
--- Day changed Sat May 09 2009
kanzure-ah yes, the classic FUCK folder: http://heybryan.org/books/ellingtonlab/Lord_Vader_stuff/FUCK/00:00
kanzure-hm, this is interesting00:06
kanzure-see this: http://heybryan.org/books/ellingtonlab/Lord_Vader_stuff/From%20Scott/cantilever%20papers/early%20Si%20cantilever.pdf00:07
kanzure-"early Si cantilever"00:07
kanzure-based off of diffraction grating.00:07
kanzure-Pioneer Organisms Nominated for Terraforming00:09
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-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk00:35
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kanzureserver is going down until tuesday (maybe)09:32
--- Log closed Sat May 09 09:36:26 2009
--- Log opened Sat May 23 23:01:57 2009
-!- ultraleibniz [n=bryan@cpe-66-68-183-235.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap23:01
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 21 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 21 normal]23:01
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fennwhat up my leibnizzle23:02
kanzureI sincerely apologize for my mediawiki installation. (seriously)23:03
fennanyone have an old laptop they dont use?23:05
fennis it large and heavy?23:05
ybiti don't like large and heavy either23:05
kanzurelarge screen, full keyboard.23:06
fenni never understood why you'd make a large laptop23:06
* ybit is considering purchasing the samsung n12023:06
kanzureit's as loud as all fuck though23:06
ybit..after upgrading this old machine23:06
kanzurehyperthreaded pentium 4 on a laptop <-- bad idea23:06
kanzurebut it works pretty well23:06
kanzurejust loud :)23:06
kanzureand lacking a power adapter at the moment (~$40+ shipping)23:06
kanzureer, $40 +shipping23:06
fennmy laptop is slow and mechanically falling apart (fatigue cracks in the plastic frame, solder cracking in usb and sound ports)23:07
kanzureno mechanical failure as far as I can tell23:07
fennbut it's small and i know what it can do and can't do23:07
kanzureI have multiple power adapters for this model, but they are all broken in their special ways23:07
kanzureI fixed them a few times each, but they just died beyond my repair skills23:07
fenni wish all laptops had a 12V 5mm barrel connector23:07
kanzureyeesh. no kidding.23:08
ybiti was saving up for this machine: went to purchase it yesterday and found out it's out of stock for good: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4527727&Sku=B69-003923:08
kanzurethat old laptop takes 120 V23:08
ybitAsus M3N78 PRO 8GB AMD Barebone Kit - AMD Phenom X4 9500 Quad Core Retail, 8GB DDR2-800 Corsair, 750GB SATA2, Clear Side Mid-Tower, 650W PSU23:08
ybitfor only $40023:08
kanzureybit: god hates you23:08
ybitdamn you Tux!23:08
fenni would probably just get a netbook but i'm trying to make this wearable thing with a beagle and myvu23:08
ybitor Zeus, whomever your god may be..23:09
kanzurenetbook keyboards suck23:09
fennthe functionality would overlap too much and it seems like giving up to me, which i dont want to do23:09
ybitbut the n120 is fullsize laptop23:09
kanzureby "fullsize" do you mean "fits real human hands" or "well, it has all of the keys. if you squint."23:09
ybitfirst option23:09
ybitit's why i am considering it23:09
ybiti like netbooks for their weight but can't stand the keyboards23:10
kanzurewhat's so hard about including the extra plastic23:10
fennthe whole point is that they're small and cute23:10
kanzuream I small and cute?23:10
fennis that a trick question?23:10
kanzuredon't know23:11
kanzureum, so, that 20 ft ethernet cable actually wraps around my whole apartment23:11
kanzureso I have a box in the other room wired up :)23:11
kanzurejust need to get the server up.23:11
fenndid you see that spam to diybio?23:19
fenndunno bout y'all but i'm skeered23:20
ybitneed an add-on to the browser which shows a preview of all links in a sidebar.. i know it exists somewhere. problem is, you are giving your i.p. address away, would need some type of proxy as an middle man23:20
kanzuredo you mean to om?23:21
ybiti was thinking of diybio a few days ago23:21
fennthe spam to om in the last 5 mins or so just reminded me, that's all23:21
kanzurefenn: what do I do since diybio is becoming a trainwreck23:22
kanzureit seems that I can't write XML protocols fast enough to turn the train around23:23
