouldn't tell me08:56
fennabout half an hour09:00
fennin the process i found that i had two broken spokes09:01
kardan__ikanzure this is what i thought of: http://oshw.0xb5.org/09:10
fenntwo projects?09:14
fennoh this is a demo of the web based database editor09:14
kardan__ithe content doesnt matter09:14
fennthe 'depends' field is where things get tricky09:14
kardan__ieverybody may edit it atm09:14
fennit's not so easy as with software where you just say 'requires such n such library, end of story' and it's no big deal for anyone to download that library09:15
kardan__idepends should point to another project09:15
fennwe've gone over this at length.. i'd love to share some files with you but my webserver's down09:16
kardan__iat least instructions are necessary how to include other peaces09:16
kardan__iexamples would be great. you can send them to kardan@brueckenschlaeger.de09:17
fenni've been hoping someone would come help write a web interface for a long time now09:21
fennbut the back-end is still barely even started09:21
fenni dont think a relational database is going to cut it09:22
fennespecially not with distributed development of the database 09:22
kardan__iwith such a db interface we can create files of every we like, i just need to write an exporter09:22
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kardanmh maybe its not best but i have no better solution yet09:23
fennok. at worst you could just show some text forms to edit the raw yaml09:23
fennand store the yaml in the database09:23
fennbut that is sorta pointless09:24
fennyou want to do something like 'select from screws where thread = M8' right?09:24
kardansort of. especially i think of a material table which enables much more09:26
fennyeah. it's hard to know where to begin09:26
kanzure"microplasma powder deposition" <- heh.09:26
fennkanzure has scraped some material databases09:26
fenni'm not really sure of the utility though since we don't know where to actually get most of them09:27
kardanfor instance a motherboard could have some materials as provides and a computer would list it a s needed material / depend09:27
kanzureexcept for mindat09:27
fenni mean it wouldn't be hard to go through mcmaster.com or onlinemetals.com and make a reasonably complete materials selection09:27
kanzureI think I might leave out symbolic equations09:28
fennoh, that's what we were calling a 'package'09:28
kanzureif I do, it's less awesome09:28
kanzurebut doable09:28
fennkanzure: i think mathematical models are useful but they odnt always exist so it shouldnt be a requirement09:28
kanzurebut where would they go?09:29
fennit's not very hard to implement though, see my screw thread force calculation for example09:29
kanzureif they are available, for, say, a gear?09:29
fennclass method09:29
kanzurethat doesn't explain anything09:29
fenninherit methods from more generic classes for more automagical solution09:29
fennbut you never get to 100% magic09:29
fennyou have to read the manual at some point09:29
fenni havent read albert's paper09:30
kanzureI don't recommend it09:30
kanzureso, in the case of a-design, the equations were being constructed by taking "through" and "across" variables09:31
fennmy idea of a gear train is it has some function that describes the relationship between input and output positions and forces09:31
fennyeah, except without the stupid names like 'through' and 'across' :P09:31
kanzurein the "control point" data structure, basically campbell had some variables that defined the derivatives and integrals for going in certain directions09:31
kanzurewell, I was hoping reading his source code would help explain things09:31
kanzurehaven't got around to that today yet09:31
fennreading the source code almost never helps explain things09:31
fennwelp i wish i had read this stuff, now i'm going to go make a fool of myself yes? :)09:32
kanzurenot really09:32
fenncampbell called if functional parameter right?09:33
fennnot control point09:33
fennok so, what is an fp?09:33
kanzureit is like what I am calling 'control point' heh'09:33
fennis it just some numbers that plug into super-duper universal modeling equations?09:33
kanzureexcept his FP thingy is tailored for something like 'bond graphs'09:33
kanzurenot really09:33
fenni dont know what a bond graph is either09:33
kanzureso in the FP data structure there is a sub list called MG-change09:33
kanzureand this MG-change structure has a few arrays: through[n], across[n]09:34
kanzureeach value in the arrays is an equation09:34
