
--- Day changed Sun May 24 2009
fennlike, shouldnt there be a zillion bioinformatics grad students just foaming at the mouth for a project like this?00:00
kanzuresomething is wrong with the internet, maybe00:00
kanzureI have been wondering why freenode is so small00:00
kanzureonly 200 to 500 people in #math is depressing, for instance00:00
fennfreenode is ~50,000 people?00:01
kanzureit's more by luck than by raw skillage that I was able to find somebody like drtread for instance00:01
kanzurethat was due to just searching over livejournal recursively for material scientists00:02
fennpart of it is that freenode is sort of hidden in the bowels of the net00:02
kanzurebut surely there should be more people out there somewhere00:02
fenni mean how would someone into math find #math00:02
kanzurebut I'm on most of the mailing lists that matter, most of the forums that matter, and there's just .. not many people.00:02
kanzureconsider the active percents of each of the forums that I am subscribed to.00:02
kanzureeach board has maybe 10% activity of their memberbase00:02
kanzureand even then that doesn't tell us where the hell all of these grad students or undergrads are going off too00:03
fennlike i said, we're up against the whole fucking capitalist empire00:03
kanzure*off to00:03
kanzuredeep dark belly of The Man might be their destination00:03
kanzurebut there's a whole generation of people that grew up with popular IM clients00:03
fennwhen people have to spend 95% of their time and energy on Bullshit they dont have much left for progressive activities00:03
kanzurefor instance, I wasn't really expecting campbell to be IM-friendly, but it turns out that the generation that grew up with IM is just about old enough to start influencing me like that00:03
fennwhat do you mean 'influencing me like that'?00:04
kanzurebut it's not really easy for me to track down new IM contacts00:04
kanzureer, I mean, appearing in the corporate/social institutions and so on00:04
kanzurei.e., places where "old folks" are :p00:04
fennoh i see00:04
fennsignificant opportunity for self advancement by way of IM00:04
kanzureI started on the net when the net wasn't really all that cool .. so nobody did IM stuff, and you'd never expect a guy in a suit to know about it00:04
kanzurebut now all of the IM kiddies have long been graduated from college00:05
fennwell. campbell also knows lisp and emacs00:05
kanzurethat's what *he* says00:05
kanzurethat's still under investigation heh00:05
fennfair enough00:05
fennso should we just put up flyers around the bio/cs department or something?00:06
fenn"leet hackers needed for bio protocol standardization project"00:06
kanzuremight as well, as cheesey as that is.00:07
fennsend your resume to...00:07
kanzurethe one with the most terrible resume wins, or something00:07
fennapplicants must be self-starters, clueful individualists, etc00:08
kanzureI don't think that works.00:08
kanzurealthough 00:08
fennthat == posting flyers?00:08
fennit's a low amplification medium sure00:08
kanzurebut one way to get this done might be to use the lab professor telephone game system00:08
kanzureapparently professors, when doing projects, randomly make requests to other professors, and things "get done"00:08
fennO RLY00:09
fennsomehow i doubt things really ever 'get done' in academia00:09
kanzuresomehow sata is able to work his telephone00:09
fennperhaps they write a paper about it or something00:09
kanzureit's a magical machine that seems to make anything happen00:09
kanzure"ok, we now have a graduate who knows how to do PDMS castings. he will be here at lunch."00:09
fenntool of the devil is what it is00:09
ybit"Not all iGEM teams will need wetlab space, however. Teams competing in the new software tools track, which is focused on developing computational tools that enable the engineering of biology with standard biological parts, will not necessarily need a wetlab."00:10
ybitbut it doesn't seem igem wants to cooperate with diybio00:10
fennthat sounds like a recipe for disaster00:10
fennbio students + computers00:10
kanzurefenn: way back in the day, I used to be a meanie in a kind of .. hurd of meanies on the internet.00:11
kanzurewe somehow were filtering newbies for teh l33tz0rz00:11
kanzureand the newbies that were stupid enough to stick around,00:11
kanzurewe'd hate them into oblivion until they became competent or something00:11
kanzureit was weird00:11
kanzureI wonder how that worked..00:11
kanzureanyway, they would then be transformed and almost "uplifted"- in a really weird way- into somewhat productive individuals00:15
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:15
kanzurefenn: this was back in the day when I still bothered to teach people about programming over IM :p00:15
bkeroybit: Things are going fine.  Quite a difficult time at school00:15
kanzurefenn: oh. instead of a working group, how about just a lab? "the kanzure virtual laboratory for awesomeness".00:16
kanzureexcept without that name00:16
fenngasp. bkero admits weakness!00:16
kanzureit's under 9000 :(00:17
kanzureI like the idea of a lab "led" by me. 00:18
fennkanzure: so, yet another more or less undirected social group? kinda like this channel?00:18
kanzureI thought you were all for working groups?00:18
kanzureisn't this a working group?00:18
fennsure it's a boost to your ego but it won't result in getting anything done any more than what we already have00:18
bkerofenn: Ssh.  I'm slightly human.  My mother was human, myself, a god.00:18
fennit's not a working group unless there's a specific goal with end conditions00:18
fennyou see what i'm saying?00:19
