
--- Day changed Tue May 12 2009
fennhow convenient02:20
fennbut is it more convenient than just engineering whatever you're after to be expressed in e. coli?02:20
-!- genehacker_ is now known as genehacker02:36
facefacekanzure-: about transfection - yup and yup - both great ideas.09:02
kanzure-faceface: which two were good ones15:50
kanzure-Functional cross-kingdom conservation of mammalian and moss (Physcomitrella patens) transcription, translation and secretion machineries15:50
kanzure-huh. apparently /tmp needs to be chmod'd for global read/write.15:55
kanzure-fenn: feel like coming into the lab today?15:58
kanzure-"Devil's Theory of Innovation: Competition produces stasis. Only complacency drives change. .. animals' appearance alters and their behavior changes not in conditions of scarcity, but in landscapes of plentitude. This pattern makes for 'relaxed selection'."16:07
genehackerglad you saw that one16:23
genehackeralso heybryan was down last time I checked16:24
xp_prgkanzure do you see the demonizing of do it yourself biologists?17:16
kanzure-xp_prg: I see morons.17:42
kanzure-genehacker: I don't have an internet connection at the apartment yet.17:42
kanzure-genehacker: are you on campus?17:42
xp_prgwhat is the best wiki to use kanzure?18:50
kanzure-hahah http://common-lisp.net/project/clpython/19:22
cis-actionkanzure-: http://www.vimeo.com/461402119:36
kanzure-what is it?19:37
cis-actionit's a video and my notes about searching across large pdf collections19:38
cis-actionI also am in the middle of testing out the olpc and the kindle as mobile readers for the pdf library.  I have some pictures comparing them.19:38
kanzure-on Wednesday I should be back to my normal self19:39
cis-action... is it exam time or something?19:39
kanzure-but I also do not have an internet connection back at the apartment19:39
kanzure-just moved.19:39
fennkanzure-: just got up. i actually was thinking about coming down to the lab today19:41
genehackercheck out diybio19:42
kanzure-genehacker: what about it19:44
genehackeris pretty much what those articles said19:45
genehackerThat's when the phone rang. A man saying he was doing research for the U.S. government called with a few polite, pointed questions: How did she build that lab? Did she know other people creating new life forms at home?19:45
genehackermakes me want to build that DNA synth from a projector even more19:46
genehackerthey'd totally freak out19:46
kanzure-"don't poke the bear"19:48
genehackerif I got a call from the government, I'd totally troll them19:48
genehackeroh yeah, we need to figure out how to extract DNA from microarrays before we can have fun19:48
kanzure-what do you mean 'extract'19:49
kanzure-usually you just have a bead bound to a surface via streptavidin19:49
kanzure-and then you release the streptavidin bond via some enzyme or something19:49
genehackerthe oligos are stuck to the chip19:49
kanzure-er, however that stuff works. It's been a while since I've reviewed it.19:49
kanzure-not if you grow the oligos on beads, or something19:49
genehackerit's bonded via a silane group19:49
genehackeror something like that19:50
kanzure-doesn't have to be.19:50
genehackerI was thinking something like PCR19:50
genehackerhere's how they do it currently19:51
kanzure-fenn: clisp -c isn't compiling for me :(19:52
genehackeris there some sort of method to induce double stranded breaks in DNA19:52
genehackerIE you have AAAAAATTTT19:52
genehackerand you want just the AAAAAA part19:52
kanzure-"clisp is a common lisp interpreter. It is easy to use, but does not compile to binary executables." <- oh.19:53
genehackerwell I have to go19:53
kanzure-genehacker: surely you know about endonucleases19:53
kanzure-it breaks apart DNA at a specific sequence19:53
genehackerwhat do they do?19:53
kanzure-it breaks apart DNA at a specific sequence19:53
genehackerwith sticky ends?19:53
genehackerI don't want stickyends19:53
kanzure-I think so. yes.19:53
kanzure-what do you want?19:53
fennwhy not sticky ends?19:54
fenncan't see how you'd build a decent length sequence otherwise19:54
fennbut anyway you're only synthesizing a single strand19:54
genehackerI want (DNA Sequence I want) seperated(sequence that bonds it to the chip)19:55
genehackerwell I gotta go search campus for where the heck my review session is19:55
fennso, speaking of which kanzure- will you be at the lab a while?19:57
kanzure-no, I'm leaving at 4:15.19:58
kanzure-hrm. I should zip up my modifications to adesign..19:58
fenndid you ever get it working in interactive mode?19:58
kanzure-before that happens I have to get it to run a bit faster. in the non-interactive mode it's doing something but slowly- campbell says to try to compile it into a binary.19:59
kanzure-my work is largely in bryantest.lisp and any file that has been modified in 2009 (or the last 5 years for that matter)19:59
fennmaybe you should try to acquire a copy of franz lisp20:01
kanzure-comments are sprinkled throughout the files now, somewhat explaining wtf is going on20:01
fennfranz is a compiler/interpreter/ide20:03
fennand what campbell used iirc20:03
kanzure-oh. allegro lisp is what he said.20:04
kanzure-aha. I see.20:04
kanzure-43.1 MB .. hrm.20:07
kanzure-jerks. they meant to name the file .tar.bz2 instead of just .bz220:14
kanzure-so "compiling" apparently means 'run it as if it was being interpreted'20:41
fennafter compiling it does the same thing, but faster20:50
fennyou can't compile all possible interpreted expressions20:50
kanzure-it doesn't "compile" at all20:51
kanzure-it's just running the interpreted code..20:51
kanzure-in other words, there's no binary being generated20:51
kanzure-it literally just enters the loop and runs the code.20:51
fennare you trying to compile your modified version or the original?20:52
fennbecause i think we removed a bunch of compile directives20:52
kanzure-should I be using the compile directives?20:52
kanzure-I just made a new project and imported the files into it20:53
kanzure-maybe I should just go dump the software on my quadcore21:08
kanzure-ok, I'm gone.21:11
* fenn wonders what kanzure- does without internet access21:13
genehackerthe reason I don't want sticky is because21:35
genehackerI want a sequence that doesn't have the section that is cut in between21:35
genehackerso the guy that claimed to be from the government was this guy21:38
genehackerNils Gilman21:38
genehackerposted in Diybio thread too21:40
genehackerinvalid security certificate21:44
genehackerlet me guess21:44
genehackerit involves GFP21:45
xp_prgyup :>21:45
genehackerdoes it turn on GFP in response to something21:46
xp_prgyes the binding protein to the promoter reigion of the gene that makes hello world21:46
xp_prgso do you like the comparison?21:48
genehackerit's ok21:52
genehackeroh ok it looks like in that paper they remove the junk sequence21:54
genehackeror generic primer sequence21:54
fennre "I want a sequence that doesn't have the section that is cut in between"22:57
fennit doesn't matter if it's a restriction site or not because you are synthesizing the two complementary strands separately, so te sticky sequence can be watever you want22:57

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