kanzurewhere n = number of ports or interfaces09:34
kanzuresomehow these equations are assembled together by doing certain path traversals09:34
kanzurethrough the design.09:35
fennso they just use the same equations for everything, which is what i said09:35
kanzurein this paper, http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Guiding%20conceptual%20design%20through%20behavioral%20reasoning%20-%20Welch%20-%20Dixon%20-%201994.pdf09:35
kanzurethey use some sort of 'directional derivative' (pg 4)09:35
kanzurewhich is the stuff about either directly proportional or inversely proportional09:36
kanzure(or no proportional relation)09:36
kanzurethe equations though don't really seem to be per-component/class, but instead per-port.09:37
kanzurewhich is weird.09:37
kanzureI've been asking campbell why he thinks this bond graph stuff is necessary, and why can't it just work by resolving the units09:37
fennit shouldnt be proportional vs inversely proportional though; should be function vs its inverse09:37
kanzurewell in the equations I mean, er09:37
fenninverse like f(inverse(x)) = x09:37
kanzureok, I don't have it09:38
kanzurebut one of the examples was something that calculated the theta/angle of a dial09:38
kanzurein a given design generated by the a-design software09:38
kanzureand in this equation for calculating theta,09:38
fennthere were lots of those..09:38
kanzurethere was a (1 / spring-constant)09:38
fennright i remember that09:38
kanzureas opposed to (1 * spring-constant)09:38
kanzureso 1/x is inversely proportional09:38
kanzure1*x is a proportion09:38
kanzure* so 1/x is an inverse proportion09:39
kanzureand they some how then assemble (1/x)(y)(1/z) together by some path traversal through the design graph? or something?09:39
kanzurebut I don't know if that makes sense. I haven't really ever done that when I've done designs ..09:39
fennman your server is so slow09:41
fenni think it was this http://heybryan.org/books/papers/campbell-dissertation-diagram-thingy.png09:41
kanzureaha, yes09:41
kanzureer, so, I think it woudl be faster if I set up ProxyPass on one of the servers on the campus09:41
kanzuresince I have like 10 MB/sec in and out of the university09:41
fennthe spring constant is inverse because it's in parallel with the lever09:42
kanzureif it was serial, it would not be inverse?09:42
fennwell, that's just my gut reaction09:43
kanzureparallel versus serial is a common theme that campbell was ranting about yesterday when I was talking with him09:43
kanzure*was a common theme09:43
fenni dont really know what the spring is doing09:44
fenni suppose i should get down there09:44
kanzureok, give me a ring if you end up in Mexico or something09:45
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kardanmaybe i will improve this interface later12:42
kardanbut at the moment ii have no clue, what you exactly need12:42
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kardanhi #h+14:36
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kardan_i think i will collect projects in the database later. maybe it needs some security features first.15:03
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kanzure-in adesign/tests/coordtests/oldtests/test.lisp in the first few lines there's an example of MG-change written out.18:46
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fennoh boy my monitor spontaneously fixed itself19:53
kanzure-an it spontaneously fix the void in my soul that LISP is eating away20:52
kanzure-*can it20:52
fennonly a healthy dose of C# can do that20:57
kanzure-the most healthy dose of C# is no dose at all.20:58
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kanzure-heh there's a show called "DOING DAVINCI"21:34
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kanzure-so .. it's still running.22:59
kanzure-don't know when it will stop ..22:59
kanzure-there's this funny email to the AGI list from Michael Swan asking "how should somebody who develops AGI be compensated"23:22
kanzure-"1% of all profits derived from implementing the AGI? give it away for free?"23:22
kanzure-I don't know why you would need to be compensated if you actually have AGI ..23:22
kanzure-what's the point?23:22
kanzure-hrm. initweigh.lisp line 337~ is where the design problem is specified. but the format is non-obvious.23:25
kanzure-there are some examples in tests/coordtests/tests.lisp but copying-and-pasting the build-fps lines over doesn't work. something about the wrong number of arguments, etc.23:50
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