fennopenmanufacturing is way too vague and undirected; same for luf-team and diybio and hplusroadmap00:20
kanzureno. it seems goals would have to be synchronized, er, magically?00:20
fennfor a bio protocol standardization working group one of your goals could be a magic xml format that does x y and z00:20
kanzureone of the problems with particular projects is that you kind of dig yourself into a hole00:21
kanzurefor instance, I'm glad we haven't dug ourselves into too much of a hole with the skdb data structures just yet00:21
kanzurebut you can't find people that want to do that ..00:21
kanzureso what does it matter?00:21
fennhow do you know?00:21
kanzurebecause we're it00:21
fennit's only been like 6 months00:21
kanzurehow long do I need to be ranting about it before people start raising their hands00:22
fennwell. throwing money at it probably couldnt hurt (not that you have that kind of money)00:22
kanzureI have .. some.00:22
fennyou dont have enough00:22
fennif you only have enough money to hire one programmer you run the risk of another xp_prg disaster00:23
kanzurebut then you have the same damn problems finding programmers00:24
kanzure"send in your resumes" <- you only get people with resumes..00:24
fennyes and it takes more than just money00:24
kanzureI like the other method00:24
kanzurethe way that I found you..00:24
fennyou could hire known clueful people like mlp00:24
fennwhy isnt she working on it already?00:25
kanzureno clue00:25
kanzureshe claims she understands, and I believe her,00:25
kanzurebut for some reason it's not happening?00:25
fenntoo many projects probably00:25
* fenn mutters something about clones00:26
kanzurebut project management stuff is kinda meta and should be kinda an ideal way to spend time/energy/effort/flow/bondgraphs-oh-crap-cadr-car-cdr-lisplisplisp00:26
fennand time machines, we'll need a few of those00:26
kanzuretoo bad my brother is an idiot00:26
fennyou have a brother?00:26
kanzureandrew, 1700:27
kanzurecarissa, 1300:27
fennok any other known clueful bio+programming savvy people?00:28
kanzurewhat do you mean by 'known'00:28
kanzurefor instance, dan bolser shows up in here from time to time00:29
kanzurebut I haven't seen any actual evidence of stuff coming from him00:29
fennwhen you look at stuff they write and it coincides with your own views of how things ought to work00:29
kanzureeh, I guess00:29
fenni'll admit it's relative/subjective, not absolute00:29
fennbut that's all i have to go on00:29
kanzurebut I mean, mlp I've actually seen spouting out *nix chick stuff00:29
kanzurebut bolser hasn't.00:30
kanzurebkero hasn't either for the most part :p00:30
fennmaybe he's just not as geeky00:30
fennheh that's all bkero talks about00:30
kanzurebkero only talks of bkero00:30
fennclusters and uptime00:30
fennyeah and how much money he's wasting living it up etc00:30
fennanyway i dont mean to judge00:31
fennbut you see there are procedures for determining whether someone is clueful or not00:31
kanzuresure, 00:31
fennnow all you have to do is find someone enthusiastic about a field, then determine whether they are clueful00:31
bkerokanzure: geeky chix for me?00:31
fennthen you just throw money at them to do 'the right thing'00:31
fennprequisite being having tons of money of course00:32
fenni'm sure there's some way to make this work with grant proposals etc00:32
fennusually the proposals are written by the person who will be doing the work or closely involved (ie the student works in their lab or whatever)00:32
fennbut that's so 20th century it hurts00:33
fenn"this is what needs to be done" -> "this is how much money it will take to get it done" -> "give this money to this person"00:33
kanzurethere needs to be a legion of people who don't suck00:33
kanzuresomething immune to mission creep00:33
fennmission creep is a fact of life00:33
fennit's combated by defining goals00:34
fennand forming organizations towards those goals00:34
kanzurethe only way that I can think of attracting the right talent would be the google method00:34
fennfor example GRG doesnt do work on exoskeletons and brain implants (as far as i know)00:34
kanzureof doing ridiculously awesome things that the right sorts of people can't help but be attracted to00:34
kanzuredoes GRG actually do anything other than rant about how nobody has documentation on age?00:35
fennyou could use some of your contacts or whatever like the WTA thing to put out a call for volunteers for some specific thing00:35
genehackerWHOA LOOK ACTION00:35
fennbut that carries the risk of attracting people who suck and will use up your time00:35
genehackerI has a sublet00:35
kanzureer, I've sort of done that before00:36
kanzureand I've determined that they are all bullshitters00:36
fenngenehacker: in austin?00:36
genehackerno was00:36
genehackerdrove over 500 miles today00:36
fenni thought you were in plano00:36
genehackerwhat is current topic00:36
genehackermission creep00:37
fennhow to get people focused on actually doing shit that matters00:37
fennlike writing a standard for bio xml protocol format00:37
genehackercool prizes00:37
kanzurehow to find more of me or fenn00:37
genehackerof course00:37
fennyou and me dont seem to be accomplishing a whole lot either, i might add00:37
kanzurewe're only two ..00:37
genehackerI think there might be another one on the campus00:37
kanzureand we pick particularly weird projects00:37
fennsure i have a screw.yaml and some neat ideas00:37
genehackerthe person who posted the brain implant idea to the synth bio club that never took off00:38
fennbut out of the list of ideas i could have been working on, i've not finished/reached workable state for very many00:38
