
--- Day changed Thu May 28 2009
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]00:00
genehackerphotosensors are cool00:17
genehackeryou think you make a fast response photosensor that causes hydrogen ions to be pumped out of the cell?00:20
fennpumping out would take energy00:49
fennif all you want to do is open a channel, look at the LiGluR... paper00:49
genehackeryou can do stuff with hydrogen ions00:50
fenncopypaste link http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Millisecond-timescale, genetically targeted optical control of neural activity - Boyden.pdf00:51
genehackerI want to make a photosensor useful for manufacturing stuff00:51
genehackerthat can be grown00:51
fennthere was another paper i was reading but dunno where that went00:51
fennhere's that paper http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S089662730700344300:54
fennRemote Control of Neuronal Activity with a Light-Gated Glutamate Receptor00:54
fennyou can use the same mechanism for proton channels too00:54
fennlook at the diagram with the clamshell snail eyeball thingies00:55
fennfigure 100:59
genehackeroh that works00:59
genehackerclose enough00:59
genehackerSNAIL EYES?00:59
genehackersounds interesting01:00
fennoh it looks like they just tethered the glutamate molecule to the receptor with an azobenzene01:01
fennsilly me01:01
fennwhen light strikes azobenzene it changes shape, stuffing the glutamate in the clamshell binding site01:02
fennwhich opens the ion channel01:02
genehackerI got a reed switch01:14
genehackerand it's definately a reed switch01:17
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wrldpcOld:  "Scientists in the US have shown that "electrocorticographic" signals from the brain can be used to manipulate an external device."  o.O02:01
fennquite old02:07
fenni assume you've been reading about braingate? that was 2003 i think02:08
wrldpcyeah .. way old.02:18
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kanzurethere's a Cajal Blue Brain initiative?07:12
kanzureybit: maybe you should look into that?07:17
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kanzureQuantum Entanglement in Photosynthetic Light Harvesting Complexes08:11
kanzureok, so I have some old software on my server that I wrote maybe as a joke or just because I was bored08:21
kanzurethe autoscholarzen stuff that flips up PDFs on the screen08:21
kanzureit doesn't quite work because it endlessly generates zombie processes (oops)08:21
kanzureand the navigation between one PDF to another is really lame (does not exist- not sure how to implement it without hacking ghostview or xpdf or something)08:21
kanzurebut I figure it might be worth using it now that I have a reasonable collection of sufficiently interesting papers08:22
kanzureyou know, as opposed to watching television all the time or something08:22
kanzureI guess one way to implement keyboard navigation would be to make the xpdf processes conserve a history of which pages were viewed previously even if it's on to another file08:24
kanzureso that next/previous buttons work08:24
kanzureand then space for pause/unpause of the flipping stream08:24
kanzureand an accelerator knob :) or something08:25
kanzure"it's SCIENCE!"08:25
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-66-68-183-235.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["leaving"]08:31
-!- Utopiah [n=libre@rps7452.ovh.net] has quit ["Changing server"]08:39
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genehackeryou might try using a blue glowing usb knob of doom or a maybe an accelerator pedal09:29
genehackerto drive through papers09:30
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@w-central-233-242.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap09:57
kanzureadl.serveftp.org will be down until we refinish rewiring the mess of the electrical cord system in the lab09:58
kanzurezotero 1.0.10 update is out apparently09:58
-!- kanzure- [i=bryan@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap11:31
genehackerin the ADL I see?11:36
kanzurewe have some new boxes11:36
kanzureand some nice keyboards11:37
kanzurererouted a lot of the power supplies and ethernet cables11:37
genehackerdo they have names yet?11:37
kanzureminsky is the new box11:37
kanzuredavinci is the server11:37
kanzurenewell is one of the boxes I was doing windows pythonOCC development on11:38
kanzurechomsky is also floating around here somewhere11:38
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@w-central-233-242.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Nick collision from services.]11:58
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-!- genehacker_ [n=chatzill@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:13
kanzureI'm thinking of adding one of these to my apartment.12:19
kanzuresomething like this? http://woodysprops.com/005.jpg12:19
Utopiahnerd antique, how fashionable12:21
kanzureI want to do this:12:21
kanzure*that's* what I want in my apartment12:21
genehacker_what would you use it for12:21
kanzureworld domination12:22
kanzureother nefarious activities12:22
genehacker_of course12:22
Utopiahin the volcanic island12:23