fennnormally in this situation i'd say "gather together the people you trust and who are competent and start a new group" but the smart competent people are just as caught up in it as everyone else23:23
kanzureeven the people that claim to know XML or know how to "get stuff done" aren't wanting to get stuff done23:23
fennoh, that train wreck23:23
kanzurewell I'm extrapolating that to the broader situation23:23
fennthought you meant the ethics/self-imposed regulation trainwreck23:23
kanzureI think that package maintainers for diybio would fix a lot of things23:23
kanzurepackage maintenance and a package system would solve a bunch of that bullshit23:24
fennwould it?23:24
kanzureif people understood it..23:24
fennwhy do you think so?23:24
kanzureinstead of making diybio a super-organization that will Solve Everything Ever,23:24
kanzureit would have a very particular architecture23:24
fennwhat if people start making bird watching packages?23:24
kanzureapt-get install goggles goggles-docs ?23:25
fennit was a metaphor23:25
kanzurethere are indeed criteria for inclusion of packages into debian, for instance23:25
kanzureand many distributions pop up because of disputes on those notes23:25
fennsupposedly bird-watching is "just as diybio as synthetic bioengineering"23:25
kanzurebut ultimately that's just for the main repositories or branding or whatever23:25
kanzureit's not like the packages won't exist elsewhere23:25
fennyeah but how do you prevent mission creep in your own organization23:26
fennwithout becoming a tyrannical dictator23:26
fennsort of silly to start off something by forking23:26
kanzurewell, in the case of debian you get to throw up your own small mirrors for your packages or whatever23:27
fenn1) fork 2) ??? 3) PROFIT!23:27
kanzureor just upload a file to a server somewhere (the .deb file)23:27
kanzure1) fork 2) include the package in the main repository, except under your brand 3) let people use those repositories.23:27
kanzurenow it's accessible, yay for !censorship23:27
fennunfortunately the debian repository structure makes setting up your own branch a pain in the ass23:27
kanzurereally? I thought there was a script for that23:28
fennoh. maybe there is23:28
fenni've just seen lots of developer aggravation in the emc project about repositories23:28
fenni mean really there shouldnt be such a thing as a package maintainer23:29
fennpeople should submit patches to a package for distribution which get applied by distribution maintainers23:29
* fenn wonders how to explain that23:30
fennall the day to day package maintainer stuff shouldnt exist, is what i'm trying to say23:30
kanzureyeah, sure.23:30
kanzureI'm not a debian developer so I don't actually know how debian backend runs23:30
kanzurebut apparently they have their own servers and are really strict about their PGP keys and rings and such23:30
fennwell that makes sense if you think about it23:31
kanzurethe day-to-day stuff, like patch application, should be automatic (although maybe after review)23:31
kanzuredont' know how to word that in terms of non-centralized repos though23:31
fennpeer review, basically23:31
kanzurewith centralized hosting of the patches or something?23:31
kanzurehow does that work with git?23:31
kanzurewhen there's 40 different options for patches at a certain level in the history23:31
fennsomeone you trust has to actually look at the code and say 'yes its good and wont infect you with CIA spyware'23:32
kanzureor something23:32
* kanzure infects CIA. haha, russia!23:32
fennin russia you infect cia spyware! erm. yeah.23:32
kanzureI'm sure they already do that :/23:33
* fenn exhibits meme-induced twitches23:33
fennso anyway back to diybio23:33
fennhow do we get people to actually do something productive?23:34
kanzuremake a super secret group of super-awesome people that everyone wants to be a part of?23:34
fenncowell said he was writing something up in xml23:34
kanzurethat's how somethingawful-types usually do it23:34
kanzureI doubt it23:34
kanzurehe said it, but I don't trust him23:34
fennme either, because i saw what your example file was and the semantic structure behind it was nowhere near developed23:35
kanzurethere was also a ton of shit wrong with the pcr protocol content itself in there23:35