kanzurethat was me..00:38
genehackerperhaps cryptic posters that only those who know would recognize00:38
kanzurefenn: it's also more of an issue of injecting novelty into the mix00:38
genehackerno not you00:38
genehackersomeone else00:38
kanzurefenn: basically there are ideas that we're probably both thinking, but we don't mention, but a third party would somehow elaborate on or something00:38
genehackerperhaps a set of clues00:38
genehackerARG style00:39
kanzureand therefore make things more productive or something00:39
fennnovelty leads to discussion, not drudge work00:39
kanzureeven if they're just as lazy00:39
kanzuremaybe someone else knows more tricks than either of us00:39
kanzuresome of the tricks I've dug up are kinda useful, but it would have been more useful to have them already in the first place00:39
fennright now we need drudge work, in order to finance high falutin stuff00:39
kanzurerather than having to create the shit from scratch or digging up stupid databases00:39
fennagain, we're up against the empire00:40
genehackerhow about putting up austin fablab posters00:40
fennles is against that00:40
kanzurewhat would that do00:40
fennand it wouldnt do anything00:40
genehackerHOW ABOUT A BLIMP00:40
genehackerthat's a great idea00:41
genehackerI think I found some peoples00:41
fennin plano?00:41
* fenn laughs00:41
genehackerthere's a certain group of people that show up to the talks00:41
genehackerthe science talks00:41
kanzureI haven't noticed any regularities in the audiences ..00:42
kanzurealthough faces aren't quite my specialty00:42
genehackerI have only gone to acouple of talks so n= low00:42
fennwhat science talks?00:42
genehackerso facebook groups00:43
kanzurefenn: remember austinbrains.org ?00:43
genehackerthe one about ironman and science00:43
kanzureI was posting up a list of all "science talks" at the uni00:43
fennand are these people just clueful or also willing to contribute to something useful?00:43
kanzurewhich I largely get via email.00:43
fennright, i was asking for more details besides 'some people at some talk'00:44
fennblah dee blah00:44
genehackerso how can we can find more of us?00:44
fennwhere's my fem-bot00:44
kanzuremore of what00:44
kanzureyour fenn-bot ?00:44
fennit's 2009 for fuck's sake00:45
kanzureyou've been saying that since 1982, stfu00:45
genehackerthey sell those in japan00:45
fennhell we're supposed to be having the world's fair on pluto00:45
fennam i just in the wrong country? i thought japan was just as useless as, say, san-fransisco00:45
fennoh dear, there goes my brain again00:46
genehackershould we form an SOS brigade style group00:46
fennhaven't we already?00:46
kanzuresomething is wrong with the internet though00:47
fenntoo bad kanzure isn't a hot japanese chick00:47
kanzureI found genehacker because he was standing in front of me in a line00:47
fenni am psychich though, for what it's worth00:47
fenneven if i'm suffering from some sort of mental illness00:47
kanzureand fenn I found because of obsessive compulsive googling00:47
genehackerkanzure we've encountered each other inadvertantly in reprap forums00:48
kanzuresuperkuh I found because of his obsessive compulsive IRCing, although he's dead.00:48
kanzuregenehacker: what?00:48
kanzurebefore UT?00:48
kanzureshow me00:48
fennit's not such a stretch00:48
genehackerbacterial bootstrapping00:48
kanzurepositive evidence that having 200+ forum subscriptions is of some use00:48
genehackeryou started the austin self-repper group00:49
kanzurehow's that going00:49
genehackerI think you also posted something about the polonator but that disappeared00:49
fenni should check out ACTlab00:50
kanzureno you shouldn't00:50
fennbut.. but00:50
kanzureeven the resident aspie is a pushover00:50
genehackerit is depressing00:50
fennpushovers can be useful00:50
genehackerguess so00:50
kanzuremeh, maybe I just looked like a moron to him00:50
fenn'yaml dammit, YAML!!!'00:50
fennmaybe i'm totally wrong about everything, but i feel like there's at least a chance i might be right about some things00:51
fennand that's better than most people00:51
genehackerso how can we find nerds?00:51
genehackerif we can't use posters00:51
genehackerit is what we are00:51
* kanzure needs to upgrade the thickness of his eyeware00:52
fenn"Jelly is an every-so-often casual coworking session. Anyone is welcome to come, bring your laptop, art supplies, or whatever, and work alongside other creative, fun people."00:52
genehackerballistic protection grade glasses?00:52
kanzurefenn: I haven't gone yet00:52
kanzurebut it seems like something that diybio people would be going to00:52
kanzure"social media" crap. 00:52
kanzurebut maybe I'm wrong00:52
genehackeranyway I met someone who was interested in singularity type stuff00:53
kanzurethere are many of that type00:53
kanzurebut most of them are in a cult called The Singularitarians00:53
genehackerbut it was only because they read a kurzweil book over the summer00:53
fennhonestly i dont care about peoples religious beliefs if they share the same goals00:53
fennand are competent00:53
genehackerwasn't really the type of person we're looking for00:53
fennthe problem is finding competent people and getting them to do Stuff00:53
genehackerdouble e though00:53
kanzureah, well, they tend to be obsessed with some particulate aspectsz of it all to an extent that they don't do anything .. useful00:53
kanzurefor instance, go check the SL4 archives00:54
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]00:54
kanzureit's all talk about computational theory instead of working off of it00:54
genehackerso we still haven't solved the problem00:54
