
--- Day changed Wed May 13 2009
genehackeryou have a taxonomy of manufacturing processes yet?00:12
genehackerelectronics fabrication on the moon00:32
-!- any43175264 is now known as katsmeow02:11
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk06:23
fennOur opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs,” I said. “We have a protractor.”12:43
kanzure-fenn: are you coming to the meeting today14:40
kanzure-genehacker: Nils Gilman was not from the government. Nils and I talked on the phone.14:41
kanzure-genehacker: Yes, we have a taxonomy of manufacturing processes- see the Wikipedia page. It kind of sucks though.14:42
kanzure-fenn: oops. no meeting this morning.15:07
kanzure-btw, I'm only here until noonish because I have to be home from 1 to 5 pm.15:08
xp_prgkanzure did you see this:  https://noisebridge.net/wiki/Hello_World_in_Synthetic_Biology#Hello_World_DNA_Cell_Based ?17:13
genehackerhey where's the fablab's inventory I want to see something17:26
genehackeroh, spaceshuttle's near hubble17:34
genehackerso does the fablab have a DLP projector?18:11
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn18:16
facefacedid ya see this? http://rosettadesigngroup.com/blog/337/design-engineering-o2-transport-protein/18:51
facefaceDesign and engineering of an O2 transport protein18:51
genehackerwait a second21:24
genehackercraig venter still hasn't made mycoplasma laboratorium21:24
* kanzure looks behind him at the hostname tag.21:24
kanzureI have austin.res.rr.com in it :(21:29
genehackeryou know if we build a DNA synth with a projector we might be able to make mycoplasma laboratorium before he does21:31
nshwhat do you mean by projector genehacker ?21:38
genehackera DLP one21:40
genehackerit's possible to do maskless array photolithograpy using a DLP projector hooked up to a microscope21:41
genehackermaskless array photolithography is how you synthesize DNA microarrays21:42
kanzureso I have a tablet PC now.21:42
genehackerit's possible to extract the synthesized DNA strands from a microarray and compile them into longer strands21:43
genehackerthe cool thing about this method that uses a projector is you get about the same feature size that professional built DNA synth's get21:44
genehacker16 um vs 20 um(what we could achieve)21:45
genehackernow isn't that handy21:57
kanzurenew iron man intro? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFzJHaGBUTs22:33
kanzuregenehacker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUDYDUKD8fA&feature=PlayList&p=EB20B028308D1190&index=5&playnext=2&playnext_from=PL22:34
kanzureI meant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFzJHaGBUTs22:34
genehackerI'll have to watch that22:35
genehackerI'm in the library22:35
genehackerperusing the possibility of writing a kinematic modeller for my calculator22:36
kanzurewhat functions would such a modeller have to have22:45
genehackersprings, basic kinematic stuff, joints22:46
genehackerprobably just one body22:46
-!- genehacker_ is now known as genehacker23:14

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