kanzure(which nobody called me on)23:35
fennyou're basically trying to create a new standard, but the amount of consideration that should go into it is too much for one person23:36
kanzureit needs lots of examples that break it or something23:36
fennand there should be some kind of validation scripts like w3c provides23:36
kanzure(examples which I don't know about)23:36
fennis that just unit testing?23:37
kanzurewell, xml validation stuff is simple, but that sort of validation doesn't tell me anything about whether or not it biologically makes sense23:37
fennso semantic validation23:37
fenni know semantic is your favorite word23:37
kanzurethere are all sorts of XML checkers out there. isn't a big deal ..23:37
fennyou say that about everything23:37
kanzure"here's the DTD. here's a file. does it work?"23:37
kanzureyou kidding?23:38
kanzureload something up in firefox23:38
kanzureit parses and complains at you23:38
fenn'moon colonization? not a big deal, see <linkdump>'23:38
kanzure(if there's something broken)23:38
fennjust because it's been talked about doesnt mean its not a big deal23:38
* kanzure actually does have a moon colonization linkdump23:38
kanzurebut I've *done it*23:38
fenni have yet to see a semantic system that doesnt totally suck23:38
kanzureit's not as useful as you think it is23:38
kanzurego write an XML file with a deliberate error in it23:39
fennDTD is just syntax23:39
kanzureload it up in firefox23:39
fenni'm talking about semantic errors23:39
fennyou understand the difference? it's a computer programming thing23:39
fenna syntactically correct program will run23:39
fenna semantically correct program will do the wrong thing23:39
fenner, incorrect*23:39
kanzurebah, we have no magic "it does the right thing" program-checker23:39
kanzurebut we don't need that really23:40
fennsee my sentence was semantically incorrect but syntactically correct23:40
fennah but we do need that23:40
kanzureyes, but it's possible to progress without it23:40
kanzureit's possible to progress without ai23:41
fennit's not ai23:41
kanzureis it friendly?23:41
fennit's insurance against stupid lazy humans23:41
fennwho dont give a shit about whether it's right or not23:41
kanzuremaybe you could give me an example of what you mean23:41
kanzuredo you mean heuristic checking of "common bad shit in a protocol that should be flagged"23:42
fennok say you have a protocol that says 'add 2 microliters DNA to 50 microliters water'23:42
fennnow it sounds ok to lazy human, because they have common-sense filters23:42
fennbut you can't add 2 microliters to 50 microliters23:42
fennyou have to add 2 microliters to a test tube or something23:42
kanzureis this as terrible an example as I suspect it is?23:42
fennthat's really just a syntax error23:43
kanzureok. how about acid to water or water to acid.23:43
fennthose are just rules of thumb (heuristics)23:43
fennanyway my point is people will sneak all kinds of garbage past your syntactic checker if they can get away with it23:44
kanzureback to the social issues for a quick second (as much as I hate to bother)23:44
ybitkanzure, you're lab equipment list on mediawiki is about the best list i can find atm for wetlab equipment23:44
kanzureybit: isn't that sad. :(23:44
fennit's something to be proud of :)23:44
fennsocial issues23:45
kanzurethere's also /instrumentation/instru.html23:45
kanzurefenn: right. 23:45
kanzurelike, what the hell are we to do about diybio23:45
kanzureI mean, I don't know if my participation with those people is beneficial at this point23:45
kanzuresimply because they're not interested in listening23:46
kanzureor seem to never have been.23:46
kanzureor interested in helping out / doing work / taking initiative / asking questions, or whatever23:46
fennsome of that is probably due to your knee-jerk writing23:46
fennmost of it is probably wishful thinking and laziness23:46
kanzureshould I be more descriptive?23:46
kanzureI mean, I hate to write a whole god damn tutorial on "how to understand what the fuck XML is"23:47
kanzurethere are so many tutorials already out there .. this shouldn't be my job.23:47
fennwell, sometimes you sort of blow off a lot of reasonable concerns with 'just write a xml file'23:47
fennand meanwhile there is no standard for them to follow or even suggestion of forming a working group to define a standard etc23:48