kanzurefenn: I figure that if you reach a critical mass of competent people doing nothing, you can do "something" based off of all of the little "nothings" that they are doing00:54
fennsure, it's just as bad as nanotech or other teenage fantasies00:54
fennsomething based on nothing?00:55
fennthat sounds downright divine00:55
genehackerstill haven't solved problem00:55
genehackerfacebook group00:55
genehackerwe need MOAR00:55
kanzuremore what00:55
fenni dont think a webpage is going to do anything00:55
kanzuremine hasn't :/00:55
fennit's the traditional internet group problem00:56
fennmaybe eric hunting knows the answer00:56
kanzureno, he's been fighting the same battle forever00:57
genehackerok I'm putting up posters 00:57
kanzureposters for what00:57
fennexactly, that's why i thought he might have come to some conclusions about what not to do :P00:57
genehackerscrew you guys00:57
kanzureI just asked a legit question00:57
fennit is a legit question00:57
genehackerI want to find interesting people00:58
kanzurele git heh00:58
fennonh ho oui oui00:58
fenngenehacker: what will you do with these interesting people?00:58
kanzureeat their brains00:58
genehackerhave fun00:58
genehackerof course00:59
fennplease explain00:59
genehackerok ok take over the world!00:59
fennno seriously, i seem to be missing this part of life which normal people call 'fun'00:59
fenni think it's important somehow00:59
genehackerscrew those normal people00:59
genehackerthey don't know what fun is01:00
fennyou just said you wanted to do it01:00
katsmeow-afkhere here!01:00
fenni dont know what fun is01:00
fennso any suggestions would be helpful01:00
ybitbkero: working on a project at school? 01:00
katsmeow-afkfun is what causes you to feel satisfied in some way01:00
-!- PeerInfinity [n=someone@] has quit [Connection timed out]01:01
fenn(as a meta note, please dont turn this into a philosophical discussion)01:01
kanzuremaybe we should be more selective, fenn01:01
genehackerfun is watching a solar balloon with a unique bouyancy control system take off and come back down on radio command01:01
kanzurein particular it would be more interesting to look for people that already know other people01:02
fennok so one example of fun is 'goal accomplished'01:02
kanzureso, if they don't know anybody, they'd stick around anyway, but in particular, looking for clusters is the better idea01:02
fennsmall world network nodes01:02
genehackeranother example is seeing [REDACTED] grams of [REDACTED]  fulminate01:03
fenngenehacker: could you generalize that statement to a higher level of abstraction please?01:03
genehackerdiy rocketry01:04
fenni'm not convinced01:04
fenni mean, last time i blew up a bunch of stuff it wasnt fun at all01:04
fennjust sort of what i expected to happen, that's all01:05
genehackerproving that it is possible to sit on a couch on a lake for the lulz01:05
fennok, ridiculous task team effort01:05
fennshould i be writing this down?01:06
genehackerit can be done01:06
kanzurewhat can be done?01:06
genehackerfloat a couch in a lake01:06
fennholy crap i already have an entire category for 'fun' on the milesaway wiki01:07
kanzurewhy does it matter that you can float a coach on a lake01:07
kanzureI'm totally lost01:07
kanzurewe were just talking about finding clusters of brains 01:07
kanzureand now we're talking about floating couches for some reason01:07
kanzuremaybe I'm not smart enough to understand01:07
fennkanzure: the point is to use novelty to lure interesting people into your organization01:07
kanzurefenn: I already suggested novelty earlier tonight01:08
fenncan we substitute 'novelty' for 'fun' in all cases?01:08
kanzurebut you questioned it 01:08
kanzureand it went downhill 01:08
fennmaybe i had it wrong. i was thinking in the context of mailing lists01:09
fennwhich don't really fit the definition of 'fun'01:09
kanzureso way back when,01:10
genehackerif mailing lists can find people01:10
kanzureI was thinking of using free oil and free food (especially chocolates) as a way to attract these peopple01:10
kanzuregenehacker: mailing lists can't find people01:10
kanzureit seems to only work when people cc each other01:10
kanzureotherwise nobody new shows up01:10
kanzureunless somebody is searching teh internets01:10
fennand if they find a list by a google search typically they won't reply to a thread01:11
kanzuremostly for technical reasons :)01:11
kanzureunless you have the email laying around01:11
fennit's not impossible01:11
kanzureand can grab the message IDs and MIME crap01:11
genehackerperhaps we could form a website for stuff like this01:11
fenngoogle groups makes it easy in fact01:11
kanzuregenehacker: but I already have a website01:11
kanzureand fenn does too01:11
fenni do?01:12
genehackerlike facebook01:12
kanzurefennetic.net ?01:12
genehackerbut for finding people01:12
kanzuregenehacker: what's wrong with facebook 01:12
fenner. fennetic.net is a catch-all01:12
kanzurewell maybe a linkedin but for non-monetary-people or something01:12
genehackerstudies show that people don't tend to find new people on facebook01:12
kanzurebut still .. there are already too many social networking websites01:12
fennstudies show that facebook is bullshit01:13
fennand so is linkedin01:13
kanzureand if you really want to, just go set up one of the pre-made packages01:13
fenni think if we're going to try to find people, they should be local01:13
fennbecause we already know a lot of internet people01:13
fennand studies show that it's impossible to get internet people to do anything01:13
kanzurewe know the wrong internet people01:13
kanzurehow does debian work01:14
kanzureI don't understand this anomaly01:14