genehacker_you know that modern day war rooms(they call em fusion centers cuz they fuz a whole bunch of data together) just use big screens and touch screens I think12:23
genehacker_hey you know what?12:23
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kanzureI don't know what12:23
genehacker_if we drill a sufficiently deep hole we might be able to make our own volcano12:24
genehacker_one way to drill a really deep hole is to use a very power laser12:24
genehacker_like an oxygen iodine laser12:25
kanzureanother way is bacteria12:25
genehacker_bacteria don't work at the temperature of magma now do they?12:25
kanzurewell, they should.12:25
genehacker_in b4 cool the whole damn hole12:25
kanzureforce 'em to by growing a ridiculously heat resistant strain12:25
genehacker_that's crazy12:26
genehacker_no that's batshit crazy12:26
kanzureout of the crazy things you bring up in here,12:26
genehacker_we'd have to make silicon based life for that12:26
kanzuregrowing a heat-resistant strain is not anything of concern.12:26
genehacker_Temperatures of most magmas are in the range 700°C to 1300°C12:27
genehacker_find me something that isn't killed by that12:27
kanzureI said grow/evolve one.12:28
kanzurealso, show me a technique for proving life doesn't already exist in magma or something12:28
kanzureI have not yet read any studies about people attempting to find life in magmas12:28
genehacker_highest temperature that anything lives at is 122 degrees C12:29
kanzureand before that, the highest was 121 celsius12:29
genehacker_yeah :(12:29
genehacker_I don't think proteins can exist at 700 degrees Celsius12:30
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kanzurethis should be an easy experiment12:31
kanzurefirst start with some colonies that grow optimally at 37 degrees (typical incubator)12:31
kanzurethen ramp it up and keep on selecting for the colonies that grow the best at the different temperatures12:31
kanzurethe trick would be making an incubation chamber that has fine-tuned temperature controls I guess12:32
genehacker_anyway if something lives at really high temperatures, why don't we find stuff in autoclaves or steel foundaries?12:32
kanzuredo people look in steel foundaries?12:32
genehacker_they look in airplane fuel tanks12:32
kanzureis there any particular resource that life could live off of in steel foundaries other than the metals?12:32
kanzureit's not like they're dumping nutrients into the smelting pots all the time :p12:33
genehacker_found mysterious corrosion, turned out there's bacteria that corrodes fuel tanks to live or something like tha12:33
kanzureheh, I doubt they corrode pistons though :)12:33
genehacker_they can reduce metals though12:33
kanzurekind of hard to live in that environment12:33
genehacker_oh in car engine12:33
kanzureyeah, the exploding types12:33
genehacker_shame that nothing can live there12:34
genehacker_you know what I wonder?12:34
genehacker_I wonder why there aren't any lifeforms with diamond in them or metal plates12:34
genehacker_is metal hard to obtain in the environment?12:35
genehacker_there are certainly copper binding proteins, I'd like to make something that makes metal plates12:36
genehacker_so I can make "protein walls" for my bacterially induced geofront12:36
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@w-central-233-242.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]13:05
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--- Log opened Thu May 28 13:52:54 2009
-!- ultraleibniz [n=bryan@cpe-72-177-123-170.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:52
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kanzure-hm, wonder why that happened14:06
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]14:11
-!- genehacker_ [n=chatzill@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]14:11
drazak_kanzure-: bacteria can live in diesel, and probably jet fuel, I bet it could find a use for Fe or to carbon fixate from steel14:47
kanzure-I didn't say otherwise :)14:51
* drazak_ just sayin14:53
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:04
xp_prggenehacker your very smart15:11
genehackerwhat now?15:11
genehackermy diybio post?15:12
kanzure-these new boxes look spiffy15:29
genehackercan they fly?15:30
-!- cis-action [n=cis-acti@146-115-127-170.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit []15:33
kanzure-they can hum.15:37
kanzure-does that count?15:37
genehackerno that doesn't count15:37
drazak_genehacker: what's your name15:37
genehackerGene Hacker15:38
genehackerok not really15:40
genehackermy real name is John Smith15:40
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-72-177-123-170.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:24
kanzureI don't like how my IP address randomly changed today.16:24
fennkanzure: should i be over there?16:34
kanzureeventually, yeah16:35
kanzureI suggest taking a laptop so that you're not disabled for a few hours16:35
genehackerdon't like kanzure?16:37
-!- mindspillage [n=kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]16:37
genehackeris a great thing16:38
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]17:07
* fenn gets on bicycle17:09
* xp_prg gets on the bycycle with fenn17:12