kanzuresuggestion to form a working group?23:48
kanzurewhat's wrong with diybio?23:48
fenndiybio is too general23:48
fennstandards are almost always written by special-purpose working groups23:48
kanzurehow many groups should I initiate per how many thoughts I generate?23:48
fennwell, i wish this thing already existed.. i mean where did all those billions of dollars go anyway?23:49
kanzureshould I be creating groups for different projects, or what23:49
kanzureit's not like you people have a hard enough time keeping up with me as it is23:49
kanzure("you people" == everyone who is not me.)23:49
fenntake the pcr thermocycler for instance23:50
fennnow only certain people are really interested in that but it was discussed at length on the diybio list23:50
fennhowever there are no documents that anyone could refer to if they were interested in picking it up later, unless they wanted to dig through huge piles of email23:51
fennso that's one advantage of forming a special purpose group, you tend to generate 'deliverables'23:51
fenninstead of dragging discussion on forever23:51
fennor at least generating deliverables ought to be a focus23:51
fennwhereas diybio isn't set up to have an end product at all23:51
kanzurewell usually that's because people bark at everyone else for deadlines or stuff to write about I guess23:51
kanzureI see.23:52
fennxml protocols is just more 'interesting teatime discussion material'23:52
kanzurein the debian community they actually have some social protocols for talking between developer groups23:52
kanzurethere are way too many subgroups or whatever,23:52
kanzurebut there are ways for developers to ask questions of each other in some formal manner23:52
kanzureand things that happen if nobody replies23:52
kanzureor whatever23:52
fenni wish the debian structure were more transparent23:52
fennthat graph/diagram was pretty funny23:52
kanzureI have no idea why it works btw.23:53
kanzuremaybe they have some magic herd of gnus23:53
kanzureso anyway23:53
kanzureI don't know how to make something with more structure without bullshitting though23:54
kanzurebecause we all know how terrible I am at making up deadlines23:54
fenndeadlines aren't necessary and wouldnt work anyway23:54
kanzurearen't necessary?23:54
kanzurethen how do you force anybody to do anything23:54
fennthis is good too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Debian-package-cycle.png23:54
fennyou dont force anybody to do anything23:55
kanzurebut then how does stuff get done23:55
fennyou encourage people to make a commitment to getting it done23:55
fenneither publically or privately23:55
fenni'm not saying it's easy23:55
fenni mean we're up against the whole fucking capitalist empire here23:55
fennsee when you're in a working group you (as a human) tend to feel an obligation towards that group23:56
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fennit's not logical or easy to predict unless you understand psychology and human emotional needs23:56
kanzurefwiw, most "working groups" seem to me to be like "advisory boards" made up of people that hold honorary positions more than anything else23:56
fennadvisory board is an advisory board23:57
fennthey're different concepts23:57
fennmaybe people call their group the wrong thing23:57
kanzuremaybe I'm unfamiliar with "working groups" made up of programmers/engineers23:57
fennanyway, the point of a working group is to Get Shit Done23:57
kanzurebut who's Shit is it?23:57
kanzureI mean, how do you convince people that it's interesting, or something23:57
fennthat depends on context23:57
fennit takes a lot of effort to convince people you have the right idea23:58
fennwhich is why your knee-jerk 'just write some xml' emails havent generated any response23:58
kanzurewhy can't we just grab some debian developers who are sympathetic to our cause23:58
fennexcep perhaps in a few individuals that already understand the principle to begin with, like mlp23:59
fennwell, why dont you?23:59
kanzurebecause I don't know how to abduct them23:59
kanzuresend out an email somewhere?23:59
fenni dont even know who they are or if they exist23:59
kanzuremystical chocolate-eating creatures of the dark seas of the web23:59

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