kanzureI see.01:14
fennsomething to do with druids and long beards01:14
genehackerand orientation towards mecca?01:14
kanzurewell, if scruff can get you a job, maybe a beard can get you a phd? is that how this works01:14
ybitwhat about the hardware side of skdb?01:14
kanzureybit: what about it01:14
-!- TheWrongPeople [n=someone@75-120-31-249.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:14
TheWrongPeoplewe heard you01:14
-!- TheWrongPeople [n=someone@75-120-31-249.dyn.centurytel.net] has left #hplusroadmap []01:14
kanzurehello TheWrongPeople.01:14
ybit[00:02] <fenn> "leet hackers needed for bio protocol standardization project"01:14
kanzureybit: diybio is a small domain for skdb01:15
fennbio protocols is not exactly hardware01:15
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap01:15
kanzureit makes problem solving a bit easier01:15
fennoh look it's mister wrong person himself :)01:15
kanzurefor instance, thermocycler design has less physical domains to work in01:15
kanzurerather than some complex machinery01:15
fenni'll refrain from saying hello in case he's actually at the computer01:15
kanzureer .. think of it as a nice sandbox to play in01:15
katsmeow-afkfenn is lagged?01:15
kanzurefenn is lagged indeed01:15
* kanzure snickers01:16
katsmeow-afks/he isn't here01:16
* fenn bonks kanzure on the head01:16
* kanzure pokes fenn in the eyes01:16
kanzurenyah nyah nyah01:16
* fenn goes and gets something to drink01:16
genehackerleet hackers for bio?01:16
genehackerI think I know the person for the job01:17
kanzuregenehacker: fenn was wondering why bioinformatics grads aren't jumping on the XML protocol representation stuff01:17
kanzuresince there's a zillion of them ..01:17
genehackerok so how do we find people01:18
kanzureby selecting for people that already know more people01:18
kanzurei.e., clusters for a small world network effect01:18
genehackerhow about a virus?01:18
genehackera replicating pamphlet01:19
genehackera paper virus01:19
kanzurewhy a pamphlet01:19
fenn'this is bunny. photocopy him to take over the world'01:19
genehackerwhy not01:19
kanzure.. because we're smarter than that?01:19
genehackerfenn? where'd you encounter that meme?01:20
fennproblem with viruses is they evolve to the minimum message length required for replication01:20
genehackerdon't tell me...01:20
fenngenehacker: email signatures01:20
fennone of the lamer explicit memes i've seen01:21
kanzurejournal clubs might be an interesting mechanism01:21
kanzurebut unfortunately it's more academic than otherwise01:21
kanzurea schematic club might be more appropriate01:21
fennwe want a do tank not a read tank01:22
kanzure"must share at least one awesome blueprint, or something"01:22
genehackerOH OH I GOT SOME OF THOSE01:22
fennthere is precedent in the form of writing criticism groups01:22
kanzuresince when?01:22
fennand "the robot group" *snicker*01:22
kanzurein a retirement home hehe01:22
fenngod those guys suck so much it makes me embarrassed01:23
fennok so a show and tell circle01:23
fennunfortunately this requires short feedback cycles01:24
genehackerthat would be actlab01:24
fennso it excludes long term projects01:24
kanzureactlab is for glue projects01:24
fennhot glue?01:24
kanzuresexy glue01:24
fenni'm not convinced yet that actlab has it all wrong01:24
kanzurethen you need to attend their sessions ;-)01:25
fennmaybe i do01:25
kanzureyou already do?01:25
fennare they still in session? what with school year being over and all01:25
kanzuredon't know01:25
genehackerhot glue indeed01:25
kanzureI usually go to their dorkbot sessions01:25
fenndorkbot is basically what we're talking about isnt it01:25
kanzurenot really.01:26
kanzuredorkbot is like the robot group except worse01:26
kanzureer, larger01:26
fenni've never been to dorkbot. isnt it basically show and tell?01:26
kanzure"here's my blinkenled"01:26
genehackerNO THAT WAS A LASER HARP01:26
kanzureso what01:26
genehackerbuilt from foam board01:26
fennhere is the way i see it01:27
kanzureI don't know if a WIP-club would be good or not01:27
fennif someone is going to build a laser harp they have some level of technical skill, and also have enough free time to waste on a laser harp01:27
fennon ther other hand, they wasted that time on a laser harp01:27
kanzureI want a hoarding club01:28
fennso it's a net improvement in signal to noise ratio because you have +2 -101:28
kanzurecould we do a hoarding club?01:28
fennthats what atxfab is for01:28
kanzureoh right01:28
fennWIP club sounds reasonable01:29
genehackerdata hoarding?01:29
genehackerWIP =?01:29
fennit might be so underwhelming to attend that we dont get any repeat attendees01:29
kanzurenot work-in-possible-future01:29
genehackerif it doesn't get us the people01:30
genehackerI'm spamming meat space01:30
fennthis is a meatspace project01:30
fennthe WIP sewing circle01:30
kanzuresometimes I think it would just be easier to make more of me than find more01:31
fennisnt that what we're doing with gene? or trying to01:31
genehackerclones take a long time to grow01:31
genehackerbut it can be done01:31
kanzureI don't mean clones.01:31
kanzurefenn: doesn't seem to be working :p01:31
fennhe means induced autism01:31
kanzurethat's right.01:31
fennyour prescription drugs wont work on me! ha ha!01:32
kanzuredid you try them01:32
genehackerspeaking of that I need to build me a transcrainial DC stimulator01:32
genehackeroh make more of you that way01:32
genehackerlace the water supply?01:32
kanzurethe people from 4chan and somethingawful kind of do it that way too01:32
fennwhich way?01:32
kanzurekind of like the way people become accustomed to shock sites01:33