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katsmeow-afk Japanese researchers have genetically engineered monkeys whose hair roots, skin and blood glow green under a special light, and who have passed on their traits to their offspring, the first time this has been achieved in a primate.18:16
katsmeow-afkThey spliced a jellyfish gene into common marmosets18:16
katsmeow-afkThe protein glows under blue and ultraviolet light18:16
* katsmeow-afk wonders ho well the marmosets see in blue and uv light now that the insides of their own eyes (and their retinas) will glow when that lightis present18:17
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:24
-!- ober [i=ober@babum.mauthesis.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:47
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kanzureHi ober.19:32
obermissed last nights meeting but saw the email19:44
fennwhere was "last nights meeting"?19:45
kanzureAustin Hacker's Association.19:54
kanzurewhich apparently is mostly for security professionals19:56
kanzurehm, I thought it meant hackers in general19:56
kanzurebiohackers, lifehackers, peoplehackers, bytehackers, tree hackers, ..19:56
oberMangias even.19:59
genehackerwe're not biohackers20:02
kanzurewhy nto?20:02
genehackerwe're "amateur biologists"20:02
genehackerhacker scares people20:03
genehackerwe need to do some PR20:03
genehackerso we don't get vanned20:03
kanzurejust stop doing any PR20:04
genehackerI'm joking20:04
genehackerand parodying diybio20:05
genehackerwhich is concerned with such20:05
genehackertopics as PR20:05
genehackereveryone wants to do PR but not real bio20:06
genehackerbut let's get to the point20:06
genehackeryou got any papers on making phosphoramidite nucleosides?20:06
ultraleibnizyes, somewhere. let me think.20:07
genehackerI also need some way to draw an internal gear in cad20:07
ultraleibnizwhat is an internal?20:07
genehackerhold up20:08
genehackerI need one of those so I can make this:20:10
genehackerand 3d print a working motor20:11
genehackererr make that stepper motor for a 3d printer I'm building20:11
genehackeryou do know we get free 3d prints on the machine on the 3rd floor?20:15
kanzurehm, in the acknowledgments of that paper they thank "the Lab for Modified Nucleic Acid Systems".20:18
kanzurewhy do I keep seeing references to Tetrahedron Letters20:19
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]20:19
fennyou need to set up wondershaper on the server and route outgoing packets through it20:34
fennso it doesnt take thirty seconds to load a webpage20:35
fennno. i guess i dont know what the problem is20:56
kanzuretry again.20:56
fennmight be my computer somehow20:56
kanzureI turned it off and reconfigured.20:56
kanzureplease excuse the delay in service.20:56
fennstill takes about 30 seconds. i can get an IP from nslookup in about 1 sec so i dont think it's DNS issues20:59
kanzureare you torrenting?21:00
kanzuremy lag is 2.02 on this lappy, 1.16 on the monolith, ..21:00
fennnope just email and web21:01
kanzureis it possible that god hates me21:03
fennerror does not compute21:03
genehackerso how soon do you think we can start getting results from SKDB?22:01
genehackerbefore 2010?22:01
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greenshoeultraleibniz: kanzure-: me -> aha22:53
greenshoehey -23:01
greenshoeultraleibniz mentioned this channel on  list for Austin Hackers, so I thought I'd /join and see who was here.23:02
greenshoeI'm starting to get plugged into the community here in Austin.. Probably not doing much security related stuff right now, as I need to find some work, and there's a hardware project I'd like to do first...23:04
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kanzuregenehacker: I think that would be reasonable (before 2010), yes.23:16
genehackerok good23:17
kanzureright now it's just me pretending to know lisp, and that's the holdup more than anything else23:17
genehackerhere's the deal23:17
kanzureonce I translate it back into pseudocode, the symbolic equation extraction mechanism can be generically applied to the hardware representation format23:17
genehackerdo you know what hyperinflation is?23:18
kanzure"In economics, hyperinflation is inflation that is "out of control", a condition in which prices increase rapidly as a currency loses its value. ..."23:18
genehackerwell absolute worst case we could experience it here the earliest around 201023:19
kanzureout of who's control?23:20
genehackerin other words I'd like to engineer some redundancy to insure that we have progress23:21
genehacker*engineer redundancy into the system23:22
kanzurewhich system?23:22
genehackerIE let's make miniature factories so if hyperinflation happens it won't affect us23:24
genehackeror something like that23:24
greenshoebuilding a forge is a good first step.23:48
greenshoeIf you can refine metal, you can make just about anything you'd normally have to buy.  Plus, you can recycle metals.  In prctice you get a lesser quality metal without haveing some new raw material to mix in...23:49
greenshoebut still useful.23:49
greenshoeor I'm missing some elaborate allegory.  See yaz.23:56
-!- greenshoe [n=justinh@sdf-eu.org] has quit ["leaving"]23:56

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