kanzureexcept it's "shock autism" or something01:33
genehackerSURPRISE AUTISM01:33
fennare you sure it's not just because they're anime watchers?01:33
genehackerbut that's just anon talking01:33
kanzureoh, well.01:33
fenni mean its not like normal people go to 4chan01:33
genehackermaybe they are anime watchers because of it01:34
kanzureyes, there's a strong correlation with anime watchers or something01:34
fennthat would be a violation of causality01:34
kanzurejust need to find a bunch of angsty 11 year olds who claim to know 20 programming languages and watch DBZ or something01:34
fennanime -> 4chan, not the other way around01:34
genehackerDid you see season 2 yet?01:34
kanzureof what01:34
fenn4chan the TV show01:34
* fenn shudders01:34
genehackerno SOS brigade show01:35
fenni bet they could pull it off, too01:35
genehackersorry there01:36
genehackerperhaps we should implement a search algorithm01:36
kanzure32,000 queries and counting01:36
kanzure(yes, I count them)01:36
genehackerrandom walk helped me find a review session the other day01:36
kanzurewhat I'm really wondering is where the hell all of these coauthors of science papers are01:37
kanzuredo they just .. vanish?01:37
kanzurethe ones that aren't professors01:37
fenncoauthors are usually just people who helped write the code01:37
kanzuresays who?01:37
kanzureor how do you figure?01:37
fennsays me, halfheartedly01:37
genehackerassasinated perhaps?01:37
fennwell nobody knows how to do everything; if they did there'd be no point in forming a lab/working group01:38
kanzureso you think it's mostly code?01:38
fennso coauthors fill in the gaps in the authors' skillset01:38
fennnot necessarily code, could be anything01:38
kanzureI always thought that they might be handing off written sections. 01:38
fennit seems to me that the majority of actual projects are done by an individual01:38
genehackerI need me some coauthors to figure out how to get me some phosphoramidite nucleosides01:39
kanzureand then the professors take credit (which is obvious though)01:39
kanzuregenehacker: what's wrong with using sigma-aldrich or something for starters01:39
fennwell, the professor did provide lots of things necessary to get the paper done, like hiring the student and providing a lab and so on01:39
kanzureor SMILES for searching01:39
kanzurefenn: sure. and the grant :)01:39
genehackerthey're expensive and limiting01:39
fennnot saying it's right, but that's the way it is01:39
kanzureso in the end nobody ends up knowing what the paper was about? or what?01:40
fennstudents should learn how to write grants (and also grant agencies should fund students directly)01:40
kanzurewhere do these coauthors that don't go on to make their own labs, go?01:40
kanzureand how can I harvest them.01:40
fennthe Real World probably01:40
kanzureI need to do some automatic querying over my collected bibliographies01:40
fennwhich usually means something intimidatingly boring01:40
kanzureto figure out where these coauthors go 01:40
kanzureor which ones have private servers01:40
fennprivate servers! hah01:40
kanzureit's a good way to constrain the search01:41
fennwe may be living in the future, .. oh01:41
genehackersoon as REDACTED finds out about diybio we might not able to get stuff from sigma aldrich01:41
genehackertherefore we can't rely on them01:41
fennok, so coauthors with their own server may be clueful enough to work on something useful01:41
kanzureor clueful enough to know someone useful01:41
genehackerI don't want diybio to be something that can be regulated into oblivion01:41
kanzurethe grad student that I worked under in the ellington lab, he was a transhuman01:41
kanzuretranshumanist, I mean01:41
fenngenehacker: you cant get stuff from sigma aldrich anyway01:42
kanzureand knew a guy like me up in Maryland01:42
kanzureer, the cyborg guy01:42
genehackeroh yeah forgot about that01:42
kanzurebut anyway01:42
fenngenehacker: the "real" diybio can never be regulated because laws are imaginary01:42
genehackerI'm rooming with a couple "mysterious grad student"01:42
fennthat's sort of the point, but then people on the diybio mailing list seem to have missed01:42
kanzureand apparently neither of us are bright enough to expound on that point :/01:43
kanzureor something01:43
genehackerwell fenn if you can't make the chemicals then you've got a problem01:43
fennkanzure: the ellington guy was cyborg or the guy he knew was?01:43
kanzurewho says you can't make the chemicals?01:43
* fenn is just rolling with the punches01:43
kanzurefenn: the guy he knew01:43
genehackerexactly the point kanzure01:43
kanzuremichael wittig was the graduate student who supervised me, he was the transhumanist01:43
genehackerwe need to make them01:43
fenngenehacker: i agree we've got a problem which is why i'm writing SKDB01:43
kanzurebut for some reason people aren't contributing to some baseline help or something01:43
genehackerso they walk among us01:43
genehackerhow did you find out he was?01:44
kanzureif you work with a guy every day, you start talking about things.01:44
genehackerhey is H+ a fairly well recognized symbol among transhumanists?01:44
kanzurehe was the one who told me about myostatin actually01:44
fenndo you still talk with him?01:44
kanzurenot as much as I should01:44
kanzurewe run into each other on the street from time to time01:44
fennH+ is more likely to be interpreted as 'proton' :)01:44
kanzurehe's been keeping radio silence .. he always has, sort of01:44
genehackerby the normals01:45
fennnormals dont know what a proton is01:45
kanzureno. H+ is just stupid01:45
kanzureI wonder if I can get wittig in here. /me goes to dig around on his IM accounts01:45
fennsome people just arent into IRC for whatever reason01:45
genehackerwho's wittig01:45
fennit is a massive time sink after all01:45
fennwittig is the H+ grad student01:46
fennis this some sort of windows machine?01:46
genehackerI wasn't into IRC before kanzure introduced me'01:46
ultraleibnizfenn: no. it's the leibniz/monolith box.01:46
ultraleibnizgenehacker: arguably you aren't into IRC01:46
fennoh the big black boat anchor01:46
ultraleibnizyou still use chatzilla :)01:46
ultraleibnizyeah that one01:46
fennarguably i'm not into irc01:46
genehackerhow can you tell?01:46
fennsince i'm only on two channels :P01:47
ultraleibnizgenehacker: your login uname01:47
ultraleibnizer, hostname01:47
genehackerhold on01:47
fenni realized i was wasting a lot of time with the dickheads in #reprap so i decided to just stop joining a bunch of channels that weren't really providing anything anymore01:48
fennnot that #reprap ever provided anything01:48
genehackerthat reminds me01:49
genehackerI've got a gear profile to generate01:49
fenni've got multiple gear profile scripts01:49
genehackerwhat about for internal gears skiddie?01:50
fennno, probably not01:50
genehackerdon't take the skiddie thing bad, you could say I am one when it comes to things like that too01:50
fenni dont even know what that means01:50
fennh0tm41L h4X0r?01:51
fenn"Someone who gives No Credit to the maker of The code he stole. Or someone that is just a total n00b that knows nothing about anything that thinks he knows everything about everything."01:51
katsmeow-afk....one of these monkeys will eventually create a masterpiece. Keen updates and reverses the theorem, replacing monkeys with humans and typewriters with networked personal computers; and "instead of creating masterpieces, these millions and millions of exuberant monkeys--many with no more talent than our primate cousins--are creating an endless digital forest of mediocrity01:51
genehackerskiddie= script kiddie01:52
fenni could live up to the second definition01:52
fennbut so could anybody01:52
genehackerso I'm not so sure I trust their method of generating gear teeth01:53
fennthat is not how gears are made01:53
genehackerby made do you mean layed out?01:53
fenner. well you dont lay out a gear01:53
genehackerI'm designing gears in cad01:53
genehackerI LAY OUT A GEAR01:54
fenni mean it doesn't help because they're made in a generative process01:54
genehackernot the one's I'm making 01:54
fennit's sort of like making 3d models of a circuit board01:54
genehackerthe one's I'm making are likely going to be 3d printed off on an SLS 3d printer01:54
fennunless you make some crappy laser cut acrylic gear01:54
fennis SLS accurate enough for gear teeth?01:55
genehackerbut I can't use the laser cutter01:55
fenni mean, say you wanted to make a planetary gearbox for a cordless drill01:55
genehackersls is accurate enough for semidecent ball bearings01:55
genehackerand yes01:55
genehackerit is 01:55
genehackera lot of people here have gear cubes01:55
fennthat's a toy01:55
fennyou can make it with a z-corp machine01:56
fennit doesnt mean SLS is the "preferred method" for making gears01:56
genehackerbut I need to be able to layout a gear profile01:56
fennkanzure: what's albert going to be doing now that he graduated? do you know?01:56
ultraleibnizhe's working for a medical company in houston called flextronics01:57
ultraleibnizmedical device design company01:57
fennthat sounds familiar.. is it where rauchwerk .. works?01:57
ultraleibnizerm, I was thinking it was just another medical device design company01:57
ultraleibnizthe one that rauchwerk did as a startup was in louissianna or something01:58
genehackerthe one that has posters up all over campus looking for people to study heat dissipation or something like that for medical implants?01:58
ultraleibnizI once found rauchwerk's company via some stealthy googling01:58
ultraleibnizso it's not impossible to find01:58
fennprobably on his resume01:59
fennhm. he paid for google ads for actualhardware.com02:00
fennsomeone please explain02:00
fennand while you're at it explain wtf resistorbeterminated.com is about02:00
genehackermakerbot movie tie in 02:01
genehackeras in alternate reality game02:01
genehackercan't figure out what is in the box is about though02:01
fennwhy is bre pettis making youtube movies about electronic widgets stealing his DNA? and why are they saturating makezine's advertising space?02:02
fenni mean makerbot doesnt have anything to do with terminators02:03
fennand they dont have enough money for random advertising like that do they?02:03
genehackerthey want you to think it does 02:03
genehackerthere might be some of them here02:05
genehackerheaded up by an interesting mol-bio person I think02:05
genehackerone  them works with ellington or aptamers I think02:06
fennheh nano toilet02:10
fenn21 people on artscienceaustin, worth looking into02:14
genehackerthat's new too02:21
genehackerfeeling weak02:21
fenncrap did i just fail a turing test?02:23
fenn"CrossFit picks up the WSJ article" is this spam?02:24
genehackerugh need IV hookup02:27
fenni suggest orange juice02:27
fennand then sleep02:27
genehackerI just had some super pomegranate lemonade juice02:28
fenndont forget to brush your teeth02:28
genehackerwell of course02:28
kanzuremaybe from now on I'll start giving out handout presents of "one seemingly impossible problem to be solved at your convenience"02:38
kanzureer, + "cards" to the cdr of that message.02:38
fennerror: CDR already occupied02:41
fennperhaps you meant cadr02:41
fennignore me, i'm supposed to be reading my book02:42
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bkeroybit: Sometimes.  Right now I'm writing a new IO scheduler in the Linux kernel05:14
bkerothat's fun05:14
bkeroOther times I'm figuring out some good ways to do gel runs in the kitchen05:14
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kanzureah, lisp apparently has a make-struct function that I should be using14:30
kanzuretotal queries to Google: 35,77614:31
kanzuretoo bad it doesn't count Google Scholar queries14:32
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kanzurethere's a #reddit ?15:07
kanzureheh. #4chan on rizon has Nam-Ereh-Won.15:16
kanzurehe went to high school with me.15:17
bkerooh dear 4chan15:46
fennkanzure: les is asking when i'm moving out etc..15:56
fennmostly because whatsisname is moving in15:56
fennin ~2 days15:57
kanzure"Molecular evolution of microcephalin, a gene determining human brain size" <-- wheee.16:00
kanzurefenn: ok. let me look into paperwork and make sure that my rent doesn't go up if you move in, or something.16:01
kanzure"Transport of hemolysin across the outer membrane of Escherichia coli requires two functions.16:11
kanzurewhat? alpha-hemolysin is on the outer membrane of ecoli?16:11
kanzurethat's the same protein that the nanopore-sequencing-goons are using for their nanopore.16:11
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genehackerI would really like a fiberoptic nervous system17:22
fennan electrical nervous system wouldnt be a bad start either17:27
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genehackerhows the weather down there?17:28
genehackerI was expecting horrible17:29
fennit rained yesterday17:29
genehackerjust looked at the radar for austin 17:29
genehackeroops thats not in austin though17:30
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kanzurehuh. go figure.18:50
fenn#s is make-struct?18:53
fennor is defstruct make-struct/18:54
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fennit seems sort of magical.. how does make-foo know to do anything at all18:55
kanzuredo not question the lisp!19:09
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kanzureanyone who doesn't think that's the most awesome thing ever should die19:55
fennlooks like a video game20:03
fennyay yaml folding20:27
fennedit .kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax/yaml.xml (you may have to download this) and after <general> add <folding indentationsensitive="1" />20:28
fenni'm sort of annoyed it's not on by default20:29
kanzurefolding of what? is it just indentation-sensitive?20:34
kanzureI wonder if I read that before or after I asked the question20:34
fennit's just indentation.. i'm trying to get it to work with other stuff now20:37
fennvim syntax files are a lot easier to understand20:38
kanzureI've been meaning to set gedit up to do syntax highlighting for lisp.20:52
kanzurejust been lazy20:52
kanzurehm. "make-*" doesn't appear anywhere in the sources21:03
kanzureah, nevermind21:03
kanzureincluded an extra whitespace21:03
kanzureaha. create-fp.21:05
kanzureer, the constructor. of course .. what a novel idea.21:05
* kanzure goes into a corner to cry21:05
fennyou know i think coding may be bad for mental health21:25
kanzure"everything is an object!"22:01
genehackerdo it for science22:50
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ybitfenn: do you have the fab lab, tech shop comparison on fennetic?23:09
kanzuregraphs and diagrams uploaded23:09
ybitsome of the links are missing from my grab23:09
ybitkanzure: was that to me?23:10
kanzureno, just in general.23:10
kanzureum, is there a way to clone antibodies?23:11
kanzure$315 for 25 micrograms of GASP-1, a potent inhibitor of myostatin23:11
kanzureit inhibits actin.23:14
kanzureno thanks.23:14
genehackerclone antibodies23:15
genehackerhmmm 23:15
genehackerI think so23:15
kanzureI thoguht this was a relatively common technique23:15
genehackeryeah me too23:15
kanzurelike, one of those that happens to be so common that I've just ignored it even though I shouldn't have23:15
genehackerI don't know how it's done or what it's called23:15
genehackerbtw why do you want myostatin inhibitors23:16
genehackeris it for the obvious reason or do you have some mice?23:16
kanzureI used to have some mice. or relatives of mice, at least.23:16
genehackerwhat's GASP-123:18
kanzuredidn't you read the papers I linked to?23:19
genehackermy PDF reader isn't working in my webbrowser23:20
genehackerADOBE! >:(23:21
kanzurewhy do you read papers in a browser23:21
kanzurewonder if these were gene knockout mice23:22
kanzurethere's a huge difference between partial inhibition and total inhibition by "uh, the gene no longer functions at all"23:23
genehackerwaht you don't read papers in a browser23:24
kanzurehell no23:24
kanzurebrowsers are not PDF readers23:24
kanzurethere are better tools that do the same job ..23:25
kanzurekpdf, xpdf, gs, etc. etc.23:25
genehackerwhat are those?23:26
genehackeram I missing something?23:26
kanzurethey are PDF viewers.23:26
kanzure"gs" is "ghostviewer". (it's hard to search for two-letter programs)23:28
genehackerwhich one is the best?23:28
kanzureum. um..23:28
kanzureone sec.23:28
kanzureI guess okular?23:29
kanzureI've never used it.23:29
kanzureah, "evince" is the one that is installed by default on ubuntu23:29
genehackerwell then I need to get ubuntu to work with the internet at my house23:31
genehackerthe network has a very long encryption key23:31
genehackergot it installed23:32
kanzuresearch the net first for how to get ubuntu working with wireless then23:32
kanzureinstead of doing it the other way around23:32

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